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Are You One of the Three Waves of Earth Volunteers?

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posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by autowrench

I know beyond any doubt whatsoever that reincarnation is a reality, and a major part of Humanity. No possible way any human could learn all life lessons on just one lifetime. This is one big thing ETs do, help us along in the cycle of life as we travel from birth to life, to death to birth. I believe a Spirit inhabiting a human receptacle will live more than 1000 human lifetimes before Ascending to a higher dimension. Some Ascendant Ones then come back as humans to help in development.

Precisely this. Perfectly stated.

I'm glad we find ways of finding one another, too...those of us who think alike.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by autowrench

IMO, your understanding of reincarnation is clear as crystal, autowrench.

I also believe we are spiritual beings contained within a mortal vessle for periods of time while we prepare to Ascend to a higher dimension, or plane of existance. If there are intelligent, sentient, hybrid or otherwise ETs, who have the means and the methods to travel through space ( and time/ER bridge ), it would not be hard to think they probably have a more complete knowledge of interactions between the spirit and the material.

The human mind simply is not capable of comprehending the vastness that is infinity. With man's limited understanding of life and the Universe in relation to different dimensions, in relation to other realities that interact with our own, in relation to science ( reason and fact ) and in relation to the spiritual and religious ( the abstract and mysterious ); the best we can do in our short stints on earth, or other material existence, is love, learn and prepare for the only garauntee in life. Death.

Thats not the end, though. It is a door we all must walk through.

** ** **

When I look back through the recent history of humanity, chronologically from biblical time, there appears to me to be many indications of a knowledge shared globally. Architecture, advanced surveying methods, mining operations, masonry ( the operative kind ), pythagorian mathmatics... When you start to look at the similarities that supposedly dislocated civilizations built all the way into present day, now; compare the chronologies and you will see a patern of extreme highs ( spikes in human culture and knowledge ) and extreme lows ( the dark ages, poppulation bottlenecking, general loss of culture and civilization ).

Its my own speculations that these peaks and lows in human history could correspond directly with some form of coordinated ET agenda with particular interest in either guiding, or ultimately ruling us.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 12:43 PM
This is the same woman who claims there are no malevolent ETs. So not sure if I can agree with her general outlook on life; past, present and beyond.
She tends to be a little too rosy and upbeat giving me the impression, what she lacks in overall style .....she's making up in denial.

I do like her but I can't help but feel she's skimming reality a bit.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 02:41 PM

- NO I do not think ET counsels are running earth. I think it's more spiritual than that.

I have to completely disagree with this. I have not been "touched" by ET's in the way of contact or seeing UFO's or any of that, but during a near death experience I witnessed in full detail one of these counsels and swear on my life that's exactly what I saw.

Otherwise, brilliant post full of great information! I'm about to dig in!

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by D1ss1dent
That is SO geocentric... Earth isn't more or less important than any other planets and the same thing applies to every living beings.

WHAT are you talking about?
I didn't say anything was more or less important. Someone said they thought this should go in the UFO forum instead of the Metaphysical. And I said that I thought it was more metaphysical because it isn't really talking about UFOs/Aliens, but talking more about reincarnation and entities becoming human, which I think is metaphysical.

How on earth do you get that I somehow said one planet is more important than another?

But since you brought it up ... Earth is the most important to me because I'm stuck living here.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by ValentineWiggin
during a near death experience I witnessed in full detail one of these counsels and swear on my life that's exactly what I saw.

RATS! That kinda sucks. I don't like the idea of lesser beings getting together and judging me. I am much more comfortable with an 'all knowing and all understanding God' being the judge of my heart and actions. Seems more fair. But then again ... life isn't fair so why should the afterlife be any different, eh??

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by ValentineWiggin
during a near death experience I witnessed in full detail one of these counsels and swear on my life that's exactly what I saw.

RATS! That kinda sucks. I don't like the idea of lesser beings getting together and judging me. I am much more comfortable with an 'all knowing and all understanding God' being the judge of my heart and actions. Seems more fair. But then again ... life isn't fair so why should the afterlife be any different, eh??

Well while I was in their presence the humility that I felt absolutely overhelmed me so I don't know that I would say "lesser" beings. Not really sure if this comment is sarcasm or not lol, but that's just what I saw. People see all sorts of thing

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by ValentineWiggin
Well while I was in their presence the humility that I felt absolutely overhelmed me so I don't know that I would say "lesser" beings.

I didn't mean lesser than us .. I ment lesser than GOD. I'd rather have an all knowing all understanding GOD judging then being that are lesser THAN HIM. (is that more clear?? )

+3 more 
posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by ValentineWiggin
Well while I was in their presence the humility that I felt absolutely overhelmed me so I don't know that I would say "lesser" beings.

I didn't mean lesser than us .. I ment lesser than GOD. I'd rather have an all knowing all understanding GOD judging then being that are lesser THAN HIM. (is that more clear?? )

Yes much more clear,

So let me be clearer as well,

I came to the understanding through my experience that God was the "Fabric" of the Universe, literally, all things, even the counsels. The difference between us/them/God was levels of enlightenment to that fact. Where as I felt "we" were much "lower" than them on the totem pole of enlightenment to this, "they" were incredibly enlightened beings in a different dimension far "above" us. However, "they" are mainly a counsel to make decisions that "focus" us back to our own enlightenment, if we choose to take their subtle direction or not, is in our hands.

This is probably a horrible comparison but it's what I got

Let's say you (God) planted a morning glory (us) in order to climb a fence (enlightenment). You (God) have millions of morning glories to plant or depending on your beliefs has million of morning glories that got out of control, so you have some gardeners (Counsel) to coax the vine (us) along the fence (enlightenment). The counsel can put us in the right spots to grow the right way, but in the end we decide which way we will grow, but God and the Counsel have a common purpose.

Been doing some gardening latley... *cough*

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 03:17 PM
If i knew better i would say i fit the Second Wave perfectly

Third wave are kids with medium habilities
with a direct link to the 4 dimension
some see visions
some see spirits
some see the auras
some hear voices
some see visions after touching something
some can have OBE experience anytime they want
some can develope telepathy

if i had any of that .. would probably freak me out lol

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 03:23 PM
Well I'd say I fit into the second wave, sensitive, auras, never feeling at home...but I went and had a kid so I'm out

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Are You One of the Three Waves of Earth Volunteers?

Yes, I am.

There are 4 waves by the way. Do your research.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by ValentineWiggin
Well while I was in their presence the humility that I felt absolutely overhelmed me so I don't know that I would say "lesser" beings.

I didn't mean lesser than us .. I ment lesser than GOD. I'd rather have an all knowing all understanding GOD judging then being that are lesser THAN HIM. (is that more clear?? )
But all is GOD. There really are no lesser beings, just different levels of experience and understanding. Even 'bad' people have a roll in all this. Evil is as good a teacher of morals as Good is, that's me saying from personal experience. I learned from the bad things in my life what "good" was. And so... things like lying, betrayal, physical harm, and so on, have become very difficult for me to do. I have to FORCE myself to do most "bad" things.

But anyway...

You'll see that any kind of judgment that may occur will be more than fair, it'll be 'right.' From the Apocalypse of Paul, a murderer was being whipped by 'angels,' and cries out "What sin have I committed?!" And so witnesses appeared, all telling what they saw, and what he saw. He knew that he did something and was then given a new "body which had been prepared for him." In other words, he was reincarnated. Notice he didn't go into an eternal pit of hell for being a murderer, instead, he was just sent back here, which can itself be like hell.

The thing is, our beliefs and what not reflect what we see. Some will see that archaic form of punishment (like whipping), others might see a counsel or tribunal. Others... others might see something more personal (like loved ones, or a personal 'guardian' of sorts), perhaps even the image of Jesus or other ineffable ones. Really, whatever you see upon leaving this realm will be right by you. You'll see what you need to see, whatever works best for you.

Isn't that fair?

This is from reading hundreds of NDEs. They are all similar in some way but different in other ways. How one lived his life reflects the things he sees. Maybe it's like a Neo waking up scenario, and you see such and such in order to ease you into reality, because life's pain, joy, and so on, can be pretty damn convincing.

Regardless, one thing which is almost always present from those kind of experiences (like apocalypse most likely brought on by a trance or other method like fasting, or an nde, and so on), we are bathed in love. BATHED in love. It surrounds you completely. "God is love." No matter what.

reply to post by ValentineWiggin

Great story dear.
I love reading people's NDEs and what not. It seems what I said and your experience coincide pretty well.
Not really a surprise, as I've stated I've already read hundreds of these kinds of stories and they all point to the fact that we're free to choose our paths.
edit on 13/7/12 by AdamsMurmur because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Thank you so much for this Flyersfan, I really needed some good material to kick back with this hot summer day.

I will check back at another time for comments on your links, they look delicious!

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

First Wave-- These people would be in their 40s and early 50s now, finally adjusting to life after going through turbulent early years of feeling they didn't belong here. A number tried to commit suicide or were treated for depression.

2nd Wave-- Presently in their 20s and 30s, these folk had an easier time, and have been called "channels, generators, and antennas," and project positive energy. Many have chosen not to have children, as this creates karma, and they don't want to have to return to Earth after this life.

3rd Wave-- The New Children are coming into the world with altered DNA, so they can function in a different reality (vibrations are pushing Earth into a new dimension).

What am I? The Pre-First Wave?

I'm 65

Actually - - I was told by a Wiccan Psychic that I am a Foundation Builder. Something about preparing an Energy Grid for those coming after me.

Who knows.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 04:18 PM
Nothing about these supposed ET's are actually good. They will lie to your face and smile about it, One of the common themes with any of these channelers or clairvoyants is that the beings say, (and there are no discernible certain species responsible ofcourse), for the creation or alteration of our DNA, for a multitude of false reasons. You've just come across the pinnacle of the deception that will probably fall upon the world soon.

Its a multi level spiritual deception that has been going on for a long time,

Nothing about the "New Age" is new. I had to see it for what is myself.

Don't fall for the trap.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Oh .. and I should say that I don't understand about what she supposedly found about the first wave. Lots of suicides and depressions. I understand that someone coming from a higher dimension would feel yukky being stuck in a diseased human body and and surrounded by negative low energy etc etc ... but they volunteered to be here so wouldn't they be happy to be doing what they are doing???

That didn't make sense to me. (well .. a lot didn't make sense .. but you know what I mean).

They have volunteered but if there is any truth to any of this I doubt these souls know who they are and where they come from. Upon birth their memories probably get wiped and now there on Earth miserable, feeling out of place, and they don't know why. I assume once they die their former memories will return and they'll be like "oh yeah, right, dammit".

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Anyways, this hypnotherapist seems to think that the ETs are all warm and fuzzy and
are being incarnated here to be helpful. Maybe yes. Maybe no. I don't know.
I'm just presenting what she said and you all can discuss it.

It might be she is focusing only on this particular group or channeling only this particular group.

Or - - it could be this is her mission message - - and is blocked from seeing others.

I know that I am only allowed to know what has purpose for me to accomplish whatever it is I am suppose to accomplish.

My "guides" (whoever they are) that I refer to as "The Guys" - - keep me on a very narrow road. I've learned over the years not to fight them. There #1 message is always: Beware of False Prophets. Go figure!

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 04:22 PM
Is it this black & white? Are there some who are on a 2nd-3rd wave cusp? I have had some experiences in my life where things occurred that was eerily similar to having clairvoyance. I am in my mid 20s and when married, abstained from procreating...

Either way, it's fun to think about and would definitely make me feel better about the dullness this particular life offers.

Be well.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by FactFactor
reply to post by FlyersFan

Are You One of the Three Waves of Earth Volunteers?

Yes, I am.

There are 4 waves by the way. Do your research.

What is the 4th wave?

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