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Are You One of the Three Waves of Earth Volunteers?

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posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

I have a problem with that. I "absorb" the frequencies around me, so the only time I'm happy, upset, nervous, or emotional is when I either generate or absorb bursts of vibration from other people. Simply put, I channel the energy around me. I channel the energy from other people. I can sense what kind of energy they're putting out.

As such, I'm often trapped in lower vibration settings because the people around me are griping and moaning and scheming and fuming and every other kind of negative emotion under the sun. And I draw on it, because external vibrations feed my energies, like a wireless electrical transmitter. It annoys me a lot...I love it when I'm in a happy place, but in bad places, if I don't do something happy, I'm almost always two steps away from a nervious breakdown. I can feel the negative energy knotting up my system.


posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by WilburMercer

This entire post just supports our theory. We are all "starchildren", souls sent from other worlds to influence Earth from within. We've even reached a similar, fairly accurate understanding of the universe. Some of us have difficulty communing with our soul's knowledge, but we're working with it. It's good to see that I'm not just crazy, although crazy can be a good thing.

I've found my niche, at last.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity

I have a problem with that. I "absorb" the frequencies around me, so the only time I'm happy, upset, nervous, or emotional is when I either generate or absorb bursts of vibration from other people. Simply put, I channel the energy around me. I channel the energy from other people. I can sense what kind of energy they're putting out.

I never had any real peace until I moved to 2 acres in the middle of the Sonora desert. I'm an energy empath.

I still feel kind of disturbed with too much electronic equipment. Yes - such as a computer. But its a choice.

There are methods you can learn to help block out disturbances. Join a Yoga or Medication group.

OR - - a life style change by moving to an isolated area.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by Annee

I can't meditate. It's impossible to hypnotize me. I don't have any problem with electronics.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by LittleBlackEagle
"Now ... I should say that I don't buy into what she's selling. But I think she got parts of it right and then added her own beliefs on top. I don't have proof of that, of course. It's just my feeling. What I think ... (for anyone interested)
- Yes, we were probably seeded here.
- Yes, there are other dimensions and life on other planets.
- Yes, we have been visited here.
- Yes, I think reincarnation is possible.
- NO I do not think ET counsels are running earth. I think it's more spiritual than that.
- NO, I do NOT think ET is friendly or 'helping' us.
I think they feel we are more like a science experiement or something....

Yep. George Kavassilas also advises against seeing ET's as 'saviours' coming to help humanity; they won't be here to help us anymore than current politicians give a damn about 'helping' us. He went so far as to talk about a 'good cop, bad cop' scenario being played out between human authorities and et's.

In the end, we are our own saviours, no matter what may or may not happen, or who pontificates what.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by Annee

I can't meditate. It's impossible to hypnotize me. I don't have any problem with electronics.

Do you realize how much negative energy you put into the universe with those 3 short statements?

"I can't"

"It's impossible"

"I don't"

Those phrases are not even allowed in my house. If a kid in my house says "I can't" - - they have to drop and do 10 push-ups.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by Annee

You sound like "God".

"You've displeased me. You must now sacrifice a sheep from among your flock."

In any case, I have released no negative energy. In fact, I'm at a balance right now, which is pretty typical. Healthiest and easiest for me, really. If I take too much positive in, negative comes running as soon as levels drop. And vice versa. Balance.

I do love balance, but it can be irritating.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by OneNonBlonde

Originally posted by LittleBlackEagle
"Now ... I should say that I don't buy into what she's selling. But I think she got parts of it right and then added her own beliefs on top. I don't have proof of that, of course. It's just my feeling. What I think ... (for anyone interested)
- Yes, we were probably seeded here.
- Yes, there are other dimensions and life on other planets.
- Yes, we have been visited here.
- Yes, I think reincarnation is possible.
- NO I do not think ET counsels are running earth. I think it's more spiritual than that.
- NO, I do NOT think ET is friendly or 'helping' us.
I think they feel we are more like a science experiement or something....

Yep. George Kavassilas also advises against seeing ET's as 'saviours' coming to help humanity; they won't be here to help us anymore than current politicians give a damn about 'helping' us. He went so far as to talk about a 'good cop, bad cop' scenario being played out between human authorities and et's.

In the end, we are our own saviours, no matter what may or may not happen, or who pontificates what.

We are already from Families of what is called ET, that is anything not of Earth. We are from the Family groupings and ETs are not just the little greys and beehive pleiadian splinter/regegade groups going around and creating hybrids or doing medicals.

They are more than that, they are our Families watching over, for some of us we came in for a reason, AND there is no time, sometimes it is your direct family here, in their Future lives watching over.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by Annee

You sound like "God".

"You've displeased me. You must now sacrifice a sheep from among your flock."

I'm Atheist.

But - will you take a goat?

In any case, I have released no negative energy.

But you have. Just the thought "I can't" produces negative energy into the universe.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by Annee

I can't control my thoughts that well. Sue me.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by Annee

I can't control my thoughts that well. Sue me.

"Can't" again.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by Annee

I can't meditate. It's impossible to hypnotize me. I don't have any problem with electronics.



Are you *absolutely* sure that the negativity you channel is coming from "without", or do those mirrors when nearby simply draw out and reflect what is buried within?

Edit: heh... was writing this when the above exchange was going on.

edit on 2012/7/18 by ErgoTheConfusion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 02:07 AM
Thanks OP for this, star and flag for you.

I love Dolores Cannon and I've read all of her books over the years. A very sweet and honest old lady. Her talent in hypnotherapy have led her on a great path, she has travelled the world over to help people not only for psychological problems but also for physical illnesses. She's a healer.

I'm probably between the first and second wave, I can remember too when I was a child and had this feeling of "not belonging here", wanting to go "home" wherever this was. When I grew older I had a vision too of this council some members mentioned here on the first pages of the thread. It was like a recall to report what was happening and then they sent us back. Sorry for my bad English I really can't describe my experience any further.

Btw some say Dolores Cannon is describing the Alien presence here on earth only in a positive way. That's not true, she is stating the subconscious told her not to touch this subject any further, she is aware there are "negative" forces out there. Why they told her not to investigate further, I have no idea.

Imho I think the Aliens think, there is already enough negativity about aliens, all those negative Hollywood movies and the religious stuff about demons
when it comes to the subject of aliens, I think they prefer to not add any fuel to the fire anymore, I hope you understand what I mean.

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Yes she is quite close to the truth, don't get confused as well the spiritual heirachy is similar with the ets and higher dimensionals council.

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 04:38 AM
We have all been resonating at high energy vibrations for eons.
It is what super imposed 3d earth does on minor physical implanted low vibrating resonation.
We are here to ascend and move forward as the starseeds we are.
I'm all about positivity and have known since day 1 that I am not of this planet.
I love sending out love vibrations and seek to establish balance of christ consciousness super imposing earth.
We are all in this together friends.
We can truly establish a new earth.
All those who don't want to will stay behind with what their negative karmic attachments resonations want.
It is time for a new earth.
Brother Wilcock and Mother Dolores are creatures of infinite bliss.
We must not let old earth impede on new earth vibrations.
Love and light to all.
I pray that my light seeks balance.
All the aliens are here watching us.
Out of the billions and billions of planets out there that host life, we are the first to try this new vibration.
You knew coming here that this was going to be what it was and that's why we're implanted here.
To bring new resonation and demolish the old.

edit on 20-7-2012 by conspiracy88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 04:52 AM
what is the connection between having children and coming back? I believe my genes are important. I have a lot of great thinkers in my ancestry, so I'd rather preserve it, however, coming back, if a choice, is not mine. I am getting fed up and wish to 'retire'.
Especially since memories of my lives before are flooding back. Great burden.
Don't worry, I have no substantial knowledge of The Reality, I just know about as much as anyone else. Just the memories, and the feeling that this is not the absolute reality.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by LoveisanArt

I have a problem with that. I "absorb" the frequencies around me, so the only time I'm happy, upset, nervous, or emotional is when I either generate or absorb bursts of vibration from other people. Simply put, I channel the energy around me. I channel the energy from other people. I can sense what kind of energy they're putting out.

As such, I'm often trapped in lower vibration settings because the people around me are griping and moaning and scheming and fuming and every other kind of negative emotion under the sun. And I draw on it, because external vibrations feed my energies, like a wireless electrical transmitter. It annoys me a lot...I love it when I'm in a happy place, but in bad places, if I don't do something happy, I'm almost always two steps away from a nervious breakdown. I can feel the negative energy knotting up my system.


My friend, this is a very easy fix. Change those who surround you. Being an empath isnt the easiest thing in the world, but as long as you are actually conscious that you are being effected by outside emotions, then you can stabalize yourself if you wish. Meditate and ground yourself more...

Many people are the same way, get affected from outside vibrations. We are all conneccted in certain ways anyways.. but you already realize your problem. Change those around you, and realize when others are influencing your own energy


posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by conspiracy88
We have all been resonating at high energy vibrations for eons.
It is what super imposed 3d earth does on minor physical implanted low vibrating resonation.
We are here to ascend and move forward as the starseeds we are.
I'm all about positivity and have known since day 1 that I am not of this planet.
I love sending out love vibrations and seek to establish balance of christ consciousness super imposing earth.
We are all in this together friends.
We can truly establish a new earth.
All those who don't want to will stay behind with what their negative karmic attachments resonations want.
It is time for a new earth.
Brother Wilcock and Mother Dolores are creatures of infinite bliss.
We must not let old earth impede on new earth vibrations.
Love and light to all.
I pray that my light seeks balance.
All the aliens are here watching us.
Out of the billions and billions of planets out there that host life, we are the first to try this new vibration.
You knew coming here that this was going to be what it was and that's why we're implanted here.
To bring new resonation and demolish the old.

edit on 20-7-2012 by conspiracy88 because: (no reason given)

Star for most happy faces Ive ever seen in one post

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by Kokatsi
As for what I believe now, after reading this thread late at night: the gist of it is true.

OK, I have given you a prophetic rant from some of my dreams about the future - totally unprovoked. I must add, these came unexpectedly, not in any kind of influenced state. I just meditated, slept and at times I needed a break when working with sleep deprivation.

I take this with a grain of salt. Maybe this is true, maybe it isn't.
I have to add that around 1994 in the US I saw the two towers toppled by airplanes in a dream. I was told: something was decided and I had five years to get out. I dismissed the dream as being probably a tabloid style whatever, so much was to my surprise when on Sept. 11 2001 a phone call alerted me to what had happened. My first reaction was: So it started.
The End Times.

hi K.

I find this post to be very very Sobering!

a year or so ago, I had a dream where I was shown, partly in symbols, that there is a war in heaven that soon leads to a war on earth.
"a war that begins in Montreal, canada between Canada and Russia and leads to WW III.
there has been two or three times that this war could have happened, over the last ten to 20 years, but the third and last opening is now."

when i woke up, later i knew the symbolism.
Canada = the high heaven of Mind level.
Montreal = Mont royal, the highest "command center" of that plane.
Russia = where the Living Christ walks the earth and is in the hearts of the People as a living presence, no matter how terrible their sufferings.
--the war will be between the people who have the christ as their center of their soul, versus people who are on the highest level of Spirit, the high mind "Manas" level. these mind people recognize NO level that is higher and "God" is only an abstraction like "energy" or "photons": there is no one Home with God so that no prayers can ever be answered as there is no One There!
[probably every "autocrat" whether of finance of of like a dictator, come from this plane]

all the new agers seem to say, "nuclear war is the last thing God would permit the world".
when I read stuff like that, i tend to think that such a war would be a First strike of spirit!!
[when the experts talk, *run* the other way!!]

I wonder how long we all have?

my father was born in 1914, ww I beginning. I was born in 1941, the ww II had already begun, in Europe.
27 year cycles.

watch them, these 27 year cycles..
dust bowl where hot and cold records were broken, in the middle 30s, records that stand today.
27 years cycles places that time as now, see the midwest burn with dryness.
the 1929...late 30s Great depression, why that happens in 2008...onwards!
thus ww III will begin long before 2020, as things happen before the 27 year cycle is over and time is speeded up. maybe 2013, or so.

will I run for the Hills? only if Spirit tells me to. probably most survivors already know Who They Are.

[be aware that when the S hits the fan, and you drive your family to your Favorite Safe Spot, maybe 5000 other people will have arrived ahead of you with another 10,000 more to come! all 15,000 facing a town of maybe 300 people and one gas station and one grocery store!
I can hear the crying babies now, followed by the sound of furious gunfire!]

better to Prepare inwardly for the Afterlife so that when you see that fireball, you know your Eternity awaits you!


posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 07:07 PM
No, I'm not a volunteer. I'm sent from the council to investigate what's going on and terminate the project if needed. Things aren't going as expected. I'll be pulling the plug shortly and the gate's locked out except for a few that have access, based on their lifetime actions. I'm not lying, I'm making up a story.

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