posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by homervb
Again I don’t want to derail this thread by getting into the Bin Laden dialysis myth but the evidence is concrete. There is zero evidence to suggest
that Bin Laden was ever on Dialysis other than a few internet myths yet by the virtue that nobody who was ever in the presence of Bin Laden, Including
his doctors and a number of independent authors on the man have all said they never saw any evidence of kidney dialysis I think is proof enough.
Very little of this is “theory” , it is a fact nobody who knows anything about Bin Laden has ever gave any merit to the myth that he required
kidney Dialysis.
If you want to discuss this further please feel free to comment on the thread I have linked to or U2U me.
PS: does anybody know what happened to the OP, I pretty much showed his OP to be full of lies and he has yet to respond to what I have said.