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Osama Bin Laden's Family was Evacuated from U.S. after 9/11/01

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posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 08:00 PM
Sorry if it has been posted before but I couldn't find any posts on it.

There's a page with legitimate evidence this occurred and with detail.
But the reason I bring this up is because the ex-military man has been talking
to me about his experiences when he was active duty. He took part in Grenada,
Iraq, Afghanistan and an unknown Iranian mission in the 90's. But I had never heard of this
until I talked to him but the day after 9/11 only one civilian plane flew U.S. skies
and it flew state to state picking up Bin Laden's relatives and friends.
He told me they took them right back to Afghanistan and they received an unknown
amount of money to support them too. But this story deepens....

This man I talk to said a few months before 9/11 the military complex was going
before congress to ask for more military funds and for larger military in general.
He told me that the only true threat was the Soviet Union and they collapsed
ten years before. So he said, "The military needs an enemy to get their money."
He told me we probably had someone call up Osama and literally give him the
scoop and told him just to take the blame and they'll handle it. Which is what
happen. But this all fits together and is something wrong when a man who
was with the govt. for 30 years tells me a missile hit the Pentagon, not a jetliner?

He also told me with complete confidence that we didn't kill Osama last year, that
we infiltrated and killed all in the compound but him. Told the world we killed him
and gave him a safe haven somewhere in South Africa. What is odd to me is that
all this fits loosely together and make logical sense, especially when looking at
all other 9/11 evidence. He told me that day when Bush was in that school and
that Secret Service agent whispered in his ear all he said was, "The 1st tower is
falling, it's happening now." Plus watching that video you can already see an unease
on George W. Bush's face before he was giving predetermined news. I truly
believe we did this to pass laws such as the Patriot Act and to take our RIGHTS
away as is being done. All of this stems from 9/11.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I could elaborate more but I have to leave
for work.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 08:03 PM
I'm curious what words you used in your search. "Bin Ladens Evacuated" brings up about 10 pages of results from the search engine...

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by TheBeastly0ne

Also this was very well publicised all over the news and papers...not a secret at all

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by TheBeastly0ne

double post
edit on 7/12/2012 by DJMSN because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by boncho

I put in "Bin Ladens Family Evacuated."

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by DJMSN
reply to post by TheBeastly0ne

Also this was very well publicised all over the news and papers...not a secret at all

Hmph.... Well I never heard it until this man told me so I got excited and told the ATS
world. It got shot down but if a moderator could then, just move it into a necessary post.
Or it could be a fresh read for people who hadn't seen it like me. I don't know, up to the
big dudes.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by TheBeastly0ne

Originally posted by DJMSN
reply to post by TheBeastly0ne

Also this was very well publicised all over the news and papers...not a secret at all

Hmph.... Well I never heard it until this man told me so I got excited and told the ATS
world. It got shot down but if a moderator could then, just move it into a necessary post.
Or it could be a fresh read for people who hadn't seen it like me. I don't know, up to the
big dudes.

Still 10 pages of results. The first one was about a judge requesting the FBI disclose their information on the events.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 08:20 PM
If one of your relatives became one of the most hated people of all time, would you want to stick around?

Basically a proper security measure to prevent harm to the family even though I had no connection etc.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 08:25 PM
I think most people on ATS would be well aware of what you stated. I have a problem with this though...

He also told me with complete confidence that we didn't kill Osama last year, that we infiltrated and killed all in the compound but him. Told the world we killed him and gave him a safe haven somewhere in South Africa.

I think he died in 2001 or 2002, from kidney disease.

Like myself, I see you are new to ATS.

It's great to see more and more people are becoming aware of inconsistencies in the official 911 story.

keep up the good work.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 08:30 PM
I think he was messing with you. Why would they put him up in south Africa and right after the raid was in the news.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 09:04 PM
Who cares if similar was posted already?
This post was tailored to reflect his personal experience and conversation with an ex-military acquaintance.
Take it for what you will.
But why hassle over whether it's been posted...

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 09:09 PM
What he is saying about Laden's family is true. All planes were grounded in the US but Bush gave them permission to be able to fly out. No surprise seeing how close the Bush's were with the Laden's.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 08:47 AM
OP your source is clearly grossly misinformed.

Firstly yes members of the Bin Laden family were flown out of America after 9/11 once the airspace reopened. However if you read about Bin Laden you would know that he had very little contact with any of his family during the 1990’s and they had almost disowned him. He did keep in contact with his mother however not his siblings and he was in contact with his wife’s and children. But the people on the flight out of America some 8 days after the attacks were in no way connected with the attacks of 9/11 and they almost certainly had no contact with Bin Laden for several years prior to the attacks and none in the years following the attacks. They probably just wanted out because of the tarnished family name in fear of their safety.

What the OP’s “source” has said about the military complex needing a war is also wrong, following the collapse of the Soviet Union the American military had plenty to occupy itself with such as gulf war 1 (and the Iraq no fly zones), Somalia, Kosovo, Bosnia, Sierra Leon, Haiti, Cambodia, Afghanistan oh and Serbia were all areas that the American military was in active combat during the 1990’s. Trust me they were busy yes there was a cut in funds but the CIA also had a massive cut.

The OP’s source is wrong to say the plane went to Afghanistan, it did not, it’s destination was Saudi Arabia and he is also wrong to say it was the day after 9/11, the flight left 8 days after 9/11. So he is wrong on the details of the flight, he is also wrong about the military just phoning up Bin Laden asking him to take the fall and they will handle the rest. Even if you were to believe some of the more absurd conspiracies about 9/11 does anyone really think that it would have been that easy to get Bin Laden to take the fall.

What the OP claim’s he said about Bin Laden being alive could be true, I do think it is possible that they captured Bin Laden. That being said I personally believe they killed him on May 1st 2011 and I have my own reasons for believing so.

This is also wrong and for me when I read this bit I really realised that the OP’s source or the OP was talking utter rubbish.

He told me that day when Bush was in that school and that Secret Service agent whispered in his ear all he said was, "The 1st tower is falling, it's happening now."

What Andrew Card who was the White House Chief of Staff and not a agent of the Secret Service actually whispered into the President’s ear was “A second plane his hit the second tower, America is under attack”. So once again OP your source is entirely wrong.

With all of these flaws in the little fairy tale that the OP’s source has told him I can only conclude that the source is a liar, making this stuff up or that the OP is making this up and this “source” does not exist. OP I must ask you why would you post this without first cross checking to if what your source told you is correct, when as I have clearly shown there are multiple mistakes in what he told you and provide us with some evidence that will verify his cliams. Secondly I want to know why if you have lied about this you would bother doing so when it only distracts form the debate at hand regarding the truth of 9/11.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by Pedro4077

I think he died in 2001 or 2002, from kidney disease.


Died of lead poisoning in 2011 when Seals blew his brains out.......

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by Pedro4077

I think he died in 2001 or 2002, from kidney disease.

Your wrong, but this is a very common popular myth but Bin Laden never had Renal Disease or required any kidney dialysis. I have a thread that explains this myth feel free to give it a read.

The Bin Laden Dialysis Myth

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by TheBeastly0ne

This man I talk to said a few months before 9/11 the military complex was going
before congress to ask for more military funds and for larger military in general.

I cannot remember a time when the military went before Congress and didn't ask for more money and larger military. Same with every other government agency or department.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by thedman
I'm not so sure. Can you prove that?

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by OtherSideOfTheCoin
reply to post by Pedro4077

I think he died in 2001 or 2002, from kidney disease.

Your wrong, but this is a very common popular myth but Bin Laden never had Renal Disease or required any kidney dialysis. I have a thread that explains this myth feel free to give it a read.

The Bin Laden Dialysis Myth

I'm not trying to say you're wrong because I did read that thread, and what you posted is just a theory. You literally have nothing concrete that says he wasn't on dialysis. You analyzed several articles and formulated an opinion. So I wouldn't say he was straight up wrong.

Originally posted by OtherSideOfTheCoin
The biggest point to takeaway form this is that nobody who ever had any physical contact with Bin Laden ever reported that he required kidney dialysis they almost all describe him as being healthy.

edit on 13-7-2012 by homervb because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

wow, debunkers sure know a lot about myths and whatnots. lol.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by TheBeastly0ne

This man I talk to said a few months before 9/11 the military complex was going
before congress to ask for more military funds and for larger military in general.

I cannot remember a time when the military went before Congress and didn't ask for more money and larger military. Same with every other government agency or department.

exactly. therefore, we can all go back to sleep now. false alarm. lol?

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