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Video Shows Police Beating Pregnant Woman

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posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by WorkingClassMan

How do you make someone who is thrashing about kicking their legs etc submit to being cuffed?
She only needs to get one hand free for 5seconds to stab one of those officers, your unwillingness to use force may have just cost you or your partners life.

Oh please! Please, please, please! How many cops were there? They all were stronger than her and outweighed her. No one said a cop can't use force. I am arguing against using unnecessary force!

You know what I learned growing up? That there are ways for a man to subdue a woman without physically hurting her if she is attacking you. So I'm not buying this "Oh the poor big strong police officers may have been hurt by the 5 foot tall woman."

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 03:23 PM
I'm not sure which I am shocked more by, guys. The video of three cops grossly overpowering a suspect and THEN thumping on her like it's a cool cartoon or something with that little jackhammer punch trick that sadistic cop has there.....or how some might defend a single thing about this.

I'll tell ya, I was raised by a cop. I spent my whole childhood in and out of police cars and the police station...playing with Police K-9's and generally being the cop version of a military brat. I'm about as far from anti-cop as one gets without being one. I'll generally take a cops side before the other, when there is a reasonable doubt as to what happened.

These were NOT cops in my eyes. I see 3 criminal bully boys who came to somehow work together on a Police Force of all places. I'd be quite happy to hear they were all cashiered and made to spend at least a few months in their own jail. If ANY one of us pushed this woman on the street...and not a hard push, just a 'outta my way' nudge..and she fell? We'd do a couple months in the can for assault. Add that she's Pregnant. Naww.... What these thugs in a Cop's uniform did has no excuse and 3 large men who cannot overpower a PREGNANT woman, already fully horizontal on the ground without beating her, have NO business anywhere near a Police Department unless they're in handcuffs for something.

edit on 12-7-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by stanguilles7

Originally posted by WorkingClassMan

Originally posted by stanguilles7

Originally posted by WorkingClassMan

What led up to this, how did she end up on the ground, was she non compliant, was she violent, was she a danger to herself or others.
Ohh no ignore the facts and spew the same old crap "I see & hear police using resisting as an excuse all the time" and then go on to act like you know that is what happened here. Couldn't possibly of been her fault at all she is only a known criminal.
Sorry doesn't go EQUALY both ways, you see the cop has a job to do he has to go there he has to deal with violence he has to be prepared to give his life for the community, YOU don't.

I consider those points as well. But the reality is, there is NO reason for a cop to need to repeatedly punch a suspect who is already on the ground, being held by two other officers. ESPECIALLY if its a 5 foot tall woman.

I see no diff between a man or woman that's just sexist & equal to racist in my book.

Well, your book must have been written by a drooling buffoon.

How do you make someone who is thrashing about kicking their legs etc submit to being cuffed?
With three big cops? You REALLY think they cant hold down an underweight junkie who is 5 feet tall? The world must be a scary place for you

So discrimination/sexism is completely different to discrimination due to race. Sorry buddy but discrimination is just that discrimination. I suppose a woman getting raped is more traumatic than a man getting raped too.
Your statement is discriminatory against men and states that violence against women is worse than violence against men, next you will be telling me it's sad when a white guy gets assaulted but ESPECIALY bad when a black guy cops the same & that's just pathetic.
You do realise there was a sexual revolution don't you. I'm just not big on discrimination on any level but I guess that makes me a drooling bafoon and you a sexist white knight who needs to capitalise his sexist statements.

Scary place of course I live in Australia a 5ft tall junkie here would dispatch 3 of your cops no worries, then there are the drop bears, spiders, snakes & crocs I have to deal with on a daily basis.
Lucky those cops understand reality & deal with it every day, some naive white knight would be dead by close of business because they underestimated their opponent, and like so many hero fools who went before him he paid with his life. That I could live with someone else loosing their life because you failed to recognise the potential danger a 5ft tall drug addict with a flick kniff or mac10 could do is harder to swallow.
Like I said most training scenarios revolve around 5ft tall women and such things cause they know that ignorant sexists underestimate what they are capable of and get themselves & others killed.
edit on 12-7-2012 by WorkingClassMan because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-7-2012 by WorkingClassMan because: because I can

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by WorkingClassMan

Violence against a woman is worse than violence against a man, especially when it's numerous men beating up an unarmed woman. That's not discrimination. And it's rather pathetic for you to even try to play that card.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by CoolerAbdullah786

Originally posted by WorkingClassMan

How do you make someone who is thrashing about kicking their legs etc submit to being cuffed?
She only needs to get one hand free for 5seconds to stab one of those officers, your unwillingness to use force may have just cost you or your partners life.

Oh please! Please, please, please! How many cops were there? They all were stronger than her and outweighed her. No one said a cop can't use force. I am arguing against using unnecessary force!

You know what I learned growing up? That there are ways for a man to subdue a woman without physically hurting her if she is attacking you. So I'm not buying this "Oh the poor big strong police officers may have been hurt by the 5 foot tall woman."

Sorry! Sorry! Sorry but calling her fat, telling her she is ugly & flat chested or that her bum looks big in those jeans only works in high school or on your girlfriend.
You have already underestimated your opponent & lost I mean you do do a full background check before you assume your superiority over a female don't you.
I would hate for you to make such an assumption only to find out you are dealing with someone like Germaine de Randamie, or this Canadian girl (Priscilla Dang, 23) who beat up 2 guys who attacked her ohh & 1 had a knife, what about these little 3 foot nothing ninja girls who attend institutes of martial arts from the age of 5.
God I would lol when you and your friends had your testicles handed back to you after you tried your "you are fat & ugly" tactics to subdue her.

The phrase used to be god created man Samuel colt just made them equal but since women can pull a trigger as easy as a man it needs some updating, but this statement of yours is indicative of why people like you shouldn't be cops or security. (So I'm not buying this "Oh the poor big strong police officers may have been hurt by the 5 foot tall woman." ).

Is the knowledge of how to subdue a woman a trade secret or what? you keep saying you have these secrets but you don't share even when asked.
If they had held her down and used brute force to cuff her then the chances of breaking her wrist/arm or dislocating her shoulders would be very real. Imagine if that happened the calls would be ohh my god he was so rough he ripped her arms right out of socket or why didn't he just give her a couple of quick jabs instead of breaking her arm.
I said earlier I'm not defending cops or police brutality but at least I'm man enough to look at all sides of the situation instead of going off half cocked screaming police brutality every time some smart arse tries to fight the law & comes off second best.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by CoolerAbdullah786
reply to post by WorkingClassMan

Violence against a woman is worse than violence against a man, especially when it's numerous men beating up an unarmed woman. That's not discrimination. And it's rather pathetic for you to even try to play that card.

You forgot line 2: Violence against a blacks is worse than violence against whites, especially when it's numerous whites beating up an unarmed Black. That's not racist. And it's rather pathetic for you to even try to play that card.
Or line 3: Rape against a woman is worse than rape against a man.

Sorry paint how you like you are a sexist, are you also a bigot?
Do you think it is Haram for women to leave the house also or that her place is in the kitchen or the bedroom.
Any other discriminatory views we should be aware of? like it's ok for women to be lesbians but gay men need to take a long walk off a short pier.

I think you need to get a dictionary out and look up the meaning of something before you make yourself look silly.
edit on 12-7-2012 by WorkingClassMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by WorkingClassMan

Trade secret? You never had a father or mother or even an uncle to teach you how to deal with a woman if she is up in your face? Or did they teach you to hit a woman?

In high school I had a woman punch me in my face because she was yelling at a friend of mine and I told her to get the ---- out of his face. She turned and sucker punched me. Did I drop her? No. I grabbed her by her arms and pushed her away from us and told her to get out of here. I didn't need to act like some big billy bad-ass and hit her. I subdued the situation without violence.

And "why didn't he give her a couple quick jabs instead of breaking her arm"? That's totally invented. For one, these THREE cops didn't give her "a couple quick jabs." And what you are saying is a false dichotomy. There are more than two options. It isn't either "give her a couple quick jabs" or "break her arm."

Sorry, but I'm a real man. I don't need to hit a woman. But you continue to call me (and others) sexist because we don't think it's necessary to hit a woman. Boy if that ain't the pot calling the kettle black.

And you sure have a funny way of not defending the police considering that is exactly what you are doing, even to the point where you are taking cheap shot ad hominems (calling us sexist) because we reject the notion of cops, or any man for that matter, ganging up on a woman and beating her.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by WorkingClassMan
You forgot line 2: Violence against a blacks is worse than violence against whites, especially when it's numerous whites beating up an unarmed Black. That's not racist. And it's rather pathetic for you to even try to play that card.
Or line 3: Rape against a woman is worse than rape against a man.

This is not even worth a response considering it's nothing but a strawman.

Do you think it is Haram for women to leave the house also or that her place is in the kitchen or the bedroom.

Nice. Now some ad hominems in the form of anti-Islamic stereotyping. Still trying to paint me like a sexist because I don't think it's right to hit a woman.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by CoolerAbdullah786
reply to post by WorkingClassMan

Trade secret? You never had a father or mother or even an uncle to teach you how to deal with a woman if she is up in your face? Or did they teach you to hit a woman?

In high school I had a woman punch me in my face because she was yelling at a friend of mine and I told her to get the ---- out of his face. She turned and sucker punched me. Did I drop her? No. I grabbed her by her arms and pushed her away from us and told her to get out of here. I didn't need to act like some big billy bad-ass and hit her. I subdued the situation without violence.

And "why didn't he give her a couple quick jabs instead of breaking her arm"? That's totally invented. For one, these THREE cops didn't give her "a couple quick jabs." And what you are saying is a false dichotomy. There are more than two options. It isn't either "give her a couple quick jabs" or "break her arm."

Sorry, but I'm a real man. I don't need to hit a woman. But you continue to call me (and others) sexist because we don't think it's necessary to hit a woman. Boy if that ain't the pot calling the kettle black.

And you sure have a funny way of not defending the police considering that is exactly what you are doing, even to the point where you are taking cheap shot ad hominems (calling us sexist) because we reject the notion of cops, or any man for that matter, ganging up on a woman and beating her.

At least twice you have stated you can subdue a woman offender in this case a probable drug addict who is resisting, yet you give no indication on how you would do this so yes I assume trade secrets, especially since I'm still waiting for the answer after repeated requests.
My father never told me to hit women he put it more like this.
Son never raise a hand to a lady but never make the mistake of thinking that thing with a vagina that is attacking you is a lady.
Boy the Aboriginal and Maori women round here would soon teach you a thing or too not to mention send you to the ER with ya tail between your legs.
I was taught to judge each situation individually not to stereo type and potentially underestimate threats to me or my family.

We are talking about real world mate not some 13 year old high school girl, try that crap on the street & see the above statement about your trip to the infirmary or morgue even little school girls know which end is the pointy one.

Not totally invented I asked you how you would deal with it cause there is limited option available to force someone into cuffs alternatives could of resulted in broken arm dislocated shoulder but of course you provide no other viable alternative.

(Sorry, but I'm a real man. I don't need to hit a woman. But you continue to call me (and others) sexist because we don't think it's necessary to hit a woman. Boy if that ain't the pot calling the kettle black.)
I am beginning to doubt your comprehension skills, please go back and re read slowly.
Here I will spell it out for you:
YOU ARE SEXIST CAUSE YOU THINK WOMAN>MAN and clearly stated it even used capitals to reinforce your position so spare me your deflective lies cause I said no such thing.

Take your time with that you obviously need it.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by CoolerAbdullah786

Originally posted by WorkingClassMan
You forgot line 2: Violence against a blacks is worse than violence against whites, especially when it's numerous whites beating up an unarmed Black. That's not racist. And it's rather pathetic for you to even try to play that card.
Or line 3: Rape against a woman is worse than rape against a man.

This is not even worth a response considering it's nothing but a strawman.

Do you think it is Haram for women to leave the house also or that her place is in the kitchen or the bedroom.

Nice. Now some ad hominems in the form of anti-Islamic stereotyping. Still trying to paint me like a sexist because I don't think it's right to hit a woman.

You don't like to respond a lot or answer questions directed at you, so I asked questions to try and work out how far your discrimination goes, does it stop at sex or continue to race. The 2 usually go hand in hand you know.

Now you try and make me out to be an anti-Islamic type instead of answering the question.
Not surprising people would draw logical conclusions when the only responses they get are silence & deflection at least I ask questions instead of jumping to conclusions unlike others I could mention

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by CoolerAbdullah786
reply to post by WorkingClassMan

Violence against a woman is worse than violence against a man, especially when it's numerous men beating up an unarmed woman. That's not discrimination. And it's rather pathetic for you to even try to play that card.

That comment has me really curious..... If this weren't a pregnant woman but..say...a 95lb male with all the effeminate traits and basically just the stereotypical wimpy man, it would somehow be less offensive? I can see the point of saying we shoudn't be as mad if they had a 250lb bruiser down...because he COULD bounce right back up and beat them all into mush with the right background...

Likewise....I'm going to feel more for that 95lb wimp that I will a female weighing in on the high side from muscle tone and who, for instance, is a soldier or cop in her normal work. I just don't see where gender alone can define levels of wrong on beating unarmed suspects, already down and immobilized.
edit on 13-7-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

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