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Video Shows Police Beating Pregnant Woman

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posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by CoolerAbdullah786

When most people encounter the cops aggressively it is seen as an attempt to do severe bodily harm to the cop. Most cases the perp is out to kill the cop not beat him up so that statement still holds weight regardless of any exception you may find along the way. That is the way they are trained because a cop isnt gonna stop wrestling you and call quitsies when you beat on him.

Its his duty to arrest you, thats why most of them get killed. They are not allowed to retreat in such circumstances.

That is why they are trained to shoot first and ask questions later.
edit on 11-7-2012 by Kastogere because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by CoolerAbdullah786

Those are the wimpiest cops ever.
5'1" and they couldn't take her down without a savage beating.
I think the cops need to be re evaluated to be cops.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by mee30

The part of me that you quoted mentioned that I didn't think it was necessary to arrest someone for prostitution or drugs, and that the police seemed to take those things more seriously than they really need to, but then you set out attacking me and my pig friends? I'm confused.

No, I have no sympathy for the pregnant, prostitute, heroin user. The world would be better off without her. And no, I don't approve of what the cops did, and I'm appalled by the level of violence cops find acceptable these days.

What I said in my post, that you quoted, was that I didn't have anything nice to say about anyone in that whole video. In fact, I went on in a later post to say we would probably all be better off if a dump truck had sped through that scene and put all 4 of them out of our misery.

So, there you have it. Criticize my lack of empathy if you like, but its hard to deny that there are certain people in this world that we would be better off without.

And the thread of mine that you are referring to was intentionally titled "A Religious Troll Thread"
I do not believe there is any such thing as "civilization" without an element of spirituality. I do not believe people that pretend to not believe in any spiritual notion whatsoever are still capable of living within the confines of mans laws. Their notions of right and wrong are based in religion so indoctrinated that they don't even realize it exists. If there was not any notion of right and wrong, and if there was the guarantee of only a short, carnal existence, nobody would choose to waste their time doing mundane things and limiting themselves in every way. We would all be living out our bucket lists. Spirituality is the only thing creating civility. Otherwise we would live by the laws of the jungle like every other animal on the planet.
edit on 11-7-2012 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 12:43 PM
Shocked? wussy little baby cops. too afraid to take down a gang banger too afraid to bring down a drug dealer. brave enough to beat women, kids and even unborn babies.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 01:09 PM
It states in the article that she was resisting arrest, so the cops become violent. Happens all the time, you don't resist cops, in the USA it will always end this way.
And to some degree i can understand it, the cops do their job, the idiots don't comply to them and try to fight back - then cry when they get their asses kicked. Do the cops sometimes become to extreme? Sure. Would 90% of those situations be avoided if the people who are about to be arrested just stay calm, wait what happens, call a lawyer and get this way back? Absolutely. But too many people want to play cowboys...

And it's hard to feel sorry for such a waste of human life as a drug-addicted hooker, who's pregnant or not and is at 21 years in such a bad state. I wouldn't even be sad if she died right there, as scum like this shouldn't even exist in the first place.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 02:32 PM
...And who's going to be held responsible if this lady loses her baby due to stress on the fetus? This was unnecessary force especially if this lady told these officers she was pregnant. Three male officers needed to control a pregnant lady, that's pretty sad.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by ShadowAngel85
It states in the article that she was resisting arrest, so the cops become violent. Happens all the time, you don't resist cops, in the USA it will always end this way.
And to some degree i can understand it, the cops do their job, the idiots don't comply to them and try to fight back - then cry when they get their asses kicked.

That's not doing their job. Their job is to protect and serve. Beating someone, especially a pregnant woman, for allegedly resisting arrest (I don't buy them claiming that b.s. one bit. Sounds to me like they are using it to cover their asses) is not doing their job. I don't care how much they claim it is legal to beat someone for resisting arrest. I've seen that b.s. excuse used waaaaay too many times. It's nothing but an abuse of authority.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 04:05 PM
Don't worry, "Push will come to Shove" eventually.
The writings on the wall, and plain for everyone to see.

I'm not saying I will do anything per se, I am just saying that it's clear which direction the social flow is headed. Anyone paying attention should be able to see that by now...

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 04:11 PM
Wow, after watching that video that chief needs to be fired. Refuses to watch the video??? What the heck is wrong with him? I hope she sues that city from heck to high water. And all their arses get fired. Who cares if she's prostitute, she's still a human being. Wow.............Chief is a tool and so are those officers. 8 times????? She was already down, there was no reason to punch her repeatedly.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 06:17 PM


posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by CoolerAbdullah786
reply to post by WorkingClassMan

"Maybe more violent and reactive cops is a result of more violent and reactive citizens."

And now we're defending police brutality and blaming it on the general population? Fine. I'll do you one better. Maybe more violent and reactive citizens is a result of more violent and reactive cops.

See? It can go both ways. No, thanks. I'll blame those who abuse their authority. I'll blame those who are at fault. I'll blame those who are sworn to protect and serve but do nothing but attack and harass. The ones who hide behind their badges and who are high on their own power and authority.

And this is not an indictment of all cops. Just the dirty cops. Just the violent cops. Just the cops with a chip on their shoulder and something to prove. Cops who beat handcuffed women or shoot unarmed men in the back.

Maybe you could read my post and answer some of the questions instead of trying to mount a baseless attack on me.

I'm not defending police brutality but unlike a lot of people I'm not willing to make assumptions from a brief video which clearly to anyone with a basic education omitted a hell of a lot of facts.

What led up to this, how did she end up on the ground, was she non compliant, was she violent, was she a danger to herself or others.
Ohh no ignore the facts and spew the same old crap "I see & hear police using resisting as an excuse all the time" and then go on to act like you know that is what happened here. Couldn't possibly of been her fault at all she is only a known criminal.
Sorry doesn't go EQUALY both ways, you see the cop has a job to do he has to go there he has to deal with violence he has to be prepared to give his life for the community, YOU don't.

Go back and read my post you might see I'm not defending the cop just putting forward a different side of things, like I said most of the cop haters here would be to scared to do the job or dead in 6months from failing to realise the lengths a drug addicted criminal might go to in order to escape.

How would you arrest someone, people seem to think a cop walks up to these people and says, Ohh high I'm just going to cuff you now & take you down to the cells that's ok with you.
Sure mate here is my hands I'll play nice,.
That's fantasy land & you know it, so anyone who doesn't like this tell me how you would handle someone who is resisting arrest & don't tell me with a taser or capsicum spray cause I will yell police brutality.
We have problems here whenever a cop has to go arrest people in an indigenous area, it's always police brutality but I would bet a weeks wages none of them would have the balls to walk into a local pub and arrest those who are brawling. Let alone do it without getting physical so to cry about it without being willing to step up to the plate is just hypocritical at best.

Whether you have done something wrong or not when a cop says Simone says hands on head, then there is no room for argument it's hands on head period don't like it hire a lawyer latter & get paid. There are obvious reasons for this that I would like to think would not need explenation.

Cops are people to they are people who have to do a very difficult job & put themselves on the line every day, how many training videos do you think they are shown where a routine traffic stop gets them shot, or how many training scenarios where the little prego girl has a knife and cause some fool heard her yell I'm prego & only 5ft2 he took his eye off the ball and got stabbed.

If you thing this is a reaction to rising police brutality wait till the cops are all on Meth and shoot people in the face when they ask for directions. Is that how it goes both ways works?
Stupid comments like look at them run are just stupid, maybe you would prefer they made a stand and the criminals got shot.
edit on 11-7-2012 by WorkingClassMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by WorkingClassMan

What led up to this, how did she end up on the ground, was she non compliant, was she violent, was she a danger to herself or others.
Ohh no ignore the facts and spew the same old crap "I see & hear police using resisting as an excuse all the time" and then go on to act like you know that is what happened here. Couldn't possibly of been her fault at all she is only a known criminal.
Sorry doesn't go EQUALY both ways, you see the cop has a job to do he has to go there he has to deal with violence he has to be prepared to give his life for the community, YOU don't.

I consider those points as well. But the reality is, there is NO reason for a cop to need to repeatedly punch a suspect who is already on the ground, being held by two other officers. ESPECIALLY if its a 5 foot tall woman.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by WorkingClassMan

Ohh no ignore the facts and spew the same old crap

No one is ignoring any facts and you aren't presenting any. In your own words you are merely presenting an alternative view. That doesn't mean that your view is based in fact. Unless you have some facts/evidence to back up your view.

Couldn't possibly of been her fault at all she is only a known criminal.

Prove that she's a "known criminal." Show me her rap sheet. I didn't see anything proving that she was either a drug addict or a prostitute.

Go back and read my post you might see I'm not defending the cop just putting forward a different side of things,

You keep saying that but then you keep saying stuff that sounds exactly like you are defending the cops.

That's fantasy land & you know it,

No, that's a strawman because I didn't say anything like what you are saying and attempting to attribute to me. I'm not going to defend a position that you invented.

Whether you have done something wrong or not when a cop says Simone says hands on head, then there is no room for argument it's hands on head period

Actually, no it's not. If I'm not under arrest then there is very little a cop can legally do to me. If I am under arrest then I will gladly be handcuffed and sue the city for false arrest.

Cops are people to

Never said they aren't. I also said before that I do not view all cops like I view Thugs With Badges like the cops in this video.

they are people who have to do a very difficult job & put themselves on the line every day,

You know what? They took the job. They took on the risk. They know damn well what the job of a police officer entails. Don't like it? Then they shouldn't be cops. Don't like the risk? Don't be a cop. That doesn't give them a carte blanche to beat the crap out of someone or to abuse their authority like we see nationwide on a DAILY BASIS!

Stupid comments like look at them run are just stupid, maybe you would prefer they made a stand and the criminals got shot.

Wow clearly you didn't watch the video that was in reference to. Those weren't cops. They were security guards at a soccer game in England or France. But they were abusing their very limited authority also. And when the brutality on their behalf came out, the people didn't just sit back and let it happen. That will never happen here because people are ignorant of the law and for the most part afraid of the police. Hopefully one day that will change. Hopefully one day the police will do their job and PROTECT AND SERVE, not bully and harass and continue to promote a fascist police state.

I tell you, you have a very funny way of "not defending the cops."

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by CoolerAbdullah786

This is what happens when you become lazy and don't stand up against these lawless abiding thugs that hide behind the power of their badge, they have caused more lawsuits in this country than the country has laws! No wonder we aren't getting anywhere quick and they have no interest in making anything work in our favor, ever! No wonder I became suicidal and self destructive when I was 7 years old!

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by stanguilles7

Originally posted by WorkingClassMan

What led up to this, how did she end up on the ground, was she non compliant, was she violent, was she a danger to herself or others.
Ohh no ignore the facts and spew the same old crap "I see & hear police using resisting as an excuse all the time" and then go on to act like you know that is what happened here. Couldn't possibly of been her fault at all she is only a known criminal.
Sorry doesn't go EQUALY both ways, you see the cop has a job to do he has to go there he has to deal with violence he has to be prepared to give his life for the community, YOU don't.

I consider those points as well. But the reality is, there is NO reason for a cop to need to repeatedly punch a suspect who is already on the ground, being held by two other officers. ESPECIALLY if its a 5 foot tall woman.

I see no diff between a man or woman that's just sexist & equal to racist in my book.
How do you make someone who is thrashing about kicking their legs etc submit to being cuffed?
She only needs to get one hand free for 5seconds to stab one of those officers, your unwillingness to use force may have just cost you or your partners life.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by CoolerAbdullah786

Originally posted by WorkingClassMan

I tell you, you have a very funny way of "not defending the cops."

How the hell do we split things up into quotes?
"Go back and read my post you might see I'm not defending the cop just putting forward a different side of things"
First of all my post was in response to a question Debunk that? well on the basis of what has been provided so far consider it debunked for the moment.

"No one is ignoring any facts and you aren't presenting any."
The facts I presented are she was resiting you can see that in the video by her kicking her legs around and having to be punched 8 times just to get cuffs on her. Other facts they are doing a dangerous job, what's she doing?
People jump to the immediate conclusion it was the cops fault, that fact is highlighted by posters here, in a lot of instances police have to act like this TO PROTECT & SERVE fact.

Show me her clear criminal history check, the cops were there for a reason I would assume.
Care to make a wager on whether she has form or not?

"You keep saying that but then you keep saying stuff that sounds exactly like you are defending the cops."
I don't need to defend anyone to see more than one side to a story, but I will concede I suppose I am defending good cops from half arsed vids and immediate it was the cops fault bull$#$ posts.

"No, that's a strawman because I didn't say anything like what you are saying and attempting to attribute to me. I'm not going to defend a position that you invented."
No you basicly insinuate there is never a need for use of force, cops are just brutal thugs and there were other ways to handle the situation & I'm sorry but I stick by the comment u are in fantasy land.

"Actually, no it's not. If I'm not under arrest then there is very little a cop can legally do to me. If I am under arrest then I will gladly be handcuffed and sue the city for false arrest."
So when a cop tells you to exit a vehicle you don't have to comply? when a cop says hands where I can see them you don't have to comply. All those clips of police handcuffing a group of men in a car to control the situation and ascertain whether there is potential for violence or if anyone is armed. They are all breaking the law right?

"Never said they aren't. I also said before that I do not view all cops like I view Thugs With Badges like the cops in this video."
Never said you did but then you go one to draw 100% conclusively on these cops in this situation when you have about 2% of the facts.

"You know what? They took the job. They took on the risk. They know damn well what the job of a police officer entails. Don't like it? Then they shouldn't be cops. Don't like the risk? Don't be a cop. That doesn't give them a carte blanche to beat the crap out of someone or to abuse their authority like we see nationwide on a DAILY BASIS!"

True but thank god they do join otherwise people would be faced with a threat much higher than the one of a cop, the threat of the real thugs of society & they don't have a badge or a law book and I promise you they show no mercy.
They don't punch you 8 times to get you to comply they shoot you in the head & then rob your corpse.
With the automatic judgement of today's society I am amazed anyone is a cop, this is another reason you are seeing more bad cops than good. What are we going to do when all the good guys or everyone period doesn't sign up?
Bring in the military?

"Wow clearly you didn't watch the video that was in reference to. Those weren't cops. They were security guards at a soccer game in England or France. But they were abusing their very limited authority also. And when the brutality on their behalf came out, the people didn't just sit back and let it happen. That will never happen here because people are ignorant of the law and for the most part afraid of the police. Hopefully one day that will change. Hopefully one day the police will do their job and PROTECT AND SERVE, not bully and harass and continue to promote a fascist police state."

I watched it sorry for the cop comment it was a thread about cops but security carry guns too or at least they do here.
Is an angry mob chasing after security guards not breaking the law?

Answer one question how would you subdue someone resisting? You have stated there are all these options that don't involve getting physical what are they.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by WorkingClassMan

Originally posted by stanguilles7

Originally posted by WorkingClassMan

What led up to this, how did she end up on the ground, was she non compliant, was she violent, was she a danger to herself or others.
Ohh no ignore the facts and spew the same old crap "I see & hear police using resisting as an excuse all the time" and then go on to act like you know that is what happened here. Couldn't possibly of been her fault at all she is only a known criminal.
Sorry doesn't go EQUALY both ways, you see the cop has a job to do he has to go there he has to deal with violence he has to be prepared to give his life for the community, YOU don't.

I consider those points as well. But the reality is, there is NO reason for a cop to need to repeatedly punch a suspect who is already on the ground, being held by two other officers. ESPECIALLY if its a 5 foot tall woman.

I see no diff between a man or woman that's just sexist & equal to racist in my book.

Well, your book must have been written by a drooling buffoon.

How do you make someone who is thrashing about kicking their legs etc submit to being cuffed?
With three big cops? You REALLY think they cant hold down an underweight junkie who is 5 feet tall? The world must be a scary place for you


posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by stanguilles7

With three big cops? You REALLY think they cant hold down an underweight junkie who is 5 feet tall? The world must be a scary place for you

"Junkie" being the key term. I've seen a 100lb underage kid fight off three cops and a couple of bouncers before. He seemed immune to pain, and he had super strength because of it. Eventually I held him down while others handcuffed him, and while I was holding him down, he was thrashing about and grinding his face against the pavement, and when we got him in the car he was basically unrecognizable, he had scraped his face beyond recognition! And then, he started trying to kick the windows out of the cop car, and the cop maced him on all that raw flesh, and he finally went into a crying and convulsing fit, but at least he didn't do any more damage to himself or anyone else.

And all of that was over some stupid little argument, he wasn't even guilty of a crime, he was just being asked to leave a teen dance party. But, he flipped out of control and made the situation so much worse.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by stanguilles7

With three big cops? You REALLY think they cant hold down an underweight junkie who is 5 feet tall? The world must be a scary place for you

"Junkie" being the key term. I've seen a 100lb underage kid fight off three cops and a couple of bouncers before. He seemed immune to pain, and he had super strength because of it. Eventually I held him down while others handcuffed him, and while I was holding him down, he was thrashing about and grinding his face against the pavement, and when we got him in the car he was basically unrecognizable, he had scraped his face beyond recognition! And then, he started trying to kick the windows out of the cop car, and the cop maced him on all that raw flesh, and he finally went into a crying and convulsing fit, but at least he didn't do any more damage to himself or anyone else.

And all of that was over some stupid little argument, he wasn't even guilty of a crime, he was just being asked to leave a teen dance party. But, he flipped out of control and made the situation so much worse.

And was the kid at any point already on the ground, being held by three cops?

And no, junkies do not have superhuman strength. Maybe someone on a ton of coke, a teenage boy on meth, but not an underweight street hooker. There is absolutely no reasonable excuse for this cops actions, even if i can have sympathy for his emotions. is emotions have no place in his job, and he should be charged with assault like any other person would be.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by stanguilles7

I agree there is never a cause to punch or strike someone you are arresting. We never hit that kid once. I banged his head on a car, and slammed him to the ground, but I never struck him. Yes, when he was on the ground, with an arm behind his back almost to the point of breaking, and my knee between his shoulder blades, he was still fighting a bouncer and two cops with his other arm, and kicking at them, and trying to get at me which was only doing more damage to him. He was completely within my control, but they were still having a hell of a time getting cuffs on him, and they were still getting kicked and hit.

The super-human strength comes from no concept of pain. Everyone has superhuman strength, but we limit ourselves due to pain and sense. When the drugs dull the concept of pain and common sense, the strength is multiplied several times.

No excuse for hitting a pregnant woman in the back like they did, that was obviously done in anger and retribution, I'm not excusing what they did, I'm just stating that these situations are rarely simple, and you can't go by someone's size or sex, it is difficult to control any junkie.

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