Whether you believe in occult symbolism or not, the fact is occultists do. Understand film (even mainstream tales of youth & comics) is often
metaphor and not always a re-telling of the story and it becomes a carrier wave for programming.
Kubrick hijacked King's "The Shining" and made "Eyes Wide Shut' to tell of his experience that could not be told outright. The film is the director's
interpretation or telling of A story, not necessarily THE story.
So to compare Batman stories to Batman films is fine for fans, to others the films are like a mind virus that can create thought/emotion linkups for
you. You never know that your behavior has changed.
Film inputs are exactly as real life inputs to the human body minus touch and smell. The data enters through the eyes and ears, converts to
electrical signals, creates pictures and within an instant calls to the front pre-programmed feelings and emotions. The new data may alter them,
destroy them or strengthen the connections. The subconscious does this automatically due to the nature of the way we teach our offspring.
Everyone enters in a pure state--much like a computer out of the box. No programs other than basic systems and some tools. Past that it's up to the
operator to upload and utilize new programs.
The difference is, you consciously keep the computer up to date, virus protected, information secure, inputs & outputs firewalled, etc. But with the
human bio computer, we are subject to the first years programming by others (parents, society, culture). By the time the child can think for itself,
it has been conditioned and programmed to conform and obey for the most part. Television is pure mind control when you understand inputs. The
signals enter at a frequency mimicking mild hypnosis. Pretty soon you are engaged and the mind is defenseless unless you get up and flip the
You CANNOT UNDERSTAND THIS unless you physically take a break from all media inputs. Your rational mind will argue the flat-earth as it only
understands what it has been programmed. You literally have to shut off inputs in order to get to a point of understanding how they work.
It's the first step in awareness. Taking control of inputs.
These films are inputs. Just like every word, every noise, every sensory input piece of data that we filter.
What happens during a Denial of Service Attack? Data overload. Too many requests for processing. What happens, system shuts down. Well the mind
can shut down for a lifetime while the body lives a programmed life. Add to this the programming power and adaptability of the human mind and the
lack of firewalls and controls and it becomes a playground for others manipulations. Eat Cheetos lately? How's all that corn you're eating on a
daily basis? Walking around with a couple dozen extra pounds on? Well everywhere you turn shouts "FOOD!".
Boredom is the least understood feeling. It is the mind craving attention. Learn to quiet this function and you start to control inputs. Keep it up
and it will bring a peace that surpasses all understanding.
They haven't been able to connect the dots to get to the core of human wiring and programming to where the information is accessible and usable to the
general population. But when you cut to the core of understanding how emotions tie to thoughts and flesh out reality, if you are willing to undergo
some ego re-training (everything's a mirror, everyone is your guru, they know no what they do, feelings/emotions are indicators not movies to be
relived, etc) the ego acquiesces to soul/spirit/awareness. Things change.
Eyes are wide shut but as the lists get longer and the Mark Lombardi's continue to draw lines, the eyes slowly open and beliefs need to be confronted.
Belief is the key as it is the catalyst for creation. It doesn't matter if belief is true or false to the individual who programs or was programmed
with the belief. It becomes the instruction set. Change beliefs, change programming. Control beliefs, control programming.
edit on 21-7-2012
by elmoastro because: (no reason given)