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Al-Qaida Suspect Arrested After Visiting Olympic Site Area 5 Times in One Day

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posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 06:56 AM

Originally posted by OtherSideOfTheCoin
Why do people on ATS find it so hard to understand history and see for themselves that terrorists are real and want to attack at the west. They Olympics is a ideal target for these deranged individuals.

If there is a terrorist attack during the upcoming Olympics it will not be a false flag.

There are some very bad people out there we call “terrorists” who want to do us harm, stop cowering under your duvets denying their existence to help you sleep better at night. Claiming that terrorists are actually the CIA or MI6 is just cowardly in my view.

Would you call a friendly state a terrorist? I would if they use people to attack my nation and fellow citizens.

We know there are several states around the world who have used terrorist cells to carry out their dirty work and "convince" other nations to do what they need them to do.

Who can forget the Israeli assassination team who used stolen British citizen identities to murder a man in a hotel? That's a friendly state for you - using the identities of your own citizens to hide murder on behalf of the state.

Does anyone really think that was the first time Israel had done that? Seriously?

It's not exactly hard for a cell to be hijacked when they've been monitored by a state for several years. And once a state has control of them they can get them to carry out whatever they need.

Yes, there are people planning things. But I'll admit that I am far more concerned by the state-backed groups out there acting on behalf of a nation that wants to use our governments as their puppets.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by OtherSideOfTheCoin
Why do people on ATS find it so hard to understand history and see for themselves that terrorists are real and want to attack at the west. They Olympics is a ideal target for these deranged individuals.

If there is a terrorist attack during the upcoming Olympics it will not be a false flag.

There are some very bad people out there we call “terrorists” who want to do us harm, stop cowering under your duvets denying their existence to help you sleep better at night. Claiming that terrorists are actually the CIA or MI6 is just cowardly in my view.

Why? I can answer that, and you can always comfort yourself with the fact that very often(Although not always as there are very factual and Scientific conspiracists, too), the people usually spewing that stuff(that there are no such thing as non-American Terrorists and that evil just cannot exist without American influense), do not really believe it themselves in their heart, and that is also the very reason why they are diving their heads in the sand as soon as something disproves their version of the big bad scapegoat they have carefully invented. Pretty much in the same way that inquisitors during Medieval times screamed "Blasphemy" if anyone questioned their tactics and their version of the root of all evil. Or, like members of the Westboro Baptist Church and do the same if someone points out the hypocrisy of the teachings in the Old Testament.

In short, some people just need something to hate and/or blame for the crap the happens in life, and, as they have been carefully touted throughout their lives that if they, as in the case of Islamist Terrorism, even as much as questions anything non-Western, any less criticize, then they are racists. So their only option is to invent a "Politically Correct" Scapegoat for all the bad, which, in this case, paradoxically gets to be the West and its forces.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by seabag

I think its the truth but what I want to kow is 'why are they letting him get so close?'

Are they testing Security?

Or maybe they want to know if he has any associates?

Either way, its getting pretty close now and if there are others about (which the media keep saying there are because they come and go to terrorist camps)..... then they need to be detained!!

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by sonnny1

Terrorism, and their groups have been held in relative check. They have something to prove. The biggest stage , for them to work from, would be the Olympics. What "they" don't understand is this. If they do try to pull off a terrorist attack, at the Olympics, Country's that have not felt the sting of Terrorism, will feel obligated to root these people from the planet. Maybe more Countries will get involved, instead of tiptoeing around it, in fear of reprisals.MHO


Originally posted by projectvxn
reply to post by Numbers33four

If conspiracy theorists didn't have to bend over backwards to make Alex Jones logic sound plausible I'd give it far more credence. I've been around the block of conspiracy theory several times now. And it's the same crap every time.

Oh you've been around the block? Apparently you still missed a lot and should go around it some more

To both of these posts, especially to the first one, I have only one question; WHY????? WHY WHY WHY.

Why would ANY terrorist group find it a great idea to offend as many countries as possible, to some even every country on the planet?? To me this just makes less sense than false flags, there are clear motives and actual RESULTS. What are the results for the supposed terrorists? Death and destruction of what they stand for, the country they grew up in, lived in,... their family, friends,... and of their past and future? Nice, I'll go with the more logical reasoning of governments who need a tighter grip on their own people and thus need to invent fake enemies to protect said people against, makes a lot more sense than anything you can invent to explain why terrorists are that stupid.

The first quoted post sums it up nicely... They attack the olympics, every nation is affected, they all want the total annihilation of said terrorist groups and the countries they belong to.

Does this seem logical to ANYONE on ATS? Anyone here who, to accomplish their goal, though I still don't know what the goal of supposed terrorists might be, would turn the entire globe against them, only to have themselves destroyed? Anyone here care to explain it to me??? Because I already stopped understanding after 9/11, some group attacks the US only to have their countries invaded and their organization dismantled piece by piece? Does this really sound clever to anyone? Would an organization that is too retarded to figure out the entire globe will eventually want their destruction, even be able to come up with complicated schemes like this??? Let alone something as big as 9/11??

No, I do NOT believe in terrorism, I do believe there are people that are stupid enough to do horrible things for their cause, but I refuse to believe that they would be big enough, and big enough of an idiot, to try and attack an event where every nation of the planet is represented, and not expect those nations to seek revenge. If and when someone can explain how this can be logically reasoned, I will reevaluate my position, but until then, terrorism is nothing but a big joke and people are too gullible to accept that some people really are that stupid, because you really have to be f*cking brainddead to not realize that terrorism only hurts terrorists in the long run.

Either they are capable of planning all these attacks and thus they are smart enough to realize that they will be the victims eventually, or they are not, and neither capable of planning such huge attacks.

Oh and to the last post I quoted; I'm not a "conspiracy theorist", I'm a conspiracy realist, when something doesn't make sense but is accepted as truth, I question it.
edit on 9/7/12 by ThisIsNotReality because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/7/12 by ThisIsNotReality because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/7/12 by ThisIsNotReality because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by NightchildIn short, some people just need something to hate and/or blame for the crap the happens in life, and, as they have been carefully touted throughout their lives that if they, as in the case of Islamist Terrorism, even as much as questions anything non-Western, any less criticize, then they are racists. So their only option is to invent a "Politically Correct" Scapegoat for all the bad, which, in this case, paradoxically gets to be the West and its forces.

Nice, this also applies to you, as you need something or someone to blame just as well, only you blame it on supposed arabs that want your freedom
Bad news buddy, those goals your terrorists have? Guess who is accomplishing them
There, you just found your REAL terrorists.

"Hello people, this is your government speaking. Terrorists have been planning to attack us because they hate our freedom. Therefor, we are just going to give them what they want. That will be all."

"Oh noes, they won't stop! Quickly, we need to give up more freedom! More I tell you! And more police on the streets! And everyone is a suspect now!"

How can you people even start believing that "they want your freedom", when the only people taking away your freedom, are those that warn you it's being taken away from you??? Like telling an infant "the boogie monster will come steal your money at night, might as well give it to me for protection!", you people believing these ricidulous stories would probably give your money too.

I know who is taking my freedom, and it's NOT terrorists.

(The rest of your post doesn't make any sense... When has anyone been accused of being a racist for calling someone a terrorist???
Are you making things up to prove your point? If so, I'm not going to join you, I like facts and logical thinking. And how is believing in conspiracies "politically correct"??
You really crack me up, good stuff, you should write satirical comedy )
edit on 9/7/12 by ThisIsNotReality because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/7/12 by ThisIsNotReality because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by seabag

Or the third one that immediately popped into my head is that hes falsely accused and "suspected al qaeda"? Wtf? Im sure they think im a terrorist too, i like taking pictures under bridges...

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by Connman
Ok if this is true why jump on confronting him for now. They are obviously following the guy or should be. Why not wait and catch him with some hard evidence or even others in the group?

You know let them think it`s all good till he tries something. Otherwise they know to get on with plan B now.
edit on 7/8/2012 by Connman because: changed arresting to confronting

If you have heard of '7/7' you will know that letting them get on with their thing and pounce later isn't such a good strategy.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 12:16 PM
Not trying any inciting hatred or religious animosity here but....

There are religions on this planet, of which there are millions of followers that believe their religions word that those that aren't of the same religion are their enemy and additionally, and not least ''not worthy of life'' and as such see it as their duty for ''ridding the world of them''.

I have said this in nice terms.

The biggest failure of the Western world recently is presuming the rest of the non Christian world have the same Christian based values.

The Western world's laws and culture is based on Christian law and until very recently was completely governed by religion and Church, which controlled all aspects of life, including houses, taxes, marriage and all things legal.

A lot of other places still are ruled by their religions and 'churches' but their ideology is not the same as Christian.

Imagine this conversation between a Christian, a Jew and a Muslim

Christian ''Jesus was born a Jew, is the Messiah and was crucified for the sins of man''

Jew ''Jesus was a false Messiah''

Muslim ''Jesus was a Muslim and wasn't crucified''

These are vastly differing views and each believes theirs as being true and some believe their own religion as the only truth and those that aren't of this opinion not worthy of life.

While so many people are pandering around the religion issue, for fear of offending, the TRUTH of the matter should be known.

I have had these conversations, and my views on religion are varied and scientific as well as spiritual whilst not blindly tied to any specific religion.
edit on 9-7-2012 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 01:51 PM
If the threat of this person was credible the intel would have been much more valuable if he'd been tagged and tracked and left to think he'd succeeded, probably a journalist looking for a security story to spin imo.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by seabag

why would you visit it FIVES times?

what is there to see 5 times?

is the the guy a retard?

must be a retard.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by ThisIsNotReality

Why would ANY terrorist group find it a great idea to offend as many countries as possible, to some even every country on the planet??

Because it’s an easy target and an easy way to get attention. If you define terrorism as the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims then what better place to get global attention than the Olympics? It wouldn’t be the first time.

The 1972 Munich attack was about the release of Palestinian prisoners:

The demands of the terrorist group Black September were:
the release of 234 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails and two more in prison in Germany as well as insurance be transferred to Egypt.

The 1996 Atlanta attack was a lunatic pissed off at the government over abortion, among other things.

In Atlanta, Georgia, the XXVI Summer Olympiad is disrupted by the explosion of a nail-laden pipe bomb in Centennial Olympic Park. The bombing, which occurred during a free concert, killed a mother who had brought her daughter to hear the rock music and injured more than 100 others, including a Turkish cameraman who suffered a fatal heart attack after the blast. Police were warned of the bombing in advance, but the bomb exploded before the anonymous caller said it would, leading authorities to suspect that the law enforcement officers who descended on the park were indirectly targeted.

I could see Al-Qaida using the 2012 Olympics as a big stage to create terror. After all, they bomb everything else!

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 04:08 PM
Of course Al-Qaida is in London, they are all done "liberating" Libya with the UN.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

Are there really people still this brainwashed and unaware? Are you serious?

"Al Qaida" are CIA puppets. They are not REAL. Terrorism is a lie (for the most part).

Don't we all know this by now... FFS..

Patsies and the stories are being setup now for the FALSE FLAG EVENT. Period. It's obvious.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by ThisIsNotReality

Why would ANY terrorist group find it a great idea to offend as many countries as possible, to some even every country on the planet??

Because it’s an easy target and an easy way to get attention. If you define terrorism as the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims then what better place to get global attention than the Olympics? It wouldn’t be the first time.

The 1972 Munich attack was about the release of Palestinian prisoners:

The demands of the terrorist group Black September were:
the release of 234 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails and two more in prison in Germany as well as insurance be transferred to Egypt.

The 1996 Atlanta attack was a lunatic pissed off at the government over abortion, among other things.

In Atlanta, Georgia, the XXVI Summer Olympiad is disrupted by the explosion of a nail-laden pipe bomb in Centennial Olympic Park. The bombing, which occurred during a free concert, killed a mother who had brought her daughter to hear the rock music and injured more than 100 others, including a Turkish cameraman who suffered a fatal heart attack after the blast. Police were warned of the bombing in advance, but the bomb exploded before the anonymous caller said it would, leading authorities to suspect that the law enforcement officers who descended on the park were indirectly targeted.

I could see Al-Qaida using the 2012 Olympics as a big stage to create terror. After all, they bomb everything else!

You ignored 90% of my post
I shall try again;

What do they get out of it besides political recognition (can we even call it that?) and their own guaranteed destruction? Does this sound like a good deal for going through such an ordeal? Not to me...

Again, the only one who reaps the benefits is the government... Bye bye freedom, the terrorists wanted it, the government got it, and that's the bottom line, no matter how much you try to talk your way out of it, terrorists, whether they are real or not, get what they want, period.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by phroziac

Actually mate it's common here in the UK now.

If you happen to fit a particular stereotype you will get publicly accused of terrorism before anything else, much like the 7 folks who got caught recently with a cache weapons in their car and house.

So as no surprise the news was plastered with the word terrorist for a day, and then we hear sweet F all about it...why? Because when something has jack # to do with terrorism in the UK this is what happens, the news is quietly forgotten.

What the public doesn't hear is how these guys were just criminals, dangerous ones, but criminals no less who conveniently play their part in instilling fear in the general public prior to the Olympics.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by seabag

There are two ways to look at this latest story:

1) The stage has been set for the coming false flag attack, dry runs are underway and patsies are being chosen – or –

2) There really are fanatical Muslim terrorist’s hell bent on killing westerners and British authorities did a fine job foiling this recent plot.

Which is it, ATS? Is the threat from radical Muslims real or is this simply TPTB misleading us?
(visit the link for the full news article)

Does it have to be an either/or? I'm amazed at some of the, let's just say "muddled" thinking that goes on sometime. There are very serious and capable Islamist terrorists who seriously want to destroy Western culture. There are also seriously demented people in western governments who would like to perpetrate an "Islamist" attack in order to have a 10 kiloton airburst over Mecca. These are not mutually exclusive positions. Probably, planning for both are occuring as I write this. Conspiracy theories do need to be examined, but there are real, serious, overt dangers from the very people your governments are telling you to fear. Don't be simpletons!

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by ProphetOfZeal
reply to post by sonnny1

Are there really people still this brainwashed and unaware? Are you serious?

"Al Qaida" are CIA puppets. They are not REAL. Terrorism is a lie (for the most part).

Don't we all know this by now... FFS..

Patsies and the stories are being setup now for the FALSE FLAG EVENT. Period. It's obvious.

You seriously need to find your meds or something that gives your life meaning. Something that gives you enough energy to move out of mom's basement. You speak with such overwelming certainty, you must be either Prophet or Fool.
edit on 9/7/12 by taskforce4256 because: misspelled word.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by taskforce4256

Originally posted by ProphetOfZeal
reply to post by sonnny1

Are there really people still this brainwashed and unaware? Are you serious?

"Al Qaida" are CIA puppets. They are not REAL. Terrorism is a lie (for the most part).

Don't we all know this by now... FFS..

Patsies and the stories are being setup now for the FALSE FLAG EVENT. Period. It's obvious.

You seriously need to find your meds or something that gives your life meaning. Something that gives you enough energy to move out of mom's basement. You speak with such overwhelming certainty, you must be either Prophet or Fool.
edit on 9/7/12 by taskforce4256 because: misspelled word.

I need to find my meds because I'm saying Al Qaida is not real? Because terrorism has been a lie for the most part? haha. News for you, gtfo from under that rock and wake up to reality, because the awake and aware ones know this, so get with the program, that goes for any other brainwashed people in here. And I sound so sure because it's the cold hard truth, it should be obvious now to the planet that we've been deceived about terrorists and Al Qaida, but there are still asleep and zombified people out there living under a rock, such as yourself, so this is the on going dilemma..


The London Olympics huge false flage event is coming, and all you will do is believe the governemnt when they claim it was evil muslim terrorists.. Poor souls.. This is what we're up against..
edit on 9-7-2012 by ProphetOfZeal because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by taskforce4256

Does it have to be an either/or? I'm amazed at some of the, let's just say "muddled" thinking that goes on sometime. There are very serious and capable Islamist terrorists who seriously want to destroy Western culture. There are also seriously demented people in western governments who would like to perpetrate an "Islamist" attack in order to have a 10 kiloton airburst over Mecca. These are not mutually exclusive positions. Probably, planning for both are occuring as I write this. Conspiracy theories do need to be examined, but there are real, serious, overt dangers from the very people your governments are telling you to fear. Don't be simpletons!

So it’s not either/or but both? Fair enough! No need for name calling. I simply opened the topic for discussion and provided two scenarios. I have made no claims as to what’s going on.

You may be right! Then again, maybe you’re just playing it safe by claiming it’s both that way you’ll be right either way if something happens; one of the two may actually conduct some operation and the other’s culpability will also be questioned by some conspiracy minded people. After all, you really cannot ‘prove’ innocence.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by seabag

If I'm not ready for anything that happens, I'm not ready for anything at all! I've done this for a living for 23 years, and I've got to tell you, you must plan for every eventuality. The one not considered is the "false Flag" for obvious reasons. That doesn't mean it wouldn't happen though.

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