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The Coming Trials: What Happens Next?

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posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by sled735

Thank you Sled735

I had been asked about David Walick (if I have spelled that right) and up until you posted the video, I did not know he was. You are most timely and instructive. Thank you.


posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 03:04 AM
reply to post by Aronolac


I would be very interested in more information regarding homo-spiritus and how they will behave as young children. I am extremely impressed with your responses, my partner is due to give birth to our second child (a girl) on the 21st July. The dream i mentioned occurred about a year ago.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 03:37 AM
Thank you..

when I read the reply by manotia. I really did see how real that name is. its gone from my mouth.
What if I can say thats as your contacts are real. I really think mine are too. but I call them Angels.
mainly because I can see the souls in each of us and even those on our shoulders. I do have an angel on my right and an angel on my left. the one on my right is angelic in nature. the one on my left of angelic of human nature. I met them once in my life and went through an act of self realization.

The man or god in the west went by first man and the women in the east went by first lady. kindly not giving there names. I'm suppose to wait for a return by them. they visited me at least twice in my life and even though i call them angels and gods and goddesses is because thats who they are to us.
their first appearance to me, I didn't know their names, but they came as celestial beings. It was the second time they came I gave a name or they gave me their name.

Is Urantia another name for their realm. I learned about the book and found it in it's entirety on a .org site. if the book came from the first beginning of the 20th century from chicago. They would of been mediums and psychics who revealed these pages of Urantia.

I know who you mean by the magisterial son. CM who I call LM. and I really want to say ive met him. but I met him in the manner that I know him as.

I once had a dream I was on another realm or planet like ours. but it was different, Tjhe adults were fearing a return of Christ and the children were as adult are in their mindset. what makes this dream different is prior to waking up I entered a transporter that was like three circles shaped in a trinity form and looked like phonebooths but with chairs. boom I woke up. The place even had an amazing castle I saw from a distance.

thank you for realizing im a servant. that makes me feel special. The heavenly father, universal father or the universal parents who i mentioned above. you even wrote what they did with me when they were here. 2002 and 2008. im just praying a 2015 return though if religion and i would be connected lets hope or not hope the father shortened the time.

though this could just be with me, ive been given signs my whole life. and now I get a computer this last tuesday and look where i am havent owned a pc since beginning of 2009.

Love is missing from the population as a whole, but a little secret I do know is that Goddess Love is still with us.
I know I know Ive messed up a lot in life always trying to better myself and i lose at times in ways i wish i didnt.

honestly ive been a single man the whole thirty years ive been here. fallen in love a few times, and even met an angel that one of the universal parents introduced me too. man and woman is equal from the top chain to the bottom.
If the hope i have coming from the center of my nose is good, then I am happy right now.

you know maybe i dont need to read the Urantia papers to understand, I just know wisdom is gained from knowledge and knowledge gain is given in wisdom. from a tongue thats speaks honestly an enitire life time.

from you sir who dont know me from adam. you sure know where my life led
Im always a discrimator among men. because we act so low. but thank you. like i said some reason i dont know you from adam, but im glad i met you in these words.

please write back and dont take me for a schizo, i write as i go an dont look back. spilling my secrets on the internet may be good may have bad outcome. Its not important to me please tell your angel Hi and Thank you and just in case she knows salena or voilet or bobby, ask her if she can tell them hi EV3.

Im not gonna be scared or reread i am just gonna hit reply.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 04:23 AM
I started reading this thread because of peculiar events that have been happening to and around me for years and years, but which seem to have begun accelerating around 8 years ago, and are still accelerating. I've muddled through the entire thread, much of which I can't make heads or tails of, other than it appears there are two opposing sides in the thread, each of which believes themselves "right", and they can be terribly civil in disagreement.

One thing that both appear to agree upon is that for folks like me, the end is nigh and we will simply cease to exist, will no longer "be". We won't pass Go nor collect our 200 dollars. Now to be brutally honest, I'm OK with that. I didn't ask for this anyhow.

What I'd like to know from the OP is why your spirits or whatever they are seem to think the I need to end. I've done nothing to them, and can't figure out why I should meet my dark at the hands of some celestial bureaucracy - especially after all these years of what appeared to be some sort of training or prep for... something... I know not what. I'm sure you can understand my confusion there - to undergo all that, only to find that it's been prep for... nothingness. Seriously, how prepared would one need to be to simply not "be" in an instant?

One other question, and I'll leave you be. Do your spirits have any idea of what these others are which hang out around my house, and why the devil they hang out there? They don't bother me in the least - I only see or feel them in fleeting glimpses, acknowledge that there's something there, and go on about my business no harm done, but they scare the bejesus out of the women folk there.

I don't see numbers everywhere I look, but one of the women does. She see "11:11", and has her own notions of why that is. The only time I see it is when she points it out to me. I did run into the Urantia Book around 1988, and found it to be curious. Nether malignant nor benign, neither harmful nor helpful, just curious.

edit on 2012/7/9 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 06:25 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

The reason she sees 11 11 is that she is aware of it, probably because she is talking about it with people.Same as if I talk about red cars. I guarantee I'll start seeing heaps of them.

Why don't you try it. Tomorrow, think of something, anything. Women wearing head scarves for example. I reckon you will have an increase in frequency of seeing them.

I mentioned a lot earlier that the words all seemed like fluff and to the OP's credit, he tried to answer me but he answered me with, imo, more fluff so I decided not to feed his need for fluffing. I am still profoundly amazed that people can string together paragraph after paragraph of this stuff (oops fluff) .

In all honesty OP, you have a gift. A real special talent. I know I could never be able to even put one fluffy sentence together.

Oh well. If, as neno implies, those who aren't "in your groove" will just blink out, then wow what an amazing way to go, I'll treasure that feeling for the rest of my nothingness. I didn't want to hang around anyway to see my beautiful wife or my kids or my kids pets (cats and dogs and birds) that end up becoming like family, kick the bucket. It has been bad enough having to deal with losing mum and dad a few years back. No more feeling the grief of loss thanks. Blinking out sounds good bring it on. But alas, I think that the fluff is just that.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by Aronolac

Okay, let me play too, then. These questions should be easy.

1. What is the impetus for the orbit? This should e a one word answer, and it should be extremely specific.

2. What is the unifying attribute that isolates one full Informational Continuum from another full Informational Continuum? This should be a one-sentence answer, and it should be extremely specific.

3. What is the true physical "role" of the actual being that Earth's humanity has termed with the English language word "Man" - within its own unique (and erroneous) interpretation of the data that exists within the universal whole - relative to why this specific reality confine that we exist within came into existence? This answer can be answered in a single sentence, if all you want to do is prove to me that your channeled source has any idea what's happening on the macro level. In other words, you don't concern whether anyone else "gets it" when you reply.

4. What is the actual definition of the theological/cultural staple "The Day of Judgement" - again, referring to what is stated within the available residual data that exists concerning why our own specific reality confine exists?" Again, this is a control question to ascertain whether or not your sources are authentic and/or have full knowledge of the larger plan for this reality confine. I'm not expecting you to teach the other readers here about this event, since it's not necessary or helpful, especially given the medium and specific platform we're working with here.

All I want is to get a better idea concerning who it is that you're involved with. If they are of any significance at all, they'll know the exact answers to these 4 questions, and will readily provide them to you. If not, then whomever it is that's pestering you is just another wannabe human that never amounted to sh*t in this realm, and is trying to be "somebody" as a result of having figured out how to plant information within your brain's incoming data stream. That sort of thing happens and it happens a lot. No one wants to be average, and that doesn't change after they've tossed the corpse into the box. It never ends for most people.

Thanks for your indulgence, and I await your answers.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by NorEaster

(22.1) 1:0.4 This magnificent and universal injunction to strive for the attainment of the perfection of divinity is the first duty, and should be the highest ambition, of all the struggling creature creation of the God of perfection. This possibility of the attainment of divine perfection is the final and certain destiny of all man’s eternal spiritual progress

(22.3) 1:0.6 This is the true meaning of that divine command, “Be you perfect, even as I am perfect,”

i'll keep reading but is is your answer to mans destiny journey. in urantia
edit on 9-7-2012 by RadioHawken because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

Hello Nenothtu,

You write:

N: One thing that both appear to agree upon is that for folks like me, the end is nigh and we will simply cease to exist, will no longer "be". We won't pass Go nor collect our 200 dollars. Now to be brutally honest, I'm OK with that. I didn't ask for this anyhow.

Aronolac: In all likely hood those strong statements of "no longer be" are not meant for you. The cleansing referred to is directly related to the Lucifer rebellion which occurred on this planet 250,000 years ago. While the sentence handed down by the Uversa courts (the universe has something akin to our Supreme Court, and Uversa is the capital home of our galactic systems) finished the evil doers, there were millions and millions of his followers who remained on earth. Those who remained were of the eternal nature but a great deal less than what you call God. These millions and millions have received notice they may no longer reside here and for those who will not accept retraining, they can no longer serve. It is yet an open question as to whether they will become as though they never were. Please do not be so harsh on yourself. If you only knew what is about to open to you, I think you would be the first to openly embrace the new times.

N: What I'd like to know from the OP is why your spirits or whatever they are seem to think the I need to end. I've done nothing to them, and can't figure out why I should meet my dark at the hands of some celestial bureaucracy - especially after all these years of what appeared to be some sort of training or prep for... something... I know not what. I'm sure you can understand my confusion there - to undergo all that, only to find that it's been prep for... nothingness. Seriously, how prepared would one need to be to simply not "be" in an instant?

Aronolac: You have done nothing to cause problems to you in the way you seem to think you are targeted "to end". I have it directly from your indwelling spirit, the Father himself who loves you, that your life has been pristine compared to most others who have your character on this planet. You are being prepared to be received on high as a new man and a new body which will have all the vigor of the old one. You will retain your memory of this time in the flesh, and you will be reintroduced to your heart throb of many years ago. Life is yours. Enjoy it!

N: One other question, and I'll leave you be. Do your spirits have any idea of what these others are which hang out around my house, and why the devil they hang out there? They don't bother me in the least - I only see or feel them in fleeting glimpses, acknowledge that there's something there, and go on about my business no harm done, but they scare the bejesus out of the women folk there.

Aronolac: Yep. We do know what you have hanging around your house. This company you have around are the remnants of a family that died in a fire. They love the house you live in and they are happy to leave you alone. The group of former humans who are now clothed in their soul forms have been contacted by the angelic services in charge of looking after the soul when it departs the body, and each of them have been given a task to perform by asking themselves how they wish to live in the afterlife. All have indicated they will be wanting a new life away from the house. The request for all of them will be honored, and within a year, your guests will be gone. Please be patient and understanding of their need to be heard and seen among your house guests, and they mean no harm whatsoever.

N: I don't see numbers everywhere I look, but one of the women does. She see "11:11", and has her own notions of why that is. The only time I see it is when she points it out to me. I did run into the Urantia Book around 1988, and found it to be curious. Nether malignant nor benign, neither harmful nor helpful, just curious.

Aronolac: Mind prompts that are variously seen as 1111 or 222 or 333 have their purpose. If one of the women has her own view of the meaning to her, then she probably has a very good idea what she has to do. There is absolutely no harm in any of it and you all may relax. You are in good hands.

Thank you

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by NorEaster

Hello NorEaster,

You write:

1. What is the impetus for the orbit? This should e a one word answer, and it should be extremely specific.

Aronolac: I am afraid this means nothing to me. If you speak of the universe, one answer is "mass".

2. What is the unifying attribute that isolates one full Informational Continuum from another full Informational Continuum? This should be a one-sentence answer, and it should be extremely specific.

Aronolac: Again, it means nothing to me per se. If by continuum you mean space, that would be a one word answer.

3. What is the true physical "role" of the actual being that Earth's humanity has termed with the English language word "Man" - within its own unique (and erroneous) interpretation of the data that exists within the universal whole - relative to why this specific reality confine that we exist within came into existence? This answer can be answered in a single sentence, if all you want to do is prove to me that your channeled source has any idea what's happening on the macro level. In other words, you don't concern whether anyone else "gets it" when you reply.

Aronolac: I nor those who counsel me know not what you are attempting to do with this. We do know the purpose of our little planet, but not sure you know. The destiny of this planet is to become an architectural world as a sub-satellite to other architectural worlds (built to order). This will not be realized for millennia.

4. What is the actual definition of the theological/cultural staple "The Day of Judgement" - again, referring to what is stated within the available residual data that exists concerning why our own specific reality confine exists?" Again, this is a control question to ascertain whether or not your sources are authentic and/or have full knowledge of the larger plan for this reality confine. I'm not expecting you to teach the other readers here about this event, since it's not necessary or helpful, especially given the medium and specific platform we're working with here.

Aronolac: The Day of Judgement is truly a misnomer. Judgement is critical to cleanse the misappropriation of spiritual and material resources on the planet, and it actually proceeds at once and in split seconds of your time. Judgement is a critical answer to the need for justice and the reappearance of the Creator Son on your planet. The one known as Jesus will reappear before long in the same manner he was bestowed over 2,000 years ago, and in that reappearance he will appear to be the man he was when he left the sphere through the ignominious practice of crucifixion. That appearance will be much like a sunburned Palestinian of today. Jesus does not judge, but the Day of Judgement will proceed Jesus as called by his Paradise brother, the Magisterial Son. You have no mention of these Sons in your Bible, but they exist in the millions and with the Magisterial Son will come several more Magisterial Sons to judge the planet and the people thereon.

All I want is to get a better idea concerning who it is that you're involved with. If they are of any significance at all, they'll know the exact answers to these 4 questions, and will readily provide them to you. If not, then whomever it is that's pestering you is just another wannabe human that never amounted to sh*t in this realm, and is trying to be "somebody" as a result of having figured out how to plant information within your brain's incoming data stream. That sort of thing happens and it happens a lot. No one wants to be average, and that doesn't change after they've tossed the corpse into the box. It never ends for most people.

Aronolac: I do not mind providing you sources if that is of some help to you. My immediate supervisor is the Seraphim (an order of angels) Manotia. She has been created a Seraphim and works as a Seraphim for about 1 billion years of service to her Creator, the Divine Minister of Nebadon. She serves all of this universe and has completed her graduation from Havona, the near-time universe of perfection surrounding Paradise. In service to me as a counselor, I also have the midwayer DEF 14. She has been in service to the Creator since her birth on this planet 35,000 years ago. Her grandparents were the Material Son and Daughter of assignment to upgrade the genetics of the planet to improve the species. I have others who come in and provide me specific information when questions arise about individual circumstances. I have been granted interviews with the central God lodgement of several questioners on this thread through the central clearing for Adjusters(Indwellings). Further I have access to the records of some individuals on a need-to-know basis. I am provided the services of a reflectivator of the Seconophim volunteers who make ready the circuit I hear these messages. And many more.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by jrmcleod

Homo Spiritus is a genetic mutation for the improvement of the human species on this planet.

There are many and interesting facts that could be related to this new species now appearing in considerable numbers, and they appear to be like homo sapiens but for one specific difference visible to the eye. In that they contain the seed of divinity beyond the ability of homo sapiens to acquire, they exhibit a tinge of violet around the face area when about fourteen. As they age, their appearance becomes a definite hue of violet due to the extra chromosome that now appears in the human genome. This extra chromosome will probably be the marker science will finally be able to determine that a new species has emerged onto the planet.

Some have already named this appearance the Indigo children, and they are children of great promise, but Homo Spiritus goes one step beyond the Indigo child in genetics by becoming subject to antecedent cause residing in the Ancients of Days, the Trinity rulers. No one can predict just what this means to our planet and to our civilizations, but we are assured that its impact will be astounding when Homo Spiritus becomes the dominant man alive.

Plato and Aristotle both idealized the idea of philosopher kings in their teachings. Plato in particular thought they need to be of the divine order. But that is not permitted on an evolutionary sphere because that would make governments artificial and the culture non sustainable since it is man himself who must learn how to be leaders and doers on the worlds of time. Homo Spiritus will be capable of becoming statesmen and leaders of unusual breadth and depth when their time comes. The Magisterial Son estimates that it could take up to 300 years from today for them to dominate the population, but dominate it they will.

History will have to write those future chapters as to just what the new species can do and how they did it. I would also like to add that many homo sapiens alive right now are being converted to have the same capacity to lead as homo spiritus will have, and this is done through genetic manipulation and other means.

I hope this has provided you so idea what is at work and what is at hand even today.

Thank you

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by Aronolac

Don't listen to those idiots any longer. If they can't answer those very simple and primordial questions, then they're frauds that are having some fun with you. Seriously. Those were only four among dozens of very specific information staples that the folks in charge see as critical to the reason why this entire reality confine was brought into existence. This planet is less than nothing in significance, and is only a blip due to the emergence of the Homo Sapiens brain (and the capability of it to create human beings - such as this version of human beings are, of course). The creating of human beings is being accomplished throughout this and the many other universes within this reality confine, so the idea that this planet is "ground zero" for anything of importance is ludicrous. Your pals seem to be bored and yearning for some drama. And why not? Human beings are what they are, on this side of the veil as well as on that side of the veil. Must be a slow TV season.

Do what you want, but I'm very satisfied that since they had, and still have, no clue concerning the significance of those question - let alone the very easy and specific answers - then they're idiots who are feeding you will pure bullsh*t. You'll find out soon enough, but I thought I'd settle that matter for myself at least.

I hate seeing people deal with this sort of inter-realm horseplay, and from what I suspect, the folks on that side of the veil are getting fed up with it too. Thanks for indulging me.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by NorEaster

Dude. do not call me an idiots. your post stopped right there. So yea I jumped in an answered one of your questions. And im a fruad maybe you go back and read all my posts and replies. I just learned of urantia, like 2 days ago. You wanted the answer from the written source. I gave it in my comment above. It's in the first page of the book.
dude honest answer to mans existence is that in itself "existence.
PS Im a gentile who believes in the WORDS of the BIBLE. but my mind is an open book.

PS. i went back to read. basically your an athiest and your means for man is "to let live and let die."
i know im correct now

why ask for his source when he probably very well knew you were playing him like you did me.

Do your deity tell you my answer was wrong. or whats your answer..if its that simple. instead of a sentence I gave you a word. exist or not to exist. mans answer.


I apologize.


Even though I've never read the depth of a book like urantia. I will let you know when I am done. may take a while going on page 3. soon out of 196. that is a whole lot of wording.

I realize the concept your coming from and I realize where manotia comes from and I would pray my deities also are/or angels come from the same source as Manotia.
I honestly want what wisdom you could offer me, but the heavenly/universal father and as of now seeking my deity and/or adjuster.
You know scripting was a stop up from hearing them in my mind. i could do with pen or finger. but yea maybe i need to fall back a step to step forward twice.
Iknow Urantia is where the heart is, thats my pun to you.

If I could give you my email I want to I dont see private messaging on here. so that kinda stinks.

thank you.
edit on 9-7-2012 by RadioHawken because: reread reply post

edit on 9-7-2012 by RadioHawken because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by RadioHawken

Are you one of this guy's channeled spirit managers? Really? I'm amazed. I didn't expect one of you guys to start posting here on your own.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by RadioHawken
reply to post by NorEaster

(22.1) 1:0.4 This magnificent and universal injunction to strive for the attainment of the perfection of divinity is the first duty, and should be the highest ambition, of all the struggling creature creation of the God of perfection. This possibility of the attainment of divine perfection is the final and certain destiny of all man’s eternal spiritual progress

(22.3) 1:0.6 This is the true meaning of that divine command, “Be you perfect, even as I am perfect,”

i'll keep reading but is is your answer to mans destiny journey. in urantia
edit on 9-7-2012 by RadioHawken because: (no reason given)

This stuff doesn't answer any of the questions I posed. I didn't even notice you'd tried to take them on, but now that I do know, I can see that your spirit handlers are no better than his are. If you had God on the line, or any of the in-the-know "celestial creatures guiding you, they'd have made sure that I wasn't able to stump you on what should be extremely simple existential staples that - to be fair, here - you can't Google and find the answers to.

Trust me when I tell you that - yes - this is inside information that your sources should have known if they were inside sources. So either they're idiots they're liars. Take your pick.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by NorEaster

Dude what the blank you mean. yea id like to curse. I joined 2 weeks ago i made my first post in in his thread. im intrigued with this urantia.

by your comment you baffle me haha. does that sound like arrogance , because thats what you sound like. all I am is wanting to enjoy a conversation with him and i know to quiet you in common sense is"dont reply"

ps. look at all my typos
anyways if your an athiest why you in this thread.

theres rules on this website and i dont want to break them. I just joined and I like this site.
I dont need to ask you a question to know your an aethiest because you stated it. Urantia or new age(i dont know what it's called) is a form of religion. by what ive learned this morning. google it. its the best advise i can give.just dont hypocrite me and judge me for wanting to take what I already know and expanding it.

heres a question I guess...from the three major religions. where does the one source come from. what was the original name sources name.
better yet whose the grand daddy of babylon?

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by NorEaster
reply to post by Aronolac

Don't listen to those idiots any longer. If they can't answer those very simple and primordial questions, then they're frauds that are having some fun with you. Seriously. Those were only four among dozens of very specific information staples that the folks in charge see as critical to the reason why this entire reality confine was brought into existence.

whyd you say this. I am standing up for myself so i know you seen my post reply

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by NorEaster

Originally posted by RadioHawken
reply to post by NorEaster

(22.1) 1:0.4 This magnificent and universal injunction to strive for the attainment of the perfection of divinity is the first duty, and should be the highest ambition, of all the struggling creature creation of the God of perfection. This possibility of the attainment of divine perfection is the final and certain destiny of all man’s eternal spiritual progress

(22.3) 1:0.6 This is the true meaning of that divine command, “Be you perfect, even as I am perfect,”

i'll keep reading but is is your answer to mans destiny journey. in urantia
edit on 9-7-2012 by RadioHawken because: (no reason given)

This stuff doesn't answer any of the questions I posed. I didn't even notice you'd tried to take them on, but now that I do know, I can see that your spirit handlers are no better than his are. If you had God on the line, or any of the in-the-know "celestial creatures guiding you, they'd have made sure that I wasn't able to stump you on what should be extremely simple existential staples that - to be fair, here - you can't Google and find the answers to.

Trust me when I tell you that - yes - this is inside information that your sources should have known if they were inside sources. So either they're idiots they're liars. Take your pick.

Can you please stop it at this message. I dont know if I have any deities/spirits. but heck if I did know dang right I would ask them to tell you whats up.
Sir im 30 ive been a believer in the gospels and follow the lines of the gentiles with a (jewish) heart.
But the thing is like I said I am open minded and in honest I dont want to know what your beliefs are. because I know my spirit has to be grander.
and it was question 3. whats the sole purpose of man..i gave you the def i found in the book and then i gave you the common sense answer. thats all
edit on 9-7-2012 by RadioHawken because: added

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by RadioHawken
reply to post by NorEaster

PS Im a gentile who believes in the WORDS of the BIBLE. but my mind is an open book.

PS. i went back to read. basically your an athiest and your means for man is "to let live and let die."
i know im correct now

I'm no atheist. I'm just not a religionist.

why ask for his source when he probably very well knew you were playing him like you did me.

Never asked for his sources, I just told him why I was challenging his sources. I don't care who his sources are.

Do your deity tell you my answer was wrong. or whats your answer..if its that simple. instead of a sentence I gave you a word. exist or not to exist. mans answer.

I don't have a deity. I have human beings who care about those who are still being developed within this realm. They're good people, and they're sick of this mystic-driven horsecrap. The Age of Aquarius is nearly upon us. Look up what this means, and you'll understand why I'm such a pain in the ass around here - and in other places where people exchange ideas like these.

Here are my answers....

1. What is the impetus for the orbit? This should be a one word answer, and it should be extremely specific.

Survival The reason that this question is important is that this is the literal basis of physical existence, and reality itself. Survival is the sole existential imperative, and everything that exists serves that one imperative. That includes "spirits" and "masters" and everything that believes itself to be in charge of anything.

2. What is the unifying attribute that isolates one full Informational Continuum from another full Informational Continuum? This should be a one-sentence answer, and it should be extremely specific.

A common rate of change from one unit of activity to the next. In Quantum Physics, this is the quantum rate, and in my own research, this separates one full reality confine from another, and provides identity isolation (and therefore survival) for each full reality confine. This one attribute is central to the process that was devised by the human beings within the initial full reality confine that is central to the reason why our own reality confine was initiated. And this is why this question was important and should have been known by yours and Anoloc's sources if they were genuine.

3. What is the true physical "role" of the actual being that Earth's humanity has termed with the English language word "Man" - within its own unique (and erroneous) interpretation of the data that exists within the universal whole - relative to why this specific reality confine that we exist within came into existence? This answer can be answered in a single sentence, if all you want to do is prove to me that your channeled source has any idea what's happening on the macro level. In other words, you don't concern whether anyone else "gets it" when you reply.

Man is the progeny of the initiator of this full reality confine. Man's development and emergence is the only goal of this entire process, and human beings are the collective units of unique and inimitable consciousness that will become the mind of Man when this process is completed. This plan, and this goal, exists within this full reality confine's Informational Continuum (IC) which, by the way, provides this reality confine with the entirety of its innate physical presence. The isolates masses of dynamic (brain-authored) information merely exist within the "ether" of the IC itself, even as they do count as integral to the whole.

4. What is the actual definition of the theological/cultural staple "The Day of Judgement" - again, referring to what is stated within the available residual data that exists concerning why our own specific reality confine exists? Again, this is a control question to ascertain whether or not your sources are authentic and/or have full knowledge of the larger plan for this reality confine. I'm not expecting you to teach the other readers here about this event, since it's not necessary or helpful, especially given the medium and specific platform we're working with here.

Judgement Day is an flawed interpretation of the move-to-isolate event, which will seal our reality confine forever, and eliminate the IC that is presently collecting and defining it. It's close, but you have to spin it all 180 degrees to where the sheep get evicted and the goats are allowed to stay if you want to get it right. Again, your sources would know this if they were authentic masters, since this info is also contained in the IC. When this happens, all corporeal existence will have to start over again. Literally, the end of this material realm, hence the End Times association.

And those are the answers.

edit on 7/9/2012 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

maybe we are just having some fun too. people take ats a little too seriously i think. second job almost

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 12:28 PM
so text book answers to quantum psychics. by the way your talking you vow to someone or something and your trying to be arrogant to me. I stated my reason why Im talking to him. if you want me to believe in your way of thinking, which could be more right or more wrong than his.
Honestly you have given this guy the shadow of a doubt. you ask him question that are only one word anwer and you come back and give textbook answers yet you dont quote them.

maybe im lost in what your trying to say, but if your saying your only in the company of those who help themselves. you gotta work on that. because im a christian who wants to learn what urantia is. what are you.

ps ps my apologise to post above me
edit on 9-7-2012 by RadioHawken because: (no reason given)

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