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Marconi Alien, 25 Suspicious Scientists Suicides & Star Wars Defense

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posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by martin_heth
Dear Anathema777: just look for his contact details in his weekly newspaper Computing Weekly, he's big on the Chinook helicopter crash in June 1994, at the moment.

Martin, who's contact info are you referring too so I can google it? Also could you please post the links to Some ATS threads where you said you posted & has some relevance to the current case. If the only person you were talking about in the reply of yours I quoted is Tony Collins let me know so I can google him and share my research into these suicides and attempt to get his side of the story / research / any knowledge he has obtained pertaining to these suspect suicides.

Any relevant links that you authored, links to relevant info on this case and/or links to any posts you've made that id find helpful would be greatly appreciated...

Thanks for all your hard work Martin!


posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 12:58 PM
Isn't it obvious, having mentioned that Tony Collins is the editor of Computing Weekly, that "Look for 'his' contact details in Computing Weekly" could only mean Tony Collins, writer of Open Verdict: 25 Mysterious Deaths In The Defence Industry?
That is where to contact Tony, it supplies emails and a telephone number: buy an issue and start doing your own research.
I used a National Library to ask out thousands of old early 1990s newspapers, some late 1980s......I rifled thru thousands upon thousands of them, made notes patiently on them all, I have travelled hundreds of miles many times to meet people willing to talk to me about various experiences they wanted to share: sitting at a computer 100% of the time will only do so much.
I am not an armchair researcher.

And the product of THAT research is in Which I think is approximately 52 computer pages of reading.

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by martin_heth
Isn't it obvious, having mentioned that Tony Collins is the editor of Computing Weekly, that "Look for 'his' contact details in Computing Weekly" could only mean Tony Collins, writer of Open Verdict: 25 Mysterious Deaths In The Defence Industry?
That is where to contact Tony, it supplies emails and a telephone number: buy an issue and start doing your own research.
I used a National Library to ask out thousands of old early 1990s newspapers, some late 1980s......I rifled thru thousands upon thousands of them, made notes patiently on them all, I have travelled hundreds of miles many times to meet people willing to talk to me about various experiences they wanted to share: sitting at a computer 100% of the time will only do so much.
I am not an armchair researcher.

And the product of THAT research is in Which I think is approximately 52 computer pages of reading.

Whoa take it back a notch. Yes the Tony collins part was obvious but as I read through some of ur posts I thought u were referring to someone else.

Thanx for all your input.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by Apollo7
reply to post by anathema777

Great Thread!! Thanks for the information! If you have time..look up James Forrestal- Our first US Department of Defense. This guy came to close to the truth about Aliens and they threw him in a Naval Mental Hosptial and murdered him. I just ran into this..this man is important to me for whatever reason.

From what I have read, there are only 25 people in the world that know the truth about the Alien Issue..anyone else that gets to close..if they are a threat..are destroyed.

Im gonna read through the information on James Forrestal later this afternoon. Thanks so much for the research you've done thus far. It looks like he met the same "fate" as the 25 scientists. Perhaps they were all deemed potential "whistle blowers" and the order came down from the top of our power structure to murder all these people under the guise of suicide.

Keep up the good work!


posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by MAC269
reply to post by anathema777

Dear anathema777

This all smacks of Alternative 3

Which if there was any basis it truth which the author latter said would have to be becoming a reality sometime now. Very interesting.

Thanx for pointing out "Alternative 3" to me. Its a very interesting conspiracy. Im gonna do some heavy reading / research later today & tomorrow as ive only had time to read a few paragraphs so far.

Awesome how it deals with intelligent individuals vanishes off the face of the Planet Earth & leaving no trace. I cant wait to dive in head first.

Again thanx for the info, the time you've invested into researching these supposed suicides and then reporting your excell findings back here for all of ATS to enjoy.

Im still requesting that any ATS'er that enjoys this thread / subject that has a little extra spare time to help me research each individual who was murdered but documented as a suicide, the facts surrounding their death and any info we can compile together to create an biography / life resume for each of the 25. Also any and all statements made by family and friends of the deceased. Then we can compile all that info together and create a big picture that should prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they were murdered. Heres a tiny snippet / example of what we can deduce from having more relevant information... One of the murdered / suicided victims family member and a few friends said that "John" had absolutely 0 reason to commit suicide. In fact he was elated, and beyond excited about a huge promotion & bigger raise for a new job he would be starting in about 2 weeks. He had just quit working for Marconi just days before his tragic, brutally overkill murder, except one thing... The coroner determined it to be a suicide so the police immediately closed the case, unbelievable!


posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 05:18 PM
In Alternative 3, which you can read at google books for free. Is says that the Soviets bombed many companies involved in the SDI Program. Several places in Germany, and one in Netherlands during the 80s.

No doubt that the Soviets viewed the SDI Program as a possible attack weapon rather than a defensive weapon. And they'd probably do everything in their power to hinder it's development.

I'm guessing that all these were murdered by Soviets. And the authorities knew it.

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by Debunkology
In Alternative 3, which you can read at google books for free. Is says that the Soviets bombed many companies involved in the SDI Program. Several places in Germany, and one in Netherlands during the 80s.

No doubt that the Soviets viewed the SDI Program as a possible attack weapon rather than a defensive weapon. And they'd probably do everything in their power to hinder it's development.

I'm guessing that all these were murdered by Soviets. And the authorities knew it.

Yeah, the more Ive been reading about this the more I think the Soviets may have haf a hand in these deaths. I just wonder if they managed to recreate the SDI program with information that they gained through spying, espionage or from the 25 scientists that were killed off either by them, us, or a combination of the two? Either way this entire situation stinks of conspiracy, coverup, espionage, murder, etc...


posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by Apollo7
reply to post by anathema777

Great Thread!! Thanks for the information! If you have time..look up James Forrestal- Our first US Department of Defense. This guy came to close to the truth about Aliens and they threw him in a Naval Mental Hosptial and murdered him. I just ran into this..this man is important to me for whatever reason.

From what I have read, there are only 25 people in the world that know the truth about the Alien Issue..anyone else that gets to close..if they are a threat..are destroyed.

Thanks for pointing me towards Mr. Forrestal Apollo7, the whole story surrounding his death/murder and the information he had become privy too was definitely worth the time invested to look up and read! Great stuff indeed.


posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 05:11 PM
The idea of the British security operatives is to kill someone such that it is obviously a murder, then the police are briefed to announce "It was a suicide", or anything but that which it obviously was, which is a state execution: as said, MI5 & CIA operatives asked me to join them in 1974 and explained everything about themselves: it is nothing to do with the soviets whatsover.
If the police go along with it, this induces sufficient terror for absolute control, and that is what they want: you could ask why did they explain all that?
They have a thing that "body language made it obvious something was going on", their example of this problem is 1930s news reels for Nazi Germany: the newscasters looked stupidly obviously nervous reading the news, so to counter this body language problem (like, these hellish secrets resulting in their wives guessing something funny's going on would be another way of looking at it) they developed a thing of "openness", CIA "openness" is describing all of their secrets as blandly uncaringly as possible: they think it's a clever trick to tell someone they're planning to kill "We're going to kill you", describing exactly how they're going to do it, even when: there might be a wee bit of a chase but they eventually break his neck as usual, or inject him in the gluteus maximus with sodium pentothyanate: people are often surprised (Tony Collins was surprised when I told him) that media mogul Robert Maxwell had been noted to have an injection mark in his gloot/left-hand buttock, this was mentioned in one single Daily Mail and never again: even those two Irish guys, Dillon & Thomas, didn't pick up on that detail, which would of course force them to change their hypothesis as to who killed Robert Maxwell in their book about his life and death (a name that just suited the British state, the Kidon ((Israeli Secret Service)), utter drivel if you ask me) - remember part of the Maxwell story is that after hearing about a plane crash in AMERICA exterminating one of his best friends, he went absolutely insane on his boat and went about smashing everything: he knew he was next.
If yon fellow referring to "the Soviets did it" could adduce the data supplied in earlier posts, and actually read these websites first, (or is this a government gofer?) e. g., describes a very highly placed police officer, in Edinburgh, being asked by his son "What's this Marconi thing, Dad?" and he answers "The British do pass top secret death sentences. Usually the guy they think's a problem to security is walked into a small room with one other person, and a normal judge is sitting there inside it at a table, with a piece of paper in front of him describing the case. 9 times out of 10 in that situation the judge passes a death sentence, sometimes he doesn't but usually he does." ABSOLUTELY UNEQUIVOCALLY EXTERMINATED BY MI5!
On Alternative 3, Jim Marrs describes (in his book "Alien Agenda") Linda Howe coming over from America to Britain roundabout 1974 and getting into a BBC studio about something, can't remember what mundane reason she initially had, but she asked off-handedly, making conversation maybe, "What about these disappearing scientists?" long before the late '80s Marconi thing (but, like me before I read Jim's account of this, we all thought in those years 'The Brain Drain' ((which is what a lot of newspaper articles had been about in those days)) was about scientists going where they could get more money, head-hunting basically, as it is referred to in the present day) but the BBC guy she asked about that said "We don't know where they're going. We try to track them down but we never find them." Linda looked incredulous and rapidly left. So you'll see one more reason I decided to focus on radio & TV personnel's deaths as similar to the Marconi Star Wars scientists, in

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by martin_heth

Your just loaded with grest intel my friend. I could pick your brain for a month and not be bored. Thanks for all the input. Im stil in the process of contacting mr. collins.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 12:25 AM

Originally posted by Apollo7
reply to post by anathema777

Im guessing they didnt want to pay out the company life insurance..thats why they called it suicide..this is a great find!! I believe that dead people can come back and call attention to another human what happen to them..this may be an area for you to do further research..

What brought youre attention to this subject?

That would be insane if they were murdered for insurance purposes. That being said I severely doubt thats the case. Thats an interesting idea you've proposed about the dead calling attention to the living about their untimely demise! Im gonna do a little armchair research on the matter as Im curious as to how many people out there have claimed this as occurring to them. Really interesting ideas you've got there Apollo7!


posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by martin_heth
...If yon fellow referring to "the Soviets did it" could adduce the data supplied in earlier posts, and actually read these websites first, (or is this a government gofer?) e. g., describes a very highly placed police officer, in Edinburgh, being asked by his son "What's this Marconi thing, Dad?" and he answers "The British do pass top secret death sentences...

If you're referring to myself, no I'm not a government gofer (or should that be 'gopher'), and neither did I jump straight to the conclusion it was the Soviets. I operate in the same industry as those scientists and engineers, plus I know that industry quite well. I even attend the occasional business meeting between those contractors.
My hypothesis was based on certain details in those cases, and the timeframe in which they occurred. The people who maintained secrecy aren't necessarily the culprits.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 05:15 PM
Counterposing quotes of people talking to me about political security initiatives:

"We're going to put a twice-convicted pederast at the top of MI5" - to me, 1974.
In January 1990, in a Sunday Times, a journalist says how odd he finds it that the head of MI5 is a twice-convicted pederast.

If you know your British history, you will remember Jeremy Thorpe being accused of plotting to kill his homosexual lover Norman Scott, in 1977 or 78......I knew every detail of that story that appeared then, three or four years before it did appear. Security operatives had explained everything they were going to do to me.

The police announcing that a woman gagged her own mouth, tied her own feet together and tied her own hands behind her own back with spark plug cables surely corresponds sufficiently with my statement, and you have not supplied sufficient details of conversations - if you can explain the security issues go right ahead and explain them. The woman who was exterminated in that manner was Shani Warren, found dead at the age of 26 face down in Lake Taplow, on the 17th of April, 1987. David Greenhalgh had one week before "flung himself" from a railway bridge to be in a wheelchair the rest of his life - who lived round the corner from Shani Warren. Military Police ordered the nurses to never mention anything he might say: a journalist who began enquiring about the "unfortunate accident" injuring David Greenhalgh so grievously at a local police station actually watched the Station Sergeant get phoned in the middle of talking to him, and was ordered over the phone to stop talking about the David Greenhalgh incident.

And read my websites.

As usual with sorts coming out with "the soviets did it" you deliberately avoid very big points that have previously been made.

I was asked to be at the very heart of state secrecy: just because of your job you don't necessarily know the real deal. Supply more details. But I doubt you can sound as good as the preceding comments do.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 05:26 PM
I also know other people in various sectors of the electronics industry, some are so unbelieving of the execution system it has the desired effect - they are all too willing to believe their superiors are more innocent than they are.

Compartmentalisation has the desired effect - each group of workers constructing parts for a greater whole only does what they are told, and they don't know what the machine is they are making - ignorance is sustained as totally as possible. That is another aspect of security which YOU could have been the one to point out.

At the other extreme, a story which rams your mind back to my claim which involves the statement "We have a particular area about which we wish to maintain absolute terror" - the people of Norfolk know a Marconi worker (closer to Chelmsford/Marconi Town) who is totally alright in every single conceivable way, except when they hand anything electrical to him, even on the simplest level like a plug or a jack - whereupon he instantly begins shaking violently and sweating profusely - yet another story you won't find in the establishment media.

I can go on and on and on like this.

You can't.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by martin_heth

Okay, I could do better. So, they put a slightly dodgy bloke in charge of MI5. Why they did that is a mystery, I admit, but I really don't see the connection between that and the Marconi deaths. Nothing to suggest MI5 were culprits. They certainly don't get involved in stuff unless it's exceptionally serious, so it's questionable whether they had any involvement whatsoever in the Marconi thing in the first place.

Here's a purely hypothetical scenario (consider it fictional): The Soviets manage to infiltrate a defence contractor. The Soviet agent is then in a position to learn which projects other contractors are engaged in, and becomes familiar with the scientists by socially engineering them at various business meetings. Some of those scientists might have been blackmailed, which explains why one of them was carrying an exceptionally large amount of cash to that meeting with BAE staff.

From 1983, a few scientists are apparently killed in car accidents. They appear to be accidents, but MI5 suspect a Soviet agent was responsible. Now they have to investigate the deaths without the culprits knowing those deaths were being treated as suspicious, which means 'suicide' verdicts are passed and everyone keeps their mouths shut about it. The investigation is conducted in absolute secrecy, even from the police.

Over the next several years, the Soviets continue bumping off scientists, and become more lazy/blatant about it because nobody has apprehended them. It reaches a stage where they don't even bother covering their tracks. In 1989, the Soviet regime collapses and the murders stop.
edit on 11-7-2012 by XeroOne because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-7-2012 by XeroOne because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by martin_heth
Compartmentalisation has the desired effect - each group of workers constructing parts for a greater whole only does what they are told, and they don't know what the machine is they are making - ignorance is sustained as totally as possible. That is another aspect of security which YOU could have been the one to point out.

Yes, I could have pointed it out, if it was true. But it's not, really. The industry is quite open about practically everything except the specific details of whatever projects and whatever the clients wish to remain confidential. Not only is there a lot of knowledge-sharing between professionals, we also make huge efforts to educate the general public about security measures that protect them. All this information is publicly available on hundreds of professional sites, much of it authored by people near the top of the food chain.

Actually, come to think of it, the 'greater whole' is normally constructed from Commercial Off The Shelf technologies these days, and the projects normally include procurement staff who are aware of everything being ordered.

I also know other people in various sectors of the electronics industry, some are so unbelieving of the execution system it has the desired effect - they are all too willing to believe their superiors are more innocent than they are.

I've been fairly involved in the electronics industry since the late 1990s, and there is no 'execution system' I'm even vaguely aware of.

I was asked to be at the very heart of state secrecy: just because of your job you don't necessarily know the real deal. Supply more details.

If that was true, you most definitely wouldn't be talking about it.
edit on 11-7-2012 by XeroOne because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-7-2012 by XeroOne because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 06:47 PM
I found an old newspaper article about the deaths in 1987. It was a big year for the "suicides". 1 death in January, February, March, 3 in April, 1 in May and 1 in June.

Interesting to note from that article:

John Cartwright, a Social Democratic member of Parliament and his party's spokesman on defense matters, has called on the Defense Ministry to undertake an investigation. "Two main features link these four cases," Cartwright said in a letter to the ministry. "Each of the individuals was a computer scientist involved in defense research. And in each case there was no obvious motive to lead any of these men to commit suicide or to disappear." Lord Trefgarne, the minister of state for defense procurement, confirmed that all four men were working on defense projects, and he promised to keep the matter under review but said there was no need for a formal investigation.

Tony Collins, a reporter who investigated the first two deaths for Computer News, a weekly aimed at the electronics industry, says his work has led him to conclude that the three Marconi scientists were all involved in a narrow field of underwater simulation projects, an area in which he says Britain leads the world.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 08:09 PM
Well done on looking at the actual old newspapers via the British Library or some such entity.

To the guy who is the Marconi employee (or are they not British Aerospace Systems now since 1999?), you're not really addressing the issue of the police claiming a woman committed suicide by tying her own hands together behind her own back, tying her own feet together and gagging her own mouth....that surely fits my claim of what the security operatives told me in 1974......

Why I survived that IS the difficult aspect to detail & which I think might kill me.

Meanwhile, it has also been my luck to encounter the (now deceased) wife of Edward Brierley, appointed head of a Marconi sector called Marconi-Avionics, again near Chelmsford in location - look up his name - but YOU ARE DEFINITELY NOT GOING TO BELIEVE WHAT SHE SAID!

She claimed that every single man working under Ted Brierley, as well as he himself, ALL the scientists ALL died in 1996 - and your incredulity at that statement is to be expected. One wonders if there is a syndrome of Employee's Ego - an outsider knows something the employee doesn't & it pricks his ego that it is he or she who doesn't know about it.
I had at first thought, when Heleneia mentioned this to me in 1996 in a garden party in Norfolk I'd been invited to, that she could only be meaning the scientists' deaths of the late 1980s when she said "......this ufo crashed in South America then suddenly all these scientists were dying......"
Because I can read Spanish well, I'd thoroughly examined the ufo crash description by Luis Pacheco, dismissed by all his fellow Argentinian ufologists, where a ufo is described as crashing into the side of Monte El Creston, with an accent placed over the O. This happened on the 17th of August, 1995.

I remember this hellish crushing realisation that Heleneia could only be meaning that ufo crash, and that all the scientists had died in 1996, the year after. I checked, rather than bluntly ask her, when her husband had died on the internet, and sure enough it was in 1996, despite Heleneia doing everything to save him - she refused financial aid from Lord Weinstock himself, who came to Ted's funeral and also attended their wedding - her acceptance as the wife of Ted Brierley had something of the aura of the choosing of the wife of a member of the Royal Family, she was really seriously vetted - part of her infamy was that she had been proposed to by Omar Sharif in her much earlier days, when she was young she must have been very impressive in person.

Obviously, a Marconi (BAeSYS?) employee reading that will just not believe such a thing could happen without him knowing, in fact no (innocent) investigative journalist will believe the Establishment Media could miss that happening - I choose to believe it did, and have further reasons for believing this.
And also, I think that a specific part of the crashed ufo from Monte el Creston was sent over to Britain for back-engineering analysis, when that was received, the deaths began.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 08:47 PM

To the guy who is the Marconi employee (or are they not British Aerospace Systems now since 1999?), you're not really addressing the issue of the police claiming a woman committed suicide by tying her own hands together behind her own back, tying her own feet together and gagging her own mouth....that surely fits my claim of what the security operatives told me in 1974......

If that's addressed to me, I'm not employed by Marconi or BAE. And yes, I did address the incident you just mentioned, if you read my hypothesis. Someone most likely wanted the investigation done quietly.

She claimed that every single man working under Ted Brierley, as well as he himself, ALL the scientists ALL died in 1996 - and your incredulity at that statement is to be expected. One wonders if there is a syndrome of Employee's Ego - an outsider knows something the employee doesn't & it pricks his ego that it is he or she who doesn't know about it.

Nope. My ego wasn't particularly pricked.

I had at first thought, when Heleneia mentioned this to me in 1996 in a garden party in Norfolk I'd been invited to, that she could only be meaning the scientists' deaths of the late 1980s when she said "......this ufo crashed in South America then suddenly all these scientists were dying......"

First it was the sexual misdemeanors of some MI5 head, now it's a UFO that's behind all this?

And also, I think that a specific part of the crashed ufo from Monte el Creston was sent over to Britain for back-engineering analysis, when that was received, the deaths began.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by XeroOne

I just gotta say this is one of the most interesting back and forth Ive ever seen. Ive never learned so much from a pissing contest. Please continue.

edit on 7/11/2012 by anathema777 because: (no reason given)

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