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New Constitution!

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posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf10
i say # the legislators, we the people should examine and vote on EVERY issue.

that way it takes away the evil legislators.

that would be democracy or mob rule. you dont want that

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by Doalrite

You are right.
But their is more to the story.
We have been hijacked and hypnotized over the years and the system needs to be dismantled and restored in order for our god given rights to be realized once again.
Just look at what made us flee the tyranny in the first place and stop pointing fingers.
The time to wake up together is now if you choose.
edit on 1-7-2012 by deadeyedick because: sp

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 09:32 PM
the politicians will shred it like toilet paper ... just like they did with the original ...

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 09:32 PM
If you understood the Constitution well, you would know that, if the people weren't apathetic, it would serve its purpose flawlessly. Even under your Constitution, the same ol' same ol' group of apathetic voters would elect the same crooks who did what's been done to the current Constitution, and simply writing a new one sure as hell wouldn't stop them from doing it again.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

If we want to get our republic back, we have to resist the current government, throw out those men who would damn the Constitution, and elect those who would respect it

I agree with a couple of others in here, though, that a couple of amendments should definitely be repealed, though (the Seventeenth especially, as ninety percent of the stuff that gets through the Senate today would never even make it out of the House if the states still had a voice in the Union).

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by Ookie

What a wonderful mental exercise!. It's good to reexamine our thinking on a regular basis. Mind if I throw out some things you might want to touch up a bit?

The body known as The House of Representatives shall be comprised of one representative from every county or similar political subdivision from every state in the union elected by the citizens of that county.
As the governor of state "X," I hereby divide my state into 100,000 counties. That gives me a crushing majority in the House and my state now rules the country. (Insert evil laugh)

The body known as the Supreme Court shall be comprised of 11 judges selected by the president and ratified by 2/3s vote of the representatives. They shall have power to judge whether laws passed by the House and states are in compliance with this document.
Why the change from 9 to 11 and up to 2/3? Does that solve a problem?

There shall be a president elected by a majority vote of citizens for one 6 year term. No president shall serve more than one term or 6 years in office.
So we're getting rid of a Republic and going to a Democracy? Our founders would be furious!

All laws must originate with the house. After being ratified a bill shall be submitted to the several states for a vote. No bill shall become law unless ratified by a majority of states and then signed by the president.
Every dinky little bill has to be approved by Congress and the majority of states? Of course, that's one way of preventing anything from getting done.

The congress and it’s agents have no authority unless specifically authorized by this constitution. No law shall be in effect if it’s language conflicts with this constitution.
Is this your version of the 10th Amendment?

The congress may have power to lay and collect taxes in a fair way. Taxes may not be used to regulate behavior or advance social policy.
Sorry, this is a deal killer. Nobody has ever provided a definition of "fair." This won't fly, for vagueness. Every tax regulates behavior, if you put a tax on gas, people buy less gas. If you tax anything, that thing happens less. It might not have been the bill's primary purpose to regulate behavior, but every tax bill does.

I gotta take a break, nice work, but it needs a little polishing.

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by Ookie
If our current constitution is so good, then why is our government out of control? If it worked we would not be in this mess. It's close, but it leaves too much wiggle room.

There would be no more Senate. It's functions would be carried out by the states directly. As it is now the states have zero say in anything. Senators claim to represent the people. They have no idea their job is to represent the state, not the people. That is what the house of reps is for. So I disbanded the Senate in favor of giving states a direct say. This would prevent these unfunded mandates we get so often. Since there would be 3,300 member of the house it would become unfeasible to bribe enough of them to get bad laws passed like they do now. Term limits prevent having people like: Shumer, Waters, Boxes, Pelosi et al in office for decades like we have now.

I have clarified the 2nd amendment and strengthened the 4th and 5th The 3rd was replaced with farmer's rights to grow and use whatever plants he likes as long as it is not genetically modified. I fixed copyright to a fixed term of 20 years like it should be.

If the old rules worked so well we would not be where we are now. We need new rules, better rules and a stronger box to keep government in.

repeal the 17th amendment using artical 5 giving back the power to appoint senators to the states. this is the first thing that needs to be done.

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by bjax9er

Originally posted by lonewolf10
i say # the legislators, we the people should examine and vote on EVERY issue.

that way it takes away the evil legislators.

that would be democracy or mob rule. you dont want that

No we don't want that but it seems like the dog as been backed into a corner.
The mob of god fearing americans would rule although not without bloodshed.
It's sad but it seems that the balance is tipping now.
edit on 1-7-2012 by deadeyedick because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by charles1952

I did not think of the possibility of states making more counties. Good catch! The electoral college is outdated so it would be done away with. Popular vote rules for president.

This is what I started this thread for. I may be smart and have many answers to world problems, but I do not have them all nor do I know everything. I am certain there are others who can add to this and help flesh it out as something the country can get behind. We need to protect ourselves from idiots in office. We have no such protections. We thought we had the Supreme Court, but it has been just a rubber stamp since FDR cut their balls off and forced them to ignore the constitution. Last time a constitutionalist was nominated we got a new word for being railroaded: "Borked". We have to take the initiative and be pro active.

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by Ookie
reply to post by charles1952

I did not think of the possibility of states making more counties. Good catch! The electoral college is outdated so it would be done away with. Popular vote rules for president.

This is what I started this thread for. I may be smart and have many answers to world problems, but I do not have them all nor do I know everything. I am certain there are others who can add to this and help flesh it out as something the country can get behind. We need to protect ourselves from idiots in office. We have no such protections. We thought we had the Supreme Court, but it has been just a rubber stamp since FDR cut their balls off and forced them to ignore the constitution. Last time a constitutionalist was nominated we got a new word for being railroaded: "Borked". We have to take the initiative and be pro active.

OK, you asked us. We overwhelmingly told you that we already have a much superior constitution. Go ahead; but I expect you'll get a similar answer wherever you go.

While you're at it, though--see if you can do something about taking the money out of politics. That's at the very root of our problems. If you can do that you might get some support....

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 10:45 PM
By the way. Before someone points this out mean-spiritedly:

Hot to use the word "comprise"

Using the phrases "comprised of" or "comprise of" is a common error. Many people get its usage mixed up with the words "compose" or "consist," which are similar. The proper way to use the word is "comprise." It is correct to use a different word and say "composed of" or "consist of", but incorrect to say "comprised of."

Why "Comprise of" is Incorrect

According to Strunk and White's The Elements of Style, the word "comprise" means, "literally, 'embrace.' A zoo comprises mammals, reptiles and birds (because it 'embraces' or 'includes' them.)" As "comprise" is a synonym for "embrace" or "include", adding the word "of" at the end is incorrect, because one would not say something was "embraced of" or "included of." These are clearly incorrect. When using the word "comprise", remember that it means "include" or "embrace", and you will correctly omit the word "of" from the phrase.

You'll thank me later....
edit on 7/1/2012 by Ex_CT2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by Ex_CT2

No what you told us is that your hypnotized and content.
I don't hold it against you for your condition is familiar to me.
Mentally let go of everything you have and ask yourself what is left then find a way to keep it.

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 10:56 PM
So how do you propose to limit the inevitable human nature that kicks in when someone gets power?

Do you just think a new constitution will turn politicians into Angels?

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by 11235813213455

My answer is term limits shorter and digital voting backed up by snail mail voting cards.
In this day and age things happen in a new york minute.

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 02:38 AM
The US Constitution well not perfect is still (at least to me) one of the best governing documents in the world. Now if wee could just get the idiots in power to follow it, we'd all be better off. So instead of throwing the whole thing out lets us the system to fix the system.

Our Founding Fathers built in a mechanism which allow the US Constitution to be modified, and that process is AMENDMENTS.

There are 3 ways to Amend the US Constitution. 1.) Congress it self can propose and vote on new Amendments, 2.) If you can get 3/4 of the State Legislators (38 States) to ratify an Amendment it becomes law. or 3.) The people can get the Amendment put on the ballot and vote. If 3/4 of the states (38 States) say if also becomes law.

The Founder mad sure to give We the People the ability to modify our government if and when the need arises. The Government may think its all powerful but there is a chink in their armor. A chink that was purposely put there so the people could fight back and reclaim what is rightfully theirs.

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 02:57 AM
So I propose the following Amendments to the US Constitution.

1.) Congress shall pass no law that does not apply to itself.

A Balanced Budget Amendment that will not allow the government to barrow money or run a debt unless an act of war has been declared by the Congress. And the Amendment will only be suspend while we are at war. Once the war is over the suspended Amendment will retake effect.

All member of the House of Representatives may only server 6 consecutive terms (12 Years) and then will be required by law to take a term off. All members of the Senate may server 2 consecutive terms (12 Years) and then be required by law to take a term off.

4.) All Bills in the House and Senate must be posted online 48 hours prior to being voted upon and must be read aloud upon the chamber floor prior to Voting.

5.) Bill Reform
Highway bills will only contain transportation related projects. Farm bills will only contain farm related items, Military spending bill will only contain military items. etc... In short no more Ear Marks on bills that do not relate to the matter at hand.

No More Pension for Politicians. While a member of Congress (House or Senate) is doing the peoples business I have no problem with them being paid and given benefits, however upon them leaving office the benefits and pay will cease.

edit on 2-7-2012 by JBRiddle because: typo

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 03:08 AM

Originally posted by Ookie
The body known as The House of Representatives shall be comprised of one representative from every county or similar political subdivision from every state in the union elected by the citizens of that county. Representatives shall be limited to 3 two year terms.

So, Alpine County California (pop. 1,175) should get the same representation as Los Angeles County, CA (pop. 9,889,056)?

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 03:11 AM

Originally posted by kennylee

We dont need a new Constitution.
cheers and right on !!

We need leaders who will obey the one we have!!
what we need is a nation of citizens actively exerting their unalienable, Constitutionally protected right to dismantle this government and begin anew.

our original foundation has been amended and re-amended until it morphed into this monstrosity that will not cooperate or concede, so it is our DUTY to remove and replace it.

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by Ookie

If our current constitution is so good, then why is our government out of control?
because it has be amended and re-amended (and not always properly or by the rules) until it has become barely a shadow of its original intent.

the object should be to remove/repeal unapplicable amendments, solidify one or two others (punctuation arguments) and get back to living within our rights rather struggling to figure out which ones we have left.

ETA : Ookie, did you know that originally (before being amended) your/my State Senator, when being chosen, was restricted from residing in the state he/she was to represent ??

(in laymans words, no state resident could be elected Senator of that same state)
even that's a bit more balanced than what we have now.

need a reference ?
No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen.
emphasis mine

edit on 2-7-2012 by Honor93 because: add txt

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 03:26 AM
You want to fix things, try these points on for size

  1. Immigration - Serve a full hitch with any branch of of the US military including 18 months of transition training (think naturalization classes) and be granted full citizenship. (includes immediate family who will undergo transition training with you)
  2. Lobbyists - Completely outlawed
  3. Political Parties - Completely outlawed
  4. Campaign Finance - ALL donations are public knowledge including personal donations from one person to a candidate themselves(all finances become open knowledge upon running)
  5. FCC restricted from legislating content of the airwaves, only responsible for technology and standards
  6. Two term limit for ALL of congress
  7. Federal budget restricted to a percentage of GDP
  8. Congressional pay fixed to national median (down from 174k/yr to approx 45 to 50k)
  9. Tax Simplification - current US tax code is over 70k pages long, reduce this to no more than 100 pages and remove hoops like deductions, itemization, etc. You pay a percentage and that is that.
  10. Create temporary department under direction of SCOTUS to review every single law passed by congress for constitutionality, once entire law base has been verified all future laws must pass muster before being signed by the President

I could probably rant on further in regards to areas where things need to be fixed, but these are most of the 3 point shots. The original documentation for the way the government is supposed to run is already there, it just needs some tweaks and some teeth.

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 03:41 AM
I refuse to even read this thread. If you don't like our constitution go live in Communist China.

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