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Any experienced meditators able to help?

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posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by auroraaus
reply to post by nimbinned

Ned, years ago in group meditation the instructor used a special metallic bowl thing with I think a metal stick, the sound was so pure I felt my whole body and spirit vibrate to become one with the sound and helped my ego dissolve, just wondering if you have a clue as to what that thing is called?

Sorry to derail!

It's a Tibetan Singing Bowl. I've got a really good one at home that I use on special occasions, sometimes with guests who have never heard one before. It's made of various metals, sometimes up to 7 or 8 different types, which gives it the amazing tones.

I can get mine to play 2 notes simultaneously. I'm sure those who are more adept at playing them can get more.

Buy one if you've got the cash - you won't regret it.

Peace - Ned

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by auroraaus
reply to post by derickonfire

Yes that's it! Thank you!

Gosh I feel like a goose!

Yes very beautiful sound! I wouldn't mind getting myself one of those .

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by nimbinned

How much would one of these cost?

Remember I heard some recording on youtube ages ago and it was some sort of bowl so I'm assuming that was it, sound went right through me

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by Tingle
reply to post by nimbinned

How much would one of these cost?

Remember I heard some recording on youtube ages ago and it was some sort of bowl so I'm assuming that was it, sound went right through me

It can depend on size as well as quality. The more metals used in its creation, the more expensive it is.

My bowl is about 8 inches in diameter, so is not that big, but it's of really good quality. I think I paid about $150 Aussie, around 10 years ago.

* Ned

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by Tingle

I know exactly what you mean. My forehead starts to buzz almost immediately after I start meditation and I just go with the flow from there. The purple colors I have seen started as a fuzzy blob then evolved into a kind of vortex as of late. I would also like to learn other meditations but I dont really know where to begin and I can only manifest the vibration in my third eye. I have tried meditating on my other chakras but never really felt anything.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by Brujobrett13
reply to post by Tingle

I know exactly what you mean. My forehead starts to buzz almost immediately after I start meditation and I just go with the flow from there. The purple colors I have seen started as a fuzzy blob then evolved into a kind of vortex as of late. I would also like to learn other meditations but I dont really know where to begin and I can only manifest the vibration in my third eye. I have tried meditating on my other chakras but never really felt anything.

Think I said this before, but yes - don't neglect those other chakras! Even if you can't "feel" them like you feel your third eye, imagine the sensation, use your best guess, visualize them, they are there - and you are only as strong as your weakest link!

Your whole body is a line of energy, if the energy is flowing freely then your third eye will be even stronger - and just wait until you get high enough energy flowing to your crown chakra and experience pure bliss of energy gushing out of your head. It's crazy!

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by derickonfire

So how long should I meditate on each chakra? Should I concentrate on one until I can feel it and then move on? Where would be best to start? I heard to start at the root chakra and work your way up. Is this correct?

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 04:33 AM

Originally posted by Brujobrett13
reply to post by derickonfire

So how long should I meditate on each chakra? Should I concentrate on one until I can feel it and then move on? Where would be best to start? I heard to start at the root chakra and work your way up. Is this correct?

I don't think you need to stay on one until you actually feel it, because some even I have a hard time feeling - and have only felt them sometimes though very intensely. This gives me a great guide to imagine and meditate on when I do work on these chakras. Don't exhaust yourself with one chakra over and over and over, but still don't neglect. You might want to work a different chakra each day of the week, but also spend some time on your favorite chakra to experience. Kind of make a program for yourself? Use your own head, you're very smart.

Focus on a visualization, the energy flowing UPWARD from the center of the earth, literally - imagine in your head you sitting on the earth and it's incredible power in molten magma traveling up into each of your chakras, sit at each one for a moment - whatever YOU feel comfortable, it might be a count of breaths, it might be until you see a color in your head or just a process of imagining the energy raising up and spinning your chakras, energizing you, and then upwards out of your head - and out from your head like a waterfall back down into the earth like a forcefield surrounding you, and of course - lots of energy shooting up outward into many chakras above and outside of your body - but don't worry about those right now.

Have you ever been electrocuted? One of my favorite meditations is to see me sitting on the earth, like it is a ball maybe the size of a car yet I sit on it and in the center of the earth is a fierce red I can't even draw - and feel the energy PULSING so hard and fierce up into you into your body into all of you - like an electron buzzing around a nucleus - energy is a probability function, the flow of energy is so fast and instant you are everything RIGHT now but we can't realize it - because we are human. We are under a veil - but the truth is there to experience first hand - that is the only way it will be real for you.

I suppose most my mediations are just 'non-thinking' kinds, or seeing with my third eye, or pure white light bliss . But it's nice having tools in your toolbox, and keeping them sharp.

Ohm mani padma hum
Ohm mani pame hung
edit on 4-7-2012 by derickonfire because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by derickonfire

Thanks for the advice. During my last meditation I felt my root chakra for the first time which is kind of strange because I had just asked you about it. I felt almost the same kind of buzz and pressure in the perineum that i feel in my forehead. I also felt some sort of heat around my belly . Not my actual skin being hot but something else that I have never felt before.

Do you know anything about spirit guides? I have heard about this from a lot of people but Im not sure what to believe. I think I am a bit skeptical because I think it is possible that lower entities could pose as spirit guides and lead you into something dangerous. I am not meditating to have paranormal experiences but I know that it comes with the territory. Have you ever witnessed any kind of entities?

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 03:29 AM

Originally posted by Brujobrett13
reply to post by derickonfire

Thanks for the advice. During my last meditation I felt my root chakra for the first time which is kind of strange because I had just asked you about it. I felt almost the same kind of buzz and pressure in the perineum that i feel in my forehead. I also felt some sort of heat around my belly . Not my actual skin being hot but something else that I have never felt before.

Do you know anything about spirit guides? I have heard about this from a lot of people but Im not sure what to believe. I think I am a bit skeptical because I think it is possible that lower entities could pose as spirit guides and lead you into something dangerous. I am not meditating to have paranormal experiences but I know that it comes with the territory. Have you ever witnessed any kind of entities?

Sorry for the late response, but your last paragraph speaks truth which you seem to already know.

Yes, I used to be haunted a lot by entities - and I could feel them leeching from me - projecting sins into my head (lust and gluttony mostly). At night, I would see with my third eye shadows or blobs of energy creeping around my bed, and it was terrifying for a while.. but Keep positive and HAVE NO FEAR and spread the love to them, they will dissipate with your devoted practice. Really they can't hurt you unless you allow them the chance. That is of course if you are even weak enough for them to be around you, I was and still am - lots of childhood stuff I am trying to work through, but the entire process is a very positive experience and a change for the better in ALL aspects of life. Spirit guides will not bring any fear.. you simply will have NONE when they are around. It's almost exhilaration when you sense them, like a rekindling of hope, of communion and joy that spans even into death.

As far as real life spirit guides, I see a massive orange dragonfly all over the place at the most random of times, which then disappears - could have many meanings though. I know a good friend of mine sees and hears Owls often, and they are in his dreams. Look up old myth lore if this is your case and you'll find meaning.

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 10:49 PM
I used to see those orbs and shadow people constantly when I was a kid and they scared the crap out of me. I would see them peering from around doorways or fleeting past my peripheral vision. I haven't seen anything like that in a looong time though. Lately meditation has been great. I have been able to feel my root, naval, third eye and crown chakras intensely. In fact I had an experience where I felt my third eye and crown vibrating at the same time. It was incredible. Just today I felt my whole upper body vibrating and it almost felt like the early stages of an orgasm. It was so powerful of a sensation that I actually lost my concentration. I'm also still working at sleep paralysis and have had it on a couple occasions but the vibrations just weren't strong enough for astral projection. I believe my stress level is stifling that ability. Good to hear from ya. Thanks

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