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Any experienced meditators able to help?

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posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 07:08 PM
Okay so I've been doing meditation on my 3rd eye / Ajna chakra on and off for about 6 months or so. When I used to meditate I'd see these violet waves flowing across my closed eyes (and in my vision if I opened them) and they would get more and more intense until eventually they would go layer over layer of each other causing me to have a trance even if I looked at them for a second.. And even if I looked somewhere else or moved my body it would still happen so it's not sleep paralysis or something like that it's hard to explain.

My first question is what is that I was experiencing as I mentioned above

Now on to my second question, in the last week or so those waves don't happen so much, now when I meditate I see the same violet but it all the waves go inward towards a dark ( ) shape in the middle where my third eye would be (but why would it be ( ) shaped I assumed it'd be eye shaped) and my first thought was maybe that's my third eye, but why would it be dark there in the middle in that shape, with the most vibrant violet colour you can imagine all around it.

My second question is why has it changed from the waves I mentioned to this shape?


posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by Tingle

I wouldn't know where to start with what you describe, it is possibly quite unique to you and your perception. I just keep focusing on what feels right and that works for me. You seem to be doing well just keep doing what you're doing and good luck!

Meditate/pray for answers but some things are better off unanswered.. at least for the time being.

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by TechUnique

Thanks just thought maybe others had experienced this and could shed some insight

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by Tingle

>> A young monk suddenly jumped up from his meditation cushion and ran to his teacher’s room. Without even pausing to take off his shoes, he barged in on his teacher, whom was sitting reading, and breathlessly announced that he had just seen a vision of a golden Buddha radiating light.
“Don’t Worry,” replied the teacher without even looking up from the book. “If you keep meditating it will go away.” >There is a common tale that details a meeting between an accomplished Yogi and Buddha, as the latter was teaching his followers on the banks of a river. The Yogi tried to impress the crowd and prove his mastery over the physical world by walking on the water from one side of the river to the other. Buddha asked the Yogi how long it took him to master this feat and he replied – “Twenty years”, to which Buddha responded “You should have just paid the boat-man and saved yourself twenty years.”

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 08:03 PM
lots of things may happen during meditation. some things will make you very excited, but it will pass in time.

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by nimbinned

Thank you, so you don't think what's happening to me is a bad sign or anything?

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by Tingle
reply to post by nimbinned

Thank you, so you don't think what's happening to me is a bad sign or anything?

No, it's not bad. It just is.

This happens to me all the time - the shifting and expanding glowing shapes and colours, but I try not to analyze it, just simply acknowledge it and remain focused on 'observing' without judgement. It can feel blissfull at times, but I see this as a by-product of my spiritual practice, not the goal of meditation.

There are many ways to meditate. I would recommend trying other types, not just the 3rd eye technique.

I especially like walking meditations - if the body can be part of the process then it's really cool. I guess that's what tai-chi or chi-kung are all about.

* Ned

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by nimbinned

Can you link me to some useful meditations?

I want to move on from 3rd eye meditation but I've tried a lot of the guided meditations but somehow it always ends up being a 3rd eye meditation because the purple waves come, my forehead tingles and from then one its all 3rd eye
I really feel even just the 3rd eye meditations has changed me so much spiritually, go back 2 years maybe even a year I'd have said meditation is for hippies or something, now I love to do it all the time and it's made me more aware in life and thought me lessons but I still want to learn a lot more and want to expand my meditations

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by Tingle

What you describe sounds like hypnagogia. If you stare at a white wall, or during a Ganzfeld experiment, you will get the same effects over time.

Basically, it's like a sort of screen saver that your brain switches on due to a perceived lack of input. Entering a hypnagogic state when meditating or attempting to lucid dream is a strong indicator that you are about to "switch", as I like to put it.

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by Dreamer99
reply to post by Tingle

What you describe sounds like hypnagogia. If you stare at a white wall, or during a Ganzfeld experiment, you will get the same effects over time.

Basically, it's like a sort of screen saver that your brain switches on due to a perceived lack of input. Entering a hypnagogic state when meditating or attempting to lucid dream is a strong indicator that you are about to "switch", as I like to put it.

What do you mean by switch..?

And i thought hypnagogia only happened if you didn't move your eyesight and just stared.. If I move my eyes it comes back almost instantly.

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by nimbinned

Originally posted by Tingle
reply to post by nimbinned

Thank you, so you don't think what's happening to me is a bad sign or anything?

No, it's not bad. It just is.

This happens to me all the time - the shifting and expanding glowing shapes and colours, but I try not to analyze it, just simply acknowledge it and remain focused on 'observing' without judgement. It can feel blissfull at times, but I see this as a by-product of my spiritual practice, not the goal of meditation.

There are many ways to meditate. I would recommend trying other types, not just the 3rd eye technique.

I especially like walking meditations - if the body can be part of the process then it's really cool. I guess that's what tai-chi or chi-kung are all about.

* Ned

Yes, walking meditations are something I've recently started trying - usually at night under the influence of our heavenly celestial bodies. Good to see you do this, too!

As for the purple waves - this is nothing. Enjoy it for what it is, as it is true reality - the ether realm. Don't look too hard, but just as 'Ned' said, enjoy it's bliss and keep your mind clear. Purple is a very spiritual color, it's the color of your third eye chakra and symbolizes the ethereal spiritual realm - you're third eye is blurry and is just learning to see and too focus.

Don't focus TOO much on your third eye, as all your chakras are important too and you're only as strong as your weakest link.

You may also see eyes, in time.. I have seen and do see many kinds. You see more when you're not trying to see, and it's hardest to not THINK about the coolest thing you're seeing. Once your ego wakens up, it usually disappears.
edit on 30-6-2012 by derickonfire because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by derickonfire

Thank you it's just all of the other chakra ones I tried didn't really have an effect on me but the first third eye one I felt the tingle so being excited kept doing it.. Can you suggest any meditations to try

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by Tingle
reply to post by nimbinned

Can you link me to some useful meditations?

I want to move on from 3rd eye meditation but I've tried a lot of the guided meditations but somehow it always ends up being a 3rd eye meditation because the purple waves come, my forehead tingles and from then one its all 3rd eye
I really feel even just the 3rd eye meditations has changed me so much spiritually, go back 2 years maybe even a year I'd have said meditation is for hippies or something, now I love to do it all the time and it's made me more aware in life and thought me lessons but I still want to learn a lot more and want to expand my meditations

Here's Kuji-In - 9 mudras and Sanskrit syllables used in Buddhism as well as by Ninjas.
A book:
but you can google Francois Lépine and free stuff.
This works well for me after about 30 yrs of TM.
Your third eye is opening - this would be the Eighth Kuji (Zai)

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by Tingle
reply to post by nimbinned

Can you link me to some useful meditations?

I want to move on from 3rd eye meditation but I've tried a lot of the guided meditations but somehow it always ends up being a 3rd eye meditation because the purple waves come, my forehead tingles and from then one its all 3rd eye
I really feel even just the 3rd eye meditations has changed me so much spiritually, go back 2 years maybe even a year I'd have said meditation is for hippies or something, now I love to do it all the time and it's made me more aware in life and thought me lessons but I still want to learn a lot more and want to expand my meditations

I'm glad to hear that it has helped you on your spiritual journey.

Stay away from guided meditations - they're for beginners. You need to move on to some more serious stuff now.

I can recommend many different types of meditation but it really is a personal thing, so you need to explore yourself and get a gauge of what feels right for you. Essentially they all do the same thing though - and that is quietening the ego-mind and allowing your spirit to emerge and join in on the human experience.

If you like music and sound - try repeating a mantra or listening to drumming,chants etc
If you are visual then meditate on an object like a candle or something beautiful in nature, like a tree or waterfall.
If you are kinesthetic then use movement like dance, walking, yoga or chi-kung
If you are cerebral type of person, then use Zen koans

The practice I employ mostly now is simple mindfullness, being totally present in everything I do and allowing intuition to guide me in my thoughts and deeds.

Cool Avatar by the way.

* Ned

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by nimbinned

Thank you for all this will get started looking it all up tomorrow

And thanks just saw it and thought it looked really beautiful really

Thank you once more I'm sure I shall see you again!

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 09:02 PM
lots of different meditations, from Buddhist to New Age to Satanic.

I use them all, those which felt right to me

and specifically:

some of these are very powerful, if your mind is open and you have no fear

also Solfeggio harmonics are great

Like another poster mentioned, you'll find what feels right to you. The third eye was the most prominent for me too, but the other chakras are definitely able to be felt, more subtle - but just focus and relax =)

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by Tingle

In my experience, hypnagogia can be persistent once it starts to set in. When I used to try the Ganzfeld experiment with meditation and pink noise, I would often get wild hypnagogia that would persist the way phosphenes or retinal burn-in does.

And by switch, I mean that feeling you get during meditation when you can feel your mind change pace. It's a hard to explain feeling, so I refer to it as the switch. Same thing with lucid dreaming, the switch is that moment when things become vivid and you begin to establish yourself in your dream state.

The second question in the OP; I've seen that same thing since I was a kid. I've wondered why the same pattern would often show up when I close my eyes for a long time. I wonder if it might be that we are seeing the iris, or rather, the shadow of the iris? It looks like an eye, we see with our eyes, it would make sense that we are actually just seeing our own eyes.

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by nimbinned

Ned, years ago in group meditation the instructor used a special metallic bowl thing with I think a metal stick, the sound was so pure I felt my whole body and spirit vibrate to become one with the sound and helped my ego dissolve, just wondering if you have a clue as to what that thing is called?

Sorry to derail!

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by auroraaus
reply to post by nimbinned

Ned, years ago in group meditation the instructor used a special metallic bowl thing with I think a metal stick, the sound was so pure I felt my whole body and spirit vibrate to become one with the sound and helped my ego dissolve, just wondering if you have a clue as to what that thing is called?

Sorry to derail! ?

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by derickonfire

Yes that's it! Thank you!

Gosh I feel like a goose!

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