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America the greatest country?

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posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by mkgandhas
america is one of the biggest mass murderers in history after the british empire so like USA is the greatest evil the world has seen.

Where do you live> Let's compare.

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

USA has waged more than 150 wars in 200 years
USA mass murdered an estimated 30 to 100 million native americans.
USA enslaved,tortured and murdered estimated 10 to 40 million africans via slavery ,lynching and torture.
Murdered 30-50 million in the third world.
is responsible for starvation ,civil wars in the third world responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths.

ztlan resistance movement and La Raza have estimated that usa murdered 100 million native americans.But independent historians estimate 30 million.Yamin Zakaria gave the estimate of 70 million native americans murdered.Marxist estimates of 160 million which is too high in my opinion

As the whites stole the lands from the native americans,I consider the Aztlan's movement estimates as credible.USA was responsible for 15-30 million deaths of native americans according to researcher David Stannard.

Yamin Zakaria:
marxist's org:

371 treaties were made by the US government with Native Americans. The United States govenment violated 370 of those treaties, to date. Over 250 years, 160 million Native Americans have been killed by the US government

on the american holodomer in which 7-12 million were starved by the deliberate policies of Federal Reserve to create the great depression:

Refer to the Zeitgeist documentary and research which shows how the Federal Reserve crashed the american economy deliberately.

If the usa can murder 7-12 million of its own for the federal reserve and murder 30-100 million native americans and enslave and murder 5-30 million blacks,how are you not one of the most evil nations on the planet. Also Gideon Polya calculated the death toll of usa as 80 million.

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 04:17 PM

Police-state America isn't even in the top 10 anymore...

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by Szarekh
reply to post by eyesontheskies

Ironically enough,soon it will be Germany.

Please, no. We don't want that. We have a large enough pack on our shoulders, we don't want the rest of the world to turn towards us and demand help. That would be too much. And our history doesn't really promote us as the #1.

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

many of those evil Nazis you speak of were transported to America after WW2. Given new lives, identities, privileges...No doubt you know this. Many ancestors of those evil Nazis are occupying important political positions of America today. You used Nazi knowledge to send a man to the Moon. So looks like many of your leaders also had no problems with Nazis.

So, what is your point about the French?

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by goou111
reply to post by SplitInfinity

i love how they say other countries are more progressive

america invented progressive

Err No.

Britain was a progressive country well before The US. Britain..........Birthplace of the Industrial Revolution. The greatest progress that man has ever made.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by MarioOnTheFly

As important as Wernher von Braum was to the U.S. Space Program....von Braum himself attributes much of the work that he achieved through concepts and ideas that were developed by American Robert Goddard in the 1920's.

After World War I, Robert Goddard in the States discussed in a paper (1920) the possibility of reaching the Moon by rocket. By 1935 he had constructed a liquid-fueled rocket, steered by a gyroscope which moved vanes against the jet, and rose to a height of 7,500 feet. Independently in 1923 the Rumanian mathematician Hermann Oberth published a book in Munich on the theory of space travel. He concluded that the construction of a machine to carry humans beyond the Earth was technically feasible, and would be accomplished within a few decades. He recommended liquid-fueled rocks, and made refined calculations of different kinds of rocket trajectories.

While these developments were occurring, the German General Staff was preoccupied with the problem of evading the restrictions on sizes of guns, imposed on the Germany Army by the Versailles Treaty. They turned their attention to rocket missiles, which were not covered by the Treaty. In 1929, they confidentially investigated the ideas and personalities of the space-travel and rocket enthusiast. They were most impressed by the young student of astronomy von Braun, and in 1932 engaged him to undertake the development of rockets. The General Staff secured Walter Riedel, a first-rate engineer, to help the space enthusiasts make their ideas practical.

Riedel had had much experience in the handling of liquid oxygen with the Heylandt liquid-oxygen company. With his assistance, the enthusiasts built a rocket motor to run on alcohol (as a fuel) and liquid oxygen (as an oxidizer), which developed a thrust of 650 lb. A rocket was deigned to be driven by it and was given the code name A-1.

So although there is no debate involving the Wernher von Braum's importance to the U.S. Space Program...there is also no debate by even von Braum Himself that AMERICAN ROBERT GODDARD was a Man....WAY BEFORE HIS to both development and influencing Rocketry as well as Famous German Born Rocket Scientists such as Professor Wernher von Braum.

Although there is little doubt that German Scientists tried as hard as they could to reach the U.S. Military Lines to surrender knowing that working for and with the American's was much more preferable than working for the Soviet's....Werner von Braum himself...stated that many of the concepts and ideas that he used to develop the V-2 as well as eventually developing the Saturn V....the Largest Rocket Ever Made and the Rocket that brought U.S. Astronauts to the Moon....were concepts and ideas that he took or based upon the work of ROBERT GODDARD and von Braum has admitted a bit of HERO WORSHIP toward GODDARD....NOT something that a German Scientist of such skill and EGO would easily admit unless they had true respect for the man.

Split Infinity

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by MarioOnTheFly

As far as my point about the French...there are TWO GROUPS of French as well as the decision which I cannnot understand in the least of allowing the French to be on the Permanent Members U.N. List along with the U.S., Russia, China, United Kingdom and....FRANCE?

Why was France allowed on the Big Five List and China was nor really on in it's true nature until recently....but FRANCE? Although as I have said their were many a Brave Soul who fought and died for the French Underground...the LEVEL OF COLLUSION IS SICKENING as far as the Vichy French Government that collaborated with the AXIS POWERS.

What hurts most of all was the French are the ones that helped the Young United States drive out England as well as send us the Statue of Liberty. But there can be no excuse for the VICHY FRENCH GOVERNMENT!
Split Infinity

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 03:42 AM
reply to post by Mythkiller

Is the US the best country? YES & NO.

If we would just stick to what our founding fathers wanted oh so many years ago we would be just fine. We let the progressive mindset into everything and it is rotting itself out.

That's right progressive is a bad word. They like to hang up cameras to watch you and don"t want you to be able to defend yourself. They care about the rights of the whole more then the individual.

You have the right to do anything as long as it does not infringe on another's right to do the same. It really is that simple think about how many things you see that infringe on your rights.

edit on 4-7-2012 by SubTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by alldaylong

First let me say that these are not my words but rather someone who was responding to me. Secondly...the United States is the Birth Place of the Assembly Line which REVOLUTIONIZED the Industrial Revolution.

Even though most assembly line jobs are ROBOTIC in the U.S....the U.S. is known to in the case as we have now...a World Economy on the Brink of Collapse...seem to always come up when it is most desperately needed...a new WORLD CHANGING TECHNOLOGY that has the capabilities to alter markets and boost the World Wide Economy in a way that opens many doors by a single invention with MANY APPS alone!

This was the case with the Assembly Line for Auto's...the Electric Light....Moving Pictures....Radio...T.V....Telephone and Telegraph....the Personal Computer...the Smart Phone....the list is endless. We currently need a new source of Generating Large Quantities of Clean Energy at Low will be released soon enough. Split Infinity

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 02:08 AM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity

This was the case with the Assembly Line for Auto's...the Electric Light....Moving Pictures....Radio...T.V....Telephone and Telegraph....the Personal Computer...the Smart Phone....the list is endless. We currently need a new source of Generating Large Quantities of Clean Energy at Low will be released soon enough. Split Infinity

Okay, lets do the work:

Assembly Line for Auto's: Ford Motor Company. Check.
Electric light: Henry Woodward, Canada. Uncheck.
Moving Pictures: To one person only: Edison company. To many persons (audience, like today): Lumiere. Uncheck.
Radio: Alexander Popow, Russia. Uncheck.
TV (black/white): Boris Lwowitsch Rosing, Russia. Uncheck.
TV (color): many, first transmission from CBS. Check, maybe.
Telephone: Bell. Check.
Telegraph: Gauß. Uncheck.
Personal computer: difficult, but okay, most of the inventors came from the US. Check.
Smart phone: Nokia. Uncheck.

See, there are more countries in the world. They have inventors, too.
I just hate it when ANY country puts itself above others. None excepted!

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 02:32 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

I've been trying to follow your posts, to figure out your comments on France, and what that has to do with America being great. I haven't been able to.

Every country has some point in their history that they are not proud of, that has no relevance, in my opinion, on how great or powerful the country is NOW.

France is a formidable force, with high living standards, the best quality medical care in the world, an impressive military..... it ranks up there with the other great countries, and has it's place in the UN.

As for the Vichy regime- I agree, that was a big point of shame in their history. But for one, holding it over the country now (most if not all who did that are dead now, no?) to deny what they are NOW makes no sense.
The same could be done for the US who has it's own multitude of past sins.

Two- Concluding that "America is great because France sucks" is not logical. I can't push away the feeling you are french (? forgive me if I am wrong) and one of those who is hyper critical of your own country and dreaming of the big daddy over there who must be better than the one you hate here.

Every country has those. I know Americans who swoon and say "France must be great, because America sucks."
Which is just as ridiculous.

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 02:56 AM
link is your list.
Assembly Line for Auto's: Ford Motor Company. Check.
Electric light: Henry Woodward, Canada. Uncheck.
Moving Pictures: To one person only: Edison company. To many persons (audience, like today): Lumiere. Uncheck.
Radio: Alexander Popow, Russia. Uncheck.
TV (black/white): Boris Lwowitsch Rosing, Russia. Uncheck.
TV (color): many, first transmission from CBS. Check, maybe.
Telephone: Bell. Check.
Telegraph: Gauß. Uncheck.
Personal computer: difficult, but okay, most of the inventors came from the US. Check.
Smart phone: Nokia. Uncheck.

The Radio and Black and White TV have been argued...but regardless if your list is correct...IT WAS THE UNITED STATES that Developed and Marketed as well as built the Systems for Transmission as well as a COST EFFECTIVE product that could be easily afforded by the Public.

Telegraph...was actually created 30 years prior to the REAL DISCOVERER OF TELEGRAPH....FARADAY OF THE U.K. by an Unknown American Inventor who was trying to use a charge created by the turning of a Wagon Wheel that was attached by itself to a rock mason holder. The wheel had Copper brushes attached to it and was used to alert a Pony Express Rider when he was about to receive a Mail Bag. records have been yet found of his name.

Smart Phones...This is a case of a U.S. Company selling it's interest in Nokia and the U.S. Military has had Cell Phones of this nature for a very long time. So...I guess you could have me there...but then again...the INTERNET was designed by the U.S. MILITARY and without the have no SMART PHONES...BUT I will give you that one.

Still...more so than any other country....the U.S. has developed Tech. that has Changed the World as well as Developed Many things for Commercial use that were once part of the U.S. Space Program. So...I stand by my intent of my post. Split Infinity

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by mkgandhas

USA mass murdered an estimated 30 to 100 million native americans.

Do you honestly believe that?

I have looked up several sources and I cannot even find a number that is close to your numbers. Here is a couple.

Estimates of the pre-Columbian population of what today constitutes the U.S. vary significantly, ranging from 1 million to 18 million.[4][5]


How many Native Americans were killed

1.85 million.

Despite the lack of precise data on the Native American population in 1492, in the book “American Indian Holocaust and Survival”, Russell Thornton estimates there were over 2 million American Indians in the US in 1492, and, in the beginning of the 20th century, this population was reduced to only 125,000 – 150,000. In other words, a total of 1.85 million Native Americans were killed between the 15th and the 19th centuries – nearly 500,000 killed during each century.


I know that you would like to believe that 30 to 100 million native americans were killed, but seriously man

I am not saying that alot of innocent people were slain for ridiculous reasons, and this is a shame. What I am saying is that your numbers are so skewed they are off of the charts. I wonder how many links did you have to sort through to get to those numbers? I looked through several and the most I found was 11 million.

USA enslaved,tortured and murdered estimated 10 to 40 million africans via slavery ,lynching and torture.

From the 16th to the 19th centuries, an estimated 12 million Africans were shipped as slaves to the Americas.(see Slavery in the Americas)[3][4] Of these, an estimated 645,000 were brought to what is now the United States.[5] By the 1860 United States Census, the slave population in the United States had grown to four million.[6]


All of them were not murdered you know

I have read some of your recent posts on other threads. It is obvious that you have some serious anit-american sentiment going on.

Personally I hope that you are not American
And if you are you should be ashamed of your rhetoric.

I am in no way saying that what went down in history or what is happening today is acceptable behavior, what i am saying is that your are using some pretty questionable sources with some obviously skewed numbers to try to push your anti-american views.

That is cool because I can see through the bs and you litterally have no credibility to speak from. You can hate all you want, but I am not buying it and if anyone has a shred of dignity and an ounce of sense thay would know this also.

100 milion native americans

I am seriously amused and astounded that you have two stars. I guess that is goes to show that instead of doing one's own research some would rather just listen to the "preacher" and follow the "herd".
edit on 5-7-2012 by liejunkie01 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 03:15 AM
reply to post by Bluesma

Actually...I will tell you the TRUTH behind my dislike of French Attitudes....I Travel...a LOT. I am very well versed in the cultural differences between France and the U.S. and I think that France has brought Cooking to an ART FORM. But here is where my issues lye.

I am at a outdoor Cafe after thinking I am going to die at 60 mph going around in a circle with a Thousand other drivers around a famous French piece of Arcitectural Design. There are NO LANES and these cars are too small for my body. Everyone is OUT OF THEIR MINDS! This makes N.Y. City look like a drive in the country.

I get dropped off at this Cafe and have 45 Minutes before a Meeting across the street. I know waiters in France are paid with a TIP BUILT IN TO THE there fore there is NO INCENTIVE for anyone to HUSTLE or do a better job than the other waiter so SERVICE SUCKS an the attitude is so bad that I just want to give them a good SMACK!

In the U.S...the Customer is ALWAYS RIGHT! In France...The Customer should feel HONORED that they were able to get anyone to take their order. IT PISSES ME OFF! BAD MANNERS...and they feel that they are entitled for things that they have not earned. THAT is the issue I have with the French. That and they HATE ANYONE OR ANYTHING NOT FRENCH LIVING IN FRANCE! And they have no compassion about this...not Police...Not Politicians....Not even the CHURCH! They are the most BIGOTED people I have ever experienced.
Split Infinity

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Okay, it would just be too easy to rip your posting to shreds by comparing it to the "ugly american tourist"-stereotype. Just too easy.

Cars too small.. Traffic too fast.. Waiters too snobby.. Why didn't you tell us something about the ungratefullness against americans who freed them? Oh wait, you did, I guess..
edit on 5-7-2012 by ManFromEurope because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 09:20 AM
Almost every country would consider themselves the greatest. All of them have achievements or a rich history.

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 09:20 AM
hello nice to be here and i agree

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

The following where invented by:-

Radio Guglieimo Marconi Italian/British

TV John Logie Baird Scottish

Telephone Alexander Graham Bell Scottish

Electric Light Bulb Humphrey Davy English

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by alldaylong

You ripped him apart.

Good one.

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