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Kid Attacked in School By Teacher Making $95,202 a year

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posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 10:14 PM
I'm not seeing the issue on this one? There are tons of witnesses all around, even a female steps in and tries to subdue the kid, but the kid keeps going after the teacher. The teacher appears to be trying to get the backpack, and that is an entry to a school with a metal detector, so if the teacher wants the backpack, he should have gave it up. The kid is the aggressor the whole time.

Just because the teacher is bigger and ultimately wins, does not mean he is the bad guy?

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 10:24 PM
Back in the early sixties I was handled much worse at a Catholic school for having an untidy desk. It was not right then and neither is this.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 10:42 PM
I applaud the teacher. Punks get treated like punks. Here in my area we have the same policy. No ID no entry... NO exceptions. The problem here is gang retaliation and kids who have been expelled coming back and getting violent. I guess we should all just allow kids to break rules because they're kids.. huh? This is real life.. where real people get really hurt and really killed. This policy is a good policy.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by QUANTUMGR4V17Y
Really? Can we be honest with ourselves for a moment? No one knows what this kid was saying while walking away. If his I.D. wasn't working properly and the teacher didn't know the kid, then the kid entering the school without permission / mouthing off would be considered "dangerous."

While the scene turned excessive, it seemed as if the boy was the one doing most of the fighting, the teacher looked more as if he was trying to subdue him, with just reason. That kid was out of control.

Eyes, do you have them? I don't care if the kid told him to "F" off six ways from sunday, no amount of VERBAGE gives you the right to assault a minor. The kid swiped his card, it didn't read, they wouldn't let him in, he probably got agitated because it was a technological issue with the piece of plastic they issued him and said something like "This is bull" and the guy grabbed him.

I'll tell you what, this happened to me once in best buy, I promptly WHOOPED THE PISS out of the manager and walked away once the police saw the surveillance footage. I was online drinking a soda, next in line -- the manager walked up to me and forcefully grabbed me just like this teacher did this kid, he yelled at me and said "You had no intention to pay for that soda" "No INTENTION" "SECURITY" as he was forcing me into the wall, he put his hand on my neck and that's when I defended myself and mopped the floor with him.

The police came in and reviewed the tape and said that I could press charges or I could leave, which ever. I said to the man, "do you want to go to jail or did you learn to never put your hands on a kid again?" He looked up at me from the chair and said "I'm sorry, I'll never touch another kid again." I didn't press charges.

You have to understand, verbage does not give you authority to assault someone. Grabbing someone forcefully by the arm and pushing them around against their will is definitely assault. That teacher punched that kid too after he threw him through the table. It's just hard to see because of the camera angle, his big fat body blocked most of the frame. All the kid did was defend himself, which he had every right to.

You people make me sick.

Originally posted by Advantage
I applaud the teacher. Punks get treated like punks. Here in my area we have the same policy. No ID no entry... NO exceptions. The problem here is gang retaliation and kids who have been expelled coming back and getting violent. I guess we should all just allow kids to break rules because they're kids.. huh? This is real life.. where real people get really hurt and really killed. This policy is a good policy.

You're the punk, the kid was walking away when he was violently grabbed and thrown into a table. The kid might have had work due on that date. He didn't forget his ID card, it just didn't work. So when they told him he couldn't go in, he probably got upset, he didn't look agitated, he looked frustrated. Nothing but the facts matter, and the fact is the kid was walking away and had his back to the teacher that assaulted him.

The teacher was a punk. The teacher didn't like something the kid said, words don't give you permission to assault a minor who is walking away from the altercation. He tried to walk away twice. The first time they called him back because he forgot to get his ID from the gate guard, the second time he ignored them and got violently accosted by a man nearly triple his weight.

What the # is wrong with you idiots that think the kid was a "punk" is it because he was black?


I want to add that these cameras record sound very well. There is no sound because it was deliberately edited out. Why? Because the kid wasn't wrong.

I know this because 15 years ago when they were half the video resolution they still had sound and space was an "Issue" then. Sound is more important than video in most cases, especially so in this case -- yet the video that was released by the school has no sound.

I wonder why?

Are you people that stupid?


Watch the video twenty times, by then maybe you'll see that the kid didn't throw a single punch the entire time. He was half the size of the people tossing him around, all he did was twist his body to break the hold they had on him.

Unless you propose the kid likes to swing at your phantom face that is 3 feet away from the trajectory of his open hand....


edit on 29-6-2012 by Laokin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

The issue is the teacher dared to lay a hand on a kid. For some reason I can't fathom, in today's society you're not supposed to do that under any circumstances because the kid can't understand what he or she is doing. You're supposed to let any kid get away with things such as antagonizing anybody they want to just because they're a kid. All kids are precious angels, no matter what they do or say.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by Laokin

It's people like you who make me sick.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
reply to post by getreadyalready

The issue is the teacher dared to lay a hand on a kid. For some reason I can't fathom, in today's society you're not supposed to do that under any circumstances because the kid can't understand what he or she is doing. You're supposed to let any kid get away with things such as antagonizing anybody they want to just because they're a kid. All kids are precious angels, no matter what they do or say.

Um, we don't hit adults. We don't hit kids. This doesn't translate into "we let him get away with anything." The kid didn't even do anything wrong. He HAD his I.D. He walked away the first time, the guy at the gate was still holding it. He went back to get it from the guy at the gate, who gave it back to him with no issues. He was then walking away from the confrontation when the teacher grabs him and throws him into the table.

Do you honestly think the only way to punish a kid even if they are mouthy is to beat him? I mean, wtf is wrong with you.

Violence is only acceptable in DEFENSE. The person who gets violent first is always the one at fault.

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
reply to post by Laokin

It's people like you who make me sick.

How exactly, do I make you sick? Because I don't think it's permissible to put your hands on anybody who isn't a violent threat to safety? Especially someone who can't properly defend against it?

Oh, sorry that makes you sick. You are mentally damaged if you think that kid antagonized anybody.
edit on 29-6-2012 by Laokin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by Laokin

Disrespectful punk kids do not respond to things like reason and logic and "pretty please with sugar on top". They only respond to discipline, that is the only way they can learn.

When I was a kid I was ALWAYS smacked by adults WHENEVER i was disrespectful in any way shape or form, even if I was just teasing or making a smart aleck joke.

Where were people like you back then? Why are you pos so prevalent in today's society now?

It's people like you that enable children to be disrespectful and antagonistic towards adults that make me sick. WTF is wrong with you?

I'm really sick of these bs attitudes that kids are so special they're above being disciplined for bad and rude behavior.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by villagesmithie
every one step back a little and take another look at the last 15 seconds of video ........did you look ?
my point is there is a reason ,[this point is aimed at the responsibilities of parents] 5count them 5 armed security personel ,all with tazers 2 with firearms and tazers . in what apears to be a middle school.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 11:36 PM
Just throwing in here that I agree with those who say the punk kid got what he asked for.

You can clearly see he is acting up, and that is why the big teacher gets involved. The lady that was, from what I could tell, running the scanner, had an obvious air of disbelief at the punk's behavior. Thus the teacher gets involved. Punk tries storming off without the proper 'scanning in', and the teacher grabs him. Punk gets more hostile and flustered teacher begins to subdue.

Also.....nice picture of a ten year old, innocent looking kid. Definitely not a freshman in high school.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
reply to post by Laokin

Disrespectful punk kids do not respond to things like reason and logic and "pretty please with sugar on top". They only respond to discipline, that is the only way they can learn.

When I was a kid I was ALWAYS smacked by adults WHENEVER i was disrespectful in any way shape or form, even if I was just teasing or making a smart aleck joke.

Where were people like you back then? Why are you pos so prevalent in today's society now?

It's people like you that enable children to be disrespectful and antagonistic towards adults that make me sick. WTF is wrong with you?

I'm really sick of these bs attitudes that kids are so special they're above being disciplined for bad and rude behavior.

I wasn't hit, I don't hit people unless I'm hit. I was disciplined by education. As many here were. The kids I look after are not disrespectful or antagonistic towards adults. I never have to lay a hand on them.

The problem is, you were abused and as a result you think the only way to discipline is through abuse.

Go buy a dog, beat him every time he does something wrong and see what happens. He will bite the hand that feeds him.

Reward him when he does what is expected and he won't ever bite the hand that feeds him. It's a lot like that. Reward doesn't mean "Spoil." A reward can be a hug, a pat on the back, a reassuring gesture. It does not have to be Call of Duty 27 and a brand new remote controlled airplane or that brand new $450 Dyno GT bike with the chrome caps and pegs.

I'm sorry you feel you had to be smacked and beaten in order to be disciplined. I assure you, you didn't. I didn't, your neighbor over the way didn't either. We can all be shown and educated without being assaulted.

The only time I advocate assault is against bullies. In which case, he is the aggressor assaulting you so it goes back to defense. I agree every now and then issues can only be resolved with force, however -- it's never by an adult onto a child unless the child represents a real and tangible physical threat.

You can send a child to boarding school, you can ground him on room arrest, you can take things away from him, you can show him what he did wrong.

The problem with most parents is their mentality is illogical. When a kid asks "Can I go to Bobbies house" and daddy yells "No" and the kid asks politely "well why not?" The answer isn't to ground him for back talking. The answer is to explain to him the reason of why not. If there is no reason, than your kid is right and your position is flawed.

If a kid is caught say shop lifting, I'm sure your answer to that is to whip the f out of him. My answer is to explain to him what he risks losing by taking. After giving him a detailed run down of the real consequences of theft, I would then steal his favorite item without his knowledge.

I wouldn't EVER give this item back, I would let the kid think it was stolen. This shows him why stealing is bad and why he shouldn't do it by letting him feel the effects of stealing.

A hand never need be raised.

Only inbred backwards rednecks or uneducated punks, or victims of abuse themselves, abuse children.

Violence breeds violence. Compassion and heart does not breed violence. Keep hitting kids, and watch those kids grow up hitting other kids, and then their own kids... Just like you will or currently already do.


You said kids only learn by discipline.

   [dis-uh-plin] Show IPA noun, verb, dis·ci·plined, dis·ci·plin·ing.
training to act in accordance with rules; drill: military discipline.
activity, exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; training: A daily stint at the typewriter is excellent discipline for a writer.
punishment inflicted by way of correction and training.

No where in the definition of discipline does it mandate violence. In fact, it merely says discipline is training. The act of training is education.

Discipline = Educate.

Violence does not educate, it scares.

Therefor, Violence is NOT discipline.

Education, do you have one?
edit on 30-6-2012 by Laokin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by MisterFister103
Just throwing in here that I agree with those who say the punk kid got what he asked for.

You can clearly see he is acting up, and that is why the big teacher gets involved. The lady that was, from what I could tell, running the scanner, had an obvious air of disbelief at the punk's behavior. Thus the teacher gets involved. Punk tries storming off without the proper 'scanning in', and the teacher grabs him. Punk gets more hostile and flustered teacher begins to subdue.

Also.....nice picture of a ten year old, innocent looking kid. Definitely not a freshman in high school.

First of all, I was in high school at 13, 85 lbs and 4'11" The average age for Freshmen is 14 in NY, but occasionally depending on your birth date you will be admitted a year earlier than others. The kid was also an immigrant from Grenada, and may have been at the appropriate education level and thus admitted underage.

The kid in the footage looked about the size of the kid in that photo.


He didn't try to storm off without the proper "scanning in." The door was behind the guy holding the kids ID that HE OBVIOUSLY HAD. This wasn't a case of "Forgot My ID." This was a case of Damaged ID or Damaged Scanner, it was a case of his ID not being read by the scanner.

The kid HAD his ID. The magnetic strip didn't read. He went to EXIT the building and the guy holding his ID calls him back by saying you forgot your ID. You can clearly see the man holding what looks like an ATM card in his hand, the kid walks over grabs it, does NOT proceed THROUGH the gate, but BACK and AWAY from the gate.

I.E. They weren't letting him in, and he was LEAVING the building, not storming his way INTO the building.

You guys are so #ing blind it's not even funny.

Also, for all you know, they could of had problems with this kids I.D. for weeks where it had to be swiped multiple times, in which case it's extremely probable they knew this kids ID was valid and even KNEW who he was.

I've forgotten my I.D. at home before, and let me tell you, I was never denied entrance to school. They call your first period teacher for confirmation. It's a normal process.

Kids are bussed into schools by yellow buses, and if they forgot their I.D. do you propose they have to walk home?

Or is the dean gonna give each and everyone a lift? How many kids forget their ID in a day, these schools in NYC have upwards of 15,000 kids. You don't think a hundred or so are gonna forget their ID everyday?

Who solves the logistical transportation problem that arises from that? Y'all are a bunch of clueless morons.

This thread is living proof why the world is in the condition it's in. Severe lack of education.
edit on 30-6-2012 by Laokin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by mikellmikell
I guess I don't see the issue the kid deserved what he got . Don't mouth off because you think your kool

Don't mouth off? Was there audio that I missed? Are you claiming you could hear this kid? There is nothing in the video or article that suggests he mouthed off at all.

It shows him trying to walk into school before he got permission and he got jumped because of it.

Let's be realistic shall we?

That said, let's say he mouthed off. Let's say he was yelling and cussing or something. Jumping a child is no way to handle that situation. They are adults and are supposed to act like it.

This was a major over reaction and then they LIED about who was at fault.

This is not how you handle a child trying to walk into school.... He did not get what he deserved and frankly,with an attitude like yours, I hope you are not in charge of any children....

If you think that is an acceptable response on the part of the staff of that school.

That is just not how you handle that...

Id have tried to get away too... if I was being attacked by a bunch of people much much bigger than me.

Have a nice day...

Vote TRUTH_2012 for ATS Regent.
edit on 30-6-2012 by gimme_some_truth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 12:57 AM
You know, I've been on these boards for a long time, longer than most other members, and to this day I can't predict how people will react to certain threads. You guys can stil surprise me, that's saying a lot.

If its a thread about government, they're evil. If its about police, they abuse authority. If its about a 300+ lbs adult throwing a child around, the kid deserved it.

You guys need too get your priorities straight and learn to find an outlet for your pent up frustration. The fact that so many of you seemingly enjoyed watching this really tells me a lot about your mental state.

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 04:52 AM
I see nothing wrong with the kid mouthing off the guard, I used to do that back in Ukraine when I grew up, and the guards would just tell you watch your mouth and fu.. off. . But if the guard tried to put a hand on the student, big no no, us kids would stand for each other and a guard later would get an ass kicking from the older student or say relative.

The problem I see in the video, is that kid looked agitated and probably did say something to a guard to piss him off, but the Guard/Security fatso had no right to grab that kid like he did and toss him into the table, what if the kid hit the corner of the table with the soft part of his head on the side, serious damage would have been done.
It's the KID for Christ out loud, let him walk away, big deal he mouthed the security off, be a bigger man and control yourself, don't lower yourself to a child's level.

If I was a parent of the kid, I would have made sure that when these guards go home alone I would have waylaid the security guard in the evening and tossed him into the side of the very sharp CURB.

edit on 30-6-2012 by stein1986 because: made a mistake

edit on 30-6-2012 by stein1986 because: made a mistake

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 05:09 AM
Strange thread- what has the salary got to do with the incident

As fr the "attack", just looks like he was clumsily trying to restrain a cheeky little kid who kept trying to push/fight him- wouldn't be surprised if that kid was a right little terror

Nothing to see

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 05:47 AM
What does the pay of this teacher have to do with what happened to the kid? Absolutely NOTHING! Your title is very misleading and sensational. You make it seem as if this teacher straight up attacked this kid and as I see it the kid was attacking the teacher and the teacher restrained the kid.

That kid was being a brat plain and simple and the teacher reacted in the correct way if you ask me. It looks to me like the kid was ready to swing on him and teacher or not he has a right to defend himself.

I worked with kids who had various exceptionalities and we were trained to restrain kids who acted out. It was a daily thing with a few of the kids in the class but it was part of the job. If you think it's easy dealing with kids esp ones who are like this boy or even worse then you have never worked with kids and have no idea what you are talking about. I can't count how many times I was punched and kicked or had clumps of hair pulled out. I had to take a class every year on how to restrain the kids. It was for their own good because many were a danger to themselves and others when they acted out. We didn't do it to hurt them and none were ever harmed. It was usually the teachers who got harmed but it was part of the job. For the record I loved that job and the kids in the class. They all had their own stories and many acted out because they had no other means of expressing how they feel because 90% of the them couldn't even talk. This kid in the video I'm assuming can talk and was just being a bratty kid who has no respect from the looks of it.

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 06:07 AM
also, can you imagine the exponential brown stuff storm if this had been a white teacher restraining the black kid- you would have every well paid racial shakedown merchant in the land adding to the publicity.........................

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 10:35 AM
To those who are blind, didn't watch the video, or are purely disingenuous, seriously biased in their perceptions, or a combination of all of the above:

1) The kid tried to walk away. The teacher grabbed him and swung him into the table. Here is when it started. The kid was already well past the teacher. The kid do NOT attack the teacher.

2) Here is the first time the teacher slammed the kid onto the table. Note the other adult standing by, literally looking the other way. If the kid was attacking the teacher, don't you think other adults might have intervened at this point?

3) Now the kid is trying to get away again. He was just grabbed from behind and slammed into a table. He was probably hurt by now.

4) The teacher again violently pulled him backwards and slammed him, back first, into the table. Notice how far the table moved by now. The kid was thrown into the table with considerable force.

This wasn't a criminal in the street resisting arrest. This was a 9th grader trying to carry his books to school to learn.

5) After being slammed into the table for the 2nd time, the kid is on the ground, his back to the teacher, who is standing above him from behind. The teacher jerks him again, this time by grabbing him by the head, neck, or backpack.

As to why the teacher's salary is in the title, don't you think for $95k a year a school could pay somebody that's NOT a thug to deal with kids in the school?

There were FIVE security guards who appeared in the video later. You really think this is an effective use of public funds? Paying a thug/teacher $95k a year who goes to physically attacking a kid as his first means of control, and then calling in 5 security guards to clean up?

Bottom line:

If this would have happened on the street, or in a store, it would be a felony charge against the teacher. Why does the fact that it happened in the school NOT make it a felony assault charge of a minor? If a father did this in a divorce case the courts would immediately grant custody to the mother.

Or do you think it's ok for adults to physically grab minors and slam them to the ground at their discretion?

Why do you think you would be arrested if you did this to a kid who cut in front of you in line at the grocery store?

posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by QUANTUMGR4V17Y

Hahahah did we watch the same video? Yes the kid probably called him a fat b*****d. No reason to throw him round and eventually into a TABLE, plus the teacher looked like he hit him too, the kid was holding onto him so he couldnt throw him about more!

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