posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 06:15 PM
I cannot say this was or was not a "live fire" because I don't know, nor have I tried to "seek any info" on the matter other then here..
However, I know most F22s when in long flight have the two tanks on each wing, but these boys were loaded up with lots of bit "torpedo" looking
things all along the belly. By the time I could grab something to get a closer look the last one had just flown over top of me, I could see the
regular tanks plus.. maybe 5 or 6 extras.. was crazy, really wish I could have gotten a pic. Live fire or not was a trip to see.. and again, been
here for years, seen this for years, and have NEVER seen them loaded like this...
My only other hypothesis is, maybe were at a heightened alert, not publicly obviously but within the Gov.? Tho if that was the case some of my
buddies would be talking to me... who knows