posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by Tingle
Yes, one thing that we do is connect something that looks like a swim cap to a persons skull and see how the brain waves work.
Also, we use fMRI to see how the brain actively functions. It is very interesting. Most of the field is focused on brain damage from things such as
strokes, accidents, etc..The ability to see how electricity pulses through the brain is how the ability is measured.
I am sure you have seen some charts of which lobe of the brain does what, we use that as a map. So, say a person has had a stroke and they cannot
speak well, we focus on that part of the brain.
Some of the less funded areas are searching for how memory is made and how thoughts are processed through the same methods. It is difficult because it
is hard to say when the cognition take hold (changing from short term, seconds, to working memory).
I would love to visit Ireland one day, our family spent two generations there before sailing to the southeast US.