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American Muslims Stone Christians in Dearborn, MI

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posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 06:30 AM
reply to post by Ilovecatbinlady

you are talking about rage boy. Rage boy is so poplular he made it on you tube

edit on 28-6-2012 by redneck13 because: .

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 06:57 AM
I am Muslim, and I live right across the street from a large Christian church. Its very busy all the time, many kids and adults and things there often, and if I am outside and they are outside I have always waved and said hi. I have never once carried signs or accosted their children to verbally abuse them while threatening physical abuse (yes threatening to hit a child with the dead diseased head of a pig covered in flies IS in fact threatening physical violence against them!)

And whats more, if I ever saw Muslims doing that I would walk right out my front door with a broom and start beating some people for daring to verbally abuse (and threaten) young children, and I would not stop until they left.... it is that simple.

yet all of these people in the thread, who believe such abuse of young children (these were 5th,6th,and 7th graders mostly) was the freedom of speech of these Christians, well quite frankly all of you all make me sick. The government feeds you lies and you in turn vomit them back up and call it an excuse for child abuse (verbal abuse is in fact abuse) and a right to free speech.

I have to wonder what has happened to people, seriously seriously wonder. Has everyone just gone mad?
edit on 28-6-2012 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready

Originally posted by DoctorMobius
What do you expect from dark skinned people. It's how they respond, try and call me racist or try to prove me wrong. Either way you lose....

Really? You think it would be difficult to prove violence is not specific to dark-skinned people? I'm pretty sure I could pull out about a 1000 stories proving you wrong.

I'll tell you a quick one from my little hometown area here. Happened in the 1950's when a young black boy made the egregious error of giving a birthday card to a little white girl in his class. The father of the white girl found the card, and him and a group of upstanding citizens proceeded to take the boy, tie his hands and feet, march him to a bluff over the Suwanee River, and subdue his mother and father and made them watch as the boy was forced to jump into the river. He of course drowned and died, because he told a white girl happy birthday. This was not that long ago.

But I suppose it was still his fault somehow for being dark-skinned?

I'm probably one of the most open people on ATS about race, and I'll admit my racist tendencies in a second, because I believe we all have them, but what you said is just ludicrous.

If I'm having a celebration for some reason, and someone ideologically opposed to me wants to come and crash it and ruin my good time, I'm going to toss some stuff at them too! The Christians obviously showed up there to pick a fight, and they got one, and then they cried to the police for protection. Stupid.

What town? any links to prove this?
IF it happens quite recently, this would be demmed racist by the progessives so im sure theres some recording of it on the internet.
Mind linking me up to your little story, if not, then night fiction, let me give you speilbergs number, tell him your wonderful fiction.
EDIT - Not for the faint of heart but this guys story checks in and is pretty brutal, read more of it here
edit on 28-6-2012 by ultimatefighter2014 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by TRGreer
reply to post by petrus4

Its not just Muslims. A good majority of Christians are just as blood thirsty. We should all be afraid of organized religion of any kind. That's my opinion.

Bologna, they are not
OH you must be those little ole ladies at the church socials?

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
Wow, has a single one of you even watched the whole video yet?


Oh. Boi.

I have lost respect for you posting this piece of trash with no proper introduction. Who says the "protestors" were Christians? Anybody catch baldy's name in the beginning? Anybody read the writing on the shirts?

It's so obvious and pathetic what's happening here. Some pyscho Jews trying to stir up hatred by wearing Jewish and Christian slogans are race baiting and trying to make the Muslims out to be psycho. I resent every bit of the lie and the OP for participating.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by Violater1

Here you go...and it was they who started this...
(on left over guys head)

"A group of Christian missionaries hijacked an Arab-American festival in Dearborn, Michigan on Saturday, bearing signs criticizing Islam and carrying a pig’s head mounted on a pole..

According to the Detroit Free Press, several Christian missionaries protested the Arab International Festival, shouting at attendees and holding signs which read, “Islam is a religion of blood and murder” and ”Muhammad is a … liar, false prophet, murderer, child molesting pervert.” One missionary also carried a pig’s head on a staff—an antagonistic gesture because Muslims do not eat pork..."" target="_blank" class="postlink">www.rawstory.... com/rs/2012/06/17/christian-missionaries-with-pigs-head-crash-arab-american-festival-in-michigan/
edit on 06-10-2010 by mysterioustranger because: picture

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 08:18 AM
Why do people not realize that emotional violence is more damaging and more dangerous than physical violence? The group holding the signs and antagonizing were practicing violence. They were being emotionally abusive to the other group and the other group responded with physical violence against the emotional violence that was taking place. The group that were there holding their signs and shouting on the bullhorn (that they had to stop using) were the first to become violent. It wasn't in a physical sense so people ignore that.

Emotional violence and verbal violence are much more aggressive, much more damaging and much more inflamatory than physical violence is, but it is overlooked. That is where the issue is. The people holding the signs shouldn't have been there to start with. The Constitution guarantees their right to PEACEFULLY assemble, but they weren't being peaceful, they were being emotionally and verbally violent. They were not practicing their rights, they were abusing the other group.

I am a Chrisitan. That applies to the things that I do, not to the things that other people do. I do not have a right to go to an assembly of another group and disrupt their activities.

The Westboro bunch and the ilk like them are not Christians, they are opportunistic trolls and nothing else.

They like to shout and scream about their "right to peacefully assemble" but what they are actually doing is taking away someone else's right to peacefully assemble. They are taking the PEACE out of the assemblies of other groups, so they aren't being peaceful at all. They are antagonizing and trying to cause turmoil. There is absolutely nothing Christian about that!

They set themselves up to be attacked, then they take it to court. That's how they "make a living" and that's how they bring in all the funds that support their hatred. I look for the day when one of the judges tells them flat out "You weren't peacefully assembling and you were interfering with the other group's right to do so. You were emotionally and verbally violent so the Constitution doesn't apply to what you were doing" and fine them as much as is legally possible. They have manipulated the constitution for way too long and have harassed and bullied people for way too long.

As a Christian, I am AGAINST the Westboro bunch and all groups similar to them. They do not speak for me, nor are they Christian at all. They are nothing but opportunistic bullying trolls and deserve to be attacked. I hate that it turned to physical violence, but can completely understand why it did.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by DeadSeraph

Don't puss out, eh?

Who pussed out? the mob or the few brave people peacefully assembled? Would you feel the same way if it was your particular belief being targeted?
edit on 27-6-2012 by DeadSeraph because: (no reason given)

that's just it, they weren't peacefully assembled. They were being emotionally and verbally abusive and that's not peaceful. They were the first to become violent, but not in a physical way. The violence they brought (emotional and verbal) incited physical violence in return.
The people responsible for the physical violence should be held accountable, but first, they need to hold the emotionally and verbally violent accountable since their actions provoked the physical violence.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 08:35 AM
the title to the thread is very misleading. There were no "stones" thrown, nor were there any "Christians" in the video. They threw water bottles and other things and those people with the signs weren't christian at all, they were antagonistic trolls using emotional and verbal violence that was met with physical violence.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by PurpleChiten
the title to the thread is very misleading. There were no "stones" thrown, nor were there any "Christians" in the video. They threw water bottles and other things and those people with the signs weren't christian at all, they were antagonistic trolls using emotional and verbal violence that was met with physical violence.

There is a reason for that, and if you do search >> Dearborn, MI Muslim

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by SuperFrog

Well, your right on that... picked up by the examiner 12 hours ago...

Muslims stone Christians: Mini holy war in Dearborn, Michigan

Now Muslims will get one more opportunity to live in fear of Christians in this country, now all the nutcases will come out once more....

not one stone, and all were children who were being verbally abused and threatened by Christians....cute...

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by skepticconwatcher
reply to post by TrueAmerican


Yeah right. More like fundamentalists carrying signs that were hostile to Arabs and then shooting it on video to say "Aww look at us. They attacked us because we're Christian"


They attacked them because they were disrupting their festival with hate filled rhetoric and xenophobic material on the signs they were carrying.

Agreed. It makes you wonder if they weren't government organized by someone trying to create a rift between christians and american muslims, when there has never been one before. God = Alla & Alla = God so why fight over who uses a blanket to pray and who doesn't. Why fight over who keeps the women subserviant and who doesn't. Why fight over who wears a beard and who doesn't.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by DoctorMobius

I totally agree with this statement!! I am from the UK and its' awful over here.....It's all about them!!!

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

So much anger. I feel sorry about the Muslims, due to fact of their pride (guilty of that).

If they claim to know more about the Christians, then why are they angry? And why are they swearing up a storm?

I thought this festival was suppose to unite people not divide them.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by zarp3333

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
Wow, has a single one of you even watched the whole video yet?


Oh. Boi.

I have lost respect for you posting this piece of trash with no proper introduction. Who says the "protestors" were Christians? Anybody catch baldy's name in the beginning? Anybody read the writing on the shirts?

It's so obvious and pathetic what's happening here. Some pyscho Jews trying to stir up hatred by wearing Jewish and Christian slogans are race baiting and trying to make the Muslims out to be psycho. I resent every bit of the lie and the OP for participating.

Uh... Jews don't really worship that Jesus all that much.. those would be Christians.
edit on 28-6-2012 by Furbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 10:02 AM
Since the people who only CLAIM to be Christians were actually blaspheming God by using his name for their hatred, the bible does say they should be stoned... so technically, the Muslim kids were living up to the words of the bible the people who were claiming to be Christians (but were no where close to it) say they follow....
They probably should have used real stones though.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 10:11 AM
There is absolutely nothing Christian about how those instigators acted. Looks more like racism to me. The way the Muslim children/youth retaliated was pathetic as well. Everyone needs to understand that, as Jesse Ventura said its unpopular speech that needs to be protected not popular speech. An earlier post pointed out that while hateful and insulting, the Christian racists were not doing anything unlawful, spiritually, morally and ethically, yes, unlawful no. Tolerance towards people's opinions needs to be practiced. Say what you want, but don't get physical. The stoners should have been cited.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by ultimatefighter2014

Thank you!

Yes, 1944 wasn't all that "recently," but it was modern times, well after the civil war, and folks should have known better.

Thank you for finding the story, I knew of it from hearing a local historian retelling it, but I didn't go look for it. Thanks again!

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by Gizawski

I bet you think that if I called you ugly, and you didn't like it, you have the right to attack me... If you want to have a law dictate your actions, maybe you should understand that it works for both parties. I can say what I want and so can you. Or are you, such as the video noted, implying that violent acts deserve reward?

Why do people make so many assumptions that are so far off the mark?

No, calling me ugly is not equivalent to standing outside my house with a bullhorn, harassing my kids, and intentionally provoking me. I get called ugly all the time, I don't attack people for it. I get called an asshole pretty regularly, and half the time they are right. I'm not going around attacking people left and right, but you better believe if I had my family out trying to have a good time, and we were attacked by a mob with bullhorns and signs and they made my kids cry, I would make them cry in return.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 10:25 AM
Emotional abuse is still abuse. Verbal violence is still violence. Physical violence is not the only type of crime that exists.

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