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The video that 9-11, OS movement cant handle and rather pretend it dosnt answer EVERYTHING!

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posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 07:29 AM
reply to post by 911files

Sorry M8 but i am starting to think you have some kind of superior attitude....What kind of statement is..."do you know who you are talking to"...that is utterly ridiculous...there was a point where i thought you have some kind of valuable information....but comments like that makes one out to be some sort of egotistical maniac...why not show some humility the pure arrogance of that statement now makes anything you have to say or contribute null and void IMHO your are not the soul person who has been delving into 911 since it's inception...many on here have just as many on other sites...the statement the other day about the intellect of Jref people was out of line also....Who are you to judge peoples intellect of others....I have myself written and queried many person in the so called know...but you are no one special that has the rights to 911.
that was like when i was talking with Dr, Greening and he pulls this air of superiority over others who question things...It is belittling and patronizing to people who have valid concerns.....
Do you know who you are talking too....nope you don't and have no further insight than many others out there who i question all aspects of 911...cause if you had the answers you might share than with others....Right now all you are like, is a dis information agent with an agenda.
have yourself a good day....GOD
edit on 073030p://f33Sunday by plube because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by 911files
reply to post by kwakakev

However, I do agree that the WTC7 collapse seems particularly odd. I would not agree that demolition is the ONLY viable explanation for the collapse, but it certainly seems to have about as much merit as the NIST explanation does (to me anyways). But, without direct evidence to support either, I reckon it is just a matter of which makes more sense to a particular individual.

Direct evidence? Sounds like a fancy term for; Until the government says so, I will continue with what the government say's; Is so.
edit on 24-6-2012 by easybreezy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by 911files

I'm still trying to figure out who the "OS movement" is.

Ask Reheat, goodoldave, hooper., just to name a few. ATS has many people that might help you out..

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 07:43 AM
also just as WMD states his credentials....I could do the same....but i try not to use that...but someone with 30+ yrs in the business of structural engineering....frankly the towers collapses are odd also...and that is my field of i state it was the collapse does beg a lot of questions to do with resistance of the lower section from the apparent crush down and crush up in Bazants report...and the video does ask valid question...but is it the end all and be all of disputing the OS Story...IMHO no it is not....Will i be blind to the Zionist involvement in the whole chance...and would i be the kind of person to just brush off the evidence that does point to the Zionist's that have penetrated governments throughout the world not by being elected but by occupying positions of power in which they span elected officials....and cross party lines....if your such a good researcher then how far have you gone into people who hold these positions for the long term who traverse the short term of elected officials....It is the shadow government that controls people not the puppets.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by easybreezy

Alright, so the first few minutes have nothing to do with anything. It's rhetoric.

"Promised another attack." Fantastic, so far these facts are blowing me away.

Physical evidence that the main stream media won't report on? Ok, what evidence? Great, polls. Were these polls taken on sites that were bombed with responses from conspiracy websites? Polls are rarely proof of anything.

Truth movement growing by millions. Go to their website, blah blah blah. Purchase the DVD online. 7 minutes in now.

Not conspiracy theorists. Ok. Great. Technical truth. Inevitable conspiracy (meaning you're conspiracy theorists). Mysterious building 7?

Shock-induced trance, assuming that everyone but you cannot examine evidence clearly.

Steel frames of the buildings believed to have given way due to hot fires. Called a myth, CLAIMS STEEL MELTED IN THE OFFICIAL STORY. This is getting stupid already. 10 minutes in.

Planting the official story in peoples' minds. FEMA and experts. Scientific method from 7th+8th grade. Hypothesis needs to be corroborated by multiple sources. This is true. Fires cause creep and fall... over? That's dumb. There has to be enough resistance pushing up to resist the collapse before another path becomes the path of less resistance. By the way, creep was reported in the buildings. Building 7 even had a transit proving creep.

No chance of a collapse in a PROTECTED STEEL STRUCTURE. They just admitted that unprotected (damaged) steel cannot resist office fires causing damage. All it takes is for the steel to lose enough strength to fail. The damage to the floor makes the strength lost far more severe. 15 minutes in.

High rise demolition examples. Great. Thousands of cutter charges. Precise order. Implosion at free-fall. Characteristics: Sudden from the base, straight and symmetric, free-fall, dismemberment of structure, minimal damage to other structures, loud explosions, squibs, cutter charge remains. Now, I bet they're going to say this was all present for WTC 7. Idiots. The videos didn't have explosions before the collapse! I've compared demolitions to Building 7. They don't match. 18 minutes in.

Not hit by an airplane. Will they mention that it was hit by the North Tower? Ah good, they did. They show fires that spread to the North Side. The files lost were mentioned. None of the investigations were ended though, and they convicted on some of them. Sound byte now. Sound of thunder as building 7 came down. Thunder is not sharp cutter charge noises. Why do all the explosive witnesses start their narration AFTER the collapse starts? 21 minutes in.

Some guy's opinion is that dynamite is needed to take down a building like 7. Awesome. Now they're comparing the collapse to a demolition, excluding the penthouse collapse. Core columns must be removed to bring the outside in on itself. Fire is not capable of damaging steel. Now they claim that the debris did not cause the collapse. Jeez. The debris damage influenced the WAY the building collapsed and allowed the fire to damage the steel more through damaging water lines and exposing structural steel. So far A&E is winning no arguments here. 25 minutes in.

Now they are asserting that each floor had their columns removed instantaneously, ignoring the possibility of debris collapsing out of the damaged walls to remove resistance.

Now he talks to a guy describing the building, again, after it begins to collapse. The thumps begin after the collapse initiates. This is the opposite of a controlled demolition.

Now they say that they need way more heat than fire can cause. Claiming that melted aluminum doesn't glow. They ignore the fact that it was not pure aluminum. Mixed with burning office contents and such causes a golden glow in the molten substance. This color stuff is for PURE metal. Besides, there was a lead battery floor right on that floor. A&E for 9/11 truth seems to be unaware of these facts. 29 minutes in.

Guy says he saw melting of girders in Building 6. Guess taking a picture was out of the question. All we have to go on here is a man's opinion, in which it is impossible to tell what melted material is by eye.

Quoting loose change now? Fantastic. His facts were always so accurate (sarcasm). Apparently these guys have never heard of underground fires before. They get really hot. This isn't unusual.

Ah, now thermite is on their mind. I bet they missed that paper that did a chemical analysis and found no elemental aluminum. It was the composition of paint. 33 minutes in.

Again, claiming that people can tell molten steel by eye. There was plenty of lower melting temperature material. Once again, bewilderment at underground fires. These guys have no experience with firey collapses. Most fire collapses have water poured on them so underground fires can't continue. So the claim is that thermite burned slowly over weeks? 35 minutes in

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by Varemia

uhh not sure who's side?

plus there is plenty of evidence of molten steel, and to to mention carbon nano tubes!!! like there found naturally
and yes people can easily tell molten steel, plus the steel shouldn't of gotten anywhere near as hot as to glow... the natural heating of bending steel is not enough as is snaps before it can
edit on 24-6-2012 by easybreezy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by easybreezy
reply to post by Varemia

uhh not sure who's side?

I'm reacting to the video as it goes. I have to stop, because it's god-awful long, and I have other things to do today, but it's the start. I ran out of character space in the post. I'll continue later. I thought this was what you wanted?

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by plube
reply to post by 911files

Sorry M8 but i am starting to think you have some kind of superior attitude....What kind of statement is..."do you know who you are talking to"...that is utterly ridiculous
edit on 073030p://f33Sunday by plube because: (no reason given)

Well, when someone accuses me of being a believer of governmental explanations for something, then it is a reasonable question to ask. How do you accuse someone of something without even knowing who you are talking too? That does not sound like "superior attitude" to me, just sounds like a reasonable question to ask someone making allegations against you.

And yes, my days of posting at ATS are slowing coming to an end. All that is here are baseless accusations and mindless fantasies not really worth spending much time discussing. If that sort of thing suits your fancy, then have at it. Cartoons presented as evidence is simply not my cup of tea. But for those of you who classify yourselves as "truthers", beware. You are losing your audience with all this nonsense. Instead of progressing the cause for which you "believe", you are alienating your audience with threads like this. Fewer and fewer people even pay attention to 9/11 topics anymore. If internet traffic is any indication, visits to 9/11 related sites/forums have been taking a nose-dive the past few years.

I know, I listen to Coast-to-Coast regularly myself. I consider it good late-night entertainment and even on occasion informative and thought-provoking. It is fun to imagine UFO's and aliens, ghosts and vampires, and a whole host of other fantasy, especially when there is nothing else going on except the shadows on the wall. But when it comes to 9/11, involving the deaths of millions of people (yes, millions across the world have died as a direct result of 9/11), then I prefer reality to fantasy.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by plube
reply to post by 911files

Sorry M8 but i am starting to think you have some kind of superior attitude....What kind of statement is..."do you know who you are talking to"...that is utterly ridiculous...there was a point where i thought you have some kind of valuable information....but comments like that makes one out to be some sort of egotistical maniac...why not show some humility the pure arrogance of that statement now makes anything you have to say or contribute null and void IMHO your are not the soul person who has been delving into 911 since it's inception...many on here have just as many on other sites...the statement the other day about the intellect of Jref people was out of line also....Who are you to judge peoples intellect of others....I have myself written and queried many person in the so called know...but you are no one special that has the rights to 911.
that was like when i was talking with Dr, Greening and he pulls this air of superiority over others who question things...It is belittling and patronizing to people who have valid concerns.....
Do you know who you are talking too....nope you don't and have no further insight than many others out there who i question all aspects of 911...cause if you had the answers you might share than with others....Right now all you are like, is a dis information agent with an agenda.
have yourself a good day....GOD
edit on 073030p://f33Sunday by plube because: (no reason given)

For some reason they get very offended when you call them OSers.. I started a thread few weeks a go and they demanded that it be closed and deleted.

They are very sensitive and we must be nice to them.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 08:02 AM
"Ah, now thermite is on their mind. I bet they missed that paper that did a chemical analysis and found no elemental aluminum. It was the composition of paint"

no it wasn't a part of the paint, but a part of high explosives termite cutter charges= carbon nano tubes

"Now they say that they need way more heat than fire can cause. Claiming that melted aluminum doesn't glow. They ignore the fact that it was not pure aluminum. Mixed with burning office contents and such causes a golden glow in the molten substance"

and wouldn't of left the building as aluminum has a very low melting point and the heat transference would have solidified it, or if it did it would be flaming as it did due to the impurity's burning out

"No chance of a collapse in a PROTECTED STEEL STRUCTURE. They just admitted that unprotected (damaged) steel cannot resist office fires causing damage. All it takes is for the steel to lose enough strength to fail. The damage to the floor makes the strength lost far more severe. 15 minutes in"

but not to the point to be critical fatal as the floor would of collapsed and we all know pancake doesn't help your cause, need i say more

"The videos didn't have explosions before the collapse! I've compared demolitions to Building 7. They don't match. 18 minutes in."
care to share how you came to this result?
edit on 24-6-2012 by easybreezy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by Varemia

watch first half of titanic, nah it aint gonna sink, don't put in disk 2

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by easybreezy
"Ah, now thermite is on their mind. I bet they missed that paper that did a chemical analysis and found no elemental aluminum. It was the composition of paint"

no it wasn't a part of the paint, but a part of high explosives termite cutter charges= carbon nano tubes

"Now they say that they need way more heat than fire can cause. Claiming that melted aluminum doesn't glow. They ignore the fact that it was not pure aluminum. Mixed with burning office contents and such causes a golden glow in the molten substance"

and wouldn't of left the building, or if it did it would be flaming as it did
edit on 24-6-2012 by easybreezy because: (no reason given)

We'll just have to disagree on that part then. I think there is a feasible explanation for it that doesn't need to be explosives.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by maxella1For some reason they get very offended when you call them OSers.. I started a thread few weeks a go and they demanded that it be closed and deleted.

They are very sensitive and we must be nice to them.

No, I get very offended when no one will even tell me what the hell an "OSer" is supposed to be. Seems like it is a general term that applies to anyone who disagrees with you here at ATS, just like "truther" is for anyone who disagrees with the fine folks at JREF. In the middle are the those of us who take exception with both of you.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by Varemia

id like to thank you for taking the time to actually watch part of the video

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by 911files

i absolutely agree it does involve the deaths of millions...but also I do not go for any nonsensical hogwash about laser beams and such...and i stick to questioning the facts(so called) being presented by the OS...And if you are talking about the work i am putting together on modeling the collapse of the towers...well that is a i is not a cartoon and when it is put into Autocad for finalization it may show some interesting is a counter to what the OS is putting out from Purdue...which was baseless...and false information and i think you should understand that...also yes the truth movement is losing ground because of the load of dis information being put out as for evidence does exist and it needs to be used to show the fallacy being put forth by proponents of the OS.
It is one thing that might actually lead to a conclusion that the people have and are being lied to...because getting to the real criminals is going to be very difficult....And you know that don't you.
It was not just a trial of errors by the government....It was a co ordinated effort to sway the public masses through Zionist controlled media....I mean why not call a spade a spade....The TPTB are making their move and not only will it affect the millions already sent to their will affect all us living on this planet right now.
I try not to use terms about the hijackers...but it was a plant....Period....just look at Dov Zakheims connections to SPS it says a lot.....Like i say...Zionists DO NOT RUN AS POLITICIANS they are the civil servants behind the scenes that influence all successive governing bodies.
They are the lawyers...the Judges...the Accountants...the bankers....They have known this since well before WW1 and continue to go for their long term goals of domination....And i think you know this as well.
So the Question is..and Always will be....How do We wake up the people to what is being done to put us into complete and utter slavery....We are Goyim.... and that is what has to be shown to the people.
The Zionists left jews to be slaughtered in Poland On purpose to further their Cause in WW11 It is all about sacrifice...and we are the ones that are going to be sacrificed...So i ask you...How do you wake up the nations...I feel sorry for the American people as they are the ones that are being sacrificed right now....But how do you wake em up i ask you.

IT is the SOR behind this....[(State OF Rothchilds)Israel] it was Amschel Bauer(rothschild) back in 1760 who set the wheels in motion by lending money to kings and nations...knowing he who owns the banks owns the people....well success.....This was pre planned from way way has and is being implemented to this very day...this recession is not an accident....It was created for one purpose..To fill the armies with disillusioned youth

edit on 083030p://f32Sunday by plube because: NOTE

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by easybreezy
reply to post by 911files

The OS movement is those that blindly believe in the ORIGINAL STATEMENT, (hence OS abbreviation). meaning That the towers were really just a terrorist attack not involved with the government in any way.
NOTE* this is a Google video, not YouTube.

as for the layman view as you have said, this video has all of the answers to all of the questions that relate to 9-11, being solely the result of planes crashing and solely causing the destruction, of the world trade towers and building No:7, and why the OS is a lie

Please watch the video before posting. Failure to do so is just perpetuating the lie, that has brainwashed so many.
Also in the video, it explains that the building's were designed to cope with plane strikes.

Authority = Truth, is what they want.

TRUTH should ALWAYS!! trump Authority

edit on 24-6-2012 by easybreezy because: (no reason given)

I did tell you

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by 911files

Originally posted by maxella1For some reason they get very offended when you call them OSers.. I started a thread few weeks a go and they demanded that it be closed and deleted.

They are very sensitive and we must be nice to them.

No, I get very offended when no one will even tell me what the hell an "OSer" is supposed to be. Seems like it is a general term that applies to anyone who disagrees with you here at ATS, just like "truther" is for anyone who disagrees with the fine folks at JREF. In the middle are the those of us who take exception with both of you.

You are correct OSers is like truthers, nothing more than a label.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by easybreezy

Originally posted by easybreezy
reply to post by 911files

The OS movement is those that blindly believe in the ORIGINAL STATEMENT, (hence OS abbreviation). meaning That the towers were really just a terrorist attack not involved with the government in any way.
NOTE* this is a Google video, not YouTube.

as for the layman view as you have said, this video has all of the answers to all of the questions that relate to 9-11, being solely the result of planes crashing and solely causing the destruction, of the world trade towers and building No:7, and why the OS is a lie

Please watch the video before posting. Failure to do so is just perpetuating the lie, that has brainwashed so many.
Also in the video, it explains that the building's were designed to cope with plane strikes.

Authority = Truth, is what they want.

TRUTH should ALWAYS!! trump Authority

edit on 24-6-2012 by easybreezy because: (no reason given)

I did tell you

Then that perhaps includes 1 or 2 people I've seen posting on this forum if we use that definition. So this thread is directed at a few people with their head in the sand and not for those of us who have examined the evidence from both sides and disagree with you?

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by 911files

I know, I listen to Coast-to-Coast regularly myself. I consider it good late-night entertainment and even on occasion informative and thought-provoking. It is fun to imagine UFO's and aliens, ghosts and vampires, and a whole host of other fantasy, especially when there is nothing else going on except the shadows on the wall. But when it comes to 9/11, involving the deaths of millions of people (yes, millions across the world have died as a direct result of 9/11), then I prefer reality to fantasy.

i listen to rap myself, don't make me a pig popping, jaw dropping gangster.

lol sorry dude couldn't help myself

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by 911files

some what yes, but more at the ones that run around in a circle, just hoping to get the last word in on a thread.

feel bad for variemia tho, he seems to actually have a clue but the others just ruin his rep on that side, just by the others being on that side
edit on 24-6-2012 by easybreezy because: (no reason given)

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