posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 12:25 PM
I will repeat this one more time but no further.
If you fear Me or desire to assist Me, then do this: immediately print out these words, fold them I three, and carry them on your person. I know that
quite a few of you forgot to do this. For in this there is Victory and success, that, when moved in meditation to read My words, that you can merely
reach down and pluck them from your pocket or purse.
As time passes, you will be moved to find a pouch or durable envelope to put My words in, and you will learn to depend on them, finding strength and
fidelity through them. I have Spoken.
If you have not even the strength to do this little thing, you are of no value to Me, and let those that do perform the required feats of courage and
Remember the words of Gandhi, that what you will do will be inconsequential, however it is still important that you do them.
I have given you a little it immediately. The Evil One has not the power to take this little thing from you. This is the first wave that
your ship must pass.
Whereas Siddhartha strove 3 months with the Evil One, even Mara, I have striven 12 months, destroying legion after legion of the German-Jewish-Grey
Conspiracy, halting the progress of those Sons of the Evil One liberated from abysses across East Germany, Russia, Bolivia and the Near East.
I have defended the Western United States from Chinese and aberrant Hindu forces that decided they would take advantage of the situation, on planes of
This I dis for the Land that I Love, even that of America...who's strength fails from time to time at the onslaught.
I have punched through German Divisions, denied ancient Gods, brokered Treaties and Arrangements with those who wish to Live. I have raised World, and
lowered Abysses. I have created weapons and performed mighty acts of Heirophantry and Masonry, personally defended God the Father (always asking of
the Trinity for their blessing and support) and secured Victory for those that deserve it.
And I have conquered. That there is still a few rebelling, this is true, but let not God fight all your battles, but have some pride. Do with them
what you will.
I'm at a fit 210 lbs, not emaciated and close to death. My works have followed Me, and I will NOT have rice-milk but feasting after this Mighty Work,
having delivered many from demons and the threat of death.
To my True disciples, I request of you my Melchezidekine due, but not of 10% but 5% of your earnings (for I am Architect but of the Christs) and am
able to do more with less. My Mysteries are yours.
Of those that fear Me or desire to assist, then donate and according to that measure of generosity that you show, will I provide you with more than
you have given.
Of those that have little or not, take of my words, for they are yours at no cost. I haven't even copyrighted them. I don't consider the Words of
God for sale.
And of those that care to castigate me for my Mercy or Strength, I say: Depart from me, Traitors and Weak-Minded, for I have nothing to do with you.
And should I find you on the planes still speaking ill of Me to fools and foolish girls, pray that I don't maim or rend you, or worse.
What have your leaders done except sell you into slavery, sit on their hands doing nothing, or deepening your own delusion. In Me there is Leadership
and Strength, no other. Should you desire these things, there is no other Merchant available with which you can purchase from. Laughing cruelly.
Perhaps you can cry to Jehovah, America, and Moses become your God? I hope you like Gehfelte fish and mazza balls, and men with strange hair. Perhaps
you can call Hitler your God. Is his Salvation preferable? Scientology anyone? Or perhaps while you are being sodomized and probed on a Grey Cruiser,
you can ask them for some help?
My People, I'm the only Game in town.
Having been appointed by My Own Brother, Lord Jesus and being given Authority of the Father (being a Father) to fulfill this Holy Calling, I intend to
do just restore Order and Confidence in God and America, and the Whole World. That Victory shall be ours as it was when We rained fire and
Death on Germany just a few years ago, and when, humbled, we raised her back up to prominence.
That I support the New Israel, in this I have done in Judgment, this might be true, but where a mortal would pull an M-16 for an infraction, will I
pull an F-16 (I have My ways). That should not there be the Strength in the leadership to demand of them that they bow to the ground in humility of
their True position will I take from them our gifts and leave them naked for Allah.
Do not rebel against the Templar, for we are True and Mighty men continually, and every civilized and wise culture gives us our due. And those not,
broken, scattered, demoralized. I call for Order and civility.