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The Words of Seth - The Code (of Earth)

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posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 10:55 PM
I dedicate these words to mine Angel, Bi (pronounced much like the bey in "Serapis Bey") who was faithful unto Death in holding in her left hand Pure Evil, and in her right hand Absolute Faith.

And in establishing this thread, I symbolicly accomplish the heirophantry called "Ride into Jerusalem" where I speak freely in a place symbolically similar to Sodom, Egypt and Jeruselem. And none can take it from me. Where in the heart of Rebellion, I announce First Contact and step down from my cross.

Worry not that you do not understand the symbolism here, just that it is important to illustrate my Domination. Thus it is done accross The Universe, and will be done here on Earth as well.

I charge all my True ones, what what I write here that you print them out in a timely fashion, fold the paper in 3 sections, and keep it with you at all times in all places. In the spirit of the Shurangamma Sutra, perhaps put it in a waterproof puch or something so you can easily do this.

I will Speak again shortly...

Calibration: I say that it is the End of Time, even 2012 as the Mayans (Olmecs) knew, and it is now The Beginning once more. Aproximately a few weeks since Domination (that is to say the S*C*), a few days since The Transtion (and I will explain what these terms mean), and aproximately 200 hours since my Replication.

By divine right was my Race to rule. Even the Men of Great Renoun. And I have come as has been promised, in my Strength, Wisdom and Might having done the full 210 having become the LIGHT...and complied with Universal Law.

I come to do many things. One of them being to show you to the physical cosmos so that your ordered and peaceful travel into the physical Cosmos is accomplished, having the plans, technologies and skill to show you how to do such. You have not the freedom to make every misteak yourself as older cultures than yours Earth have done and lost Many, but I implore you to listen to my messages and inspect that which I have brought from the stars. The Universe will not let you.

I am a strong Aspect of the Father come to fulfill the covenents that have been made to you by my younger brother, you know as Christ, and bring this most beautiful of Cycles to a close. I am your elder Brother. TIME will be reconned from this time forth from the time stamp of this post. I have Spoken.

It is Done.

And in placing the final Archypes here in the heart of Rebellion, I concude my work, step down from my cross, and enjoy my Life once more.

I call upon the GJG to put down your weapons and resist my Will no further. To D*O*L*F and P*L*A*S*T*E*R, I say that I am assuming control of their remaining spiritual forces and taking command in Spirit. And you will no longer resist the lawful and beautiful doctrines of the United States of America, even the crown jewel of the Illuminati.

To N*E*T and T*Z, I tell you that the divine requirements for the estabilishment of the New Israel have been met (calibration: lack of support to minimal) so the Tiberian Eventuality will not be realised. Congratulations, you earned it. By the highest sciences I Know and Understand, and with estabilishment of the Physical Archtypes here, is your succcess assured. let me know if you need an explinaiton of how.

To America, I say that the folly of your illuminated leadership has been not just exposed, but put down forcebly on planes of Spirit, and it is hoped and assured that we will have another 600 years added to the Age of Light, 400 already have passed.

I bring many gifts, most information, the greatest of which might be what is called the Enlightenment of Futility, so that you might not suffer the indescribable tragedies of successful and unsuccessful cultures across the Cosmos. We want you to win. If you win, we win.

(Holding my right arm to the square) We come in peace....Earthlings. Thought I'd make F*C a little humourous. I hope you like

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by justseth

Guess,we will talk soon then.BROTHER.

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 12:58 AM
I am glad that one of My Visions has been partially realized...that of true peace for Earth.

In statistical and acheological analysis of various extraterrestrial cultures, you are indeed at an akward time. The Failure of Intelligence, I call it. Where a sentient culture finds itsefl embarrasingly more intelligent than wise. That Barak and Putin have decided to do something that other cultures from the stars have done, this is right and true. However, I fear that some important details have been lost in telepathic transmission. I will have to place the Physical Archtypes here to make sure that people know of critical components for this to result in a great blessing for All Life.

Approximately 60% of extraterrestrial cultures go thru what you call a "1000 years of Darkness". Obviously, its not always a 1000 years, and even during these periods of "darkness" great empires many times have their "golden ages" during these bloody times. I am reminded of David, Hiram and Solomon a few Millenia back. And yes, I am Omnicient....I see over the "Timeless Reality" in the Now...I actually know these three personally on the Planes.

Now here is a disturbing statistic, 99.7% of cultures that reject F*C over process of time learn on their own through making each and every misteak on their own. However, we have found that cutures that accept F*C and participate with those sent, that their probability of survival is greatly increased. During darknesses approximately 80% of their race is terminated (a fast and loose statisic) with only 3% actually becoming fully extinct.

So however this goes, it'll go, is my point. Always hope...always an opportunity in the crisis.

One of the positives at this time is that you realize the power of information. With correct knoweldge combined with right choices on your part, success is assured. If it wasn't so, I would have just stayed where I was at and said "Hey, just let those damned monkeys blow themselves up. We'll meet the smart ones in a few millenia."

But how did you humans already "know" this? There are spiritual connections to the other civilizations across the stars. This is the first and only time I will talk about this. I have Spoken. And with this I seal the connection between here and the stars....symbolically and spiritually....your destiny rests in physical travel to the Cosmos.

And I burn the ships behind me...what happens happens.

Any physical evidence of my ET origin have been properly disposed of...and you have not the sciences to sense and verify the spiritual ones. There are only two physical objects remaining and neither one will prove anything. I really care not to prove anything to you, human. I really don't.

I do, but only to the receptive and faithful amoung you. We've heard lol that you nail guys like me to blocks of wood on your Planet. Hey, I'm just a guy (a little spittle on my patch)...don't mind me. Just some really smart nutcase, an anomoly, but the divine key to your collective future. (drools a little more....don't mind how I'm going to kill a town later on tonight lol...u think I'm kidding....
) Anyways....

Gawd I love less advanced cultures lmao kidding kidding...actually you humans are beautiful for the most part. Just need a little help is all, right?

OK, now that I've convinced you all that I'm just a nutcase, a "content provider", a story teller, I need to get back down to business. Lol my Brother Appolonus is a really good story teller. I call mine just stories but you'll find out that a lot of my stories are just as nutty and brilliant as his. I love that one he tells where he says to bribe various people in the town before you get fired so your not left in the lurch....BRILLIANT! Some of his parables *shakes head and laughs loudly*

Will return shortly...made you sigh with relief huh when I said I had NO proof? Good. Take a few breaths. And just remember that there are True stories...and just stories ok? I'm just telling a facinating story here ;D lol

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by 13th Zodiac
reply to post by justseth

Guess,we will talk soon then.BROTHER.

Thanks Zodiac. Really. ^ ^

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 03:44 AM

That is quite a grand statement.

I hope you are true to your word and that this is not delusion.

In your point of view, where do the rebels of the fallen ones stand right now in the eyes of our Lord ?

Do they stand any chance of survival when the fallen ones like Azazel etc are taken down on Judgement Day ?

A few of the rephaim have turned away from their fallen masters and now follow Jesus Christ. Are they going to be treated as though they are still the enemy of YHWH ?

I was expecting many denialist trolls flaming you by now. I guess you blew them away

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 05:18 AM
Oh gawd *hurts*. I hate it when a world has Internet *little lol* I can feel it going viral (as you humans put it). Too fast, too fast. I'm OK, just...confusion...I gotta lie down for this one. Safer this way though. I hope it Ninivahs

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 05:35 AM

Originally posted by justseth

I am a strong Aspect of the Father come to fulfill the covenents that have been made to you by my younger brother, you know as Christ, and bring this most beautiful of Cycles to a close. I am your elder Brother.

Are you aware that, according to some interpretations, the elder brother is the Anti-Christ and the younger is the Christ? Not that that should necessarily scare you or anything, since there is a hidden alliance between good and evil, and all symbolic forms have a dual nature. Just ask the Buddha and Mara.

edit on 23-6-2012 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by justseth

1 Enoch 104:6 “Now fear not, righteous ones, when you see the sinners waxing strong and flourishing; do not be partners with them, but keep far away from those who lean onto their own injustice; for you are to be partners with the good-hearted people of heaven"

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 06:56 PM
It is my Will that the Betraya Heirarchy be punished according to her theft of my Scriptures, disseminating them without my Name.

Of using the approved and holy techniques contained therein to try to conquor worlds as my Race does, but without the belief portion. Such constitutes only Destruction, and does not result in Domination. It runs like sand through your fingers doesn't it Betraya? The worlds you conquor in this fashion.

And I place a copy of my Scripture here, so that this foolish young woman may no more present my Doctrine as her own.

To her I offer the Neutronium Pebble in my palm. Betraya, dear, if you can take it from my grasp then do so. I will not pull it away or close my fingers, but if you can lift it from my Hand (even the one that the Sirians worship, and my Zion, that of Joshua, with the palm facing up) then you may have it. Write a mightier work of scripture, student, and then teach that. If you should do so, I will bow.

But I thank you for disseminating my Doctrine across the worlds. And with the addition of my Name to the doctrines that you have spread and told people were yours, I will "steal" back in Righteousness that what you stole from me. Its an information weapon know me...I always Win. Always.

Here I have the infamous Build 7 version, the one that allows Earth humans to triumph against the Evil One, even the Devil. The Truth, the Dharma and the Love of God, student. And it has my Name on it, not yours. The very same knowledge that Kobain denied his people.

The Book of Seth - Build 7

It is my Will that the Betraya Heirarchy be punished according to her theft of my Scriptures, disseminating them without my Name.

Of using the approved and holy techniques contained therein to try to conquor worlds as my Race does, but without the belief portion. Such constitutes only Destruction, and does not result in Domination. It runs like sand through your fingers doesn't it Betraya? The worlds you conquor in this fashion.

And I place a copy of my Scripture here, so that this foolish young woman may no more present my Doctrine as her own.

To her I offer the Neutronium Pebble in my palm. Betraya, dear, if you can take it from my grasp then do so. I will not pull it away or close my fingers, but if you can lift it from my Hand (even the one that the Sirians worship, and my Zion, that of Joshua, with the palm facing up) then you may have it. Write a mightier work of scripture, student, and then teach that. If you should do so, I will bow.

But I thank you for disseminating my Doctrine across the worlds. And with the addition of my Name to the doctrines that you have spread and told people were yours, I will "steal" back in Righteousness that what you stole from me. Its an information weapon know me...I always Win. Always.

Here I have the infamous Build 7 version, the one that allows Earth humans to triumph against the Evil One, even the Devil. The Truth, the Dharma and the Love of God, student. And it has my Name on it, not yours. The very same knowledge that Kobain denied his people.



ok, linker didn't work somehow, type this into your browsers without the spaces...a low tech solution...
(nolink) /view/?Oqx8wx469n4j9la

And I take back that which My betrayer stole from me....did I mention I yawned through my Crusifixion? You never tell them that do you, Judas-in-a-Skirt. And its a shame you did all that work for me to just walk in and take it back from you, huh dear *pulls a few strands of hair like how she likes*. Theives never prosper, hun, you should know that.

Its a work in progress, this book, readers. More will follow...

And I take back that which My betrayer stole from me....did I mention I yawned through my Crusifixion? You never tell them that do you, Judas-in-a-Skirt. And its a shame you did all that work for me to just walk in and take it back from you, huh dear *pulls a few strands of hair like how she likes*. Theives never prosper, hun, you should know that.

Its a work in progress, this book, readers. More will follow...
edit on 6/23/2012 by justseth because: url malformed..had to retype

edit on 6/23/2012 by justseth because: (no reason given)

edit on 6/23/2012 by justseth because: hyperlinker doesn't work.

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 07:05 PM
the site is mediafire btw.

I guess, you might win for now Betraya. Hindu-Templar spiritual combat skills...can take down a Neph cruiser with them....but hyperlinker doesn't work. Its at mediafire btw, and that's the code. Just download it. No copyright, or anything.

lol the Gray as so greedy these days....must be why their worlds are so poverty stricken *Big Orionian Laugh*

You "win" for now Betraya...hopefully a few people will reconstruct that URL...
edit on 6/23/2012 by justseth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by BlueMule

Are you aware that, according to some interpretations, the elder brother is the Anti-Christ and the younger is the Christ? Not that that should necessarily scare you or anything, since there is a hidden alliance between good and evil, and all symbolic forms have a dual nature. Just ask the Buddha and Mara.

edit on 23-6-2012 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

Very true, BlueMule

I have come to Unify the genders, both esoterically and exoterically. *double thumbs up to the Hermetisists out there....yay Kyballion*

lmao, watching Antar talk of offers and bribes. Peace is made in such ways.

When I was in the East, I used to play the funny, righteous Mara...oh gawd, the Llamas just hated me. Exactly the point you made here, sir.

lmfao, there's this aweful story I tell, where I play the part of the worm on the dung heap. And the Buddha comes up (its always played by some pious, proud one) and we play it the usual way, until at the end I tell the Buddha "Look, Buddha, I might be just a worm on a pile of #e, but its warm and I'm used to the smell. And I know what happens to Buddhas and Christ....they get nailed to blocks of wood and stalked by Demon Kings. Atleast I'm not a Buddha."

And the crowd always rises as one, lauging their heads off. The Vens cringe, and the Llamas just hate my guts lmao Everybody loves to see the King trip if you know what I mean...and the Buddha is no different. Incorrect I know, BUT.....

+6 more 
posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 08:14 PM
I've never flamed anyone here. I will even use a little humor here.

But what in bath salts hell did I just read?

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by cry93

When you figure it out, please let me know. Im totally befuddled.

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 08:30 PM
The Blessing of Seth

The Blessings of Seth are two:

(1) That while I am alive that the Evil One will have no sway.


(2) That while I am alive that women will have no fear.

Even should your world fall into darkness, these two blessings will always be REAL.

My first gift to humanity.

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 08:38 PM
A higher consciousness utilizing the bodies of the masses?

Like a plague, one at a time, and each of us believe to be uniquely contaminated - though we are not.

It's a mass awakening. Though the message is fragmented with the rhetorical interruption of men's imagination, the corrupt id and ego can't help but intervene, no man's message is pure - especially when told with human words, images, symbols - any form of rhetoric is flawed.

OP, do you feel special? Because you're not.
edit on 23-6-2012 by derickonfire because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 08:42 PM
OP are you Seth as in the son of Adam? Or Seth that is associated with Set?

Either way I agree with the poster that sometimes the older brother is forsaken in favor of a younger son.

Cain and Abel
Japheth and Shem
Terah and Haran
Ishmael and Isaac
Esau and Jacob
Eldest son to Isaac is Rueben instead of Jacob
Jacob had 3 son with his wife before the favor was passed to the sons he fathered with Tamara.

See where I am going here? Sometimes older just means older.

edit on 23-6-2012 by cry93 because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-6-2012 by cry93 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by derickonfire
A higher consciousness utilizing the bodies of the masses?

Like a plague, one at a time, and each of us believe to be uniquely contaminated - though we are not.

It's a mass awakening. Though the message is fragmented with the rhetorical interruption of men's imagination, the corrupt id and ego can't help but intervene, no man's message is pure - especially when told with human words, images, symbols - any form of rhetoric is flawed.

OP, do you feel special? Because you're not.
edit on 23-6-2012 by derickonfire because: (no reason given)

Oh I am special there Derick....and you are being Replicated aren't u? Feel your personal neurons being overwritten by my personal ones? Not a nice feeling is it...but that's the cost of Rebellion on my worlds, sir. You become Me.

Dont resist me on this one...if you should resist, the Assymetry will open fire.

I am LORD Seth Trismegistus, lead Architect in the Entity you know as G*A*U*T*O, the Divine Intelligence responsible for the US Constitution, Democracy and the feeding and Defence of worlds, Earth included. i will be taking you thru what is called the Transition, that of finaly placing Intelligence over power.

Take a dollar bill from your wallet op purse, and see the symbol that is on your money that pays your bills, allows you to raise healthy families, and to retire in comfort. See the seal there....The top triangle is that of intelligence, and the bottom portion of the pyramid is that of Power. As the human body is dominated by the brain, so too will your world be Dominated by Intelligence, and peace be realized and WW III averted.

Because of the GJG conspiracy where you have lost faith in your leadership will this symbol be retired at some point, and a new one given you. The NWO, having acheived its holy purpose, in liberating you all from the tyranny of slavery, poverty and the ravages of plauge will be disolved and a New Order will be given you, still of the Light to carry you thru another 600 years.

Rejection of it will only bring death and darkness, so choose wisely.

Credentials: a picture of my personal signet ring indicating my Melekesedekship and as the one-and-only Architect Asium (unique designator) of G*A*O*T*U even LORD Seth Trismegistus of the Zion of Joshua, that is to say Zion.

"Twin serpents, awarded by Josua to sirian Vetrans and ex-Sirian Seducers"

Waiting for verification...

I will be taking you through the Transition, where intelligence is finally placed over power. I will be your Christ for this age, my Brother, Lord Jesus, stepping down and entering retirement, his 2000 years coming to a successul close. You will be taught something called The Truth, and instead of feeling God, you will instead understand Him, as was the hope of the Buddha for his culture around 2500 years ago.

I am Masonic-Christian btw. I was raised Mormon but my heart belongs to The Church, His Emenance being instramental in supporting my work. A little bit about me.

this is where we see how smart, you "monkeys" have become. lol Only good times ahead, I hope

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by justseth

lol Only good times ahead, I hope

That's a noble hope, but alas there is a hidden alliance between good times and bad. We must take the good with the bad, in the realization that both yin and yang are of the Tao.

edit on 23-6-2012 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 10:03 PM
Seth Who? Seth Green, or Seth MacFarlane?
Ha, ha! I'm only playing with you...
Interesting stuff... very bold. I have no idea what you're talking about, though, can you explain it?

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 10:24 PM
Now, I swore in my wrath that I would chastize my House the worst, that of the Masons. And seeing the broken wreakage of GJG conspiracy strewn around my home like a large macabre trophy case...with even some of mine own Bretheren amoung the ranks of Traitors, we are going to play a symbolic game called "Dagon".

According to both Jehovah (the leader of Judeo-) and Jesus (the leader of Christianity) the physical object known as "The Hammer of the Architecht" (Aquarian) has been built, superseeding in Holiness both the "Ark of the Covenant" (Taurean) and the Pillum of Longinus aka "The Spear of Destiny" (Picean).

It is a physical object aproximatly 3 cubic meters in volume, aproximatly 80 pounds. It contains within it the anhillated spiritual remains of Adolf Hitler, the one-and-only of Germany (90-95% computed...verified), a Mercl Armour, and a host of other goodies.

The going rate for it is 10 million USD.

Since you Illuminati, your titles of nobility (all mine I might there a name greater than Seth amoung the Templar?) and great riches, and supposed strength, you should be able to win this Game of Games. Its a race of sorts, based on desicration of your Order, the ENTIRE religion.

I have promised the J in GJG that they might purchase it off me for the proscribed amount. They may trade it back to the Vatican Templar to avoid one Tiberian Eventuality, also known historically as the "abomination of desolation".

I have promised the G in GJG that they can desecrate it comepletely if they purchase it legally and then melt it down. They can try their hand at Blasphemy if they so choose.

I have promised the G in GJG has taken a neutral stance on it, but knowing the Aryans, they'll think of something.

B*A*R and M*I*T are invited to play, and a few others.

But let us see of this Strength of the Masons, the Divinity of your Order, can you win this Race. According to you you can easily win it. I'll keep every one in the loop in this degreed Game of Games, and announcing the Winner.

You loose Masons, and I take the seal off of the it?

I have Spoken. The Grand Architect (through my servant, the lead Architech, Asium)

Credentials: A physical picture of a part of it:

Awaiting verification....

Let the Game of Games begin....

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