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Iceland Dismantles Corrupt Gov’t Then Arrests All Rothschild Bankers

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posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by nightbringr

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
Next step is to line up the bankers, dip bullets in horse manure and shoot them all, and leave one living to tell the story to the other bankers...

And then when someone needs a mortgage because he cannot afford his house, he pays someone interest to lend him money, it becomes a business and it all starts over again. Except you have less bullets and blood on your hands. Hope you can look into the eyes of their heartbroken children and tell them why you executed their parents.

Dont lend money when you cant afford to pay it back. Economics 101.

edit on 21-6-2012 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

So a lender can lend a person money they don't qualify for and not be responsible when the person defaults. Along the way to default the bank increases the interest rate and the mortgagee can never pay down the principal. That system should be illegal. Our government is held by just such a situation. The FED has raised the interest rate on us so we never pay on the principal. How in the world is that considered ok?

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
reply to post by nightbringr

Again, i ask where in ANY of the related articles it refers to a Rothchild. The OP made a point of mentioning Rothchilds. Funny, the names of the men arrested were very Scandanavian in nature. Perhaps you can list the family tree linking them?

Where have you been? The Rothchilds own literally every bank on the planet, They've been at this for over a thousand years, maybe 2000, maybe more.

I know.

Are you however incapable of reading? Im simply asking for the connection. Your telling me there is one. Should be easy for you to produce a family tree showing how those arrested are related to the Rothchilds.


posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by GD21D

I think your right. It is a fabricated dillema to coherse us into a global currency. If that Iceland thing is true, then MORE POWER TO EM!!. I've said it before and I'll say it again. THERE IS NO NATIONAL DEBT. IT IS PROPAGANDA

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by onecraftydude
So a lender can lend a person money they don't qualify for and not be responsible when the person defaults. Along the way to default the bank increases the interest rate and the mortgagee can never pay down the principal. That system should be illegal. Our government is held by just such a situation. The FED has raised the interest rate on us so we never pay on the principal. How in the world is that considered ok?

And anyone who is too stupid to realize they cannot afford a $200,000 Porsche when they only made $24,000 dollars a year should have to pay when they default on their loan. No one put a gun to their head to make them buy it when a Civic would have worked.

edit on 21-6-2012 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by rebellender
The Story is bogus.

But please entertain "What If's"

Hmmm.... I just did a search "Iceland arrests bankers" I got page after page on Google search. No mainline tv media, but lots of other sources that are reliable.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by BobM88 2g8QTzwOTNCQ&usg=AFQjCNHGOLSx8a3-pSNVbXA0WJqZdTcbjg

edit on 21-6-2012 by Plotus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 05:27 PM

Just last night "Wealth" TV channel here in the states was showing how Iceland was at the center of the US economic collapse in 2008. For those who do not know exactly why they went after this banker.

His bank borrowed 5 0 0 H U N D R E D T I M E S Iceland's national GDP!!!

Can you imagine borrowing 500x what you make a year and then try to pay it back?

corrected grammatical errors

edit on 21-6-2012 by IntelRetard because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by Plotus
reply to post by BobM88 2g8QTzwOTNCQ&usg=AFQjCNHGOLSx8a3-pSNVbXA0WJqZdTcbjg

Dated today on Youtube

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 05:31 PM
Glad to see the Vikings are doing whats right and taking their country back. Iceland has had some unpopular policies in the past decades, however deep down we know why they were in place! and still it was one of their own that brought it down.
edit on 21-6-2012 by IntelRetard because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 05:35 PM
Right now the government here has not been dissolved for good..

Its a MISUNDERSTANDING. The icelandic government agreed on taking a summer break
and has thereby stopped their work until the autumn. At least that's what they news said.

But! There are people here that are working toward the greater good
and those responsible for the economic collapse here are being arrested.

There have been some massive strides with some representatives carrying their case
against the international corporations and bankers. As an example I mention Birgitta Jónsdóttir.

In addition to this I'd also like to add there are people working diligently in the United States aswell.

So yes ,the so called dark cabal is going down ,one way or another.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by SimonPeter
reply to post by nightbringr

You evidently are at a loss ! If you research the Rothschilds from the time they were the Bauer 's you would be apprised of the , no , your situation along with the rest of us . Research < The Rothschilds Timelines> There are a lot of people who know about the dreams of Mayer Amschel Bauer of world domination but don't know that the Bible tells of it around 2,000 years earlier as well as the Mark of the Beast that could only be implemented throughout the world with the advent of the world wide web . This 666 Mark of the Beast money will not be printed and can only be used with a authorization from the source of that money . The Rothschilds are Ashkenazi Jews and are as such chosen as Jews by God to bring us to the Great Tribulation even as Judas was chosen by Jesus to betray him . That honor as the chosen people may be viewed differently when you consider the above . Believe or not it is written as prophecy in Revelations chapters 16 and 17 .

In other words, It's All The Jews Fault, Kill Them!

People who believe that can go cheney themselves.
Back to actual reality. The bankers in Iceland were Icelandic. They wanted to make LOTS of money. They over levered (meaning made more loans than their capital base could support) and to support the over levering they got lots of depositors from foreign countries, mostly UK, by promising high yields.

Gee, who could think this could end badly? Just about any banker over 50.

When you are levered 10:1 you only need 10% defaults to make you go under.

It is little different from the Allan Stanford fraud. It's exactly the same that Jews as group had no more or less to do with it than any other random person.

It was a small number of unrealistically ambitious and greedy Icelanders, combined with a naive government who didn't know enough to regulate them to stop, mostly because Iceland had no significant prior banking history, any more than Ghana has ice fishing.

Their government took the right course---let them fail. The Irish government took absolutely the wrong course and guaranteed all their banks' debt, meaning that their private sector losses would have to be paid by their entire population.

edit on 21-6-2012 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-6-2012 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by mbkennel

You got a star from me because you are looking in from the outside and seeing the whole picture.

People want to use the Jew's and the "Dark Cabel" as scape goats, but let the real truth be known that it is the greed of each man/woman that perpetuates the financial insanity that we have today.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by mbkennel
In other words, It's All The Jews Fault, Kill Them!

People who believe that can go cheney themselves.
Back to actual reality. The bankers in Iceland were Icelandic. They wanted to make LOTS of money. They over levered (meaning made more loans than their capital base could support) and to support the over levering they got lots of depositors from foreign countries, mostly UK, by promising high yields.

Gee, who could think this could end badly? Just about any banker over 50.

When you are levered 10:1 you only need 10% defaults to make you go under.

It is little different from the Allan Stanford fraud. It's exactly the same that Jews as group had no more or less to do with it than any other random person.

It was a small number of unrealistically ambitious and greedy Icelanders, combined with a naive government who didn't know enough to regulate them to stop, mostly because Iceland had no significant prior banking history, any more than Ghana has ice fishing.

Their government took the right course---let them fail. The Irish government took absolutely the wrong course and guaranteed all their banks' debt, meaning that their private sector losses would have to be paid by their entire population.

This is exactly the kind of anti-semetism going on here.

Ive asked people time and time again to show me the link between these Icelandic named bankers and Rothchilds, but they all tell me "Oh, you know! The big, bad jews!".

Deny ignorance? Not here.

edit on 21-6-2012 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by tpsreporter
But now how long until TPTB decide Iceland is ready for it's own Black Flag operation? How long until they have a 9/11?

I just hope that if TPBT decide to begin punishing Iceland, the people stick to their guns and not give up or give in.

You must realize the significance of what happened in Iceland. It cannot be over emphasized. They, as a sovereign country, collectively gave TPTB a big fat middle finger salute. Prior to Iceland, the only countries with the balls to do that happened to have something TPTB needed but also happened to be Muslim, have different color skin and customs.

TPTB or douchebags as I prefer to call them, used to have the worlds most powerful army to enforce their rules. Problem is no amount of propaganda would ever convince The average sleep walking American citizen, much less any GI, that those Christian, whities, pose a military threat to the USA.

Once the rest of the planet finishes waking up from the Walmart/Monsanto/Goldman Sachs narcolepsy, it's game over! The rest of the world will see it's 99.9% against a few misanthropic Satan worshipping oligarchs. Money ain't everything but the love of money is at the core of every problem.

Let them eat $100 bills like the starving children in the United States who have learned to eat paper so they can fall asleep at night. Let them use my mortgage papers to make a blanket like my family who will be officially homeless as of Saturday, June 21. Let them rot in private prisons built to house the generation of SOL students incapable of critical thinking after receiving a worthless high school diploma, unable to find a job. Those same kids stand before our crooked judges and a judicial system designed to fill prisons.

They know what's coming. They've tried everything to keep themselves above us so we cower in fear of their imaginary boogie men. God help the fools that wake up the sleeping giant known as the American electorate. Hell knows no fury such as the millions of inmates held in our prisons once they realize the entire system was designed to make sure they fail. From the gangster rap videos to the "working mothers" movement to the pornographic sludge at every convenience store to the US Department of Education. Fail Fail Fail.

Now it's their turn to face the jury.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

If its all true, then we should all be rejoicing in unison that finally, the Builderburgers and the Power Elite in the world, are all about to come under close scrutiny for their actions in bringing down the world financial and economic markets, due to their GREEDY little paws being all over it.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by mbkennel

It's not the fault of the Jews! I am so sick of Jews getting the blame for everything. They have always been a scapegoat for the evil elites who call themselves Jews but are not really Jewish. Real Jews serve GOD more-so than the average person, which is why they are God's chosen people....these deeds are not the hallmark of a spiritual people. Your comments are based on historical ignorance and racism grown from hatred and jealousy.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by nightbringr
And anyone who is too stupid to realize they cannot afford a $200,000 Porsche when they only made $24,000 dollars a year should have to pay when they default on their loan. No one put a gun to their head to make them buy it when a Civic would have worked.

edit on 21-6-2012 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

I agree with you, but duck. The majority of people live beyond their means and this hits them where it hurts. There were a lot of unethical lenders as well but putting all the blame onto their shoulders is just convenient.
edit on 21-6-2012 by RoyBatty because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 06:05 PM
Actually ,now when I've read over the source link again ,
I believe it may be referring to the government overthrow in 2009.

That's old news. The new government was better in the way that
ash is better than fire. Read the source blog properly ,
the information there is correct at least with what I've read so far.

The people here did vote no on the parameters of debt in 2010.

If they hadn't we would have been enslaved. Instead ,
the debt of Icesave has already been half paid by now and
the country is working its way out of the depression.

Things are still rough here. People have been moving to Norway
in large groups seeking better life. The grass is always greener
on the other side or so it seems. Take a stand and stay.

Oh and by the way ,if you see any of your military ,lend them your aid.
Chances are that they're the good guys in the effort behind the scenes.
Everyone's fed up with these international financial elites.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 06:07 PM
Here's something that may indicate something is going on in Iceland.

There is mention of Rothschild banking advisers.

Morrisons Appoints Credit Suisse Ahead Of Iceland Auction

By Kathy Gordon Of DOW JONES NEWSWIRES LONDON -(Dow Jones)- Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC (MRW.LN) said Friday it has appointed Credit Suisse Group (CS) as investment banking adviser, ahead of an auction for frozen food chain Iceland. Iceland is being sold by the Resolution Committee of failed Icelandic bank Landsbanki and Morrison indicated its interest in the chain in May, a person familiar with the matter said at the time. There are several other bidders circling though, including Iceland's Chief Executive Malcolm Walker who owns 23% of the group and last year tabled a bid to buy Landsbanki's 67% share in the company, which valued the retailer at around GBP1 billion, according to a different person familiar with the matter. The appointment of Credit Suisse is in addition to Morrison's existing stockbroking advisors Bank of America Merrill Lynch and RBS Hoare Govett, as well as investment banking advisor Rothschild. However, both Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Rothschild would not be able to advise Morrison on an Iceland bid because the former is advising the Landsbanki Resolution Committee and the latter is advising Malcolm Walker. Landsbanki's stake in Iceland is expected to attract a large amount of interest from trade buyers like Morrison and other U.K. grocers, as well as private equity groups and management. Morrison rival J Sainsbury PLC (SBRY.LN) has said it would be interested in a handful of stores. The remaining 10% of Iceland is owned by Glitnir, a smaller failed Icelandic bank which, like Landsbanki, is also being wound up. By Kathy Gordon, Dow Jones Newswires; 44-207-842-9293; [email protected]


Rothschild website

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by zarp3333

Originally posted by tpsreporter
But now how long until TPTB decide Iceland is ready for it's own Black Flag operation? How long until they have a 9/11?

I just hope that if TPBT decide to begin punishing Iceland, the people stick to their guns and not give up or give in.

You must realize the significance of what happened in Iceland. It cannot be over emphasized. They, as a sovereign country, collectively gave TPTB a big fat middle finger salute.

Iceland said 'not too big to fail'. They gave investors and creditors to unregulated, over-levered banks a lesson in the meaning of "counterparty risk". They did the opposite of tinpot dictators. They didn't nationalize or break contracts or anything. All they did is let the actual free market work.

What has TPTB done to retaliate? Nothing. That's because the mythical TPTB aren't any unified Evil Cabal. There isn't any one actually, any more than Newt Gingrich and Vladimir Putin go to the same church.

Prior to Iceland, the only countries with the balls to do that happened to have something TPTB needed but also happened to be Muslim, have different color skin and customs.

Murdering 3000 people is different than not bailing out a bank.
edit on 21-6-2012 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

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