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Jon Stewart Skewers Fox News For Using Edited Obama Video To Criticize Immigration Policy

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posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 11:06 PM

edit on 20-6-2012 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by neo96

I was trying to say that if it isn't your first language then I would literally feel bad for pointing you out like that, but since the answer never came I don't know what to think.

I apologize if I offended you by the question, but there would have been a better way to word your post. I'm changing my signature now.

Again, I'm sorry for that.
edit on 6/20/2012 by Anonymous404 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by muse7
Obama did the humane thing.

Letting a Federal Agent die,with failed Policies?
Solving World Hunger ?
Or accepting a Peace Prize......?

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 02:16 AM
Obama or Romney in a good light?? You all are drinking some crazy cool aid. Add in the following:

Bush and Clinton. Thats 24yrs of your lifetime with these names. Get over it. They have screwed everything up.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by ownbestenemy

Originally posted by Flatfish
The real problem is that under the new GOP/TP obstructionist principles, a simple majority no longer rules the day. It now takes 60 votes in the Senate in order to get anything passed which effectively means that the Democrats did not control the Senate which is key to getting any legislation passed.

So the Country should sway under a "simple" majority? Nothing should be debated, held-back, questioned or vetted? Just pass it through! Its for the good of the country because "you know its the right thing to do...."

I would rather have a lame duck administration (regardless of the silly letter behind their name) than an administration that has near carte blanche in their endeavors.

It would be one thing if what was going on was sincere debate held in good faith. But everyone knows that is not what is going on. The vast majority of Republicans in Congress have held the economy and the country hostage to make this president a ineffective at best and a failure at worst. I don't agree with everything the Administration has done but I sure would like to have seen what things would be like if the Republicans hadn't decided to take the ball and go home.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by Flatfish

It is indeed interesting that Fox calls itself "NEWS" . There it is in big letters. It's not Fox Entertainment. News is supposed to be unbiased.

I think in regards to immigration we should open all borders and abolish the border patrol agency. Right after we have legalized drugs, canceled all welfare, and changed the born here law.

Citizens are welcome to help anyone who cannot afford services, food, education,etc. as much as they want. You can send them your entire paycheck if you like. Just don't make laws to force anyone else to do it.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by Flatfish

As much as I hate Fox and the rest of the MSN I hate people who watch that crap more. I think that if everyone stopped watching that crap they would eventually cease to exist. They are driven by ratings. The higher the ratings the better so it has nothing to do with truth or honesty and integrity is laughable. There is no journalism left only disinformation and sensationalism for ratings.

This would not be the case if people stopped watching their BS, but too many people believe their lies because they are filled with hatred and the news is custom made for them. The audience is older, prejudice and clinically insane. They are driven by a deep seated hatred and a resolve to get even with the people they hate. Fox and the others eat that up and "customize" their stories or make them up from scratch to suit their audience.

Unfortunately the people who watch that crap are unaware they are being lied to. Even when you show them evidence of stories being fabricated in order to drum up support for a new war they deny it ever happened. They are very comfortable being lied to because they don't want to know the truth. I despise these people for their wanton ignorance. I despise the producers and actors that make this stuff up even more though, but they have a good defense.

Their defense is that they are "Entertainment News" so they don't need to tell the truth. That means they can make up anything and say it happened and their audience believes them. Then when they get sued over made up stories they invoke their "Entertainment News" status and are instantly dismissed from wrongdoing. So citizens who know about this have not taken up the fight to get them shut down or change the laws about what can be considered "News".

Now the latest appropriations bill includes a clause that makes it legal to use propaganda on the American public. Fox is no longer in control of the lies even though they make up their own. Now the government can send them stories already made to air without editing. They can legally lie now so what can you trust?

I seem to remember going to war with other countries because they lied to their citizens and abused their power over the media. Now it is being done here and all those people on the bandwagon to bomb the crap out of innocents to topple their government and "Save" them are silent.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 06:46 AM
Since we've gone so far off track...

I think people might want to actually READ the op, as clearly many of you haven't, and some of you that have clearly didn't understand it.

Fox news used an edited clip of Obama saying he couldn't unilaterally change the laws, to suggest that he's a hypocrite. Which he is, this just isn't an example of it. They edited out the part where he said that no, he couldn't just change laws, but he could prioritize them.

Now, don't be upset if you don't understand that, your vile hatred for anything not conservative has made it hard for you to digest facts that don't fit with your view. It's the same for the "liberals".

Obama isn't saying they will pick and choose which laws to enforce, they will prioritize them based on the need, because money is limited, there is a set budget, so it makes sense to prioritize and go after the problems with more of an impact.

That said.....

Fox news claims to be a news source, but when push comes to shove, has to admit that it is indeed infotainment, it's wrestling.

The Daily Show and the Colbert Report are FAKE news shows on a COMEDY network. They only IDIOTS taking that as a news source are the idiots in here complaining about the fact that Stewart, apparently, knows how to read.

It's amazing. Not one of you has challenged the op, not one of you has tried to explain why fox would do that, no, you just immediately harp on and on about the "liberal biased media".

Clearly, you are insane. The religious right controls the media. Sure, cable is as unregulated as ever, but networks? Censored to high heck, and let me tell you, it's not being censored to fit the liberal view.

Oh no, there's a "gay" on that show, must be that liberal bias.

Yes, I will admit, there is a bias in the media. A Bias towards freaking reality. It's not the 1950s, hasn't been for quite some time, and in fact, if you were to travel back to the "hay day of REAL America" you'd find it's nothing like the Norman Rockwell paintings you seem to think it was.

I guess the real sad part of all of this is the fact that a fake news show on comedy central provides, day to day, more hard facts than most of the news networks out there.

The Daily Show will correct itself when a mistake is made, or misinformation is presented. When has fox news EVER done that?

Before you answer.........

Saddam had nuclear weapons
Saddam had ties to OBL
Saddam had ties to 911
Saddam launched chemical attacks against coalition troops
Saddam had mobile chemical weapons factories

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 09:41 AM
Its interesting that a lot of people look up to the President when they get in office, but towards the end, can't wait to get them out! As did I when Obama got in, but the way congress has used him and manipulated him to do their bidding and not the peoples which leads us to where we are at now like usual with our hands feeling tied and tons more bull# on the table than before!

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 10:00 AM
Jon Stewart has his own show whose viewpoints/opinions/comments will swing either way (liberal or conservative) for the ratings. It is amazing and sad that this is what politics has come down to (using late night shows to promote/demote agendas). Frankly I do not watch any MSM channels or their crappy shows be it FOX, CNN, MSNBC etc etc. Every other media outlet is just as biased as Fox. Why single out Fox? This is why we have ATS where we can discuss the real truth. Real Journalism has been dead for a while.

edit on 21-6-2012 by hp1229 because: add content

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by ownbestenemy

Originally posted by Flatfish
The real problem is that under the new GOP/TP obstructionist principles, a simple majority no longer rules the day. It now takes 60 votes in the Senate in order to get anything passed which effectively means that the Democrats did not control the Senate which is key to getting any legislation passed.

So the Country should sway under a "simple" majority? Nothing should be debated, held-back, questioned or vetted? Just pass it through! Its for the good of the country because "you know its the right thing to do...."

I would rather have a lame duck administration (regardless of the silly letter behind their name) than an administration that has near carte blanche in their endeavors.

It was more than just a "simple" majority that wasn't allowed to legislate. It was a majority in all three branches of government!

I think that when all three branches of government are captured by one political party, most would consider that a "mandate" for that brand of legislation. But Nooooooooooo, the GOP/TP members of the Senate made a conscious decision to obstruct any and all legislation via the radicalization of the filibuster process, in essence destroying the concept that the majority rules in a democratic society.

It now takes a "super-majority" of 60 votes to get anything passed in the Senate, that's why the Dream Act failed in Dec. of 2010 with a vote of 55 in favor & 41 opposed. It doesn't matter that there's a 14 vote spread, it's now the "41" that has become the magic number in every vote, at least as far as the GOP/TP in the Senate is concerned. Once they achieve 41 out of 100 votes, they have insured that their opposition cannot attain a filibuster-proof super-majority, thereby stopping all legislation via pure obstructionism on the part of the minority.

It makes me sick to even think that my tax dollars go toward paying the salaries of these saboteurs.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by hp1229
Jon Stewart has his own show whose viewpoints/opinions/comments will swing either way (liberal or conservative) for the ratings. It is amazing and sad that this is what politics has come down to (using late night shows to promote/demote agendas). Frankly I do not watch any MSM channels or their crappy shows be it FOX, CNN, MSNBC etc etc. Every other media outlet is just as biased as Fox. Why single out Fox? This is why we have ATS where we can discuss the real truth. Real Journalism has been dead for a while.

edit on 21-6-2012 by hp1229 because: add content

Jon Stewart uses humor to point out the hypocrisy sometimes displayed by both, politicians and the news media. IMO, he follows the hypocrisy wherever it may lead regardless of political affiliation. It's not his fault that it's the GOP/TP who's constantly offering up the most hypocritical material, it's just in their nature.

Fact of the matter is, it's the truth contained within his humor that attracts and maintains his ratings, not the other way around.

Regarding your statement that Fox News is no worse than the other media outlets; Nothing could be further from the truth! Furthermore, how would you know if you never watch them?

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by TsukiLunar

This is the reaction that they would like you to have. Most restrictions only create further monsters.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 10:37 AM
All the left media either doesn't report the facts, or makes crap up!!!!!

Remember Obama's spending rate graph? BS

Remember fast and furious? Oh wait you don't....They didn't report on it until yesterday!!!

Remember the catholic church is suing the anointed one over Obamacare? Oh wait you don't!!!! They never report it..

Honestly using Mediamatters an evil website that takes Fox News clips out of context for their own publicity and posing it as truth, is really ridiculous.

I bet none of you have ever watched Fox News, because I find them to be the most balanced station actually!!!!

edit on 21-6-2012 by jjf3rd77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by TsukiLunar
I think I am going to be sick. They need to regulate our news and make it to where you can not knowingly lie to your viewers while presenting the lies as fact, not even on pundit shows.

Someone needs to do SOMETHING.

Sickening indeed! What's even more sickening is the fact that Fox News actually fought and won, in the Florida Supreme Court, for the right to not only lie to it's viewers, but to fire any reporters who were unwilling to do so.

Fox News Exposed ~ Florida Supreme Court Approves Lying to Public

Google Video Link

Kinda leaves me wondering, who's going to change this if the courts won't even do it?
edit on 21-6-2012 by Flatfish because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by PatriotAct
Fox lies about Obama and then Obama lies to us too. Holder lies, leonhart lies, cheney lies, bush, alberto gonzalez, powell, rumsfield, clinton, and my girlfriend all lie! Is there any truth from fox or Obama? Nothing but lies every corner.
edit on 20-6-2012 by PatriotAct because: elaboration

false equivalancy again...when FOX NEWS gets caught lying for the thousandth time, it's back to the excuse "everybody does it"

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by Flatfish

Wait, what is the issue. That 0bama just double spoke during that interview?

I can't just go around Congress and the Constitution.........................But, I can push for selective enforcement of the law.

Regardless, 0bama is a turd of the highest order. And spare me the Bush did this retorts. Bush was wrong, Bush is not in charge.

Not only do we have this slap in the face to America, we also have huge Top Secret Info leaks from the 0bama Admin, but we also have 0bama using EO to cover his butt in F&F.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 11:23 AM
You can always tell the liberal shills as they are the ones who blast Fox news the most. Sad bunch of people.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by neo96

I've seen jon criticize obama plenty of times.
Its a news pundit/satire show sadly this country is taught to believe what it watches on the TV thus having a hard time telling the difference between a comedy show, people with a IQ higher then 40 will not take it to seriously,and a factual news show.

and then there are other that think its some type of propaganda show to get votes for liberals.


The reason he seems to go after the GOP so much is more because fox news #s things up so much.
Notice when he goes after liberal he shows clips from msnbc and only sometimes CNN.
Thats pretty much the order of biased 'news' channels.

ETA: wow at the people who think fox news is a balanced "news" channel i can't believe your on ATS and still think that.
I guess its because your more aliened to the RIGHT so you feel defensively about it. Fair enough i guess but don't you think the only reason you like fox news is because they tell you, i.e republicans, what you want to hear or agree with what you think?
Just like msnbc does to the left. I can't stand wasting anytime on "news" channels in this country. The first thing i noticed when i moved here was how #ed up they are here.

Another ETA: how can so many people here on ATS buy into so much Left/Right crap?
Its used against you to actually think your vote matters. SHAME on you ATS members lol
edit on 21-6-2012 by Bixxi3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by macman
reply to post by Flatfish

Wait, what is the issue. That 0bama just double spoke during that interview?

Uh, no as a matter of fact, that's not the issue. Might I suggest that you go back and re-read my original OP? The issue is the deliberate manufacturing and/or propagation of bald faced lies by a so-called 'News" organization.

Originally posted by macman
I can't just go around Congress and the Constitution.........................But, I can push for selective enforcement of the law.

Didn't go around Congress, didn't change the law. Just decided to focus his limited resources on the most egregious offenders. I guess that you'd prefer that your local police dept. spend it's resources chasing down jay-walkers as opposed to murderers and rapist etc...

Originally posted by macman
Regardless, 0bama is a turd of the highest order. And spare me the Bush did this retorts. Bush was wrong, Bush is not in charge.

Not only do we have this slap in the face to America, we also have huge Top Secret Info leaks from the 0bama Admin, but we also have 0bama using EO to cover his butt in F&F.

These off topic remarks are IMO, not even worthy of a response.

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