Blind trust in our government is the Achilles heel of earth. We're all f#ed because too many people think that those evil rich bastards that run our
countries actually care about your family, your life and your rights. These "people" who can kill millions upon millions of men, women and children
for a quick buck or to take over some new land can be trusted to put you and your family first, because they're on "your" side, right? Gullible
Even in the highly unlikely event that 9/11
was simply a successful terrorist attack by a bunch of sandal-wearing maniacs, look at the
aftermath. What an utter failure and embarrassment, America. ~3000 innocent people died in those towers. 109,032+ people have died since the invasion
of Iraq, including
66,081+ civilian Iraqi deaths, according to Wikileaked Iraq War documents. Do you feel better yet? Saddam would be very
Honestly guys, regardless of whether or not 9/11 was done by the government or by a terrorist cell, you
cannot justify that many
unnecessary deaths. Is the world any safer now? Do you feel free? Do you still feel like the Best Country in the World? Are those 3,000 poor bastards
who died in the towers alive again? Do you think they're proud of their country for this retributive slaughter?
9/11 was a tragedy, but America's response was even more tragic. Just because they're brown kids doesn't mean they deserve to die!
Yeah, maybe 9/11 was a legitimate terrorist attack (legitimate = unfunded/planned by American interests). I don't believe it, but I'll entertain the
silly idea. But if you ask me, that just means your government
let it happen. You have the most sophisticated defense systems and technology in
the world, but FOUR (4) un-stealthed
passenger planes slipped past your goalie, after dozens of tip-offs and more than an hour's notice since
the first hijacking?? What the f# do you pay taxes for then? Even if it was just an honest "accident" and your multi-trillion dollar defense
military made a "boo boo", your government should be held accountable for such a mistake - not the Iraqi population. 99.9999999999% of them had
NOTHING TO DO with 9/11, and yet their country has been destroyed, raped and pillaged, and some of you still think America was the victim in this
"war on terror"????
Don't get me wrong, the victims of 9/11 didn't deserve to die like they did and it was a horrific incident that will live on in our minds for many
decades to come I'm sure. But do the deaths of those slaughtered 60k innocent men, women and children make it better? Do you stand proudly by your
government's response like a good "patriot" would?
Furthermore, are you happy about the following institution's profiteering?:
Halliburton (OIL) -
$17.2 billion+
DynCorp (MIL) -
$1.44 billion+
Washington Group International (OIL) -
$931 million+
Environmental Chemical (CLEANUP) -
$878 million+
Aegis (MIL) -
$430 million+
International American Products (ENERGY) -
$759 million+
Erinys (OIL) -
$136 million+
Fluor (CLEANUP) -
$1.1 billion+
Perini (CLEANUP) -
$650 million+
URS Corporation (CLEANUP) -
$792 million+
Parsons (CLEANUP) -
$540 million+
First Kuwaiti (U.S. EMBASSY) -
$500 million+
Armor Holdings (MIL) -
$634 million+
L3 Communications (CLEANUP) -
$1.3 billion+
The list goes on and on and on and on, and this data is from 2006 (!!!). God knows how much more money these companies have made since then in the
past 6 years. Around 50% of these companies have had legal action taken against them for making unfair contracting deals with the American
military-industrial complex. This is just the surface of what's (still) going on in Iraq.
All this over 3,000 untimely deaths and a few million dollars damage? Really, America? Your country has spent over $1,344,652,398,093 on war since
2001. You're doomed to bankruptcy. All over 9/11? You really think that this is about terrorists? You're now in $15,789,421,922,359 (15
trillion!!!!) worth of debt. This is your government's doing. And you trust these blood-thirsty sadistic mongrels who claim allegiance to NO country,
never attack American people for profit and control? You think that sort of money has a conscience? Do you think the American people would
allow this Iraqi slaughter and pillage if 9/11 had never happened?
Trillions of dollars effectively wasted on "National Defense". Passenger jets is the American War Machine's only weakness? And we're
supposed to believe that rubbish?? Either your government's completely incompetent, or they're in on the deal. Both possibilities sound ridiculously
dangerous to me and in either case, many of your elected officials should be held accountable. The US may be broke - but the CEOs are smiling.
Four more years, right?