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Bullying kids : Making The Bus Monitor Cry (video)

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posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by amongus

Originally posted by smyleegrl

Originally posted by SangriaRed
A) She is the Monitor. They are the Kids. Where are the rules? Why aren't they being enforced?
B) There is an increasing number of adults who actually afraid of the students. In this area the junk that parents do with their kids in addition to what they let them get away with...I can totally see why an adult would clam up. When you're afraid that a parent might come to the school with a gun, or will at the very least start screaming at you or beating on you, you've already lost to the real bullies, the parents.
C) I swear if those were my kids I would be so unbelievably ashamed of them and myself. I would question every last bit of parenting I had ever done and wonder where I went wrong. Then I would seek counseling on parenting and rip that kid out of that school so ridiculously fast it would make their heads spin around. Find an alternate school with stronger disciplinarian guidelines and then said child would be doing CHORES for that lady for the rest of his young life. That would SO not fly in this house.
D) I was bullied in school and it stuck with me for a very long time. My 20 year reunion is this year and I have zero interest in going and hanging with the people who at times physically hurt me. I have no doubt that some of the bullying that goes on is something that they learn at home.

She is probably a substitute monitor.

At our school, whenever a monitor is sick, they pull an assistant from kindergarten to ride. If you are a kindergarten assistant, you have no real experience with how hurtful older kids can be.

Substitute or not, that is a bullsnip excuse. She is still a human being. No offense.

I think she handled it better than 99.9% of people confronted with the situation.

Who gives a f if it's a substitute or not? Bullsnip excuse.

edit on 20-6-2012 by amongus because: (no reason given)

You misunderstand. I am NOT supporting what these kids did. Just explaining a possible reason why the lady didn't know how to deal with it. That's all.

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by IsraeliGuy
WhisperingWinds, you are being WAY too naive by assuming they are 'mocked' at by their peers (?!?).

Mocked at? By their peers? Their peers are right there laughing at the old lady! They seem to be the popular bunch these sissies, there is definitely no mocking on them by their peers.

If the authorities will act the same way, assume they will be 'held accountable' by their buddies and laughed at, there will be no punishment for their behavior and they will keep acting this way. They need to learn a lesson and a hard one at that. Until they go through the exact same humiliation as a group, or a very real fear for their lives, these scum will not change.

Hell.. if their buddies are half as retarded as they are, they are probably going to praise them for being so popular over facebook and the net.

I ask of you to take no offense at this - but seriously, this passive attitude of your's is what fuels kids like these.

edit on 20-6-2012 by IsraeliGuy because: (no reason given)

You're mistaking my attitude as passive.

Because I don't want to see their skulls smashed, I now have a passive attitude?

read my posts !!!

There maybe is a small number that support them, but far more kids will let them know that it was cruel, and there will be students who they have respect for that will do this.

There are decent kids out there, they are not all cruel, and heartless.

I also said they needed to be accountable, and do restitution.(if you'd read my posts), but I still think that it will be the peers who admonish them (and some will)..that will hurt the most.

edit on 20-6-2012 by WhisperingWinds because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-6-2012 by WhisperingWinds because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

You misunderstand. I am NOT supporting what these kids did. Just explaining a possible reason why the lady didn't know how to deal with it. That's all.

I totally realized that, and understood what you were trying to explain.

I just respect what I have read about your thoughts concerning classroom issues, and wondered how you thought it should be best dealt with.

Sorry if my post seemed to imply otherwise.

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by WhisperingWinds
reply to post by smyleegrl

You misunderstand. I am NOT supporting what these kids did. Just explaining a possible reason why the lady didn't know how to deal with it. That's all.

I totally realized that, and understood what you were trying to explain.

I just respect what I have read about your thoughts concerning classroom issues, and wondered how you thought it should be best dealt with.

Sorry if my post seemed to imply otherwise.

Okay, gotcha. No worries.

Honestly, if I had been the monitor, I would have pulled out my phone and started videoing the kids. I'm pretty sure that would have stopped it. Or I would have stood up, told the bus driver to immediately return to the school, and then kicked the snots off. That's how misbehavior is handled at our school, but keep in mind our school is K-5 and these kids sounded older.

She did handle it with grace, far better than I could.

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by WhisperingWinds
Because I don't want to see their skulls smashed, I now have a passive attitude?

I say again I didn't mean to offend you and I'm sorry if I did.

Anyway no man.. not because you don't want their skulls smashed. Because you seem to think that somehow society will get back at them. Well I'm sorry to say but I highly doubt it! In my opinion their friends and peers are as retarded as they are and by seeing all the fuss they created they look at them as heroes. The kids who think this is wrong will not say a word as the noisy majority will turn on them - just like nobody helped the poor lady on the bus. I'm willing to bet there were kids on that bus that hated what these idiots were doing, yet didn't do a thing because they feared they will turn against them.

Take that bus as society as a whole - the one who speak up only do so in support of these idiots and their actions. The ones who see this as wrong stay quiet. This is exactly how things are going to remain if nothing dramatic changes in the way these sissies live their lives.
My suggestion - skulls smashed on the roadside. But that's just me.

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 06:43 PM
Been reading through youtube comments etc, lots of peole have emailed the school principal and someone set up a donations page for the old lady to pay for a vacation, the current total is standing at $40k+!!! (bit extreme i think lol) But looks like some good has come out of it from her.

And in the end she did tell the kid to f_uck off down the bus, none of these kids are girls btw, there just squeaky voiced boys.

Someones been doing some serious digging, on this link you can even find the mouth kids home address!!

edit on 20-6-2012 by Idonthaveabeard because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 06:47 PM
By the way, these are the sissies' pictures straight from their facebook accounts, so no privacy was breached here.

Pansies is the only word I can think of. They deserve to be locked in a room with a real bully to see how that feels.

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by IsraeliGuy

Take that bus as society as a whole - the one who speak up only do so in support of these idiots and their actions. The ones who see this as wrong stay quiet. This is exactly how things are going to remain if nothing dramatic changes in the way these sissies live their lives. My suggestion - skulls smashed on the roadside. But that's just me.

Trust me, there are older kids who will let them know what they think, and others who they do respect.

I also think there should be other forms of punishment from the school, as well as at home.

Your suggestion of smashing skulls is much too extreme, and raises red flags for me.

Sorry but that's just me.

edit on 20-6-2012 by WhisperingWinds because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-6-2012 by WhisperingWinds because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 06:57 PM
I'm not going to travel halfway across the globe to beat up a snotty little kid. I just hope someone from their area does.

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 07:07 PM
Y'know I've seen some stuff that is hard to watch... Add this to the list.

Here is where I would talk about how I'd love to see some sort of justice find it's way to those involved, but knowing that this is now viral - And that their details are out in public, somehow I know I can depart this thread content it will.

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by IsraeliGuy
By the way, these are the sissies' pictures straight from their facebook accounts, so no privacy was breached here.

Pansies is the only word I can think of. They deserve to be locked in a room with a real bully to see how that feels.

Wait, they were white? Not a didn't seem like it.

Who is the girl filming?

Eta: and by seem like it, I mean the kids linguistics seemed very urban.
edit on 20-6-2012 by amongus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 07:40 PM
Yeah, they probably live in a fantasy world where they are all gangsta and thuggish. Might explain the lingo.

Don't know who's the camera man(lady?). The link to the cameraman's profile don't seem to be working. It's either wrong or he took down his account.

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by IsraeliGuy
By the way, these are the sissies' pictures straight from their facebook accounts, so no privacy was breached here.

Pansies is the only word I can think of. They deserve to be locked in a room with a real bully to see how that feels.

the asian guy looks different from the video

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by Ben81

This is really sad. This could be anyone's mother and these kids are using gang mentality to gang up on this poor lady. It's unfortunate, but this is more common than you think. These kids are being coddled today. They have no morals or scruples because there's no fear of consequences for their actions.

You can't condone this behavior saying kids are cruel, and kids will be kids. This is a reflection of parents not teaching them right from wrong, or how to treat people. It's a reflection of society that has loosened the control parents have over their own children.

I hope this video was presented to their parents and officials at their school. I would revoke their bus privileges and have them walk to school. I wouldn't care if they had to walk 5 miles to school. They should be forced to apologize to this lady and given some kind of physical job cleaning toilets in their school for the rest of the school year. Talking crap like this, they should learn how to clean it up. Maybe than, they'll have time to think how ignorant they were.

Thirty years from now, I would like to see how fat they become.

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 08:00 PM
after my dad retired, he drove a bus for one year. he would have turned that bus around, gone back to the school, and dropped those kids off at the school for their parents to pick up. the driver also has the option of calling police I believe

I know because he did it to a bully. he said the elementary school kids were a blast, high school kids were easy because they were all asleep or on the cell phone, but the middle school kids were awful

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 08:03 PM
With all the support Karen has received
this event will bring her more happyness then sadness now

she will be able to take a long diserve vacation with all that money
and know that there is more good people on this earth then bullies

Thank God there is cameras
if this wasnt recorded and she made a complaint
nobody would have believe her and it wouldnt had make such a big deal

im happy that for this time karma hitted the bullying kids hard
but for most of the time .. there is no cameras

Bullying kids are the futur psychopaths
Many have the profile of a potential Luka the Canadian butcher

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by Bixxi3
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Are you implying that kids brought up in religious households are better? if so your brainwashed.

Kids can pick up bad habits from anywhere. TV, school, the park, movies, parents, friends, the Internet. Humanist philosophy really does not seem to foster a respect for others, only a desire to fulfil one's personal needs. There is a missing link here.
Atheism and secular humanism has facilitated bad behavior. Not saying that religious people are better, but at least they have the mindset that there is a higher power which judges beyond that of human judging. The yardstick of the Divine is just a tad higher.

But really, I was responding to the poster's assertion that religious kids would be so prone to such ridicule of others. Maybe it was just projection...
edit on 20-6-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-6-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-6-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 08:09 PM
I'm a student of the bernie mac school of thought when it comes to kids.
Like mr. mac used to say "chopem in the throat".
As soon as they are able to walk when they get wrong bam right in wind pipe.
I bet if the driver would of deploied this tactic on one of them the rest of those little aholes would shut up and sat down.
My grandmom would of choke slammed one of them.

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 08:11 PM
This is the main reason why I don't want to have kids these days. I am in my upper 20s and enjoyed my high school life. I even had some friends growing up that were bullies and I thought they were complete douche bags when they did that to other people. But, then they actually grew up and got a real job.

People then start to realize that the world is not as easy as they thought it was. The problem is every jackass is having a kid. I would say half the parents I see are not capable of raising kids.

My dad was a drill sergeant so I never said jack back or else I would get cracked. Parents can't smack there kids on the butt without a lawsuit and that is the main problem. Kids are not disciplined these days. To much freedom.

I forgot to say what my actual point was. Bullying in my day was never this bad. I don't even thing kids swore that much. Instead of playing video games we were outside playing sports instead listening to grown men swearing on video games.

Not sure if anyone remembers bullying in there days growing up but I don't remember it being this bad.
edit on 20-6-2012 by bowflex84 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 08:24 PM
This sickened me. I'm such a people person, especially the elderly and she ... god if I were there....

I really think the kids need to serve the summer doing community service or working for the elderly to learn how to treat people with dignity and respect. I mean, there but for the grace of God go they (or however you wish to word it). Any of them could end up overweight when older or have kids who are bullied etc.

They need some format of punishment at any rate. This can't go unpunished. Im sure we'll hear something come the next school term.

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