posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 01:23 PM
this is so sad... I graduated a few years ago and we were bad, but not THAT bad... Younger, they could keep most of us in line, and if that was my
bus the driver would have taken us back to the school and the principal would have gotten on the bus and reprimanded us.. Heck, our driver would sit
at the tracks for 5 minutes, letting a line form behind her, because we were not completely silent.
in HS, though, my peers made many many teachers cry. For entertainment purposes. We had a young fresh-out-of-college resign after 6 months, an older
woman was a year away from retirement and couldn't take it anymore and quit, and a few others were fired because kids straight up made stories.
It's out of hand, really. They know they run the school.. and the more rampant they are, the more they are in control.. Punishment is not enough.
You can't blame them--- look at tv, all of the jabs and poking fun and cruelty that pass off as "comedy".... it's all funny.. if they get caught,
even funnier, and it teaches the others moreso how to evade watching eyes...