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Not Jesus but Yeshua

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posted on Nov, 30 2012 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
It doesnt matter whether you call him Jesus or Yeshua. Also, Alexander the Great conquered that entire area, and there is a very good case made for them speaking Greek.
edit on 30-11-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

Not true. His name is pronounced Jesus. Pronouncing His name as Yeshua is as wrong as pronouncing it as Bob.

posted on Nov, 30 2012 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by truejew

Originally posted by Aesir26
reply to post by truejew

"Jesus", is a Spanish name.

Incorrect. Jesus was originally a Hebrew name.

It's a Spanish name ALSO: HEY-SOOS. Perfectly acceptable. Ask my gardener.

As for Jesus being actually Joshua, that's great! My cat is named Joshua and his brother is Jericho. They can't walk on water (Ewwww!) but they can leap tall buildings in a single bound!

I doubt anyone can get to the "real" pronunciation here. We're using a western alphabet and will never get there. It's lost to history and, frankly, it's like arguing over how many angels fit on the head of a pin.
edit on 11/30/2012 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 12:57 AM
reply to post by truejew

Yeshua is very much the simpler form of the longer Hebrew name, and it doesnt matter. Christ doesnt care about the little details of anything. There is only one thing that has ever mattered on earth. LOVE EACH OTHER EVEN YOUR ENEMIES....and how do you do that? FEED THE POOR, CARE FOR THE SICK, VISIT THOSE IN PRISON. Never retaliate, never harm another, care for them. Treat every single person as if they were in your immediate family, and extended family.

See through this world and all traps baited with cheese, all the big screen tv's, promotion, compromise, image, health, wealth, status, body shape and image, all of it. Don't judge others, don't bear false witness against them and form opinions about them and label them, but walk in their shoes and understand them, care.

Don't follow bad orders, don't willingly go to war.

Equalize like the early Christians did whenever possible.

Behave as if you were already citizens of Heaven.

And nothing else matters.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 01:41 AM

Originally posted by schuyler

Originally posted by truejew

Originally posted by Aesir26
reply to post by truejew

"Jesus", is a Spanish name.

Incorrect. Jesus was originally a Hebrew name.

It's a Spanish name ALSO: HEY-SOOS. Perfectly acceptable. Ask my gardener.

As for Jesus being actually Joshua, that's great! My cat is named Joshua and his brother is Jericho. They can't walk on water (Ewwww!) but they can leap tall buildings in a single bound!

I doubt anyone can get to the "real" pronunciation here. We're using a western alphabet and will never get there. It's lost to history and, frankly, it's like arguing over how many angels fit on the head of a pin.
edit on 11/30/2012 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

It was originally a Hebrew name, therefore it is a Hebrew name that has been brought into other cultures and languages.

HEY-SOOS is a wrong pronounciation of the name Jesus. If God accepts it or not is up to Him, but I would rather go with the correct pronounciation and be sure.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 01:54 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by truejew

Yeshua is very much the simpler form of the longer Hebrew name, and it doesnt matter.

It is very important to know the only name given by which we must be saved.

Originally posted by Unity_99

Christ doesnt care about the little details of anything. There is only one thing that has ever mattered on earth. LOVE EACH OTHER EVEN YOUR ENEMIES....and how do you do that? FEED THE POOR, CARE FOR THE SICK, VISIT THOSE IN PRISON. Never retaliate, never harm another, care for them. Treat every single person as if they were in your immediate family, and extended family.

Those are very good things, but one must build upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Jesus Christ being the chief corner stone before any of that matters to God. You must start at the beginning of the journey, salvation, before the middle. Denying the name of Jesus is not a beginning point.

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: Akragon

The world is so sad that they do not know that Iesous (name before Jesus came) is an affirmation to the god Zeus.

I also was skeptical at first, but truly there is not the slightest doubt that all the people of the world call the very person they worship a false name that was designed to mock him!

It was the pride and pleasure of the world leaders to do this, because they hate him so much. Anyone who preaches to the world to love your neighbor and change the world for the better is annihilated by the world government, because the world government wants the opposite - to kill and hate the world.

Not only did they lie about his name and trick everybody, but they lied about almost everything in his gospel also. And people are so pathetic and sad to not realize this.

I have already proved it. The only thing separating me and everyone else is that they refuse to listen to the very people they worship because they are filled with pride and are extremely stubborn. At first I also believed Paul. But when I heard that Paul was called a liar by Peter in the lost Acts of the Nazarenes compiled by the early church father Clement of Rome who was a disciple and followers of Peter as opposed to most of the Gentile early church fathers (of course because we received the religion from the near ancient western world) who followed Paul. I stopped for a second, and decided to look into it instead of the majority of people who just blindly brush it aside without investigating for themselves because somehow in their subconscious they think it is impossible for their forefathers of historical world power to create such a big scheme of dishonest falsifications. Even when something like 9-11 comes around, they still think that the white man world powers cannot lie to them, but it forced many to start opening up their mind, since they were smart enough to realize that they were being lied to.

Come to find out, the whole foundation of our religion were groups of antisemitic men. That means the real people who heard the messiah speak and saw him in the flesh, were hated, put simply. Does that make sense? It does not make sense unless there is a huge, and I mean HUGE, conspiracy.

The very men who built our religion in the western world were accused of being liars by the men they created the religion around. Why are people so stupid that they do not stop, put their traditional beliefs down for a moment, and look into this?

For any prominent name, in Rome during that time, the people added "sus" to the end. The reason why they did this was to give credence to Zeus. So why in God's world would you ever think that "Jesus" was an exception? I just cannot fathom how something so blatantly obvious can fly over the heads of somebody who is that stubborn!

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 03:46 PM
Yeshua is what people who want to be as close to the True Prophet and Righteous Teacher call him.

Jesus is what Romanized Christians call him.

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 04:10 PM
Although for the sake of conversation I refer to him as Jesus too because it isn't a huge deal.

Joshua is the correct translation into English and Joshua of OT fame is Ioesus in Greek which is true for Jesus also.

But you have Jesus ben Sirach of the book of Sirach, Jesus Barabbas and Jesus ben Ananias (Onias?). So the only one who isn't called Jesus in English is Joshua and an obscure Jeshua in the OT.

As a follower of the spiritual human movement of Yeshua I don't recognize anyone who persecuted the Jewish faction of the movement known as The Way, led by James, Peter and John.

Paul was the one who led this persecution and while a huge number of people know, there is a certain type of person who doesn't know or care about the truth and even the Bible records Paul demonizing the chosen Apostles. He was working for Rome pre and post conversion. He is, if you connect the dots, the man who murdered James.

Good luck to the ones who have yet to uncover this. I hope you do.

But this is why I prefer Yeshua or Yesha.
edit on 27-6-2016 by CabablancaHizb because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 04:17 PM

originally posted by: truejew

Originally posted by Unity_99
It doesnt matter whether you call him Jesus or Yeshua. Also, Alexander the Great conquered that entire area, and there is a very good case made for them speaking Greek.

Not true. His name is pronounced Jesus. Pronouncing His name as Yeshua is as wrong as pronouncing it as Bob.

When Yeshua was alive the letter J did not exist and was Y.

So it is linguistically impossible for Jesus to have been his real name.

Making it impossible to be the correct pronunciation. Yeshua or Joshua in English is the correct translation.

Jesus is an artificial construct.

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 04:21 PM
The Hebrew word for salvation is yesha.

So Yeshua is just a form of that word. It doesn't mean lord, or my lord saves, or Yah saves.

Just Salvation.

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: UFOdanger

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posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: Jauk3

Call Him either, it's not important. I use the example of my name, Ron. The Hispanics who worked in my kitchen when I was a chef called me Ronaldo, same name but pronounced different in their culture and native tongue.

Do a Google search of the different ways people pronounce Jesus in all the worlds languages. It's a whole lot more than Jesus/Yeshua.

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 05:37 PM
I prefer Higher Self and Source, and that we're all here to attain Christ Consciousness or Higher Mind.


posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: Unity_99

Careful dude, you're close to jumping headfirst into the New Age religion of antichrist and the new christ for the age of Aquarius.

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 06:06 PM

originally posted by: Unity_99
I prefer Higher Self and Source, and that we're all here to attain Christ Consciousness or Higher Mind.


Have you ever known of a word that so rattles fundamental Christians as much as Gnosis or Gnostic, Gnosticism, etc?

Not one of them knows what it means! They think it has something to do with evil because the infant Catholic Church made a huge deal about independent Christians believing what made sense to their intelect.

But Scholars know it was a politically motivated persecution and that the early Church Fathers who wrote against them did not have any desire to accurately portray what we can gleam from their writings today.

A people with a good belief system that made sense and revered Christ while explaining evil better than anyone else ever did.

And how to escape it.


posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: CabablancaHizb

Gnosticism was also rebuked by Paul, Peter, and John. There was nothing new in their day. That's specifically what Colossians was addressing. Not only were the Gnostics teaching that only the select few could receive the gnosis, they were also very antonimian in doctrine. Since the flesh was only evil then they could sin it up as much as they wanted.

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 06:31 PM

originally posted by: NOTurTypical
a reply to: CabablancaHizb

Gnosticism was also rebuked by Paul, Peter, and John. There was nothing new in their day. That's specifically what Colossians was addressing. Not only were the Gnostics teaching that only the select few could receive the gnosis, they were also very antonimian in doctrine. Since the flesh was only evil then they could sin it up as much as they wanted.

I place no stock in your comment as I am familiar with what they actually wrote and that is the only reliable source of information about the people called Gnostics.

And sin was not encouraged because they didn't even consider their flesh evil. You have a choice to be good or evil and they embodied everything good and Holy about Spirituality. No writing I have ever come across encourages sin, that sounds like a typical typical stereotype assumed by the unread and uneducated.

Everyone could attain Gnosis is the crux of their teaching so you are incorrect that it was taught only a few could.

Paul wanted a monopoly on gnosis.

And his gnosis was what they were referring to (John, etc.)

The most profound Gnostic teachings were the words of Christ and the best example is the Gospel of Thomas. Over 100 Wisdom teachings of Christ without any mythology.

edit on 27-6-2016 by CabablancaHizb because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 06:48 PM
a reply to: CabablancaHizb

Well, place stock in this then. The reasons Christians are against Gnosticism is because it's a false gospel, Paul, Peter, and John wrote to warn their churches and elders about it. John himself said the spirit of antichrist says that Jesus didn't come in the flesh.

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 07:18 PM

originally posted by: NOTurTypical
a reply to: CabablancaHizb

Well, place stock in this then. The reasons Christians are against Gnosticism is because it's a false gospel, Paul, Peter, and John wrote to warn their churches and elders about it. John himself said the spirit of antichrist says that Jesus didn't come in the flesh.

Oh boy you need a lesson in reality I am quite pleased with my current state of spirituality and I am a fan of the movement of Christ, James and the Apostles and antichrist means against Christ which I am certainly not.

On the contrary I live by his Words and put them in action spreading his Gnosis which he gave to the world (in the flesh) for all who call upon the Spirit to learn it.

Study Catholic history, and then talk to me after you have read their (Gnostic)writings and understand them, the so called Gnostic scriptures.

Otherwise I am trying to get a camel through the "needles eye."

If you can tell me what is actually meant in that rich man parable by "eye of the needle", I will respond too. Otherwise:

Peace and blessings!

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: CabablancaHizb

No, ante (antechristos) in Greek means "in place of". Antichrist means a pseudo-Christ, a false Christ. The spirit of antichrist is a spirit that affirms Christ, yet it's a false representation of Him.

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