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An Extremely High Tech Civilization Definitely Existed In The Distant Past Of Our Planet

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posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
reply to post by Hanslune

When I took basic economics in high school, there was no talk about what the federal reserve actually was. I mean, I guess if you think about it (which is what I eventually did), power directly follows money. But this isn't something talked about openly. But we were led to believe that it was largely a US property. My school isn't the only one that, while not stating it directly, allows the misconception to be fostered in the text books. Perhaps now, 20 some odd years later, all that has changed.

But this isn't the point of what I was talking about. What I was talking about was how the inner mechanisms, the things that actually cause the gears to turn, likely won't be readily obvious to archaeologists. Especially modern banking, which can be counter-intuitive to say the least.

Another example would be the way we were able to build and maintain our roads. It is a rather HUGE network of roads that complements our air/rail/water capability And it is obvious that they are not the highest quality. It would likely not be obvious as to why we built all manner of things from inferior materials. Until they were able to consider that our entire economic system relies on consumerism. The massive landfills, the poorly built monuments that didn't stand the test of time like the Pyramids....none of it will make sense when they realize that we actually had access to high quality materials and techniques, and just chose to ignore them to stoke our economic furnaces.

There are lots of examples of elements of a society that can be missed entirely. Even key, integral elements.

I agree with you in general but disagree on a few specific areas. In general yes the west and increasing the rest of the world is materialistic but then many ancient societies were too! So its not a new thing. If our world were to suddenly end and the knowledge of our language lost -----yep much later archaeologist would struggle

I use to use this book in class; Motel of Mystery, by David Macaulay, ISBN-13: 978-0395284254

Were a future archaeology uncovers a 1970 motel


Specifics; I remember being taught exactly how the Fed works. However as I was teaching Arabs banking I tend to use their own versions of it (a Central bank), yes the inner working wouldn't be known if the language is lost. In some areas superior materials are used, the many fortification made out of concrete will be around a LONG time, as will any number of small items, to include glass, ceramics etc. In dry climates things last longer in general, in wet cold areas it would be wiser to build with the idea to repair than for permanent. However even the pyramids aren't in that great a shape. The pyramids aside, 99.9% of buildings in AE have crumbled away. The same for Sumer, Akkadian, Harappa, etc

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by Hanslune

Yes but we disagree on what that is, yes RC is relevant as you are using his research and materials and not citing it, nor do I believe you know how he obtained it....

If I say the sky is blue, do I need to cite you a wikipedia page for that? You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. You can either disbelieve me and disregard everything, or you can take it your personal responsibility to find out for yourself. I'm not trying to indoctrinate anybody here. RC is about as relevant as I care about, if the things in his book are true. Why and how does it matter how he found out? Actually, if there is any truth to his biography; he visited the sites personally. Until you can convince me that they all non-related, I don't believe they did it for cosmetic purposes. These were often the cultures who had associations with the third eye.

The triptych is a symbol of the third eye built into masonry and adopted by the freemasons. This leads to the wonder if there wasn't some kind of global religion or connection with the third eye. If so where did they get it? Who gave them the pyramid building idea? Who gave them the triptych? Who gave them the third eye belief?

Of course but you've twice said he was irrevelant while using his material - rather odd

I'm sorry, it is the message I care about; not the messenger.

Tsk tsk, actual it is because you appear to be using it without understanding the methods he used to obtain it, a major fail.

Refer to my above comment. Actually I understand the methods quite well. It's not like he doesn't have a Bio...

Sorry dude you're going off for no particular reason, try again

Actually, I have been hinting at third eye symbolism this whole time. I find out it's been ignored and has fallen on deaf ears. If that is the attitude you wish to take about it, then yes statement stands. You may go stick your head in the sand, if that helps you feel better about the situation. I feel as if you are attempting to stop us from going down that road, and the Peniel gland/Third Eye is actually something I know a GREAT deal about. I'm just saying your intention seems more along the line of arguing semantics than refuting the data.

Translation: only my ideas count and you MUST beleve, I think not I will evalute your evidence (actually RC's)

Actually, that was not what I was inferring at all. I felt like you were attempting to blow me off and silence me, which I will not allow to happen. When shown considerable proof that this is in no way an accident and isn't connected to the Third Eye, then I shall acquiesce.

Actually I did you just rejected it, so did the Sumerians do that to? Remember you only showed evidence from two places. You didn't respond to my finding three doors ways of the same size, why? Is your mind closed? Please also comment on how you do a comparative study of common elements in architecture - is the material you are using fro RC - did he follow that methodology or did he cherry pick......think fruit

I'm sure the Sumerians had some kind of connection the third eye, and ziggurats have been akin-ed to pyramids. If I remember correctly there is a tablet or depiction of one of the Anunnaki holding what appears to be a pine cone at their brow. The word Pineal comes from the word pine cone, because of it's shape. The Vatican has the Courtyard of the Pine cone, and Jacob mentioned seeing 'God' on the Isle of Peniel. Possible corrupted spelling, and considering the Pineal gland is surrounded by brain fluid, it makes it like an island.

Also as for cherry picking data, you show me a picture of a three equal doorways, and say that it means nothing.. Obviously, not everyone is a mason and knows what a triptych is, so no therefore they would not go through building one like that. I do wonder how that you can post a picture of the doorways and say it's proof that it's normal, when I could not post one of the triptychs and say it is abnormal?

Yep, tombs, and temples mainly

I agree with the temples part, however not all of them were tombs. As we have already discussed before, very few of them out of the collective group of Egyptian pyramids turned up any bodies. Do you believe that a Pyramid can be taken in part to be a 3-4D representation of a triangle?

Maybe this will help put things into perspective for you. If not, I won't know how to help you. I've given about all the clues I know of so that you can put this together on your own as can everyone else, without me spoon-feeding them information.
edit on 2-7-2012 by VeritasAequitas because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas

The triptych is a symbol of the third eye built into masonry and adopted by the freemasons. This leads to the wonder if there wasn't some kind of global religion or connection with the third eye. If so where did they get it? Who gave them the pyramid building idea? Who gave them the triptych? Who gave them the third eye belief?

The people living there, that is why the term 'pyramid' used in a generic sense is dangerous, you think that somehow makes them the same, they are not, build differently, for different reasons.....did you happen to notice that Maya temples as do Sumerian ziggurats have stairs on the outside? Do Egyptians ones?

If you want an eye catching structure a mound or pyramid is the way to go, very few cultures built cubes (The Sumerians and their later replacements got close however)

Actually, I have been hinting at third eye symbolism this whole time. I find out it's been ignored and has fallen on deaf ears. If that is the attitude you wish to take about it, then yes statement stands. You may go stick your head in the sand, if that helps you feel better about the situation. I feel as if you are attempting to stop us from going down that road, and the Peniel gland/Third Eye is actually something I know a GREAT deal about.

That's nice but your belief in something doesn't make it mandatory for me to believe in it....

Actually, that was not what I was inferring at all. I felt like you were attempting to blow me off and silence me, which I will not allow to happen. When shown considerable proof that this is in no way an accident and isn't connected to the Third Eye, then I shall acquiesce.
...silence??? getting paranoid eh, hey man we're just discussing stuff.

Also as for cherry picking data, you show me a picture of a three equal doorways, and say that it means nothing.. Obviously, not everyone is a mason and knows what a triptych is, so no therefore they would not go through building one like that. I do wonder how that you can post a picture of the doorways and say it's proof that it's normal, when I could not post one of the triptychs and say it is abnormal?

No its just a door way. Here is a question, explain the following to me, say a 'Mason' (we're presume they existed back then) goes from AE to Central America, somehow survives the voyage, somehow finds the Chavin - what does he do then?

I agree with the temples part, however not all of them were tombs. As we have already discussed before, very few of them out of the collective group of Egyptian pyramids turned up any bodies. Do you believe that a Pyramid can be taken in part to be a 3-4D representation of a triangle?

Because they were looted several thousand years ago, what is the AE hieroglyph for tomb?

Maybe this will help put things into perspective for you. If not, I won't know how to help you. I've given about all the clues I know of so that you can put this together on your own as can everyone else, without me spoon-feeding them information.

You're made the amusing assumption that I believe in souls, religions and 'third eyes', I do not

...............Domestic crisis...... back


However the people who built the pyramids did believe in such things, it is in those religions you will find, perhaps, the reasons they built their pyramids
edit on 2/7/12 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by Hanslune

Aha, now religion...While not that term so specifically, more 'belief system' but that is the meat of what I was getting to. All of these cultures practiced a type of global religion, or belief system incorporating the Third Eye. But from whom did they inherit it? Why all of them have such strong beliefs in the third eye? The part about the Masons was: Freemasonry was created to preserve the old philosphical teachings of the mystery schools. This is why Shriners are built off of mystical Islam, or Sufism. Obviously they have preserved the teachings of the triptych which is why only people initiated in the mystical or superstitions will be aware of what this specific one is to even build it.

That's nice but your belief in something doesn't make it mandatory for me to believe in it....

The same can be said for my view point. Just because you believe it is fairy tale, doesn't mean I do or must. I guess that puts us at a kind of crossroads. However, if I could prove a significance of the Third Eye, would my case be plausible then?
edit on 2-7-2012 by VeritasAequitas because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by Hanslune

This is where the discussion would likely part ways for me. I do not believe the AE's built the pyramid.

But, if they did, why would it not be possible that their take on perfectoin would lead them to smooth off their pyramids more.

The schools of esoteric thought had variations on the same theme (natural law, etc). Like Christianity, it wasn't some monolithic bureau of information dissemination going on. When a philosopher got an idea that was catchy, it would be included into their school of the esoteric. Kind of like how Pythagoras effected the Greeks Mysteries, defining them in a completely different way than the Egyptians or Persians. But note, where there was a powerful leader, there was always an insightful philosopher behind him, teaching him. In Egypt it was the Priest Class. Alexander The Great had Aristotle (an initiate himself).

ETA: if you are unfamiliar with this information, you should familiarize yourself with it. The people who create civilizations, societies, and cultures believe in its importance. You may think it hokey, and it may very well be. But to understand this stuff is to understand WHY things were built. And, to a greater degree, WHO built them.
edit on 2-7-2012 by bigfatfurrytexan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas
reply to post by Hanslune

Aha, now religion...While not that term so specifically, more 'belief system' but that is the meat of what I was getting to. All of these cultures practiced a type of global religion, or belief system incorporating the Third Eye. But from whom did they inherit it? Why all of them have such strong beliefs in the third eye? The part about the Masons was: Freemasonry was created to preserve the old philosphical teachings of the mystery schools. This is why Shriners are built off of mystical Islam, or Sufism. Obviously they have preserved the teachings of the triptych which is why only people initiated in the mystical or superstitions will be aware of what this specific one is to even build it.

You are starting with an assumption that cannot be proven. This is similar to the creationist argument that begins, 'after the flood', obviously no flood and the argument after that dies a quick death. You are using an unproven assertion that there was a 'global religion' and it incorporated 'the third eye', those are in no way accepted or proven. I don't consider the societies you mention to be anything by johnny come laterly who made up fancy sounding pedigrees

The same can be said for my view point. Just because you believe it is fairy tale, doesn't mean I do or must. I guess that puts us at a kind of crossroads. However, if I could prove a significance of the Third Eye, would my case be plausible then?

Your case:

1. If you present this to people using RC data/images they will immediately be suspect, I recommend that you create your own images and not use his, as I noted before your attempt to say there is a correlation between the cultures over triptychs is not backed by a valid comparative architectual it appears to be cherry picking.

I would recommend also doing a search in Google Scholar to see if any such studies have been done, they may have. There would certainly be studies of those civilizations architecture although perhaps not on that specific subject. A data search at a good university would be even better, in particular look at the record of Phd dissertations and MA thesis, there may be something there

2. Belief in the 'third eye' isn't a scientific subject, as I understand your position (and i apologize if I get it wrong) you're not talking about these cultures belief in a third eye but that you actually believe the third eye is real. If so you're going to have prove that too - and good luck on that one!

3. World wide religion, religion studies have shown that is not the case so you will have to struggle against that too

4. The belief that the societies you mentioned existed in ancient times is pseudo-historical and more likely considered completely fringe

Other than that good luck

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
reply to post by Hanslune

This is where the discussion would likely part ways for me. I do not believe the AE's built the pyramid.

But we disagree amiably

But, if they did, why would it not be possible that their take on perfectoin would lead them to smooth off their pyramids more.

Not sure I'm understanding this, do you mean more than when they had their complete outer covering (speaking of the Giza one), or is this something else?

ETA: if you are unfamiliar with this information, you should familiarize yourself with it. The people who create civilizations, societies, and cultures believe in its importance. You may think it hokey, and it may very well be. But to understand this stuff is to understand WHY things were built. And, to a greater degree, WHO built them.

A study of their religion and culture does cover that, unfortunately much of what we look at now (in esoteric matters) appears to have been re-created well after the fact, much of it in the 19th century.

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by Hanslune

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
reply to post by Hanslune

This is where the discussion would likely part ways for me. I do not believe the AE's built the pyramid.

But we disagree amiably

You only have opinion in this case which is no more credible that someone who promotes ancient aliens.

The construction of the GP has been and is currently being debated for the evidence is merely circumstantial and not fact. The question of who built the Sphinx is also a ferociously debated topic as well for the theory that Kafre built the pyrmaid is based on more circumstantial evidence.

Its ok to say "im not sure".

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by Hanslune

Yes, i refer to the outer casing.

And you are right. The whole Blavatsky craze was not really good for maintaining the integrity of esoteric teachings. Of course, it didn't hurt it either. Those who know, would have known without that time period ever existing. I think it is more a calling of a certain kind of curious mind.

And we can always disagree amiably.
When scrolling through a thread, I always stop to read what the big stone H has to say.

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by Hanslune

The only thing I have to say about this is that even though the "religion" of an area may not match another area, the esoteric teachings always seem to align quite nicely. It is like the religion becomes the allegory, with the "profane" understanding it as a religion. And the initiates understand it as a book that describes their wisdom.

This is what the bible is, what the talmud(s) is/are, what the priest class was, and what some Amerind shaman knew. Anyone who has a story about a visitor of amazing capabilities, you have these esoteric teachings.

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 11:03 PM
The Antikythera mechanism is a good example of how technology can appear is small pockets of civilizations that onbiously had to have a progressive lineage of trial and error with a long trail of cruder examples but none has yet been found. If the the Antikythera mechanism had never been found it would of caused great damage to ones intellect to accept that over 2000 years ago people designed and assembled and used such complicated devices.

This is evidence that that people far more advanced than the global common man and his technology existed without any other cultures either knowing of them or adapting while attempting to become at par with the higher group that designed the mechanism.

To find anything complex dating pre 10,500 b.c would be next to impossible. This mechanism is only 2000 years old in poor shape and only one example of it in the world.

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by Hanslune

If no type of world-wide religion existed, please explain the appearance of the Swastika in places ALL over the world. Even in the Americas...

Also, if the Masons use the Tracing Boards to encode the triptych into Cathedrals, they are obviously doing it for reasons related to the Third Eye. It goes back in turn, to where the Masons got it. I can prove the existence of it by you simply dreaming at night, and as can anybody who meditates regularly. If your attempt is to attack the validation of the Third Eye, I'd advise you going back to arguing semantics. While you and others run the archaeology department, that is mine.

I appreciate your advice though. So have a star.
edit on 2-7-2012 by VeritasAequitas because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-7-2012 by VeritasAequitas because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by Hanslune

Originally posted by renegadeloser

According to your table the only materials that would still be present from such an ancient civilization would be glass and stone. All the metal would rust to dust. Wood would rot. Plastics and Textiles too would have broken down. If not chemically than at least physically.

So assuming there was an extremely ancient civilization, that was highly sophisticated, either like us, or wildly divergent from us, we would expect to find anomalous stone and glass artifacts. Hmmm... sounds vaguely reminiscent of the world around us.

Disturbance of the ground leaves it traces for 100 of millions of years, the oldest wooden javelin's we have come from 400,000 years ago, stone tools about 1.5 million, stuff survives.

No you'd find trash heaps, middens, use of resources and effects left in sedimentation and ice cores

I'd like to see a civilization that had no way to cut or store food!

This isn't exactly true. When the remains of an older civilization is left to decay, the next civilization will tend to recycle and use parts of that older civilization, for their own purpose. Stone to build with, old wood structures as firewood or just burnt to make way for new ventures. Textiles, cloth, even dung, you can usually find a use for just about any salvageable material.

I can take you to place where a town once stood, when I was a kid, that you would be hard pressed to find any signs of that town there today. Inside 40 years it has been abandoned and cannibalized to the point of non existence. We did some metal detecting there once, looking for old coins, it was hard to even find nails or bottle caps in the location the town once stood.

My point here is that your leaving out a very substantial factor in the demise of any civilization. And that's all the following civilizations that come afterwards.

Here's a theory to consider: What if we as humans, are literally the artifacts of a distant past civilization, who once lived on the planet, but at some time in the very distant past fled to escape some catastrophe?

What if this high tech society lived in dwellings that were also designed to be able to leave when planet wide cataclysm occurred?

This might explain the stark contrast between levels of technology found and opparts. One super high tech society to whom departs, taking all their tech and trash with them, while another lower level society is left to deal with what ever calamity is happening. Just a theory.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 05:16 AM
Whilst not a high tech ancient civilization, just thought i would post a link to a brand new Exhibit that many on this thread may find very interesting regarding sunken civilization.

Drowned landscapes

And the far more detailed.....

St Andrews University link

Concerns Doggerland and has what, i find to be, some very interesting info.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by Shadow Herder

You only have opinion in this case which is no more credible that someone who promotes ancient aliens.

Nope, I have evidence to back my opinions, they do not

The construction of the GP has been and is currently being debated for the evidence is merely circumstantial and not fact. The question of who built the Sphinx is also a ferociously debated topic as well for the theory that Kafre built the pyrmaid is based on more circumstantial evidence.

The pyramid 'debate' is solely one of fringe creation, it has no basis in fact. Now the Sphinx geological status and age is under some debate

Its ok to say "im not sure".

I'll go with what the AE said, and like them I'm sure until I see evidence to counter it

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
reply to post by Hanslune

Yes, i refer to the outer casing.

And you are right. The whole Blavatsky craze was not really good for maintaining the integrity of esoteric teachings. Of course, it didn't hurt it either. Those who know, would have known without that time period ever existing. I think it is more a calling of a certain kind of curious mind.

And we can always disagree amiably.
When scrolling through a thread, I always stop to read what the big stone H has to say.

And I always read your input with interest. In my 20's I read the Alister Growley book and a lot of others on these subjects but didn't find them to be my cup of tea

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by Shadow Herder
The Antikythera mechanism is a good example of how technology can appear is small pockets of civilizations that onbiously had to have a progressive lineage of trial and error with a long trail of cruder examples but none has yet been found. If the the Antikythera mechanism had never been found it would of caused great damage to ones intellect to accept that over 2000 years ago people designed and assembled and used such complicated devices.

Not really you are forgetting that the ancients wrote about such machines - which is why scholars have an idea who may have constructed it. A number of Greeks built 'devices' some of which were documented

This is evidence that that people far more advanced than the global common man and his technology existed without any other cultures either knowing of them or adapting while attempting to become at par with the higher group that designed the mechanism.

Then how do we know of them? I would note that that mechanism is designed to show information based from the premise of a GEOCENTRIC perspective, ie the sun going around the earth. So an excellent device based on a completely failed piece of how advance were these more advanced people if they didn't know how the solar system actually was?

To find anything complex dating pre 10,500 b.c would be next to impossible. This mechanism is only 2000 years old in poor shape and only one example of it in the world.

We could find such a mechanism if such existed depending on where it was lost and what it was made of, no such luck as of yet - plus we have noted no use of resources necessary for such developments
edit on 3/7/12 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas
reply to post by Hanslune

If no type of world-wide religion existed, please explain the appearance of the Swastika in places ALL over the world. Even in the Americas...

Also, if the Masons use the Tracing Boards to encode the triptych into Cathedrals, they are obviously doing it for reasons related to the Third Eye. It goes back in turn, to where the Masons got it. I can prove the existence of it by you simply dreaming at night, and as can anybody who meditates regularly. If your attempt is to attack the validation of the Third Eye, I'd advise you going back to arguing semantics. While you and others run the archaeology department, that is mine.

I appreciate your advice though. So have a star

I always try to assist scholarship even if I don't agree with the topic or its conclusion, my pleasure

Swastika are common because there are only so many ways you can draw lines. I bet you every culture uses a circle, square, cross, etc they are common to all of humanity. Last year I noted that my 4 year old niece was drawing some swastikas - shakily, where did she get that from? Unknown but she probably just made it up

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 12:30 PM
isn't there a story in the bible how people were building this temple to reach heaven...
and God destroyed it and sent people to all corners of the world....? something like that?
tower of babel?

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by resoe26
isn't there a story in the bible how people were building this temple to reach heaven...
and God destroyed it and sent people to all corners of the world....? something like that?
tower of babel?

The Babel story is thought to be an attempt to explain why there were so many different languages and why people were scattered everywhere..

One has to look at the time when those gentleman wrote the story down. They had no science and needed to come up with stories to explain things - which to them - were inexplicable.

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