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The Reason Some Americans Hate's not because they are "illegal"

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posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by jheated5
I say give illegal immigrants life or death sentences for crossing the border...... Problem solved! Sure it's cruel but after a few of them are tossed in jail forever or killed it would give them very good incentive not to sneek across the border... They won't be coming back to tell their friends how easy it is to get in, I know that much

Why am I not surprised.

Do you even consider these people human?

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by milominderbinder

Ah, the Russian mob set up shop in Wisconsin Dells. I wonder how many of them are legal.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
Maybe you should hate the crooked employers who are American citizens instead of the people just trying to provide for their families.

Uh... I'm trying to provide for my family? What gives?

So you think these "crooked employers" are "crooked" for hiring people illegally that are trying to provide for their families?

Seriously, wtf are you talking about? I'm done participating in this garbage.
edit on 18-6-2012 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 07:31 PM
The white immigrants brought over immigrant black slaves after eradicating the local brown americans.

Now the whites don`t want the browns from Mexico because they can`t control them like they did the blacks.

There is no free lunch. Get over it.

edit on 18-6-2012 by dr treg because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by Night Star

We have too many unemployed citizens to even consider making work permits easier to obtain by foreigners.
All other cultures have learned and speak our language except for many of the spanish speaking people. We are in many cases forced to speak 'their' language.

OS, if you don't believe there are illegal rapists, thieves and killers, you are ignoring the facts. You should know better. You obviously do not know anyone who has lost a child, wife or husband to an illegal. It's not something to scare people with, it's a fact! How you can blatantly deny this is beyond me.

If you make work permits easier to gets rid of the problem of people working for less than minimum wage...and then you have a situation where the best qualified gets the job...what is wrong with that?

American culture is ever evolving...we don't have one really...we just have a mash up of others. Society will dictate what language we speak and what culture we have. Do you honestly want to legislate culture?

I have never said no illegals do horrible things...every group has their bad people. But when you attempt to use those individuals to demonize the are just doing so to spread hate and fear...and that is wrong.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher

I'm an American...I love America...that's why I continue to live here.

What makes America if not its borders - didn't you call them "made-up"? Call yourself an American and live elsewhere then if you don't like the idea of borders. It is after all one of the definitions of a country - to have an identifiable border.

They are not only illegal immigrants but fraudsters and thieves

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher

There you go...demonize them...hate them...make them the boogeyman.

An apple is an apple - a person who breaks the law to enter a country illegally is an illegal immigrant, a person who obtains a false identity to defraud the American taxpayer is a fraudster, and someone who takes something to which they are not entitled is a thief.

I am sorry the truth us inconvenient for you. Perhaps you and Al Gore can address the issue. Didn't he have some thoughts on inconvenient truths?

As for the cry racism issue - I think perhaps I was confusing the other three threads on the same topic in which you stated quite plainly American's are racists. I guess guilt by association in this case, my mistake. However, look up any comment by you and you can find more often than not the race card.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 07:40 PM
Illegal immigrants get the jobs because they can be highered for less than minimum wage. You can not hire somebody legally for less than minimum wage.

But its true that some people dislike legal immigrants too. Its only natural, they are competition why would you like it?

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by milominderbinder

So basically you would rather spend billions of dollars creating a warzone on the border. Instead of simply raising the penalties and enforcement on the people that actually create the largest part of the problem? Are you insane? If a small business is relying on illegal workers to make ends meet they don't deserve to be in business anyway. If no one will hire them they won't come here end of story. So the fact they are here tells you that the penalties are not enough to discourage people from hiring them.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
If you make work permits easier to gets rid of the problem of people working for less than minimum wage...and then you have a situation where the best qualified gets the job...what is wrong with that?

What is wrong with putting American citizens to work first and making sure that they have jobs in order to provide for their families? We don't need to make work permits easier to obtain, we need to halt all work permits, and legal immigration, until Americans have jobs and the economy improves.

Then. Once we experience some annual growth, then those programs can be returned to their previous status. That's called commonsense you see bro. Not allowing anymore workers into the Country during a poor job numbers market. I know that doing what makes sense isn't the thing in this mentally deranged society these days, but there you have it anyway just for kicks.

So tell me, should American workers come first before foreign immigrants legal or illegal? What is wrong with that? ~$heopleNation

edit on 18-6-2012 by SheopleNation because: Typ0

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

White american culture is not evolving - it is disintegrating - as is the american empire apart from their drones.

White americans on this site have to learn acceptance unless you want ethnic cleansing to solve the intractable problem.

edit on 18-6-2012 by dr treg because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 07:54 PM

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 07:55 PM

[An apple is an apple - a person who breaks the law to enter a country illegally is an illegal immigrant, a person who obtains a false identity to defraud the American taxpayer is a fraudster, and someone who takes something to which they are not entitled is a thief. not the race card.

Damn, that is so perfect, an apple is an apple. Who can argue? Only the twisters and fraudulent.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 07:56 PM
I don't think this is an issue (for me anyways) about hating immigrants, but the rather the rule of law and it's usurpation to fit an agenda. IMO if the president was in fact truly concerned and not politically motivated to gain momentum and money for his re-election then you know I might like the guy more.

Anyways to substantiate this here is a snippet:

Seven hours after President Barack Obama announced that some illegal aliens would be allowed to stay in the United States and could be allowed to work here, Katherine Archuleta, Obama’s national campaign director, e-mailed a fundraising letter seeking donations to his re-election effort.

After I had read the article there was a certain part which stuck out to me because it's significance, the part that says "They are Americans in every way but, on paper.”

“They study in our schools, play in our parks, and pledge allegiance to our flag. Some of them have served in our Armed Forces,” the letter states. They've started businesses; they've started families. They are Americans in every way but on paper.”

Paper hhmmm...what paper.

The Constitution and congressional statutes are written on parchment. That is the only relevance of “paper” in this equation — as the “hard copy” of our social contract and of the laws enacted pursuant to it. Under the Constitution, Congress, not the President, is endowed with such a power: “To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization.”

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Of course that's a generalization, but otherwise you're totally correct. I'm a (legal) immigrant myself (now a US citizen), and I was shocked to see that my various employers over the years nearly kissed my feet just because...

- I showed up on time every day
- I didn't call in sick all the time (actually, almost never)
- I tried to do the best job I possibly could
- I was honest, reliable and responsible

To me, those are the absolute bare-bone basics, not a job qualification. Here in America, that doesn't necessarily seem to be the case, though.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by sylvie
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Of course that's a generalization, but otherwise you're totally correct. I'm a (legal) immigrant myself (now a US citizen), and I was shocked to see that my various employers over the years nearly kissed my feet just because...

- I showed up on time every day
- I didn't call in sick all the time (actually, almost never)
- I tried to do the best job I possibly could
- I was honest, reliable and responsible

To me, those are the absolute bare-bone basics, not a job qualification. Here in America, that doesn't necessarily seem to be the case, though.

Really?? because you just said it was.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by sylvie
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Of course that's a generalization, but otherwise you're totally correct. I'm a (legal) immigrant myself (now a US citizen), and I was shocked to see that my various employers over the years nearly kissed my feet just because...

- I showed up on time every day
- I didn't call in sick all the time (actually, almost never)
- I tried to do the best job I possibly could
- I was honest, reliable and responsible

To me, those are the absolute bare-bone basics, not a job qualification. Here in America, that doesn't necessarily seem to be the case, though.

Nothing like assuming. Americans have done the same as you all their lives.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

I enjoy most immigrants and have met several amazing people through the study abroad programs at my university. Do you speak for every American?

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by muse7
Looks like Georgia is replacing "criminals" with more criminals?

Georgia sends criminals to replace undocumented immigrants

With Georgia’s restrictive immigration law set to kick in, Gov. Nathan Deal Tuesday is sending convicted criminals to fill farm jobs vacated by undocumented immigrants fleeing the state.

Deal, a first-term Republican, issued a statement on Tuesday morning calling on the state’s commissioners of labor, corrections and agriculture to work together to connect unemployed probationers with a state agriculture industry now desperate for workers.

Looks like those hard working Americans that are out of jobs are lining up for these jobs!

Yeah...there are a few holes in people's arguments.

People don't want to work in a field all day...they want a managment position.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by TheRedneck
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

That's free market capitalism for you.

No, that is NOT free market. One group has to obey economic restrictions like minimum wage and FICA taxes, the other does not. How in the world is that free? How is it fair? How is it just?


Again, they don't have to...they can choose to work for less if they really really wanted that job...if they were determined and driven enough to get that job...they could get that job.

But you know we can solve this problem...make work permits and legal entry easy and start a severe crack down on American citizens who employ "illegals".

But it doesn't seem like you want to do ANYTHING until you can somehow lock down a 2000 mile border.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

I never denied that there are bad fact I admitted every sub-group of people will have their bad people in it.

So crime is just fine as long as only a few people do it?

Yeah, doesn't make sense to say that... but it is as accurate a portrayal of your statement as your portrayals are of mine.

Answer me you think people come here out of a desire to work...or do you think they come here out of a desire to do horrible things??? It seems like if their goal was to commit crime...they could just stay in their home country and do so.

It depends on the people, duh. And there is a very good reason why criminals would want to come here, if they are wanted fugitives in their own country.

And why are you limiting your discussion to one country??? Seems a bit odd to

You know those things called maps? Take a look at one sometime. Think of it like a picture of the planet. The United States has only two land borders: Canada and Mexico. Of those two, Canada's border doesn't seem to be overrun with illegal immigrants like Mexico's border with us is.

Oh, wait, that's profiling isn't it? OK, let's shut all borders equally, especially that pesky border with Turkey.

Are you going to have psychics at the border to find out if they are ever going to commit a crime???

Tell do you know if someone is going to commit a crime in the future???

I was referring to crimes committed in the past that would lead one to suspect that the person in question would be apt to commit more in the future.

You are purposely trying to be obtuse here.

If you really think it is illegal to make less than minimum wage...go find me the law and the punishment you recieve for working for less than minimum wage.

More obtuseness... that doesn't even deserve an answer.

You have no claim to what Americans before you did

Sorry, sir, I have every claim to what my parents did, just as my children have every claim to what I do. It is called "inheritance", and it has been the law of the land since before your great-grandfather was born.

You are not entitled to have a job just because you are an American

No, I am not entitled to a job... but I am entitled to at least the same freedoms as those who waded the ditch, the same opportunities as those who waded a ditch, the benefits I pay for when needed more than those who waded a ditch, and to have my culture protected from invasion by the Federal government I pay through taxes to do just that.

More obtuseness and more spin... do you get this stuff directly from the DNC or MSNBC? You certainly haven't thought it out very well.


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