What is going on? Why are people suddenly feeling the urge to become fascists? Is it a new fad?
reply to post by darkbake
I think it's been brewing and originates in the schools and colleges.
Values clarification method (the government controlled schools are changing the values of our people, and making them think they came up with these
solutions themselves). I would say they are effectively creating generations exactly as they intended to do.
Everyone has heard of The lifeboat story right.
There are 10 people in the lifeboat, the lifeboat only holds 9, who we going to throw out of the lifeboat?
Everyone's minds automatically start thinking, who am I going to throw out of the lifeboat?
By directing a problem in such a way, it is controlling the results....just like when students are given choices rather than be encouraged to come up
with their own solutions.
The education system controls the universe of choices.
There are 10 people in the lifeboat, the lifeboat only holds 9, how can save everybody in the boat?
If it was said to come up with a solution, there would be hundreds of suggestions to save all 10 people. (But the goal is not to cause the children to
think, so they are boxed into controlled solutions already chosen for them).
If the problem is in a box where a problem and choices are offered rather than encouraging people to come up with their own solutions, the solutions
are controlled, and even though the student thinks they came up with their answer, they have not, the solution was given in the first place.
I think that is what we are seeing with these topics coming up, I think this is the direction the government desires and they are trying (effectively)
to make gullible people (we are all so gullible) think that these choices are the only solutions to our problems.