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The brainwashing displayed here is unbelievable

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posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 05:03 AM

Originally posted by The X
Oh noes people are saying to clean up the internets.

Well what a shame, it needs doing, would you go and visit a house knowing the owner has massive amounts of child porn there and he periodically serves it up to people that knock the door?.
Me personally, i wouldn't and i don't feel the fear required to use anonymising software, and i don't have personal habits that require me to use tor or .onion domains.
The undernet is a breeding ground of illegality of the worst kind, i understand that it is not only being used for this purpose, what do you have to lose if the internet is scrubbed of CP and the ability to hide it?.
That is what i am advocating, as for being brainwashed, yes it's true, my mind is clean, i may have one or two bad habits, but they certainly don't involve children, or, wanting to protect/or even having, the ability to access their misery.
As for someone like me and your rights, as far as im concerned you don't have the right to to protect something that harms children, simple.
The worst kinds of behaviour, and the people that indulge it, require anonymity to function, this also means this ability is causing harm to untold numbers of children the world over.
Children need protecting any way we can, especially from the worst kind of predations, users policing the internet is obviously not going to happen (save for one instance of anonymous doing something), and doing nothing is not an option.
I Just do not want to see it get any worse.

edit on 18-6-2012 by The X because: (no reason given)

Just Amazing! I could just scream at how WRONG you are.
What a lame excuse to accept Internet Censorship.. Admittedly; CP is horrible and so are large fountain drinks. How about we remove those why we are at it?
Have you ever thought for one second 'people' can watch for pedophiles rather than having our gov do this? Do you not realize the mentality of most of those currently in power? Hell, many of TPTB 'are' the pedophiles and psychopaths. One can not attain a position of power these days unless they have some sick twisted history TPTB can wield over them. Something to blackmail them with. From President Wilson's affair and the Balfour Declaration to Obama born in Kenya. They have skeletons!

It floors me people like you exist. What are you, a fricking government plant here to justify such a terrible action?


posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 05:34 AM

Originally posted by petrus4
At the moment, I'm aware of three different threads, in which people are openly advocating such things as eugenics, and the increased involvement of law enforcement regarding the Internet.

I've always felt that the single most disturbing characteristic of this forum, is the number of people here, who are extremely transparent about their lack of desire for personal freedom; and even their desire for the direct opposite. Said people seem to desperately crave having some giant, centralised authority controlling every element of their lives.

I'm serious. Some of you honestly seem to want to live in a scenario very similar to Germany under the Nazis. I really don't understand why that is, either. I can only assume that it is because you do not have practical experience of what living in an authoritarian society means. I don't either, admittedly; but the apparent difference between us, is that I know that it's an experience that I also do not want.

The other thing that's even more shocking, is that despite the levels of cowardice I see here; the rationalisation, justification, and apologies for invasive, fascist government agencies such as the TSA and DHS...what is even worse, is how truly justified some of the people who hold these opinions feel.they are, in having them. You are derided as being immature, irrational, or mentally ill if you think otherwise.

I do not want someone else controlling every minute of my life. I do not want to be a slave. I do not want lawmaking ability to be held exclusively by psychopaths, who crave control, purely for control's own sake, and who literally do not sleep in their continuing quest to obtain it. I do not want a scenario where government is able to track and monitor everywhere I go, every moment of every day; and most of all, I do not want to have to explain myself to someone who is sufficiently intellectually disabled that they do not understand why such a level of surveillance is potentially harmful to them.

If you do want these things, then maybe the real threat to human survival isn't the terrorists, or the child pornographers.

Maybe it's you.
edit on 17-6-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

Alright, I have an opinion that I will speak about. Whether you will like it or not is not for me to say.
I believe that eugenics is wrong and increased government involvement of law enforcement regarding the internet is not going to make my life secure.
I do most certainly want God as my authority to control every element of my life.
I was just reading a book written by Corrie ten Boom called "The Hiding Place", I'm currently halfway through the book and there are some similarities between what happened then and what's happening now, the main difference is that now it will be a LOT harder to go into hiding, lives will be spared God willing.
I haven't delved into the whole TSA or DHS web but I don't doubt it could have some kind of "butterfly effect" on myself personally.
I do want to dwell under God's authority every minute of my life. I want to be His servant. I don't want "the rulers of this age" to be aware of every little thing I say and do but it doesn't matter because we will have to give an account of every idle word we speak anyway.
I think that if one truly believes in God, they will not be afraid of those who can kill the body because God has the final say as to the condition of the mind.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 06:32 AM

Originally posted by WhisperingWinds
reply to post by petrus4

If you do want these things, then maybe the real threat to human survival isn't the terrorists, or the child pornographers. Maybe it's you.

You're whole post is demeaning, and the above line is downright cruel, and unwarranted for those who are concerned about crime.

And yet the very fact that you reacted to it the way you have, tells me that deep down, you know what you are...what we are.

You're right, though, Whispering. I have been far too cruel to you. I should apologise.

Because if I'm honest, there's a lot of you in me. I've gone for close to a month eating the same thing every day, before.

I also do actually know what it is like to be the point where you think your life is about to end. It's an interesting experience, that one. You learn a lot about who you really are.

Part of me can understand wanting to have the police to protect us. To have a world where every house has the same, identical, perfectly symmetrical mowed green lawn outside it. Where no insecurity or fear has to ever be encountered by anyone, because Nature and entropy themselves have been domesticated to such a complete degree.

Where the behaviour of every human being is uniform. Harmonious. Perfect.

There's only really one problem with that picture. Can you guess what it is?

There's not a lot of growth happening.

You see, one of the problems with things being the same all the time, is that human beings really don't tend to develop very rapidly in such an environment. In such a scenario, a lot of people would simply be content to follow the same routine, with no variation, day in and day out, probably endlessly. Said people, however, would not grow. Nobody would have the ability to cope with things not going completely their way, because everything would.

I don't know how to inject passion, into somebody who does not have it. Truthfully, my own single biggest problem at this point in my life, is that I don't feel it enough myself.

I don't know how to transmit to someone, or infect them with the desire to be a person who, if they were caged, would throw themselves against the bars, rather than placidly and silently sit inside.

I don't know how to instill the desire to be free, into someone who wants to have corporate and governmental parents. How do you convince someone that they are sufficiently capable that they can, collaboratively perhaps, take care of themselves, and therefore do not need such parents, if they do not already have that belief inherently?

I don't know how to instill sufficient courage in someone, to be willing to be confronted by a situation where they do not know what to do, rather than said situation simply being laid out in front of them, so that they don't have to give it a second's thought. I don't know how to convince someone to give themselves the gift of helplessness, and allow themselves to be and feel truly helpless, so that they can then work through that.

I don't know how to instill enough sentience in someone, that they might be willing to consider that in some cases at least, crime might more effectively be dealt with in some other way, than simply locking a person up and throwing away the key, and that many of the things listed on the books as crimes at this point, are not truly moral crimes at all.

All I can offer you, WhisperingWinds, is this:-

You probably won't get the point; but then again, you might. Be too completely focused on saving your life, however, and you might forget to actually live it.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by petrus4

I have to say that I sometimes am seen as someone that advocates for less liberties for society and at times, get attacked for my views. My rationale is that today society is built on greed and selfishness. Our entire framework is based on getting ahead of the other person (make more money, be more successful, ect.) instead of a society that works toward the betterment of mankind. Here are just a few things that I advocate and believe would better society.

1. Get rid of guns...all of them.
2. Mandated Birth Control (quota system?)
3. Rationing of good and services
4. Removal of money
5. Vigorous world space program to get us off this rock

If you think it is impossible just google "The Venus Project" or youtube it for that matter.

When I mention these things online or at work (especially the world without money) i get met with "there is no way that would ever be possible". To me desperate times call for desperate measures, and it is clear that the current view/outlook on world society is broken. Why will it never be possible? I say it is.. It just takes the right mind set.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by AtcGod
If you think it is impossible just google "The Venus Project" or youtube it for that matter.

I have a copy of The Best That Money Can't Buy on my laptop's hard drive.

Jacques' ideas are good. I have some minor quibbles, but those are details. The major problem as far as social acceptance is concerned, however, is the existence of the psychopaths.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by petrus4

You're right, though, Whispering. I have been far too cruel to you. I should apologise. Because if I'm honest, there's a lot of you in me. I've gone for close to a month eating the same thing every day, before. I also do actually know what it is like to be the point where you think your life is about to end. It's an interesting experience, that one. You learn a lot about who you really are.

hmmm... and by what means do you think you know me so well?

Your whole post was creepy, and is just another example of why we need to know who is behind what on the net.

Say hi to Steve for me..

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by WhisperingWinds
hmmm... and by what means do you think you know me so well?

Your whole post was creepy, and is just another example of why we need to know who is behind what on the net.

You do seem extremely paranoid and fear-based in general terms. Do you think I'm wrong in thinking that?

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by petrus4

Originally posted by WhisperingWinds
hmmm... and by what means do you think you know me so well?

Your whole post was creepy, and is just another example of why we need to know who is behind what on the net.

You do seem extremely paranoid and fear-based in general terms. Do you think I'm wrong in thinking that?

I think you're wrong about that and much more .

I'm not the one doing anything wrong on the net to be paranoid about.

Your post was rather creepy, and I merely pointed that out.

Those who point out that they are "truthers", yet hide behind anonymity in everything they do are hypocrites.

They fuel hatred for all government, and police, hidden behind their masks at occupy movements.

yes, they want respect for being "truthers", and feel its their right to hack into anything they can, and justify their actions by saying they are exposing "truth",yet they don't want to expose any truths about themselves, and what ALL of their hacking involves.

Those who do nothing but complain about policing, while they throw tantrums, yet align themselves with folks who use motto's like "respect us or expect us", are using their own form of policing, and if anyone dare state their disagreement, they use scare tactics and underhanded methods to do their dirty work, all while screaming they don't want the real truth about who they are let out.

I'm not saying all "truthers"fall into this category, or all OWS supporters , but far too many are hypocrites when it comes to exposing truth that they want hidden.
edit on 18-6-2012 by WhisperingWinds because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 05:54 PM
By way of reply to post by petrus4;

I'm no afficianado of authoritarian governments, in fact I'd be an anarchist if it didn't mean you had to hang out with A-holes like occupud ya'll's street.
I'm just a nihlist now, cause all the funs been had,
And I'm a tunin up my Uzi, in case things go bad.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 06:02 PM
By way of reply to post by petrus4;

I'm no afficianado of authoritarian governments, in fact I'd be an anarchist if it didn't mean you had to hang out with A-holes like occupud ya'll's street.
I'm just a nihlist now, cause all the funs been had,
And I'm a tunin up my Uzi, in case things go bad.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by intrptr
reply to post by WhisperingWinds

Maybe your the one who has the "dark" issues to hide, considering you are so paranoid about policing.

And you have locks on your doors and windows too, right? What are you hiding? If privacy is an issue of paranoia, then why do you accuse others of having paranoid issues because they want to keep their personal property private? Only nosy, do-gooding, grabastic, busy bodies want to peek in your business.

Right, tell that to all those who make a pastime of hacking into Pc's just for the fun of it.

There was a member here once who said that she didn't think there was anything wrong with just taking a look, if you weren't stealing anything, and left everything as is.

Problem is there are too many like her, and some worse.. yet these are the very types that scream about having net privacy, and demand their rights to freedom.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by Luminaught
By way of reply to post by petrus4;

I'm no afficianado of authoritarian governments, in fact I'd be an anarchist if it didn't mean you had to hang out with A-holes like occupud ya'll's street.

As a point of clarification, in my own mind, being an anarchist doesn't mean having to hang out with Occupy; nor does it mean having to adhere to Stefan Molyneux's or Starhawk's definitions of anarchy, either.

Occupy are not really anarchists at all, actually, according to my own definition of the word. Occupy are victims who are protesting their victimhood; and victimhood is the primary basis of Marxism as an ideology. Anarchy, or individual sovereignty, and victimhood are diametric opposites. There are reasons why I do support Occupy, but the protest element, specifically, is not one of them; and neither is their predominant Marxism, for the most part.

Anarchy to me, means one thing. That a person's ethics are internal, and that they don't need police or a government to mediate them, because they are capable of doing it themselves. It doesn't mean worshipping Marx or von Mises as God. It can mean still having Gods, however; because if you're smart, you recognise that you don't know everything, and surrender to something is important, for the sake of managing your ego.

So I can still have authority figures, if I want. In some areas, if someone knows more about something than I do, then that is only intelligent. What it does mean, however, is that you get to choose who said authority figures are, and you don't accept them as an authority, unless you have commonality in terms of ethics.
edit on 21-6-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by petrus4

Anarchy to me, means one thing. That a person's ethics are internal, and that they don't need police or a government to mediate them, because they are capable of doing it themselves.

I do understand many of the points you make Petrus, and I agree with them to some extent.

But honestly, everyone's internal ethics can be quite different, and even the method of policing themselves could vary from one person to another.

Lets take an example as simple as someone who refuses to drive at a reasonable speed, and is putting others in danger by doing so.

What if someone who has decided to police this themselves, because lets your perfect world there are no police anymore.

He decides the guy is a moron for coming close to hitting his gf who is walking across the street, so he drives by the man and puts a bullet through his head, and feels totally justified within his own personal ethics.

Quite honestly Petrus the idea of people policing themselves seems like it could lead to some drastically differing opinions on how to achieve justice. Who will decide who is the authority on justice,or even what is considered unlawful ?

It may not be the greatest example , but I'm sure you understand the point I am trying to make.

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