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Could mainland U.S. be invaded by a conventional military?

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posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by Germanicus
The United States will be nuked. China and Russia will nuke NY and LA. When the Chinese and Russians come, they will bring aid for the people. It will be like what happened at the end of WW2 in Japan and Germany. Americans will be glad to see them.

Hours of fun,in fantasy land........

In reality,Americans have too many guns,for an invasion to work,even with limited Nuclear War. And do you think America wouldn't use their Nukes?

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 10:54 PM
There will be no armadas coming across the ocean, too many defenses for that, plus massive gun ownership when and if they get here. Any type of land invasion would get their ass kicked by military, civilian forces.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 11:00 PM
America won't be invaded by outsiders in a conventional military manner, as several posters have already described.

America runs the risk of being invaded slowly from within, however, by subversive political, financial, cultural, and secular values. Our moral fiber is deteriorating, as evidenced in our popular culture and media. Our political class lacks leadership and common sense. Our populace is becoming unable to think for themselves.

I see the deterioration taking place gradually over time.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by muse7
How would this invading army get through all of the missile defense systems, submarines and our air force? They would have to get through all of tbat before even getting 100 miles from the coast. Im sure that the army would have plenty of time to position infantry and artillery thanks to all of the satellite intelligence.

The invading army would be droned to death before even landing on the shores

And who will operate the drones when you have more US soldiers commiting suicide than dying in battle? Your army would have committed suicide by the time the invading forces lands. lol

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by SUICIDEHK45

Of course the u.s. could get invaded and taken over. There are many options for an invading force especially if they already have lots is spies in the country. Missile defense systems are very open to be attacked and Russia has already developed a weapon to take them out. We have a lot of weapons in the u.s. but military grade weapons are still hard to come by of you haven't been in. That leaves mainly small arm weapons, against a well developed and trained army. That would be slaughter. Drones are only so effective, with AA fire they can be taken out. I think a majority of civilians wouldn't fair too well though, most are untrained, arrogant, spoiled, and simply wouldn't know how to effectively rebel an Invading force, due to lack of cooperation,and the selfish attitude most young people have been instilled with by our culture and media.I believe in any case, if it happened, that it could be possible for an enemy to take control of the u.s. mainland, but it would last years, and an enemy army would become greatly discouraged over time. I don't like the idea but you have to look at all the facts and our countries inhabitants attitude, is what make this country as one would say "Ripe for the picking".

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by SUICIDEHK45

If the invaded through a state that had really, really strict gun laws (like maybe some of the northeast states), yes an invasion could easily be staged.

But it wouldn't go very far. Once you get into states with active gun ownership, you have a militia army that supplements the "Shock and Awe" capability of US Tech.

I would LOVE to see someone try and invade through Texas. In my house we have many guns, and two males who know how to use them exceptionally well. Teach your kids to shoot. Even if you never need defense, it puts food on the table.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by SUICIDEHK45

Why bother with all the cost, mass death and destruction of conquering America? I want the cities and all the stuff in a bazillion attics and garages intact.

Just ship a bunch of tee shirts infected with small pox in a ocean shipping container and distribute them to all the Walmarts.

Game over.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 12:15 AM
Hopefully woever started the thread isnt from the US because the question is....well it....well it answeres itself.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
How many countries have a blue water navy? How many countries have the LOGISTICAL equipment to airlift tanks, and hundreds of thousands of troops? See thats the thing about the US...its in a geographically secure spot while Europe, Asia etc are all tied together by land. Thats why you always heard of Russia and the US duking it out on the plains of Europe on not in the US.

China has a very large shipping industry with many of the officers also military reserves. take 12 large container ships and fill them with containers for housing troops and time there trips so that the arrive off the US west coast at the same time and just pull into small harbors along the coast instead of the major ports where they would have to fight through major cities.

You could put 300,000 troops on the largest Chinese container ships in prepared containers and the ships running aground in say Morro bay, Port Hueneme, Avila bay, Carmel bay, Santa Cruz, Drakes bay, Humboldt bay, Crescent bay.
These port or bays are close enough to the coastal mountains for 200,000 troops with ATVs to get into the hills and fight a war of sabotage across Calif taking out the power grid and water, closing highways and attacking small towns in hit and run raids.

Do this in Oregon Washington and Alaska at the same time with 700,000 troops and it would take a lot of US troops to stop the attack.

If China could get north Korea to invade south Korea say a month before to draw away US troops across the pacific.
edit on 16-6-2012 by ANNED because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 01:57 AM
Funny how that we can't keep mexicans from crossing the border but we can stop terrorist and foreign invaders out. I'm just sayin.

You also have to take into account the amount of Russian and Chinese bases in and around the U.S. Canada, Mexico and cuba to name a few.

If there's gonna be a war, it will be with those two countries.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 02:14 AM
Why would anyone attempt to invade the USA in a conventional manner?? it is extremely stupid to attempt to conquer a country in such a manner. War isn't just fought with guns man power and technology.... I would just wait till the USA went broke and then make a move
edit on 16-6-2012 by votan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 02:32 AM

Originally posted by SUICIDEHK45
reply to post by Greensage

We don't work them like that every day. Just when absolutely necessary. But yes, it does take a toll on the body, which is why have have titanium in my spine, my knees are shot, and have had two other surgeries. I was just trying to point out when I was straight out of high school I was doing it for 14 hours a day almost every day and loving it (mostly the paychecks though)

I get the point you're making, but don't think you're seeing the other side of the coin - there's so much brain power and creativity in the U.S., that it balances well with the brute-force types. It only takes one leader to bring a whole bunch of willing and able bodies together into a useful force.

For me though, once that invading force finally got a fraction onto our shores (let's say its the Chinese and 2% of their 200 million man military made it here, so 4 million. Now they need resources, and need them quick while they're being picked apart on all sides, by military and civilian forces alike. I'd say by the time they reached western CA, there might be about 50 of them remaining.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by SUICIDEHK45

There is only one thing that needs to be said. US Naval Power. That equates to a no. Only Canada and Mexico could invade us by land.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by ANNED

Originally posted by princeofpeace
How many countries have a blue water navy? How many countries have the LOGISTICAL equipment to airlift tanks, and hundreds of thousands of troops? See thats the thing about the US...its in a geographically secure spot while Europe, Asia etc are all tied together by land. Thats why you always heard of Russia and the US duking it out on the plains of Europe on not in the US.

China has a very large shipping industry with many of the officers also military reserves. take 12 large container ships and fill them with containers for housing troops and time there trips so that the arrive off the US west coast at the same time and just pull into small harbors along the coast instead of the major ports where they would have to fight through major cities.

You could put 300,000 troops on the largest Chinese container ships in prepared containers and the ships running aground in say Morro bay, Port Hueneme, Avila bay, Carmel bay, Santa Cruz, Drakes bay, Humboldt bay, Crescent bay.
These port or bays are close enough to the coastal mountains for 200,000 troops with ATVs to get into the hills and fight a war of sabotage across Calif taking out the power grid and water, closing highways and attacking small towns in hit and run raids.

Do this in Oregon Washington and Alaska at the same time with 700,000 troops and it would take a lot of US troops to stop the attack.

If China could get north Korea to invade south Korea say a month before to draw away US troops across the pacific.
edit on 16-6-2012 by ANNED because: (no reason given)

How do they get off the ship. How do they get ON the ship without our intelligence knowing. Any idea how long it would take to get that many people off a ship? You have been playing too many video games if you think this is possible. China would then be devastated in such a fashion that people would weep for them for a hundred years, we would probably annex parts of their coast, and demand reparations that would take them decades to repay.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 04:58 AM
reply to post by SUICIDEHK45

Speak for yoursel fon the pussification of America. We have more than our fair share of badasses. I dont know what pussy ass city you live in, but in socal theres crazy mothe#ers everywhere you go.

Did you ever think about our gangs? They wouldnt fight out of allegiance to the flag so much as someone coming their territory so they would fight back.

Our military veterans would make life hell for ANY invading force.

Think of all the ex green berets....they'd round up some patriots.

You can talk about the pussification of America all you want, but I wont have it. Theres a United States badass mother#er for every nerd, dork, and pussy out there.

Have you EVER read an article about Chinas 'little dragons'?

These kids are straight up pussies. I read an article I can't seem to find anywhere, years ago, that basically talked about how pansey Chinas young men are when they go to basic boot camp. Some can't even make it past the first day....epic fail.

Little fatass chinese spoiled punks, who have no social interaction with women (no girlfriend back home to fight on for....think about THAT, vs some confident athletic american who has been playing physical and team sports all his life, with a girl back home, WHO THE # WOULD YOU WANT BACKING YOU UP?)

Of course China has its share of badass mother#ers in its army also, thats is a given. I've seen the videos on youtube of them marching and they look like hardasses. THe only difference our hardasses have been battling insurgents the past 15 years, and have been learning from the best.
Imagine going up against US troops who are waging an insurgency campaign against your army....good luck. This post is almost as retarded as Germanicus's familys' gene pool.


Plus, Im pretty sure when another countries troops get to my city, and see the heads of their fellow soldiers on stakes on the road, theyd quit right there
edit on 16-6-2012 by BODYBAGxPAT because: I forgot to mention that Chinas has plenty of hardasses. Of course the Army of China isnt all sissies. That is ludicrous.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 05:18 AM
If by some miracle you were able to keep your attack quiet and then by a bigger miracle get past the submarines and listening posts and satellites and radar stations dotted all over then Yes.

It would have to be the best planned surprise attack ever. Which in my opinion if you are going to get the numbers required for such an attack then it wouldn't exactly be a surprise. The only way to attack successfully is by having your troops already in the country you plan to attack, kinda like sleepers. Getting the equipment needed could probably be achieved slowly, over time through shipments/diplomatically protected or however else illegal stuff gets into any country.

Basically, its too big and too costly an operation that would huge amounts of dedication and patience. Couple that with the US's huge network of satellites/submarines/radar stations. Lets face it, it wouldn't happen. Not now and not for the foreseeable future..... thankfully.

Peace to all,


posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 05:42 AM
Nope. Thats why it is being done semi-covertly, by way of "pussification" as the Op states. The US has become the proving grounds for "lets see how they react to this load of crap".

America has embraced its captors with open arms and thunderous applause. A feat no standing army could accomplish has been achieved by milquetoast bureaucrats and bloated spindoctors.

Invasion force? Dont need one. Apparently it only takes a couple of passenger jets and a handful of boxcutters to get people to abandon all faculty and start sh*tting themselves.

Who needs conventional warfare with psyops like this?

Conventional warfare has become the punchline to a sick joke. While US troops are sent off to play gi joe in the sand another war is being waged on the minds of the American people. It has become more of a formality, a protocol of subjugation, a show for the camera. It certainly isn't necessary now is it?

It is odd, how we pretend that there are rules of war.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 05:53 AM
Okay first post and highly fictional assumptions but here’s my opinion...

High Altitude Super EMP weapon... perhaps onboard a routine satellite which suddenly fails (Russian, Chinese etc) and falls out of orbit and detonates 20-40 km above the Northern United States.

That wouldn't clear the way for a conventional land invasion but would certainly cause a lot of technical damage.

The next bit is also highly improbable and sounds like something from '24' but is not impossible…

If said unfriendly nation also had operatives on the inside of the United States (either their own or duping right wing extremists to do their dirty work) couple the above with targeted non nuclear EMP (NNEMP) devices at strategic pressure points e.g. Cheyenne Mountain Operations Centre (NNEMP payload could be delivered by drones, cruise missiles (perhaps fired from a cargo freighter off the coast) or even hand/body held devices.

All this is a bit of a stretch and more of a fiction novel, but if an unfriendly nation could pull the above two scenarios off within a pretty synchronised time span, the USA's technical defences would be temporarily removed or severely damaged and perhaps limiting the US’s ability to respond with nuclear strikes (though the USA would still have plenty of submarines out at sea with viable payloads).

Given that the High Altitude Super EMP would probably have also disrupted most satellites in its vicinity communications would also be disrupted which could cause a problem with communicating with any such sub (but who knows what automatic protocols exist should such an attack ever happen).

The aggressor country would probably then have a short timescale to launch an attack based on conventional weaponry - cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, tactical nuclear missiles at high value targets. I imagine the rest of NATO at this point would be swiftly reacting and giving the USA access to all the satellite tracking and electronic data from the other side of the sphere that would still be working as one attack on a NATO member is an attack on all.

If in the timescale above the aggressor country managed to take out suitable high value targets and reduce the power of the United States defences it would leave the US with many technical problems but still no land based invasion.

So even though a lot of damage could be done to the mainland USA I just can't see anyone being able to land a conventional army on the United States shores anytime soon. Even in the above scenario if said aggressor nation somehow managed to get to the United States either on beaches or through Canada or Mexico they'd face massive resistance from home-grown conventional troops and weaponry that survived the EMP.

The only way to launch a convential attack on the USA would be to take out the rest of NATO first as the said aggressor nation would probably be shortly wiped from the face of the map by NATO. My imagination isn't good enough to even come up with a fictional scenario of how anyone could take out NATO itself unless either the US, France, GB or Germany went rogue.

So a lot of damage could be done to the United States but no land based invasion (this is not taking into account classified technology that I have no idea about). Remember the above scenarios are fictional and would take a hell of a lot of coordination and luck to even have a cat in hells chance of coming off.

A good article on EMPs and Super EMPs can be found here

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 06:36 AM
Could someone try to invade the USA... sure.

Could someone successfully and permanantly invade the USA... no.

This is a big, BIG country. The idea of a "blitzkreig" style invasion is rediculous. It took the Germans a couple of years through political maneuver and military invading to take all of can fit Europe in the the US with room left over. Germany never really subdued France and Texas is as big or bigger than France.

The midwest is likened to the Russian steppes where you literally can ride all day and see five houses. And then the natural barriers...Rocky Mountains, Mississippi River, best it would be like the Balkans with massive guerilla warfare and resistance.

Then there is the matter of logistics...first crossing an ocean. The US invaded France... just a part of France... and we had the benefit of England as a launch point. Even then, the Allies were running out of petrol, ammo, having to divide major thrusts between the northern front and south...Patton or Montgomery. crossing the Pacific or Atlantic would be treacherous at best. An invader would have to take the Hawaiian Islands and Phillipnes or the Aleutian Islands to sustain such a venture...which would give us a heads up before they reached the mainland.

Invasion by land via Canada or Mexico would mean a massing of armies and forces...again giving away the intent before hand and allowing the US to build defenses. Too many things could go wrong between home and here. Thankfully, the oceans are a natural moat.

Then there is the armed populace. I don't know where the OP lives, but here in NC... most folks know how to use guns. Hunters, gun enthusiast, and a large number of Viet Nam, Iraq I and Iraq II vets are still in decent shape and still carry all that training... plus all those bases scattered around the country and in every state. Plus National Guard armories peppered throughout the small towns and cities...there are just too many resources at hand.

Nope... not a good move.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 06:48 AM
Oh... and the bigger point which I forgot to make. The armed populace.

In Afghanistan, the guerillas...resistance fighters...terrorists...pick which you like, are just Afghan country boys that follow Allah and are extreme.

Here in the USA, we have our own country boys that follow God and Mom and Apple pie... they are extreme and can be equally ruthless... and just as well armed.

Most people I know have multiple weapons, guns, arms. Statistically... there are about as many guns as people in the US. We already have evrything from pistols to semi auto rifles...camo...vehicles... just an army waiting to happen.

And if the Afghans and Iraqis can do to the US military what they have...imagine what the US could do to a foreign military with what we have.

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