Hi Pasiphae,
Great post - thank you.
Having read these threads one thing emerges: confusion.
Let us try to start at the top.
There is a worldwide conspiracy going all-out for a One World Government.
The Bible calls this the government of the Beast or the anti-Christ. It is a vast, tentacled organisation reaching into every sphere of life,
government and business. In order to persuade people that a One World Government is necessary, they have to make us as dissatisfied and desperate
about our own governments and situations. Hence we have powerful and evil people in very high places all over the world bent on causing strife,
conflict and disasters. These people always occupy both extreme poles of every conflict, be it black vs. white, Jew vs. Muslim, communism vs.
capitalism, guns for all vs. total disarmament, etc. Their aim is to create chaos and suffering, and to make money out of it at the same time. For
example: start a war; keep it going for as long as possible, and then sell arms to both sides.
Climate Change is a good example. They try to convince us that there are only two sides - do nothing or do everything they suggest. They first of all
panic us into the thought that, if we don’t do something now, we will soon destroy our world. Then they come up with an incredibly expensive
solution. Then they tax us all to pay for this solution. Then they make sure that they are the ones to make huge profits from carrying out the
Their worst enemy is common sense, (which is rapidly being killed off by legislation all over the world). Common sense tells us to look after our
environment sensibly. Don’t litter; don’t waste resources; don’t over-fish the oceans; don't pollute our soils with dangerous chemicals;
don’t fill our rivers and lakes with chemical pollutants, etc. The Globalists instead propose layers of legislation and bureaucracy and incredibly
expensive solutions to solve these problems, and they benefit because their personnel are involved – and overpaid – for this task.
In a nutshell I believe that climate change is largely natural and cyclic. I also believe that we humans can make our environment better or worse by
how we care for it. So let’s keep our own patch clean and pollutant-free, and use what influence we have to persuade those around us to do the
However the real threat is One World Government led by Lucifer/satan, the anti-Christ, the False Prophet and their minions, and when this happens,
everything else will pale into insignificance.
If you would like a brief overview of what has really been happening here on Earth for the last few hundred years, check this out:
If you want to see what Jesus said about the conditions on His return, check out Matthew 24.
If you want to see what we about to go into, check out the Book of Revelation.
Kind regards and blessings