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Why are there so many naysayers on this site?

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posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by FissionSurplus

Is underwear an ass hat ? Just trying for a mental picture friend.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by DrumsRfun

Who who ?
Not me I hope.
I doubt it, I try to stay out of trouble and I like soothing people. ( sometimes I am a ball breaker but mostly I play nice.)

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by karen61057

The funny thing I have learned in all the years i have been here is......
It doesn't matter if I love you or hate you on the boards and vice versa so there is no point in even mentioning it.

I have hated people on the boards but loved them in real life.
I have loved people in real life but hated them on the boards.

My funny ats story is being in skype with a guy I detested.
We spent the night chatting and getting sloshed together.
I realized the next day....he was my foe and rival and the guy i couldn't stand on the boards was my buddy the night before who i had great conversations with and enjoyed myself in his company.

You figure it out and get back to me.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by Minnie1985
, if i read something that i thought was a bit far fetched i would simply leave the thread

Isn't it sort of our job to actively Deny Ignorance?

Let's say I create a thread on a topic that I believe in 100%. Only one of two things can happen when the naysayers come along: Either my belief in the topic will withstand the test of my antagonists, or I'll find that my beliefs were wrong. Either way how can this be a bad thing?

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by karen61057
reply to post by FissionSurplus

Is underwear an ass hat ? Just trying for a mental picture friend.


No underwear needed.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by jiggerj

hello, what your saying is perfectly correct, i don't have a problem with people disagreeing if they have a valid contribution to make, i posted further down on page 1 this

if you have proof to prove the person wrong or have an opinion that they are willing to discuss then fair enough, but if all they've got to say is '' what a load of rubbish'' then its really not helpful in the slightest,

i hope this clears up what i was trying to say

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by shaluach

perhaps because their reasoning goes beyond conventional wisdom, or what is rational. There is a point when disagreeing with the "MSM", or government just because they have that title becomes just plain lunacy, and this site has hit that point and gone beyond.

Logic and rational is lost on most original posters on this site, and those that disagree are considered trolls.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by shaluach
(Hope this topic is okay to put here. I didn't see any "general talk" forums.)

But, seriously, it seems like no matter what the topic, there are people who come out of the woodwork to tell the OP or anyone who agrees with the OP just how wrong or stupid they are.

Well it's generally a conspiracy theory site .. or fringe topics like UFO's and Ghosts.. with those topics you generally have three camps of people.. those that believe and view the posts as affirmation of what they already believe.. the skeptics who view it and try to find a logical / plausible explanation and present that.. or those in the middle just watching....

The problem is that topic posters quite often do not like to hear opposing view points.. some people are open to it, but many aren't .. if you post something and truly believe it but someone comes up with a logical explanation.. well the OP will often reject it and counter-attack by saying the responder is a disinformation agent or a troll .. lol it's a back and forth.

I tend to be a skeptic.. I want to believe in these things.. I generally believe alien races exist, quite possibly more advanced than us ( but maybe not ) .. but I don't believe we've been visited because I've not seen credible evidence .. so I try to find reasonable explanations for things I see and offer it up.. most of those cases tend to be proven as hoaxes or misidentified mundane objects.. ( I'm betting on the baltic sea anamoly being a geological formation.. despite how much I'd love it to be a UFO ) ..

But to me that sums it .. some topic creators, or people who believes strongly in the topic.. simply cannot take hearing alternative possibilities.. anything that questions their believe just stings... but you have to expect that in a forum like this.. if you can't take criticism or be open to ideas, you probably shouldn't post here..
edit on 6/13/2012 by miniatus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:20 PM
The point of the site, and the forums, as such, is to deny ignorance. In the end what that boils down to is to learn. Taking a one-sided standpoint and not wavering from that standpoint is really defeating the purpose of even being here.

In my experience here, it's those people who can intelligently debate their points, while keeping an open mind, that I listen to most. The people who resort to pointless name-calling and endless "no your wrong and that's it" kind of mentality aren't here to learn anything new, they're just here to jump up on a soap box and scream "look at me" to the rest of us.

The best thing you can do, as with any intelligent debate is, if you feel you're beating your head against the wall, just walk away. Just leave it. Don't add fuel to the fire by throwing in a return insult, no matter how tempting it is. I know some people think that by walking away it's weakness, or you are letting the other person win, it is not. The second you resort to insults, you have failed, both yourself and the person you're arguing with.

I have learned many a thing here on ATS that has had recurring success in the real world as a result of opening my mind and learning from those who have something to teach, and learning to turn my back and walk away from those who don't.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by karen61057
reply to post by rwfresh

It sounds to me like you really dont like this website all that much anyway and you dont have any respect for any of the members here. So why bother logging in.

sorry if it sounds that way. i should say i do like it here which is why i still log on. i like yapping here. there are lots of smart and interesting people here. i mean.. you and i are here an we are awesome!!

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by shaluach
Basically, my point is when I first joined the site, I thought it was a site for people who were into conspiracy theories and things of that nature to come together and discuss things. I thought it was for like-minded individuals. And while I do see a lot of support, I also see A LOT of negative posts and comments from people.

It took you all of 3 days to reach that conclusion? Last time I checked this was still a conspiracy site where lots of different things are discussed.From this post it seems you want people to just agree with what you say even if there's proof that says otherwise.That's the part of discussing,my friend.Bringing up other view points.Now I do agree that name calling should be left out.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by Minnie1985
reply to post by shaluach

yeah, this is something i don't get either, fair enough if they have a valid argument but sometimes you just get people who have nothing better to say than ''what a load of rubbish'' etc, but if its not something they have an interest in why bother posting pointless negative comments, if i read something that i thought was a bit far fetched i would simply leave the thread and move onto another one rather than try to bring the op down or make them look stupid, thats just not my style.

i don't get where the respect has gone... obviously i'm not taking about the majority of people on ats i'd like to add

i agree, they are nothing but trolls.

they DON'T like the thread, so what do they do? they go RIGHT into the thread, and post

"this sucks, YOU suck!"

or something incredibly annoying and de-railing.

instead of just moving on, and leaving it alone.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by VoidHawk
Its because they dont want you to THINK for your self.



they are just mad your smarter than them or something.

they want to keep you dumb, while they get more info.

they are JUST like the media.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by luciddream
OP it would be better if you mention the topic at hand where these disagreement and name calling is happening.

For examples, that is very common on Religious forum.

But you would barely see that on a Space Exploration and Science and Technology.

Its all about being specific, don't lump everyone on this site together lol.

edit: also should have started this on Rant section

edit on 6/13/2012 by luciddream because: (no reason given)

none of what you said makes sense, or seems to be related to what the OP was talking about.

i don't believe this belongs in the rant section at all, the OP brought up an important issue worth talking about.

not sure if just opinion, or if trolling like one of those people the OP mentions....


posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by ShadowAngel85
So, instead of being critical, ask for sources, do research and look behind the topic, we should all just agree with the "OP" and give him stars and flags? So...just say "Oh great story" "Oh what a great Topic" or "Yeah that light you saw in in your backyard was clearly an alien Spaceship" or "Yeah we belive in Ghosts because your stupid dog behaved 'weirdly' so it was cleary a paranormal activity"
What about those people who predict earthquakes and wars every other month? Just agree with them and head for our shelters? Is that the way it should go? Is that denying ignorance?
I don't think so

We're all people, we're all different and even if we're all on ATS not all people here are paranoid and believe we're chased down by the man in black who work for the "TPTB" who wants to have "TSHTF" for "WW3" and a complete crisis to wipe out the entire planet.

To Deny Ignorance means to do ask, do research, prove people wrong (with sources) and that is what's going on here. If you don't like it, leave - i bet there's a forum out there that jumps on every "I filmed a light on the street!!! It's clearly a UFO!!!" topic and go with it.

Deny ignorance doesn't mean "hate on the mainstream media, ignore all news shows, believe in every stupid blog and 'reports' from people without any proof, pictures or videos and that's the main problem here on ATS. Somebody tells a story that may came right out of a horror novel and people believe it. Even if it's completely absurd and superficial - people believe it, without asking for further proof and those people who want to see more proof, pictures, videos (come on we're living in the 21st century it's not the wild west anymore) are made fun of because they just don't believe every # they read here

i think its cool to ask, why, or how.

but i think OP was talking about those users who just show up and without any proof, evidence, or reasonable argument just suddenly decide they are going to sit in the thread and disagree with the OP as hard as they can and derail the whole thread, "because NO"

they can't mentally handle what the OP posted and it doesn't fit their picture of reality so they go crazy and deny it without logic or reason as hard as they possibly can while steam pours out of their ears.


when someone enters a thread and says "OP, that's weird, it doesn't make sense, why do you say this?"

is reasonable.


posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by yourmaker

Originally posted by VoidHawk
Its because they dont want you to THINK for your self.


if anything, wouldn't that re-inforce someone to think even harder?
someone denying a perceived truth?

I know if someone told me I was wrong I would look into it to see why they would say that.

Why wouldn't you want to hear those people? that actually makes no sense.
Do you really want to be surrounded by idiots who agree with you all the time??

you need that third party clarification to maintain a legitimate outlook, otherwise you're just biased all the time.

i know what you mean, people that come to threads to be jerks and cause arguments can be very powerful catalysts that can either push a thread farther and harder and make it make even more sense,

or sometimes the thread just derails and falls apart with arguments that don't have anything to do with the topic.

i have seen this many times.


posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by shaluach
Basically, my point is when I first joined the site, I thought it was a site for people who were into conspiracy theories and things of that nature to come together and discuss things. I thought it was for like-minded individuals. And while I do see a lot of support, I also see A LOT of negative posts and comments from people.

i don't understand why -

if people can't resist posting in a thread to strongly disagree without a good argument -

why don't they just post this - "i disagree and i don't believe, goodbye."

or "i disagree and i don't believe, and this is why - bla bla bla."

edit on 13-6-2012 by SoymilkAlaska because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by windword
I agree OP, and it boggles my mind how trolls appear then hit and run on any topic. It doesn't matter if it's controversial or not, they're there to put you down.

Here is one my favorite examples from a thread I did about Charlie Chaplin:

The wicked PTB salute you and laugh at you.

While you puff yourselves up with how "good" you are ("ohhh, I never knew this about Charlie Chaplin--look at me, I am a moonbat do-gooder and soon to be a god, just like the movies and evolution tell me"), the satanic new world order moves forward.....pathetic and sad.

edit on 13-6-2012 by windword because: (no reason given)

10/10 LOL'd hard.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by forall2see
Oh, this topic is just a load of rubbish!



While there are many people here who are brilliant, there are also those who just have nothing better to do than fling poo across the boards. Some seem to have flag and star envy and flame the OP for posting. It's rather funny actually.

I do appreciate the ones who contribute here with valid, respectful arguments. After all, nobody ever knows the full story until they have seen all sides.

It's easy to ignore the poo flingers and still experience the true value of this site. Just choose not to allow it to get to you and DON'T FEED THE TROLLS!!!


just don't reply to their comments.



posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by DrumsRfun
reply to post by shaluach

Maybe its because this site is full of paranoid nutballs who run around like chicken little telling everyone the sky is always falling or is going to tell everyone a MAJOR thing is going to happen on *insert date here*??

Maybe its because alot of atsers don't live in realityland?

Maybe its because some atsers claim they are god or an alien or have knowledge that no man or woman has??

Maybe its because some on here are so far off they should see a doctor and get some meds?

If you want to drink the kool aid of others ignorance than go ahead....I have a beer and a cigar.

I don't like the negativity but I don't like stupidity either.

edit on 13-6-2012 by DrumsRfun because: (no reason given)

oh i usually just ignore those types of threads.

i look in the thread, just to make sure its another random fanatical rant claiming they know when the world is going to end, and then i leave the thread without flagging or starring anything and ignore it.

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