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Spread of ‘baby boxes’ in Europe alarms United Nations

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posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 04:39 AM
In my view, there isn't any greater act of cowardice than aborting/abandoning children except in life threatning situations to the mother...

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 05:00 AM
reply to post by deepankarm

Your lack of compassion and understanding will most definitely come home to haunt you. You really need to experience more of life; that much is obvious. You are in no position, no matter what your position, to judge others, their intentions, nor their actions. You are not walking the path of their life.

Think, feel, then speak.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 05:05 AM
all I can say is that it would be nice if we had an economic system that enabled us all to be responsible.
unfortunately, we've had centuries to come up with one, but have failed....

so, got to ask you....
would you prefer your child starve, or be homeless, or be sick without treatment with you, or taken care of properly by another???

the economy is crap, and I noticed that these boxes are popping up in europe, where, the future is about as unstable as it ever could be. here in the states, some are trying with all the might to get those social programs done away with. so, to tell ya...
don't judge too harshly, you might find yourself having to weigh such options in the future yourself???

I think it's kind of disgusting that parents in the US have opted to turn their sick kids over to social services so they can get the healthcare they need to stay alive...
I ain't disgusted with the parents for making that decision, I am disgusted with society, the medical system, and the government for forcing them to make such a decision!!!

and I think that anyone here who has the nerve to judge such a parent is just as disgusting to tell ya the truth!!!

edit on 14-6-2012 by dawnstar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by dawnstar

Why do you all over there think things are so unstable here in Europe? From where we sit, it looks like the US has gone to hell in a hand basket. Stop pointing the finger in pity and loathing. It's no different here.

Please remember too that it was the US that started this world economic crisis. All banks are connected though so of course there will be repercussions. But please understand that things aren't crumbling here any worse than they did there.

What's going on in Greece is simply because they aren't handling it well. That's their national problem but far from widespread. We here in the north haven't felt more than a passing breeze of difficulty. It may be coming, but it's not here. And frankly I think just about everyone will be happy to get rid of the EU and the euro currency.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 05:29 AM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

maybe it's the media making it sound worse than it is, maybe it's the knowledge that most of those bogus securities originated within the states that makes me just a tad bit concerned for europe. don't know...

but glad to hear it's not as bad as some would like us to think it is....

didn't mean any offense. sorry, if you took it that way.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by CosmicEgg
reply to post by deepankarm

Your lack of compassion and understanding will most definitely come home to haunt you. You really need to experience more of life; that much is obvious. You are in no position, no matter what your position, to judge others, their intentions, nor their actions. You are not walking the path of their life.

Think, feel, then speak.
Oh the irony!!
If you don't have compassion for an innocent life, you can't have compassion for anyone...
Stop kidding,, the sympathy you have for those cowards is the projection of your own cowardice.
Only cowards will sympathies with someone who has put down his arms in the hour of need.
Let me tell you, i will do anything and everything for my child.
I will starve to feed my child, no emotional barrier is stronger than my love for my child.
No excuses.
You can't hide your weakness behind the veils of choice or whatever drama.....
I repeat again, if you can't protect an innocent and defenseless life, you can put your compassion for grown men and women in your @## for me.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 07:47 AM
Baby box is a lesser of two evils. People should be fully responsible for their offspring, but putting the child away is better than killing or abusing it.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by deepankarm

You really don't understand. That's sad. Things have a way of teaching you though. Someday you will see that it's neither cowardice nor weakness, it's simply choice. You might keep a child alive for a while if you starve yourself, but in the long run that simply won't work. It's the same as in an aircraft you put the oxygen mask on yourself first and then your child. If you don't, your child may not make it either. Your inability to prioritize betrays still more of your flawed perspective. It's yours, however. You're welcome to it.

Again, one fine day circumstances will teach you what you do not understand.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by dawnstar

I didn't take it that way, but I'm in really surprised that it's portrayed that way. It just goes to show how the media skews everything toward the negative and promotes their own agenda, or at least the agenda of their puppet master. It's really sickening.

So tell me: Are things over there really as bad as the media makes them seem? Do you have murders, drug problems, perverse atrocities of all descriptions and all manner of injustice going on all around you? That's how it looks from here. My youngest daughter is a very mature and responsible 16 year old who, despite being an American citizen, has never been there. Frankly, I won't take her back there because it just looks all too dangerous from here. It looks as dangerous as Moscow.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by CosmicEgg
reply to post by deepankarm

You really don't understand. That's sad. Things have a way of teaching you though. Someday you will see that it's neither cowardice nor weakness, it's simply choice. You might keep a child alive for a while if you starve yourself, but in the long run that simply won't work. It's the same as in an aircraft you put the oxygen mask on yourself first and then your child. If you don't, your child may not make it either. Your inability to prioritize betrays still more of your flawed perspective. It's yours, however. You're welcome to it.

Again, one fine day circumstances will teach you what you do not understand.
A man has got to do his duty and not worry about the results.
I will do my duty with all my power and breath.
I hear excuses everytime.
I don't control the destiny of my child but i will do my best to help him shape his.
Rest is his/her battle.
Why shouldn't give him a chance???
He/she may die fighting or will become a warrior in this battlefield.
In both cases, i will be a proud father.
You can pass judgement on an innocent but you preach non judgement of adults.
What utter rubbish!!!!
You don't understand the basic principles of what you are teaching.....

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by deepankarm

I understand perfectly. You are the confused party. It will remain that way until life brings you scenarios that will finally teach you.

Why do you go on about how children are innocent? Innocent of what? Innocent of learning about life? I think perhaps you don't understand life either. Too much time in the armchair and not enough time around the hard stuff. I've seen both sides and have no preference for either. They are both teachers in their own ways.

Maybe living through the hard stuff and coming out of it with compassion rather than defensiveness makes the difference. What you learn is your choice whatever the route. Blame will never help in these cases so save it for those who really deserve it.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

I've lived in the US all my life, that's over 50 years. ya, there's alot of bad around here, there's alot of good also...
I grew up in a small town, us kids could run all over the place really, and there really wasn't that much danger. and if we got into something we shouldn't have, we all knew that our moms would find out about it through the grapevine before we go home...
it's not that way anymore, and now, I live in a bigger city, but far from being a new york or los angelos. there's shootings everyday, and we've even have an ex-sheriff in hot water for keeping quiet when he was warned one of his deputies was heading for our city with the intention of killing his ex-wife. which he did, at one of the busiest gas stations in the city, with one of his kids sitting in her car watching, and then he took off, and killed a state cop before he was gunned down. ya, it's bad. but I haven't had any problems, the people I work for are well, people, they have their good points along with their bad points. things are just what they are??
ya, the media is hyping up alot. and well think that over here, they are trying to blame europe for our problems, which most of us I don't think is buying reallly. heck, most of us I don't think are aware there is that big of a problem.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by deepankarm

so, what do you say to those couples that have had to put a kid into the foster care system, at the advice from social services, because their were extremely sick, needed medication and healthcare that was beyond the parents ability to pay for, but well, just made too much money to qualify for any help from the gov't???

I knew one of these couples personally, and I can assure ya, they weren't interested in shirking their responsibility!! they just wanted their baby to LIVE!

heck, around the world, there are parents backed up against the wall, with more kids to feed than food to feed them with, selling one or two as slaves to save the rest!! It's quite possible, if you look deep enough into your family history, you might find an ancestor who has done this....I do!!

Like I said in an earlier post, it would be nice if we lived in a world where everyone had the means to be responsible!! unfortunately, that would mean that we would have to acknowledge that everyone in the world was deserving!! and that is were we fall short!

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by dawnstar

I too am that same age but I have the benefit of having been born and raised in the US. I know how things were there until about 17 years ago, the last time I visited my homeland. Now I rely entirely on the news to tell me what's going on over there. I just can't bear to go back anymore. Last time I was there was during the OJ Simpson charade. I lost all hope for the US then.

I also saw immediately when I first visited Europe in the very beginning of the 80s just how much propaganda is in the US news media. It was just shocking. It was even more shocking to see American tourists wandering around any of the larger European cities and commenting on how everything is so much better, bigger, faster, shinier in the US than in sad, poor cousin Europe. They were generating their own propaganda.

Over here we hear about the latest horrific murder nowadays too. It wasn't that way back when I landed on these shores. It was peaceful then. But the US sold itself to Europe through tv. Now so many young people try to emulate the selfishness shown in American programs, to try to convince themselves that they are cool too. Cool. Not.

I have three children. Adults, all of them though the youngest is 16. She's more mature than most adults I know, including her own father.

The only thing that will save our species now is to rebuild family and community. It has to happen. Everything else will follow when those fundamentals are returned to their position of Backbone. Our civilization is failing, and it's because we have lost the skeleton: Family and community.

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