the only reason i dont believe in this "Yet" is because of my so called "logic"
i think that IF this levitation stuff is "true" than WHY are the people who know about it hiding it from the rest of the world?
in my opinion that is Evil to hide the greatest discovery of the modern age from 99% of the people
hiding great things like this is totally irresponsible
if it were true; and you had a good heart; you would go directly to the nearest University and demonstrate your abilitys to levitate for scientists in
a controlled labratory enviornment
dont give me some lame excuse about "we arent ready for it yet" or some other BS
We want Proof!! We want controlled labratory expierments to Prove this!
the AMazing Randy is offering a MILLION $$$ USA for anyone who can PROVE this *in case helping mankind advance wasnt enough *
wouldnt you love to be the person to save humanity?
Proving levitiation will change the viewpoint of almost everyone and open our conciousness to a whole new level
It will usher in a new age of enlightenment and peace
Withholding Levitation evidence is tantamount to the Murder of Millions of innocent human beings!!!
Because if you would just come prove it to us ; we could change our views and war would become obsolete *for the Most Part* due to the fact our
conciousness will evolve and become more enlightened and spirtitually based
Well prove it or dont. Your character will show thru on this one.
A) Your Legit
B) Your Legit but evil for with-holding evidence
C) Your missing a few screws
those are the only outcomes i see here
So wheres the PROOF?
If its true and you refuse to give us the proof; we will think you are Evil
or Lying
Just Show Us the $$$$$!