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Do any of you KNOW The Lord? Seriously

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posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 01:41 AM

I have spent years searching high and low..... depression and pain ruled most of my life...... when I was smart enough to ask him for help, is the only time things actually work out..... he takes away my depression..... heals relationships, and is the only provider there is...... out in the dark I had nothing, nadda, zip, zilch..... when I rember him, he ALLWAYS remebers me.... I DO NOT deserve it.

I am not religious, I am not some devout person.... I have rarley read my bible in years..... I still smoke, still drink, still have anger and bitterness and need to learn to forgive....

You mention EGO..... my ego is disgusting, makes me the biggest idoit fool out there....

YET still in all of my laziness and imperfection, the one and only place I can ever get help,, is from him..... not one other person or thing in this world that I can rely on, and the ONLY person who never needs anything in return from me.

The only good I DO ever do, is because he let me have the privillage of listening to him for once, so I could get the joy out of whatever good thing he gave me the privillage to do....

So, for me it is knowing, not believing, but knowing he is real, just as much as I know you are real.....

Wish I was a better person though..... my listening devices aren't the greatest, because you were right, my ego sucks! and my ego hates me.

I can sense a low self-esteem from your writing and I know how hard it it to acquire confidence when you have forgotten what the words mean inside you, but I will try to offer my words to you in hopes that you can draw something from them. If not, then at least you know where I stand.

I am a person who also has felt despair in life and even went so far as to contemplate the end of me. and that is a hard place to be. When you reach that point in your mind, thoughts of God and related matters kick into high gear and there seems to be a 'search mode' for some ray of light, or a soothing voice, or some beacon to follow out of the dark and into a place where you don't need to fake your smiles any longer. I'll explain how I feel about this place in life like this; if you were not meant to experience lows in life then you wouldn't. It may seem awkward to hear, but your lows are very instrumental in defining who you are and who you can be. I am a much greater and stronger person in my life because I have lived in that dark place and found my way out. The catch? You don't learn if someone does the work for you. In other words, you will have to pick yourself up on your own. Whatever God is, whatever his purpose, your experiences and choices in life are your own because this is the nature of free will. This is actually very empowering once you grasp this fully. You will become your own pillar of strength instead of looking around for support from others (even Gods).

I also would not let yourself be fooled so easily. You say that you know that God is real just as much as you know that I am, but all you know of my existence are flashing lights on a computer screen strung together in a form of language that you can understand. Be a critical thinker.

Anyways, I hope these words help even just a bit, I can be a harsh person but my goal is always to help, even if the delivery of my messages are abrasive sometimes.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 06:04 AM
reply to post by KaelemJames

There is a bridge of difference between the creator and christianity the religion.
And the verse you quoted... Nevermind.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by tinfoilman
I can tell you've never been a translator, you give yourself away. That's not how translations we have today were done. You don't translate from the source to a second language and then translate the second language to a third language. Errors would pile up on top of each other if you did that. Only someone that has no idea what they're doing would do it that way.

I think you misunderstood. I brought up the thing about the translation of a translation of yet another translation, because that's exactly what happened with the OT. I did not say that this is how translations are done. The OT was translated from Hebrew to Greek, then based on the Greek septuaginta it was translated to Latin and finally to German first and other languages later. At least that's my understanding. It's not how things are done today, but it's how things were done back then.
As for me never being a translator, that's just your assumption in a vain try to discredit me, because you misunderstood something. You will allow me to know better which jobs I had in my life and which not.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by badgerpit

Actually, I agree with you completely.

The thing that sucks is, just when I think I am getting a break from one hard lesson... just about to relax and be me again, new ones sneek in, or a test of the same lesson, in a different situation pops up and I KNOW what I need to do logically, but emotionally I still can't push myself to follow through.

It is like I have faith on paper, but not in the puddin...

Whenever I DO have faith, follow through, and just go for it, things ROCK and turn out incredibly, but for some reason my heart is not listening to my head right now, even though my heart is taking a beating, and my head is about ready to give up, cause my dang heart ( or ego) won't listen this time! lol...

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX
Personally, I believe you can't trust books, churches, religions and rules. You have to find God within yourself, pray, love, forgive, and follow whatever you feel is good and right. That's the only way you can find God anymore.

All other paths are wild goose chases that all end in fire.

Star and flag. Also, maybe it's more important for Jesus to know us than it is for us to know Jesus. Probably that's the only hope we have when we die. An atheist might be better off after he dies than a Christian with confidence in rituals, prayers, bible-quotes, spiritual experiences, etc. Jesus earned the right to condemn us if He wants - otherwise His mercy means nothing.
edit on 7-6-2012 by cloudyday because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 03:35 AM
Wow after I read this thread I see how bias and polluted many people views are of "God". Well the funny thing is whether you believe in God or not it doesn't change the fact if God exist or not. For ex I could believe air doesn't exist because I can't see it, or for any amount of other reasons, but that wouldn't change the fact that air exists. Now I'm not one telling you to believe anything regarding religion but I would like to share with you the reasons why the Bible and the God in it are the most plausible senario (when it comes to choosing an accurate belief system). All of the info and links I provide are purely scientific and factual

For the question regarding has the Bible been altered

For the question about evolution vs creationism and there both belief system/religion

Yes the vid above is like 2 hrs but you can watch it in episodes or pace yourself but come on isn't knowing the truth worth the same time as a movie?

and this shows how what we learn in schools is a lie

This proves the accuracy of the Bible and its prophecy coming true

more proof

I could continue on but I think the above links should do the job and now that you hungry for the truth I'm sure you'l find more..I'm not going to argue or debate because religion and politics is pointless but I will provide evidence to let you decide for yourself. Also I know im late to the party but i started this the day this thread was made but then my wifi/internet went out soo..but anyways enjoy those eye opening links.

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 08:24 AM
so much for a 'yes' or 'no' answer to the OP

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by WalterRatlos

Originally posted by tinfoilman
I can tell you've never been a translator, you give yourself away. That's not how translations we have today were done. You don't translate from the source to a second language and then translate the second language to a third language. Errors would pile up on top of each other if you did that. Only someone that has no idea what they're doing would do it that way.

I think you misunderstood. I brought up the thing about the translation of a translation of yet another translation, because that's exactly what happened with the OT. I did not say that this is how translations are done. The OT was translated from Hebrew to Greek, then based on the Greek septuaginta it was translated to Latin and finally to German first and other languages later. At least that's my understanding. It's not how things are done today, but it's how things were done back then.
As for me never being a translator, that's just your assumption in a vain try to discredit me, because you misunderstood something. You will allow me to know better which jobs I had in my life and which not.

Back when? The Vulgate that was made in the 4th century? That's how long they've been translating directly from the Hebrew and have been doing so ever since. That's not even the point. The point is you say, that's your understanding of it. But you don't understand that's exactly what gave you away. Basically confirming my point in your reply.

The common misconception that atheists pass around is that the Bible was translated from language to language and to language and they never went back to the original source and so it's very inaccurate. The problem is, that's a misconception. No real translator would ever claim that especially after finding things like the Dead Sea Scrolls. Trust me, after finding those they definitely did translate them to see what matched and what didn't. Also, this totally ignores how obsessed the translators were with getting it correct.

No true translator would ever claim biblical inaccuracy because it wasn't translated from its original source language. If that were actually a problem then a true translator would simply just sit down at his computer and start translating it from the source language instead of complaining about it.

After all, if no one had ever done that before, they could probably make a Bible called the Direct Translation and sell it for a lot of money. But nobody does that. Cause it's already been done.

They wouldn't sit around complaining about how they don't have the "real" Bible and that it's mistranslated. However, an unknowing and unwise atheist that only knows the standard propaganda response that's passed around by atheists would do exactly that.

All the while not realizing that if it were indeed true, and he was indeed a true translator, that he could simply directly translate the Bible himself and make a lot of money off it because it hadn't been done before. However, since he's not a true translator, and since it's been done before. Well see, you give yourself away.

It's cool, you were on the Internet, thought you could be something you weren't. I gotcha.
edit on 12-6-2012 by tinfoilman because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-6-2012 by tinfoilman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 06:38 PM
I know Jesus Christ PERSONALLY as my Lord and Saviour.
Thanks for asking.
No worries

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by SolarE-Souljah
I am a spiritual person, not a religious person.

Because of that, I am able to form my own beliefs of higher powers etc. catering it directly to my own mind.

There is a saying in Rastafarianism that states, "Every man is his own Messiah."

Wot it is mon. Ire!

posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 11:53 PM
Heaven is the magazine wherein God puts both the good and evil; prayer's the key that shuts And opens this great treasure; 'tis a key Whose wards are Faith, and Hope, and Charity.

-Francis Quarles

Prayer, if I may speak so boldly, is intercourse with God. Even if we do but lisp, even though we silently address God without opening our lips, yet we cry to Him in the innermost recsses of the heart; for God always listens to the sincere direction of the heart to Him
- Clement of Alexandria

Prayer is helplessness casting itself upon power; it is infirmity leaning on strength, and misery wooing bliss; it is unholiness embracing purity, hatred desiring love; it is corruption panting for immortality, and the earth born claiming kindred in the skies; it is the flight of the soul to the bosom of God, and the spirit soring upward and claiming nativity beyond the stars; it is the restless dove on drooping wing turning to its loved repose; it isthe soaring eagle mounting upward in its flight, and with steady gaze pursuing the track till lost to all below; it is the roving wanderer looking toward abiding-place, where all his treasures; it is the prisoner pleading for release; it is the mariner on a dangerous sea upon the reeling topmast, descrying the broad and quiet haven of repose; it is the soul oppressed by earthly soarings, escaping to a broader and purer sphere, and bathing its plumes in the ethereal and eternal.
--Thorthon Wells

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 04:37 PM
So ladies and gentlemen,
Now that the subject has been discussed, the question answered and the issue put out there for all to observe and comment.....where are we at now? What's next?
Is this thread finished, or is there more to this that I haven't considered?
Comments and observations to the question are one thing. ANSWERS to the question are another.
Are we done here?

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 08:32 PM
yeah he just called me last week, said hes dating some chick from New Gomorrah.

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX
Do you think the word of God is still here on this earth?

The Word is eternal and is the creator of ALL things...

Jesus is the true Word...

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.”

"The most important thing to know about this Word is found in verse 14: “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” The Word refers to Jesus Christ.

In the Beginning Was the Word

This is an interview with someone who had a face to face encounter with Jesus when Jesus explained to her that we MUST believe God and trust Him to protect His written word.

This quote is the key point (10 min. 30 sec.):

"You don't believe my word the Bible."

"It's My responsibility as God to protect My word for you."

A Testimony of a Face to Face Encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ

Nathan Leal interviews "CJ"

A powerful testimony from a woman being interviewed by Nathan Leal. She tells of how she continued living her life in religious and self deception until she had a face to face encounter with the risen Lord, Jesus, who rebuked her and made it clear to her in no uncertain terms that it's either she was going to surrender all or nothing at all. On his terms, and not on hers. Her testimony will really challenge you to want to make sure your heart is in the right place and that you're not detracted by idols.

edit on 23-9-2012 by Murgatroid because: I felt like it..

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

There was certainly a messiah, and I believe so because the Holy Bible has had more impact and influence on every

This is where you need to be a detective. The impact of the bible in no way proves a messiah. It proves a bible. It's like saying that you know Steven King exists because you read a horror story where the author's name was omitted. The book doesn't prove Steven King. It only proves that it's a horror story.

Basically what I'm saying here is this... How much of the original word of God do we actually have?

If a god can't keep his words from being altered, then he's not much of a god now, is he?

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by ExploitedAliens

Everything was made perfect. God is everywhere & he is everything.

Yup, perfect cancer, perfect birth defects, perfect killer storms, perfect tsunamis... Everything is just perfect.

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Ofcourse he knew they would kill him and it was part of his plan, because his blood was what was needed to set the captives free, but unlike men Death could not hold him.

What captives?

How does blood set captives free? This is irrational thought. Just as it doesn't make sense that sacrificing one's life does not help in forgiving sins. Forgiving sins helps in forgiving sins.

Why is it that the religious can think logically about everything else except for when it comes to the bible?
If I say I bought an ice cream to fix the radio, you would say that that doesn't make any sense. But you can't see how "death equals forgiveness of sins" makes no sense either.

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 03:34 AM

Originally posted by Lucius Driftwood
So ladies and gentlemen,
Now that the subject has been discussed, the question answered and the issue put out there for all to observe and comment.....where are we at now? What's next?
Is this thread finished, or is there more to this that I haven't considered?
Comments and observations to the question are one thing. ANSWERS to the question are another.
Are we done here?

How did the idea of abolishing slavery blossom into a reality? By people talking the subject to death.
Keep on chatting people!

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 05:54 AM
reply to post by jiggerj

How did the idea of abolishing slavery blossom into a reality?
It didn't.
This is the story of your enslavement:

And then there is this:

And this:
edit on 23-9-2012 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by jiggerj

What captives?

How does blood set captives free? This is irrational thought. Just as it doesn't make sense that sacrificing one's life does not help in forgiving sins. Forgiving sins helps in forgiving sins.

Adam incured a blood debt he couldn't pay, that passed down his bloodlines to us all. His mistake cursed us all. A blood debt requires blood to satisfy it, instead of taking Adam's blood, He (God) permitted Adam to give him a substitute, an innocent animal (lamb or goat kid) to die in Adam's place but this was just a stopgap, it only covered the sins for a particular time. God's laws are perfect and when Adam cursed himself by heeding his wife who had heeded Heylel (Satan) and all of us it made mankind liable to all those laws and the penalty for breaking those laws is death. A better sacrifice had to come, who was Yeshua who gave himself willingly. We were held captive to the law until his self sacrifice freed us all from the penalty of God's law, paying the price of both first and second deaths himself so that no more innocent animals had to die, or mankind. This where the saying "the needs of the many over the needs of the few" comes from.

It's irrational to you because you don't believe and understand what happened. Boil it down and this is what happened. God sent his Glory to earth to pay the price for our disobedience. His Glory is his Voice, the power he creates through that incarnated in the flesh of a man, but that also had existed before his human state as the Almighty himself, so it was really the Almighty allowing himself to be humiliated, and nailed to a cross by the very people he made on the very hill he made with his own hands. Because he loved Adam (Man) so much he gave us his own blood to pay a debt we could never satisfy. We could never pay that debt except with the first and second deaths, so he paid it for us.

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