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Do any of you KNOW The Lord? Seriously

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posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by NeverForget

No such thing as evolution. It's still just a theory, not a fact but is portrayed as if it is fact when there is no concrete proof it is true.

So, evolution is a religion.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by DominusIlluminatioMea

Mine is not being susceptible to fake religious teachings, no matter how many people have fallen for it over the years.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by Deetermined

Sounds to me like he should have seen this coming, and he wasn't very good at creating things.

Also -- holding a child responsible for the crimes of his parents (or great great great grandparents -- before he was even born) is so obviously "wrong" (evil?) that modern legal systems wisely reject the notion.

Lastly -- eyewitness testimony is the MOST unreliable form of evidence, which proves that our own legal system is still a sham, and has a LONG way to go until it represents anything remotely close to "justice."

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX
Okay... this thread is based on your opinions.

There was certainly a messiah, and I believe so because the Holy Bible has had more impact and influence on every society and in every religion of every generation than any other influence known to mankind (both positive and negative influence, based on the interpreters and how they presented the religion the messiah spoke of). And yes, I believe in God.

However, look at how many hundreds of years have gone by since the Bible was originally written. Look at how many times and in how many languages it has been translated. It's known that the Catholic church removed certain books of the Bible a long time back, claiming that ordinary people were 'not worthy' to read it. The Bible has been in the hands of many different generations of governments, kings, queens, emperors, dictators, presidents, and all the possible secret societies behind them all. Who's to say how many times it's been changed and altered?

Not to mention that many people preform customs and traditions that they believe are Christian, but actually aren't. The reason a rabbit is the symbol of easter is because rabbits and hares were the first hunt of the spring solstice in the pagan traditions. The word "Easter" is derived from "Ishtar", the Roman moon goddess, who had a begotten son with the Roman sun god. The Roman sun god's birthday was known to be the 25th of December, that's where the date came from that began Christmas. Christmas itself was a Roman holiday, when men gathered, had sex with each other, beat their wives, drank, and caused disturbances in their society. The holiday got so out of control, it was outlawed. Besides, the scripture says that the son of God wasn't born in winter. It was some time between summer and November. And the story of Santa originated from three older legends. Here's the link to a video I made a long time ago, it can explain it better than I can type it.

Basically what I'm saying here is this... How much of the original word of God do we actually have?

Personally, I believe you can't trust books, churches, religions and rules. You have to find God within yourself, pray, love, forgive, and follow whatever you feel is good and right. That's the only way you can find God anymore.

All other paths are wild goose chases that all end in fire.

What do you think? Do you think the word of God is still here on this earth?

Or has it been corrupted beyond repair, and only inside our hearts can we find it again?

Of course gods words/wisdom (spiritual knowledge) are here and some are in places where you would not expect it. You just have to work a little bit and use you brain and think criticly and question the messages. It is easy to see what is devine (service to all) and not (filled with ego and duality) in the bible when you use logic.

Dogma is created by humans not god. Rules can also be questioned to if they hold the highest ideal or not. God loves questions. It means his students are paying attention in class and trying to understand him. But some students refuse to listen and belive books that make him out to be the bad guy since the smallminded humans did not understand him. Im sorry if it provokes you that I think the human race as smallminded. But I am including myself in the group. This mind is so smallminded against what it should be if molded in the right way. Maybe in a couple of hundred more years the human race will learn how to create humans that are able to think real big thoughts.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

All systems evolve. The western legal system has evolved considerably since the Magna Carta, which itself was a major innovation. Technology evolves as well, and thank god too, because if it didn't, you'd still be walking out to the outhouse to void your bowels every morning, while reading Montgomery Wards catalogs by candle-light. The Internet? A grown up game of telephone with even less reliability by the second or third iteration.

Human nature is blah-de-blah! No, sorry. It is on all of us to evolve our own understanding, and help create a better world, here and now, and not huddle together like savage children, waiting for dad to rescue or punish us for wallowing in history.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 01:37 PM
My experience with religious folk is that there seems to be a difficult time in recognizing the difference between truth and fact for those hypnotized by faith. Truth and fact are nowhere near the same thing. I have no doubt that any religious person here, or anywhere else, are telling the truth about what they believe about any God entity out there, but truth does not correlate to fact.

'All great wisdom begins when we realize we don't know as much as we think we do.'

This quote speaks about our egos, and I think it is forever true. There is this ridiculous part of our brain that suggests that just because we are the ones thinking a certain thought, then it must be true. I believe only our ego's would lead us to this conclusion.

This much about religion I can put into the 'fact' pile.
- I have never spoken to God
- God has never spoken to me
- I am not God
- A bible of any sort is a book with words, and sometimes pictures, in it.
- A church of any kind is essentially four walls and a roof.

You get the point I hope. These are facts. Any story derived from these facts, such as any meaning that you get from the bible for instance, will be a truth.

If there is a point (in question form) that I would like to highlight here it would be this. Why is it so hard to say 'I don't know' about something that we clearly do not know about?

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by 0zzymand0s

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

I can't watch an hour and fifteen minute video while I am work. Care to break it down for me?

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

Well, I know the one to ask for guidance, is Yahweh, and in Yeshua's name.....

The main religions of the world and even christianity have hidden these true names because of their power....

Even look at how many "christian" songs sing about lifting his name on high, praise his name, etc, etc, etc...... but then fail to ever MENTION that name!

Most bible translations have hidden it with titles such as LORD, or GOD, well, those aren't NAMES.


Also, many will say Jehovah, but that isn't correct either, as there was no J sound in the origional languages back then, and if Jehovah was the correct name, then again, ask WHY would you substitute the titles LORD and GOD, where it clearly had the correct name through the origional hebrew??

Yahweh is the name they have been hiding, and the messiah Yeshau they also change his name.

Honor his name.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

To truly know him, we must be perfect, meaning its impossible while in the physical to fully come to know the Lord. However, I DO know him; I was in the hospital years ago for overdosing. I remember being basically a zombie on the hospital bed, and I'll NEVER forget it, I heard a voice saying "YOU MUST STOP THIS", when I heard it I was snapped into pure sobriety and knew with no doubt it was our Father. I've honestly tried outing myself because I wanted nothing to do in a world where satan has influence, even tried the foolproof/direct methods. Its been proof to me that there really is a loving, benevolent creator that loves us all, and when one comes to love and appreciate Him life is far more enriched, and that void we all seem to have is filled. When you can find Him, doubt no longer exists. I've honestly felt like I've overdone my body to the point it should be dead, pretty sure ive had some heart attacks, but the point is I'm surviving on Faith, its what feeds my body. YOU can come know the Lord if you wish; empty your mind, reach out, and accept what is benevolent and of love and reject all else.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by mellisamouse
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

Well, I know the one to ask for guidance, is Yahweh, and in Yeshua's name.....

Knowing and believing are as different as fact and truth. You say that you know that Yahweh is the lord, but how can that be possible? You were told this at some point in your life and you accepted this piece of information and now it is true as the sky is blue. I appreciate that you are offering what is true to you to be knowledge that the rest of us should accept like you did at one point in your life, but what if I give my sovereignty (this is what being a loyal religious person is doing) to a cookie dough statue of Elvis? I am just as right and just as wrong as you with your claims. The question going into this thread was if you KNOW the lord. I understand that you believe in him, 100%. The question that you will need to ask yourself is this; Does my belief in anything make it factual? If you understand that the answer is no, then you might be a well adjusted human. If you think the answer is yes, then you are sporting quite an impressive ego.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by badgerpit

"Some say" that gods can only exist if men believe in them, a bit like Santa Claus, to use an oft-used example. It is good to question things though, the nature of things, the nature of our orders. Without thinking we are nowhere. I do not think God would mind us asking questions. At least I would hope not.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by borntowatch

Hi Born to Watch

You wrote QUOTE

"...the reality is the Bible still speaks to humanity. Barring a few questionable translations most of them are still accurate. There are still original Greek and Hebrew scrolls that are still read and in existence..."


This is a patent falsehood as any Dead Sea Scrolls scholar will tell you. Even the Scrolls (1000 years older than the later Masoretic pointed text of 960 CE) are copies of copies of copies of copies of copies heavilly re-edited copies THAT DO NOT MATCH each other letter for letter up to 27% at times (read the Book of Jeremiah for example in the Hebrew unpointed paleo textual Vorlag underdlay to the Greek LXX and compare it letter for letter with the later Masoretic text - 13 chapters difference !!)

So don't go there spouting nonsense about the purported accuracy let alone 'sanctity of scripture' until you've been able to examine these texts up close and personal for yourself - then you can make an informed decision based on hard facts, not wishful thinking !!

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by LightSpeedDriver
reply to post by badgerpit

"Some say" that gods can only exist if men believe in them, a bit like Santa Claus, to use an oft-used example. It is good to question things though, the nature of things, the nature of our orders. Without thinking we are nowhere. I do not think God would mind us asking questions. At least I would hope not.

Humans, in general, are a petty lot. Sorry if this comes as a surprise. Is it any wonder that we can only imagine a petty God? I don't waste any time trying to comprehend an entity supposedly capable of knowing everything, everywhere, at all times (can I say, WOW!) with my fleshy computer that only uses a fraction of its potential. I can't even give you specific information about the ins and outs of my microwave oven. So, a lecture about a God is something I clearly am not qualified for. Regardless, I would wonder at a 'supreme being's' displeasure of asking questions and gaining knowledge. This sounds curiously human in nature...

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by badgerpit

The obverse of that coin is that it hopefully doesn't really matter.
The Creator, God, The Grand Architect or The Maker of the Matrix needs not our admiration nor attention, it will all happen, regardless.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by InfoKartel
reply to post by Lionhearte

And, this is all assuming the Earth is older than 6,000, which I don't believe it is.

Oh wait, you are being serious.

There are written texts that are older than 6000 years in my culture and several other cultures go beyond that.

Except it doesn't.

"The earliest written language, Sumerian cuneiform, goes back to about 3500 B.C."—*Ashley Montagu, Man: His First Million Years (1957), p. 116.p

Whatever the exact year is, it's agreed that it was written in the 30th century - it still suggests man was only capable of writing for about 6,000 years. You just think the Earth is billions of years older because of some book, I believe the Earth is only 6,000 years old because of evidence, and a book that has proven to be historically accurate. Debate me on that, if you wish.

Also, your second paragraph will work well as my own response, I'll just change a few things-

For you to claim the Earth is older than 6000 years is to be blind to those facts and extremely insulting towards other people and their cultures. But then again, atheistic folk such as yourself do not rely on fact or truth as you are blind to facts and truth through your zealotry. And as such...we have been warned for the blind trying to lead the blind.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 03:30 PM
Praise the lord our savior jesus christ everybody, his holiness must be witnessed by all...
Especially priests with touchy hands, asking the choir boys to step in the office... Praise him good

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 03:45 PM
OP you say you can't trust books, especially the bible, but then say you are sure the messiah is real because of, the bible.

Mind clarifying this supposed contradiction?

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by Lionhearte

You say man has only been able to write for 6000 years, but say that the earth is exactly 6000 years, was man able to write at infancy?

Also, this time next year, will the earth be 6001 years old?

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

I just wanted to comment on the Easter = Ishtar thing. First of all it's called only that in English (and in German as Ostern), but this etymology dictionary seems to indicate otherwise. So, there is indeed a pagan root to the word, but I'm afraid no Ishtar. On a side-note: I see that quite often that similar sounding words are used prove a point when there is no connection between them or when this imagined special connection works only in English, e.g. the son of God equaling the sun. Same here, sounds similar, so it must be the same, but it is not.

edit on 5/6/2012 by WalterRatlos because: (no reason given)

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