When I was very young (Kindergarten - 2nd grade) I was enrolled in G.A.T.E. programs in upstate New York... I experienced large chunks of lost time.
One day I simply refused to return to school. Literally kicking and screaming, fighting my parents, to the point they took me to the doctor
immediately, because something was obviously wrong. I did not have a full body physical to memory, and the doctor simply said I had 'school phobia',
which would be attributed so 'social phobia/anxiety'. The odd thing is... all of a sudden? In one day? Note, I also had spontaneously/instantly
developed twitches, and there is no doubt in my mind that a major event occured, that I still have not been able to remember to this day, 25+ years
later. This led me to do a bit of research, as I have been able to peice together tid bits, and remember some odd curriculum. That led me to several
articles addressing simar curriculum, and you can brief one below, which addresses and questions the introduction of clairvoyance curriculum and
student data logging:
So, we had 'Assistant Teachers' from 'The Monroe Institute'... Look them up, pioneered with controlled OOBEs using soundwaves to alter/sync your brain
waves to a specific state - by a method they termed Hemi-Sync... You can read a bit about the founder, the institute, and the hemi-sync process here
(even if you don't trust wiki, just go to the references)
The Monroe Institute had contracts with CIA, etc. and you can see many of the FOIA declassified documents connecting Monroe Institute with 'STARGATE'
and you can brief this document that directly mentions remote viewing (although other released documents also mention it):
You can brief the info about Stargate, which mentions it's termination in 1995 (which still places my experience within the official operating
timeline) here:
and you could browse the declassified documents here (which includes the above referenced Monroe Institute documents - which were a part of this
"Now, sure this was declassified, but they only admit to consensual adults being used in such programs!!! They wouldn't use kids! - That's crazy...."
- you say?
Unfortunately the reality is that this would not be the first time they have scouted/utilized kids for research and/or ongoing operations.
Declassified MKultra documents verify this, and you can watch a short video that goes into the scouting and utilization of children by the CIA
So my conclusion? I already knew for a fact that some children in Gifted Programs were cherrypicked by 'the powers that be'... and now you can at
least reasonably suspect that this is so as well! Ha...
edit on 28-11-2019 by Apoceclipse because: Typo/clarification
edit on 28-11-2019 by Apoceclipse because: Further
edit on 28-11-2019 by Apoceclipse because: Once more