Hello everyone!
I'm new to this website but happened upon this forum when I was doing a Google search last night on Mentally Gifted Minors in California. That was
prompted by some interesting flashbacks I was having while playing brain training games at a website called Lumosity.com.
Here is my contribution to the thread. I was part of the Mentally Gifted Minors (MGM) program in the 70s and then was in the Gifted and Talented
Education (G.A.T.E.) program until high school graduation. This was in the Silicon Valley of CA, not too far away from Stanford University (more on
that later).
I normally have a pretty excellent memory for details from my past but when it comes to the MGM / G.A.T.E. program, there is a lot of fuzziness. I
have to say, it sort of freaks me out because having read a number of posts in this thread, I'm beginning to remember more things.
Interestingly enough, I was diagnosed on the autism spectrum with Asperger's syndrome a couple years ago after my two sons were diagnosed with autism
and Asperger's respectively. As Asperger's didn't make it into the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) until 1994, I'm wondering if many of the
children that were part of MGM and related-type of programs were some of the early undiagnosed Aspies who are now having children today, many who are
also ending up on the spectrum.
So as far as my MGM memories go, here are a few random things:
* Being taken to what I remember being a "closet" (that might not be right but it seemed to be a room off of our school cafeteria which was also our
auditorium, so maybe it was some sort of back room) and doing lots and lots of "games" and "tests". There was more than one person... but usually just
one-on-one with a woman who was not a teacher and for the life of me, darn it, I can't remember her face.
* There was a lady who used to live down the street, Mrs. V.E. Somehow she knew about my IQ test and was fascinated with me and would tell me all
sorts of things about what a "smart" and "good girl" I was... She had a son the same age. They moved away.
* I remember someone talking with me about my "IQ" test and telling me I wasn't allowed to tell anyone my score because I was "so special".
* I remember talking about my adoption. (I was adopted at just a few weeks old.)
* Someone wanted me to skip ahead a couple grades and kept talking to me about it. I was already the youngest in my class and didn't want to... or my
parents didn't want me to, not sure. I just know that the subject seemed to come up repeatedly.
* Practicing ESP (star, square, circle, plus sign, squiggly line). Later, I practiced this with another girl who had also moved into town and was new
to the school. We were both adopted and I remember distinctly that she and I were really in sync with each other and how cool we thought that was.
* I was placed as a tutor in a special education classroom in elementary school. I loved doing that.
* Later in middle school, I was also allowed to leave campus to be a tutor in a special education classroom at another elementary school. This was
exciting and fun and didn't seem at all strange, however in retrospect, I seriously can't remember how I would get to the school because it wasn't
"that" close but I guess I either walked or rode my bike.
I don't remember ever applying or asking to do these things. They just happened. I ended up tutoring a bit in high school too although by that time,
being the "smart" kid was starting to wear off novelty-wise and I was more self-aware that being the girl in the classroom who knows all the answers
is not the key to social success. In fact, I went through somewhat of a rebellious and prankster stage.
* Another friend and I (he was my "manager") performed a mini-concert for other elementary school kids. I loved to sing and was probably just trying
to emulate a 4th grade teacher but now that I think about it, it's odd that they let me just do it. It was out in the field behind our 4th grade
classroom. I suspect they were trying to humor me.
* With another friend (who also moved away), I published a poem book that was mimeographed (remember the smell of those machines) and given to the
students in the school with some of my artwork, the latter of which was not very impressive, at least in my eyes.
* I know I was grouped with certain kids in certain classes but my pull-outs for MGM were one-on-one.
* Back in the 70s, it wasn't unusual for our elementary school teachers to take us into "the closet". Could you imagine that nowadays?
* I would get to go on special "field trips" including Stanford University. I didn't know at the time it was Stanford but when I was in middle school,
I had a friend whose parents worked at Stanford and occasionally we would visit there and play pinball.
* I remember visiting Atari in Sunnyvale and getting to play video games.
* Being in the Silicon Valley, I was always encouraged into computers and math and pushed into AP classes whether I wanted to be in them or not.
* Those are a few of the "positive" or neutral things I remember.
I'm a bit concerned talking about the negative because I want to make sure what I am remembering is really correct. There is some stuff that happened
that I KNOW is correct but I am not putting it here on this board for anyone to see because quite frankly, I don't know you, you don't know me and
there is a lot at stake to be protected. Some of the stuff which I'm remembering sounds cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs so I'll just sit back down and
For what it's worth, if you were in the Silicon Valley and were in MGM / GATE in the same timeframe, please feel free to post.
edit on 13-2-2014 by Kayleigh because: (no reason given)