posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 03:33 PM
Me and my wife and two kids had to go to the DMV so that I could renew my license and we experienced lost time. After I got done at the DMV, we were
leaving there and coming straight home. We've been to this little town many, many times as it is not far from our town. As we left and got on the
highway for about five minutes, it was like we were in a trance. I remember feeling weird and I looked over at my wife and she was leaning forward,
staring out the windsheild. I've never seen her do that. We never talked or anything during this. Our two kids were sleeping in the back seat in their
car seats.
All of a sudden, I saw a bush beside the highway and I said that we needed to return and dig it up and put it at our house because it's a pretty bush
and we'd been looking for some for a while. Anyways, as I said that, it was like she snapped out of it and started looking around. She asked where we
were and I said I didn't know. As we came down the road about a half mile, it was apparent where we were. We were at the capitol of my state! She said
how are we here! I said I have no idea!! We could not believe it.
From where we left, it takes about an hour to get to the capitol. There is no way we drove for more than fifteen minutes. We pulled over the side of
the road and tried to figure out what had happened. We sat there and went over our whole trip for like 30 minutes but could not explain what had
happened. We had to drive all that way back home, puzzled, trying to logically explain this but we have never been able to. I think it was a time slip
or something.
There is no way we just missed our exit and kept going and we both just didn't not pay attention and zoom on down to the capitol. We're very observant
people. I guess we were in.....The Twilight Zone.
edit on 5-6-2012 by Fylgje because: (no reason given)