posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 05:15 PM
In the last few weeks I've had a couple of things happen that are making me question whether or not I'm loosing time. Yesterday a friend of mine and
I went to SAMS CLUB to pick up a few items. We left my house at around noon. We arrived at SAMS CLUB around 12:15pm. We were there shopping for
about an 1.5 hours. We came straight home and put away what few groceries we had bought, (mostly meat, the bill was approx. $182.) After we put the
groceries away, we looked at the clock and "4" hours had passed! It was 4:30pm!! "What the hell happened", we asked each other. In addition to that
I was badly sun burned. I wasn't even in the sun that long. I do own a convertable, however the time II was in the car did not warrant the way my
skin looked! The day before I had "another" friend that told me he lost a couple hours of time, also. He told me this before I told him my story! H
was freaking out about it.
In addition to that.........strange things are happening around my house. for example, I was sitting in my bedroom at my desk one morning, and decided
to go out and work in my garden. I was out there for about an hour. When I came back in to the exact same spot at my desk and sat down, I realized
the blinds were now open, (Which I walways keep closed because there is an apt. building accross the street from me and anyone living there can see
straight into my bedroom.) Therefore I ALWAYS keep those particular blinds closed. NOt only were THEY open, but so wasn't both of my filing cabnet
drawers that sit undert the widow. Now this widow is about 30 feet from the ground. So it's not like someone could have come into my house through
the window. Nothing missing, nothing else moved, just the blinds and the drawers. Another incident happened this morning when my friend spent the
night at my house. She left her glasses case in her car when she arrived last night. This mornig we got up in a rush. We were running late to be
soemwhere at 9:15am After we completed our commitment we came back to my house and the glasses case was laying on the bed in the spare bedroom where
she had slept the night before. She intientionally left that case in the car because she was pulled over by the police and they followed her to my
house to make sure she was doing what she said she was going to do. She was so flustered she grabbed quickly her bags and used her key to get into
the house. So how did that get onto the bed? Also her Smart phone (Android) time and date read December 31, 1999. In the time I've posted this
thread, it now reads December 31, 1999 7:15pm. (It's a satalite phone) What's happening?
Maybe we are diminsion shifting for certain bouts of time? Are we transitioning from 3rd diminsion into the 4th diminsion? Maybe embarking on them
Anyone else out there having strange experiences simillar to these????
edit on 1-6-2012 by Angelicdefender2012 because: (no reason