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Evacuated airport

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posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 03:40 AM
Im in the anchorage Ted Stevens airport and the lights started flashing saying there was an emergency reported and we all needed to evacuate. Nobody really did anything then all the workers ushered us out of the place. They currently have a china air cargo plane surrounded and they are searching the entire plane with flashlights....wait they are bringing us all inside. Ugh creepy stuff happening these days!!! And I don't like that I'm flying out of gate 'c4'.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by safetymeeting

Wow, sounds intense. Keep us updated, is your flight cancelled?

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 04:04 AM
reply to post by ErEhWoN

Just got on my plane but the china air is still behind us. This all seems odd.. They had airport police everywhere around the china air cargo plane they put stairs up to it right away and started searching it vigorously, it was out in the dark so I couldn't see much though. There were a couple white vans that were pulled up and they left after about twenty minutes and had tinted windows so I couldn't see if it had pilots or whatever in there. One of them I could tell had 'DSG' marked on the side but I'm guessing it was just some neutral airport vehicle. Airport police are driving everywhere though. Haha to be honest I thought SHTF and zombies were going to start racing out of the plane I was getting all ready and pumped up!! I'm just hoping to fly out of here ASAP and get to my destination.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 04:18 AM

there were two planes that hit each other on the runway today at O'Hare.
a cargo plane clipped the tail of a smaller jet plane.

One of the planes was headed to Anchorage (I think the large cargo plane) and said "they have not stated what is on this plane"

Obama is supposed to be in chicago, or maybe got there today.
maybe it's connected?

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 04:37 AM
Oh keep us posted. Now this seems interesting. Maybe it will be on the news and we can get more information about it. Intense.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 05:42 AM
Sorry OP but am calling you out on this one I don’t believe you.

In your first post, you said that:

Im in the anchorage Ted Stevens airport and the lights started flashing saying there was an emergency reported and we all needed to evacuate. Nobody really did anything then all the workers ushered us out of the place.

So you are all evacuated from the airport, in your own words you were “ushered out of the place” and you are posting as this is all happening. And yet then you write only 24 minutes later, check the times guys, you posted that :

Just got on my plane but the china air is still behind us

So in 24 minutes you went from having to be evacuated from the airport because of a suspicious China air cargo plane that had “airport police everywhere” around it to somehow boarding the plane that according to you was inform of this suspicious plane.... all in 24 minutes, usually takes me longer than that just to get through air port security.

With those timings I can only assume this is a Hoax.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 05:49 AM
How are things now? Did you insist on some information about your evacuation and flight delay? This does seem abnormal, but then things are confusing right now.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 05:56 AM
Please read what I have wrote, the OP probably isn’t even in a airport and I for one would like a explination about these strange timeings from the OP

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 06:58 AM
There is nothing on . That's the goto website for all events in aviation.

I call hoax. Just like half the crap posted on ATS.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by samkent

Wait this is a joke right???! Your totally right I have nothing better to do than make up a fake story while I'm sitting at the airport... Way to call me out bro. Obviously I'm going to be living my life and not constantly posting sh** on here. The alarms were going off for a while and everybody just stood there it was actually kind of rediculous. We were outside literally like 4 minutes and then boarded right away like they were shooing us out of the place. I can't believe I'm sitting here taking the time to reply to your post. I think your just jealous something exciting didn't happen to you today. What is your next response going to be 'pics or it didn't hapen'??!

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

Your right I totally didn't get on the 1:10 flight to Seattle leaving from gate c4 and I'm not in an hour layover in Seattle then flying to a place is rather not tell your crazy ass for ten days for a family reunion. Im actually wide awake in the middle of the night making up some sub par story for some stars on my above top secret account bravo buddy

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by safetymeeting

Im actually wide awake in the middle of the night making up some sub par story for some stars on my above top secret account bravo buddy

I honestly don’t know if you’re being serious or not because the flaw I have identified in your thread is a damming one.

You said you were outside for 4 minutes, takes much longer than 4 minutes to establish if the threat has passed or not. Assuming that it was only 4 minutes it would take way longer than 20 minutes to have everybody on your flight, let alone the entire airport/terminal go through security again and board the plane.

If there was a security scare that led to a terminal/entire airport being evacuated it would have at least made one news outlet and there is nothing.

Your timings don’t add up and you have nothing to independently verify your story therefore I have to assume it is a hoax. The burden of proof is on you. As we quite often say on ATS, Links or it didn’t happen.

Also, despite the fact I do not believe your story and I have explained to you why I don’t, would you please restrain yourself form insulting me and other members. I have not insulted you, all I have done is point out the major inconstancies in your story that point to it being a lie, try not to make it personnel, just admit it and don’t do it again.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 08:12 AM
Dude. There's nothing to f**king admit. If you don't believe me then cool go read a different thread. It was really weird how they handled the whole situation trust me. I'll give you a basic run through of what happened. Alarms started going off, everybody stood around, I asked them what to do they said Rey were still confirming if the threat was real, then the threat became real and they took everyone outside, stood outside for a couple minutes, then boom they said everybody back inside, at that time it was time to board, so I did, I'm sorry I'm still not quick on my feet and I'm still learning about posting. Like I said it was real my while family and everybody else in the damn airport experienced it. If you don't want to believe me then go talk on a different thread. Honestly who would make up something like this about an airport in Alaska? Blah I'm done talking about this with you. I'll see if ADN makes an article about it in the morning

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by safetymeeting

Na sorry its not quite as simple as saying “if you don’t believe me don’t post”, that basically implies that you only want people who agree with you or will entertain your little story to converse with you.

You cannot avoid the fact that your timings do not add up you cannot evacuate a airport because of a security threat, eliminate the security threat, get everybody back inside, put everybody back through security and have the board the plane all in 24 minutes, when you still have police all around the suspect aircraft which it just so happens is the plane behind yours.

Nothing about your story adds up.

Really is nothing wrong with admitting when you are making stuff up, it’s better that than annoy people by trying to claim it to be a truth when it is so clearly a hoax.

You have to have lied about something hear.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 08:29 AM
K well nobody had to go through security afterwards. We evacuated out onto the tarmac right next to the plane we then boarded. Did you think of that? All of the workers put fluorescent vests on and guided everybody out onto the Tarmac. That might be the lag in time that is confusing you.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 08:31 AM
And you say none of this adds up to you, were in the same boat dude. The whole thing was handled very oddly

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 08:31 AM
This really should be in the hoax forum, or at least skunkworks

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by safetymeeting

K well nobody had to go through security afterwards. We evacuated out onto the tarmac right next to the plane we then boarded. Did you think of that?

So they evacuated you onto the tarmac, and didn’t require you to go through security again.


After a suspected security threat there is no change in hell they would not make you go though security again or have you evacuate onto the same tarmac where there is a aircraft that is a suspected security threat.

Sorry yet again not a chance in hell and you are not blatantly lying.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 08:36 AM
In the op's defense he said that he was on the plane in his second post. Not that everyone else was yet.
He also said he hoped they'd be taking off soon, so they were probaly waiting for everyone to board.
edit on 1-6-2012 by will615 because: spelling correction

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 08:37 AM
Well that's what happened. I have no reason to lie.

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