posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 06:44 PM
At first I wasn't even going to bother commenting - I think it's unfortunate that an issue that so many people are genuinely passionate about nearly
always ends up getting lost in the 'typical' internet banter - but, alas, here I am...
Why is it that this issue (and so many others) can't seem to be discussed without the ignorance and stereotyping? This isn't just true of the OP and
this thread - Look all over the internet and find that the same topic eventually descends into the debate about which country is better than all
others, amongst other things. I'm waiting for a fellow Canadian to bring up 'burning down the White House,' for the billionth time.
Do Canadians have a right to be offended by the statements made in the OP? Of course. Does that mean we should all bring ourselves down to the
ignorant level of the OP? I don't think we should, but that's just me and some would disagree, and hey, that's OK.
Atrocities happen every single second of every single day. There is good and bad everywhere on this planet, as there are good and bad people, such is
the dualistic nature of life. I believe that most people are good - I have to believe that is true to get by. But, regardless of this, bad things
still happen, and will always happen, unfortunately.
I am a Canadian, and no, I don't support the seal hunt. But I also understand that there are two sides to this issue and I have yet to formulate a
solution that will benefit both sides, so I'll refrain from speaking about how I believe it is 'wrong,' because that is just my opinion of the
subject, and an opinion isn't a solution.
Am I offended by the OP? Yes - But not as a Canadian - I'm offended as a resident of planet Earth. There is an issue here to be discussed, debated -
Like I said before, it's just unfortunate that this issue, as with many, many others, tends to be lost in a sea of ignorance from all sides - How can
we expect to bring about real change to this planet when we can't even get past the silly bickering amongst ourselves?
I tend to view life in a zero-sum sense... Either we all win, or we all lose. Let's work together instead of tearing each other apart every chance we
To the OP,
If you actually are passionate about this topic and not just using it as a means to get a rise out of people (which I suspect you might be doing), why
not gather up all of the facts (from both sides) and present them in such a manner that the seal hunt remains the focus of the debate? Why not,
instead of just stating your opinion of the subject, be proactive and try to find a solution to something you view as 'wrong?'
There are many others out there who are doing just that. Sure, it's an uphill battle, but yet they still push on - And they do it without descending
to the levels of your ignorant post. Ignorance is the last thing this world needs more of.