posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 01:13 PM
OK so, I’ve been taking Liposomal Vitamin C for a total of 5 months or so. I’m currently going through Mid-Aged-Puberty, which basically means
instead of going out and buying a 1947 Triumph Speed Twin, I’ve opted on giving my mind, body and soul a major overhaul.
The first thing I wanted to do was to rid my body of all toxins. I basically wanted to crawl inside my body and take a wire brush to all my inner
walls and remove all the rust and crud buildup I’ve accumulated throughout the years. This is where healthy eating and the LVC come into play.
Upon researching the healthy lifestyle, I stumbled across a few articles online regarding Vitamin C being an important part of healthy living --- so I
took the plunge and began reading up on this stuff. I joined a Yahoo! forum dedicated to LVC, and I read lots of threads from the group users ---
then… low and behold, ATS’s own dominicus decides to post his own thread about the stuff; so I began following the thread and the user
Like a fungus, this topic was growing fast, and the pages were multiplying equally. Next thing I knew, the thread was 60-some-odd pages long! I read
every page up to around page 63 or so. After this thread was around two months old, I decided to take the plunge and make my own batch --- I’d
rather YOU be the guinea pigs so that I can simply observe and take note; which is exactly what I did.
I made my batch, but I went in completely skeptical. Now, keep this in mind, I’m from the *vitamins don’t work* camp. But all the research I was
doing and all the reading I did in this very thread, I was slightly convinced that there was some sort of legitimacy to this malarkey. Upon making my
first batch, I take my first shot ---- UGH! This sh!t is god-awful!!!
The taste reminded me of the times when I was a kid and I had to go to the pet store to buy parrot food, fish food or whatever damn animal food I had
to get (we grew up with tons of critters at home). Now, how the hell did the smell that was coming from the baby chicken coop section of the pet store
end up in my mouth? My god! I took the shot fresh out of the ultrasonic cleaner, so it was still warm… bad move! In the fridge it goes!
After that horrendous experience that I volunteered to, it was around 45 minutes after I took the shot, where it felt as if I had drunk a Red Bull. I
had some good energy going on… and I dug it! I continued for a few months afterwards. I’d drink a shot every morning. I’d use my regular Tequila
shot glass or a NyQuil shot glass, which is 30ml (or 1oz), and that’s it. A one ounce shot of grossness every morning would do it for me.
During the time I started taking the LVC, I began working out. I started doing light workouts - calisthenics and running mainly – and eating
healthy. Eating healthy was my main focus since I wanted to start cleansing and detoxifying from the inside and just work my way outward. I was doing
impressively well. I would always hear the same compliments --- “hey, you’re looking good / your skin looks great”, so that alone was grounds to
keep going.
Well, after I finished my last batch, I stopped taking my LVC shots after about 3 months or so because I had used up all of my distilled water and I
was having a hard time finding more. Interestingly enough, I had caught that flu that was going around the States in late fall/early winter. It hit me
bad. I spent Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Eve with the flu… and that sucked!
Come January 2013, as my flu symptoms were going away, I finally found some distilled water - so I stocked up on quite a few gallons. I made my first
batch of the year, and I made it a point to pound it into my head… “keep eating healthy – take your Vitamin C –start working out
again–get your a** back in gear... and FOCUS!”
It’s now late February 2013, and I’ve been hitting it hard for over a month now, and I’ve gotta say this, I feel incredible. I feel alive! I
have incredible clarity and I’m feeling pretty damn healthy all around. My energy level is insane and my personality went from cloudy to sunny! What
I did notice about the LVC is that my energy level after taking the shot is heightened. When I wasn’t taking the LVC, I was in serious couch potato
I recall the user Des saying that her gray hair was darkening --- and I remember thinking to myself… “I don’t want my gray’s to
darken… I dig the way my salt ‘n’ pepper’s growing out… and the ladies have even commented on it”… well, it seems as if that her
observation may in fact be true. The silver on my temples seems to be darkening (not cool) and I’m noticing the roots are dark. Well, that can be
attributed to my major diet change, or it could be the LVC(?) either way, it’s all good in my hood!
So here I am in a nutshell, saying I dig this stuff. I’m going to keep on taking it – no matter how god-awful this sh!t tastes! Time for me to up
my dosage to 2oz now!
Thanks to everyone who participated in this topic!