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I make my own liposomal vit C. This stuff is frickin AMAZING!!!!!

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posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by shoeshiner

You might not like this, but I did read somewhere that vitamin c can feed the cancer. I can maybe dig it up, it was peoples opinions on some research also regarding what we are doing and they seemed to know what they are talking about.

I also remember reading something about that, though I'm afraid I am unable to recall the source.

If I remember correctly, it had something to do with the way in which damaged cells (eg cancer cells) are marked for elimination from the body by the immune system, and by adding Vitamin C into the cell, that marker was turned off and hence permitted the cancer to thrive. I also recall it may have only affected people with Chromium-6 present in their cells, but my memory is hazy so cannot be relied upon.

As with everything allopathic however, big pharma never seem to give you the whole picture. Anecdotal evidence suggests that Vitamin C can be an effective cure. It only takes one paid off group of researchers to muddy the waters.

I would also consider a water ionizer for cancer sufferers, seems to be a lot of anecdotal evidence out there as to that being of benefit as well.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by shoeshiner

It did some googling on vit c and cancer and found hundreds saying that it kills cancer and 2 that says it feeds cancer. If i had cancer, id personally be super mega dosing on this stuff considering vit c is a super food and extraordinary antioxidant.

Ive seen studies for decades say that we need to be drinking 8 to 12 glasses of water a day, which for me was way too much and i always just drank as much as i felt i should and then recently saw a study that saidto nix the 8 glasses and just recently saw a new study saying that you should drink as much as your body feels. Go figure.

Ive also seen studies saying that chocolate is good for you, w the study paid for by nestle. So really who knows!

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 06:03 PM
I have a question that someone might be able to answer.

If this works for vitamin C, could you potential coat any other liposomal vitamins in order to increase absorption?

I did a quick search and see people only doing this for C and I am wondering why that is.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 06:07 PM
2012 study that shows conclusively that vit c starves cancer cells and how:

Yet back in the good ole USA, the FDA halted a vitamin C cancer study last year "pending a determination as to the off-label status of intravenous ascorbic acid". But that wasn't enough as they further attempted to ban all production of IV ascorbic acid for the use of cancer treatment. Same story looking back to 1753 when James Lind showed how to prevent and cure scurvy, with citrus fruits containing vitamin C. Unfortunately, 100,000 British Navy sailors died of scurvy until all the old "experts" had died off and were replaced by new-thinkers.

2007 john Hopkins study that vit c starves cancer of oxygen and free radicals that it needs

Like i said, if i had the Big C, id be mega dosing w the Big Vit C.

FDA is a bunch of corrupt big pharma financed crooked arse cronyism

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 06:08 PM
Until now, I have restrained myself from posting in this thread. Today my sonic cleaner arrived and I just made my first batch. I decided to make it without the baking soda and plan on chasing the mixture with it. Will I get the same results?

My stepmom has a fairly large meningioma tumor that is inoperable and is starting to grow through a crack in her skull and is going to enter her brain. Tomorrow she is finding out if she can take this solution as well.

I will share the results of our journey here.

Thanks for the awesome thread op. Megamind, I love your contributions too. I'm glad the detractors left.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by gwydionblack
I have a question that someone might be able to answer.

If this works for vitamin C, could you potential coat any other liposomal vitamins in order to increase absorption?

I did a quick search and see people only doing this for C and I am wondering why that is.

I was thinking the same thing. I don't see why not.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by gwydionblack
I have a question that someone might be able to answer.

If this works for vitamin C, could you potential coat any other liposomal vitamins in order to increase absorption?

I did a quick search and see people only doing this for C and I am wondering why that is.

Yes you can. Google Liposomal Vitamins. This was discussed a few pages back and there was a link to a site that sold them.
You can also do it with minerals, but getting them to dissove for the mix is harder.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by MegaMind

Originally posted by mtiger92
In mid April of this year, my father was diagnosed with Stage 2 renal cancer. He was found to have a 7cm mass infiltrating his left kidney, a 3.8cm mass on his right adrenal gland, and hypercalemia due to destructive cancerous process of the 9th left rib. CT scans concluded that the cancer is confined to the area described, no spreading of the renal cell cancer to any other part of his body.
We took him to MD Anderson and they consolidated their efforts with his oncologist to give him Terisol 25mg IV therapy, once a week for 8 weeks, then another round of tests to see the disease state.
He is on his third round of Terisol, and I convinced him to try this liposomal Vit C therapy too.
If you all would kindly give me some advice and opinions....
How much of the liposomal Vitamin C should he ingest on a daily basis? My thoughts are 6gm per day divided in two equal doses.
How much Vitamin C and Lecithin do I mix for a two week supply?
We have already purchased recommended supplies but lack of sleep and stress from seeing my dad suffer have taken the mental focus I need to calculate all this on my own. I will be posting results and updates on his condition as soon as I can. Thank you for taking the time to read this and hoping to get some advice. - JG

Please don't take this wrong, but I think you should ask his doctor about that instead of anyone in this forum ...

edit on 7-6-2012 by MegaMind because: (no reason given)
I did not mean to sound desperate or uninformed. I've spent the last ten years in the pharmacy field, specifically hospital pharmacy, mixing chemotherapy and other hospital medications.
I was going to go into pharmacy school but got married and had to postpone the plan. I am graduating with a B.S. in Biology (pre-med and pre-pharmacy coursework) and minoring in Chemistry (with primary research in Organic Chemistry).
I am confident in the treatment my father is receiving and have thoroughly researched the medication he is taking.
TORISEL is a treatment for advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC). TORISEL is the first mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitor for the treatment of advanced RCC.
mTOR is a protein found inside the body’s cells that plays a role in cell growth and division.
By inhibiting mTOR, TORISEL blocks the processes through which both normal cells and cancerous kidney cells grow and divide.1
TORISEL may help stop the creation of new blood vessels that feed the advanced RCC cells.

I have not found any documentation that says to stay away from Vitamin C while on Torisel.

My father's case was presented before a panel of oncologists at MD Anderson, and they all agreed on the treatment that he was prescribed.
After the Torisel treatment is finished, they are going to evaulate therapy options. Most likely, they will switch his therapy to pill form therapy. Targeted therapy is the most effective in renal cancers, and does not require the harmful chemotherapy treatments that are typically associated with cancers.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by mtiger92

If that was my family member and i found no contradictions w the meds, you better believe id be all over liposomal,mega dosing. Due diligence in research would take a primary presidency over my own opinion, then options weighed and a choice made

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by gwydionblack
I have a question that someone might be able to answer.

If this works for vitamin C, could you potential coat any other liposomal vitamins in order to increase absorption?

I did a quick search and see people only doing this for C and I am wondering why that is.

The company I buy my Liposomal C from also has other Liposomal vitamins...B-12, etc.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by dominicus

One thing I haven't seen mentioned here (sorry if I missed it) is that Vitamin C can have a diuretic effect.
Make sure you are drinking plenty of water.
I dont know how the encapsulation would effect that since it seems to nullify the diarrhea effects.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by mtiger92

I'm sorry if I came across as condescending. I didn't mean to.

You sound better qualified to answer your question than any of us.

I can tell you just what I know about the liposomal C. The mixture that I have been making yields two cups and each 1oz of the solution should be about 937mg of C with about 700mg being encapsulated C. If it were true that the absorption rate for liposomal C is at least 80% that would be 560mg of C not including the normal 16% absorption of the unencapsulated portion of the solution.

If it were me and there were no problems taking it at the same time with the other medication I too would be taking it in as high a dosage as my body would tolerate.

edit on 7-6-2012 by MegaMind because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by MegaMind

Fabulous! Thanks for posting. I made my first version tonight in nearly identical fashion, except I blended more than you did. Stirred for about 30 minutes. I took only a small amount tonight because it's evening and I want to sleep, but am eagerly anticipating the morrow, when I can take more.

A bit of background. I am already a big proponent of vitamin C. It started over a year ago, when I went home to see my family. The last time I visited Michigan, I had picked up a really nasty case of swine flu, which was rampant in Michigan at that time (2009). I vowed never to allow that to happen again.

I did research and discovered that vit C is an absolute virucide, and was shown to destroy bird flu.This time when I traveled back to Michigan, I had the following regimen. I took one packet of Emergen C (1,000 mg) in the morning, took 2,000 mg of regular vitamin C midday, and one packet of Emergen C at night throughout my stay at my brother's.

Of course, I did not get sick. But something else happened.

I noted a wonderful increase in my mood. I've always struggled with major depression. On this trip, I was alert, engaged, cheerful, and most of all, very bright. I felt mentally bright, but more than that, I felt visually bright.

This is hard to describe without sounding like an idiot. But I felt like I was shimmery, like I myself was shimmering inside and out.

That's the only way I can think of to describe. It was a lightness, a kind of vibration, and an energy that made me feel like I was, well, sparkling, like the sort of shimmer and sparkle you see in a glass of champagne.

The vitamin C was the sole cause of that reaction. The results were really incredible, and I became convinced then that there was something really special about it!

These days, if I forget to take vitamin C, I immediately notice the effects. I become tired, lethargic, depressed, and, oddly enough, much more more prone to negative, gloomy thinking.

Thus, discovering this thread has been a godsend to me in that I will have even more of a natural antidepressant effect. I thank Dominicus for starting this thread and sharing his knowledge. A special shout-out to MegaMind for seeming to answer every question that popped into my head.

My solution is in the refrigerator, and I will report later in the week on the effect of 4 ounces daily in divided doses.

God bless you all for sharing your experience and hope here on this thread!

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by MegaMind
I didn't take offense to your post. I've just been under incredible amounts of stress. I am humbled that my family looks to me for answers and clarification on my dad's illness, and my dad is forever grateful to have a son who understands the medical and scientific jargon that comes out of the doctor's mouths. I explain in the best way I can to him... what is happening to him and how the treatments are working on his cancer.
Stumbling onto this thread, I was excited because I was hoping to have found that magic bullet that would cure him. The "scientist" part of me is extremely confident in Ascorbic acid and its cardiovascular and cancer disease fighting properties.
The realist in me understands the seriousness of his illness. My father had a Denver catheter placed into his chest wall to drain the accumulating fluid in his pleural cavity. Thankfully, the fluid is negative for neoplastic cells and is more of an inflammatory response to is cancer.
I am going to start him on 6 grams per day, 3gm in am and 3gm in pm. I have to do some more research into the one confirmed case of a woman who cured herself of kidney cancer. She was taking beta glucan 1 capsule twice daily, N-acetylcysteine 500mg 3 times daily, Niacinamide 500mg taken 30min before Vit C therapy( increasing to 1,000mg and then 1,500mg before Vit C infusion), and whole thyroid extract 30mg once daily.
My dad had CT scans done of his entire body, as well as a bone scan with radioactive iodine to test for any malignancies in the bones. Luckily, the tests came back negative for any cancer in the bone and any spreading of the cancer beyond the left kidney, right adrenal gland and 9th left rib.
I will keep updating with reports of his mental well being and his overall demeanor.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by mtiger92

Just read your last post and see that you are well equipped to approach this on your own. Sounds like you have a lot of experience, and a good plan! Good luck to you and I hope your father recovers.
edit on 7-6-2012 by Thaxter because: new info

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by mtiger92

i cant wait to hear about any improvements. Im pretty much already predicting the liposomal vit c is greatly improve his state. I wouldnt be surprised if it completely heals him

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by dominicus
Thaxter, thanks for the kind words. Dominicus, I pray you are right. Am finishing up the first batch as I type, will start him on the Liposomal Vitamin C therapy tomorrow morning.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by hypervalentiodine
reply to post by signalfire

I'm sorry, but Linus Pauling...hated? You have to be joking. So hated that he features in every single chemistry text book I can think of? So hated that he won not one, but 2 Nobel prizes (as well as multiple other prestigious awards) and managed to publish numerous books and papers on his work, not to mention the numerous books that people went on to write about him? So hated that he has been listed as one of history's top 20 scientists of the last century? So hated that Francis Crick, another very well known Nobel prize laureate, dubbed him as the 'father of molecular biology'?

Jesus, if only I were only half as 'hated'.

You weren't there at the time. He was reviled, laughed at and demonized, all for saying that taking in as much Vitamin C as the animals were producing for their own tissues would cure a lot of human diseases. I remember reading newspaper and magazine articles at the time making fun of "Linus Pauling taking a WHOLE GRAM of Vitamin C a day..." Actually, it *was* shocking, considering the RDA at the time was 60 mg.

The accolades came later and the realization that he may have been the greatest genius of the 20th Century, even later still.

What's that saying? "First you're laughed at, then you're attacked and finally what you say is seen as being self-evident."
edit on 7-6-2012 by signalfire because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 11:59 PM
Just a bit of a finding for those trying to perfect it... It's nothing groundbreaking..

I think you want to aim at less of a sour taste with your vitamin c. The glutathione is tasteless so there is no sour taste at all. My vitamin c batch is quite sour but it is a nice taste. The less sour, the more encapsulated it is.

Megamind with your 75%+ encapsulated mixture, how strong is the sour taste, and have you noticed a change in taste since your first attempts?

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 12:21 AM
So I'm the guy who took that 9gr Vit C megadose in one ago, and it's morning now so I slept over it. The only noticeable side effect was the overload of gas during the night which wasn't that bothersome as I sleep alone
. I also woke up an hour more early than usual without any tiredness this morning. And per usual I also go the the toilet in the morning but this time I didn't have to force much which is usually the case. What came out was plenty of gas and the solids weren't that runny or at least nothing too different from the usual.
So that was that experience, I think my body has a good tolerance for high doses of vit C then again my diet is also not that bad. I drink only water and tea, use stevia or honey as sweetener and never eat fast food crap.

Also concerning the sour taste of the liposomal solution. It would make sense that the less sour it is the more vit C is encapsulated so perhaps here are a few taste tests that one could do.

  • take a sample before sonification and compare taste of this to a sample after sonification
  • make a very shallow batch, according to the literature, this small amount should be encapsulated better due to more power density distribution of the sound waves, again compare taste between different batches
  • Increase sonification time by a double, triple and quadruple and check taste

edit on 8-6-2012 by broli because: (no reason given)

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