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Hitler/Nazis are Right Wing and not Left Wing. Don't be fooled by lies.

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posted on May, 31 2012 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by HamrHeed
Why even post a thread like this? Are you trying to frame the inevitible "conservatives are nazis so lets exterminate them" arguement?

No, I'm not framing anything, there is no innuendo or hidden agenda. I would never argue that conservatives are Nazis, any more than I'd argue that Democrats are communists. In fact. I've even made another thread arguing explicitly against this latter mistaken view.

I certainly don't want to exterminate conservatives...just change their mind. And stop *them* from pulling a "Oceana has always been at war with Eastasia" and shoving nasty old Adolph over to our side. Most leftsts accept that Pol Pot, Stalin and Mao are left, and still are able to disagree with them and go about their more nuanced ways. All I'm asking is for you guys to "man up" (hate that expression but sometimes it fits) as well and acknowledge the extremests who are even farther right than you rather than trying to smear us baselessly with your own dirty laundry, so to speak.

You do realize that, just like in germany during the war, you will be disposed of after you spark the moment. So why advocate for the globalist agenda? Did you know that hitler wanted a nwo too?
You are doing the work of the anti-human death cult that is struggling for breath.
Humans are resilient and we will never forget. Our current happening are recorded in stone to make sure of it
edit on 31-5-2012 by HamrHeed because: (no reason given)

My my what a worldview. Where to begin. Well, to make a long story short, the NWO/TPTB "globalism" builderberger types are also right-wing. They are not communist. Most of them spent their youth fighting communism. Their brand of globalism is not the Communist brand of globalism.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 04:11 PM
How do you figure that globalists are right wingers? True conservatives know that a world dominated by socialist/ fascist gov'ts will lead to tyranny and death. This is why they reluctantly fought ww2 which was really just a population abortion.
I love watching you so called liberals defend the stripping of rights for the greater good.
You never learned from stalin and hitler and mao did you?
You are the bane of humanity and the present book is being written on you. Your children will be ashamed that you felt compelled to repeat ww2, to spite your "brother"

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by Germanicus
And please dont think I was ripping on communism there. There is alot about communism that I like.

Don't worry, communism is tough and it can take a ripping and keep on ticking! Concentrate on the things you like at first, then maybe after awhile some of the things you don't like will make sense too.

Communism, to me, is not something from the past. I am not religious, but I will use an analogy from Christian history purely as an historical example: When Christ died, his followers scattered and for the first decades after that it must have seemed like rough going. Their master had left in what seemed like an epic fail; his followers were the washed-out dregs of one ex-cult among many such ex-cults in those days. It must have seemed like the dream was dead at many points in the first century AD. But Christianity roared back to become the official faith of the whole Roman Empire and all of Western Civ (a lot of Asia, too - people forget that) for millenia.

See, the Christians had a message that (whether or not you or I believe in it) appealed some of the highest instincts in humanity. The death of Christ was the beginning of that message, not the end.

Just like the fall of the Berlin Wall was a beginning.

It must have been exciting to be an early Chistian. I know for a fact its exciting to be a Communist. It may take some time, but I know we will get there. Its really the only way that makes long-term sense.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by 13th Zodiac
Left wing,right wing bunk! They are both attached to the same damn bird,with one governing head.Good cop,bad cop.People need to wake upto that fact.It's a scam.

In the current American/Western paradigm, you are correct if you are talking about the mainstream politicians. There really is not too much worth getting worked up about the difference between Democrat and Republican. From a Communist perspective, they are seen as both right-wing, capitalist, and imperialist, and very much a good-cop bad-cop setup. This is why I think its so boneheaded when people call Obama a Communist. He's the leader of the biggest capitalist/imperialist machine in history: The USA.

There sure is a difference between Communism and Nazisim, though. Hence this thread.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by HamrHeed
How do you figure that globalists are right wingers? True conservatives know that a world dominated by socialist/ fascist gov'ts will lead to tyranny and death. This is why they reluctantly fought ww2 which was really just a population abortion.
I love watching you so called liberals defend the stripping of rights for the greater good.
You never learned from stalin and hitler and mao did you?
You are the bane of humanity and the present book is being written on you. Your children will be ashamed that you felt compelled to repeat ww2, to spite your "brother"

1) I'm not a "so-called liberal." I'm a hardcore Marxist-Lenninst vanguardist. Don't confuse me with those lightweights.

2) What you call "true right wingers" sounds like "libertarian right." If you go back and see the four-quadrant schema in the first post, I'd put you in the lower-right-hand corner. The NWO-style globalists are authoritarian right on that chart (upper right corner). If I've understood you correctly, you are both rightists but in conflict. Just like Communists and Anarchists are both left but often in conflict. ( But not always! This Communist likes many anarchist strains and most anarchists I come across as people).

In a sense, the NWO is neofascism. But its confusing because they are anti-NATIONALIST. And traditionally, internationalism is LEFTIST so I understand why you are confused. I guess I would say that their brand of globalism is a kind of "hyper-imperialism." Lenin saw imperialism as the final stage of capitalism but IMHO he was wrong: Its corporate globalism. What makes it different from Communism as a global ideal is that it is corporatist in nature. It involves the fusion of state and Corporate power. Communism is purely state, not corporate, in comparison. It might seem like not a big difference but it is - Corporations exist to enrich their owners, exploit labor, and bring profit to shareholders. Communist state control exists to put the means of production in the hands of the workers, not a tiny class of elite capitalist/banker-class overloards. When abused, communism can give rise to elites too, like the pampered "Nomenklatura" class in late-Soviet russia, but that is a failure to achieve communism, not a result of true communism being applied properly. Just like welfare bailouts for bankers isn't real capitalism. NOTHING in capitalist "free market" theory supports shoveling tax money at failed mega-banks.

You do raise an interesting point so thank you; its a complex issue and I can't do it justice in one post.
edit on 5/31/2012 by Leftist because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 04:38 PM
Sorry I gotta get this out quick-
Libertarians are the real liberals. The movement you are a part of is the antithesis of classical liberalism.
-Still reading-

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by HamrHeed
Sorry I gotta get this out quick-
Libertarians are the real liberals. The movement you are a part of is the antithesis of classical liberalism.
-Still reading-

Hmmm...libertarians as liberals? I think most libertarians would not be happy with that pigeonhole...

"Liberal" is a slippery word, and its been used in all sorts of ways since people started slinging it around in earnest in the 1700s. Today, we take it to mean "lukewarm center-leftist" in daily speech but there is also the more technical term neoliberalism which, properly applied, refers to the "Washington Consensus" and the general globalist system that is an outgrowth of imperialism. When used in its strict definition, it refers to something that is rightward rather than leftward, quite clearly. So one could make the case that libertarianism (especially the sub-varieties fixated on corporate freedoms) is a creature of the neoliberal paradigm. You might also make some kind of case as both words are rooted in liberty, which is presumably thus central in some way to both libertarianism and liberalism.

I actually have a hazier-than-I-should knowledge about how the word "liberal" was used in the the 18th and 19th and early 20th centuries...its been dragged through the muck by a lot of people with a lot of agendas and its one of those words I see as almost meaningless at core, and always shifting surface meaning rapidly. I guess I should read up more on what you call "classical liberalism" before confirming or denying its relationship to communism. At the moment, it seems hard to define. If you are talking about the founding fathers and 1776 and all that, yes, I guess you could say Communism is opposed to it, although I'm guessing "Antithesis" is too strong a word. Fascism/Nazi-ism and the current NWO-style neo-fascism are more likely candidates for truely antithetical philosophies.
edit on 5/31/2012 by Leftist because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by Leftist

Wow. Here we go.

Hitler and the Nazis are


and not


I think you meant 'Hitler and the Nazis WERE right wing and not left wing. They existed in the past, in specific places and at a specific time. The current crop of so called 'neo nazis' are a bunch of saddo icon worshippers who care more about polishing their hitler jugend daggers and seig heiling to their swastika flags than considering their political stance.
Now to your first picture. We see two authoritarian psychopaths, Solzhenitsyn's 'big moustache' and 'little moustache'. This picture, showing two men wearing almost identical caps, separated by two not dissimilar sigils, depicts two sides of the same ugly coin. So Stalin (one death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic), who in peacetime happily slaughtered 30 million of his own countrymen in the gulags in the name of ideology, had more disposable cattle than Hitler.
Your depiction of a left/right political scale is laughable. You have anarchy at the wrong end. It is an extension from Libertarian Conservatism, IMO, as it requires ultimate personal and social responsibility in order to even function as an idea.(but it's currently cool, so we'll keep it over our end).
On to the quadratic model. Stalin and Hitler should be almost cheek to cheek either side of the vertical line beneath 'Authoritarian'. Thatcher, under whose governance I came of age should be where you put Friedman, but along with Gandhi, these three are irrelevant.
That the Nazis called themselves socialists is proof that they were right wing?
*wipes away tears of laughter*
As for the antifa crew, 'left-wing macho street fighters, willing to kick ass' 'there are no words for my contempt'. Both quotes from CR@SS, second one slightly out of context, I admit. They are the Neo neo nazis, the socialist workers party brownshirts.
It is entirely the fault of self-delusional people like you that the western world is in decline, your 'cultural marxism' has destroyed education, the family, morality, and is producing perfect cattle for what is to come.
I am not religious, but I pray for you, that with age comes wisdom.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by Leftist

Probably because they can't be bothered with the sloppy imprecision of language assuming a 'left-right' context. It is, quite frankly, total nonsense.

It is clear, therefore, that a “planned economy” which leaves nominal ownership in the hands of the previous private owners, but which places the actual control and direction of resources in the hands of the State, is as much socialism as is the formal nationalization of property. The Nazi and Fascist regimes were as socialist as the Communist system that nationalizes all productive property.

Many people refuse to identify Nazism or Fascism as “socialism” because they confine the latter term to Marxist or neo-Marxist proletarianism or to various “social-democratic” proposals. But economics is not concerned with the color of the uniform or with the good or bad manners of the rulers. Nor does it care which groups or classes are running the State in various political regimes. Neither does it matter, for economics, whether the socialist regime chooses its rulers by elections or by coups d’etat. Economics is concerned only with the powers of ownership or control that the State exercises. All forms of State planning of the whole economy are types of socialism, notwithstanding the philosophical or esthetic viewpoints of the various socialist camps and regardless whether they are referred to as “rightists” or “leftists.” Socialism may be monarchical; it may be proletarian; it may equalize fortunes; it may increase inequality. Its essence is always the same: total coercive State dictation over the economy.

- Murray Rothbard

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by LeoStarchild

No...YOU get a clue!

READ the thread next time BEFORE you comment.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 05:07 PM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Now let me get this right..... Hitler was right wing and Stalin was left wing. It's so easy to get confused since Hitler and Stalin worked and cooperated so closely together to achieve their own imperialistic ends.

I mean..... it's so easy to confuse the agenda of dominance shared by both Hitler and Stalin. After all, both Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin invaded Poland! Both Hitler and Stalin signed an agreement dividing the Baltic States between the two of them . The cooperation demonstrated between these two tyrannical despots in the Ribbentrop Pact almost make them seem to be allies.

edit on 6/1/2012 by benevolent tyrant because: to correct spelling error in thread text

edit on 6/1/2012 by benevolent tyrant because: to correct the spelling of Adolf Hitler (from "Adolph" to "Adolf")
extra DIV

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 05:12 PM
Stalin was right wing
Hitler was left wing
(they both worked for the same bankers)
as did the brits and the yanks
at the middle of the circle they all meet
its called democracy

its a sheeple virus transmitted by drones

edit on 1-6-2012 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-6-2012 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 02:42 AM
And floating, only slightly mentioned, within the seas of arguments, perspectives and ideologies is the current of memes, attaching themselves like glue to an almost instinctually unconscious species. A species, collectively AND individually, afraid or unwilling to recognize just how little of ourselves is really conscious at all.

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by HamrHeed

You do realize that, just like in germany during the war, you will be disposed of after you spark the moment. So why advocate for the globalist agenda? Did you know that hitler wanted a nwo too?
You are doing the work of the anti-human death cult that is struggling for breath.
Humans are resilient and we will never forget. Our current happening are recorded in stone to make sure of it
edit on 31-5-2012 by HamrHeed because: (no reason given)

My my what a worldview. Where to begin. Well, to make a long story short, the NWO/TPTB "globalism" builderberger types are also right-wing. They are not communist. Most of them spent their youth fighting communism. Their brand of globalism is not the Communist brand of globalism.

Yes, you are correct. However, as a Communist you are also familiar with the quote "The best revolutionary is a YOUTH DEVOID OF MORALS". It's easy to see all around us - generations of youth in the western world are unnknowingly being indoctrinated into Godlessness and moralessness. They are being created under the indoctrination and propaganda as identified in very succinctly in The Naked Communist
Those goals and steps are their formula to create a mindset among youth to rebel against any authority, and to be that revolutionary. But, similarly to the post above, it is being done to "spark" the coming nwo which will be along the lines of hitler. The Denver Airport Murals are their showcase warning every single one of us. We hear about the camps, we see the laws being passed, we see the last two generations gleefully renouncing God so they can be "free" to worship man, we see the youth accepting everything that was evil as 'good', we see the constant propaganda to "rebel against authority" message....but we are CLUELESS as to it happening because we threw out the only protection in this world - Our God. Kids today think Jesus healed blind people, when actually He was giving spiritual sight to truly SEE and he was healing deafness so that one can UNDERSTAND.

You say that you are a Communist, yet you too are OBLIVIOUS to your part in this crazy world which will see this communist ideology and indoctrination used to breed the revolutionaries, only to see them wiped out for their rebellion. You are a pawn, nothing more nothing less. God decreed this end thousands of years ago, and yet, you and millions of other Godless youth have unknowingly convicted your eternal lives because you loved your wicked scheming instead of holding up truth as paramount.

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 09:46 PM

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 05:03 AM

Originally posted by againstthezionists
hitler was right in gassing the zionist jews. too bad he didnt kill all of them.

Ahhh nope,like you I'm not a fan of Zionist's.However you are mistaken.Hitler was a Zionist who killed semetic/ethinic jews of certain class.If not for the works of Zionist Hittler,Israel would not exist today.Mission accomplished.Think it over.Your anger is misdirected,but that's the game.

And to the rest of you I said Zionist not Jewish.
edit on 4-6-2012 by 13th Zodiac because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-6-2012 by 13th Zodiac because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 05:09 AM
Hitler was a bit of both, his welfare programmes show a definite leftist side, while his national agenda showed a more right wing side- though even leftist rulers can be "nationalist" when it suits them!

I love the preciousness of those who espouse "true leftism" as it is impossible outside of a book- face it, Hitler had elements of left wing thinking- he certainly was no right wing libertarian and he was no anarchist by the same token!

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 05:19 AM
reply to post by Leftist

for me "right wing" does not involve large scale state control and regulation, which is what the NWO and globalists want- so for me, they are certainly not right wing.

Additionally, they would not be for the "little man"- they would be for the large corporations and businesses (regulation specifically favours large scale organisations as opposed to the small self employed operations due to personnel and financial requirements to comply with said regulation- so I do not see this as right wing

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by Leftist
Yes I am a Communist. No I am not a Nazi. It is impossible to be both. They are opposites, as I tried to demonstrate.

May I ask you how old you are? Since you need to tag yourself with a word, I would like to know if you ever experienced communism? Of course you can be national socialistic and communistic.

Originally posted by Leftist
I started this thread because I recently see on the Internet growing numbers of people arguing "Nazis are left."

Never read anything like that. Maybe you visit the wrong sites. Try some sites with people on it that are older then 12 years maybe. In fact, you started this thread to self-portray yourself. I laugh at your avatar. So hard.

I see you can´t be too old or too experienced in life. I wait for the day people throw in their brain and realize it´s not this or that. Its a mixture of all.

Better you stay the "mild-mannered student girl of the proletariat"
edit on 4-6-2012 by verschickter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 05:39 AM
The left-right paradigm was invented by marxist-hegelian-dialectic. It covers up the fact that all the nutjobs of the 20th Century were totalitarian collectivists who believed that everyone needed to be forced to believe what they believe. You find this violent, imposing and thoroughly hypocritical trait in modern marxists, liberals, leftists, religious fundamentalists, right-wingers, conservatives, fascists.

The only people you dont find it in are normal folks as well as libertarians. Unfortunately libertarians will never get elected into Government because they are not really interested in Government.

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