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Will the US Military Soon Turn Against Americans?

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posted on May, 31 2012 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by sdocpublishing
My brother is an ex-marine serving in the Air Force now.

If this statement had any truth, you would know that it's "Former Marine" or "Marine", not "Ex-Marine". Unless he's discharged with a BCD or Dishonorable discharge, there is no such thing as Ex-Marine.

Originally posted by sdocpublishing
I asked him this question specifically and he said he would follow whatever orders he was given, that is his job.

Following LAWFUL orders are his job, and defending the Constitution is his job. Not following orders based off of some dictator (R) or (D).

Originally posted by sdocpublishing
Although my brother is a hardcore right wing republican and feels that if the government says it, it must be true. If you see it on the news, it must be the truth. Anyone who thinks the government and the media lie are just a bunch of stupid hippie trouble makers.

Not likely. He must be a Neo-Con Republican or a closet Democrat. A true conservative has absolute distrust in the government, and wants it as small as possible. If he truly believes this, then he's an idiot, and yes, I'd say it to his face. He'd be a disgrace to the uniform.

Originally posted by sdocpublishing
So, yes, he does think I am a stupid hippie trouble maker and he would round me up as well if given the order. In his eyes it would be my own fault for not supporting the government.

Sounds to me like another load of bollocks. I find it hard to believe that any veteran would have such a shallow grasp on their duty. Perhaps, if he actually exists, it's a good thing he's no longer in serving on active duty.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 12:07 AM
I was in boot camp at MCRD San Diego on April 4 1968 when my training platoon was ordered to formation on the streets between the Quonset Huts we lived in... It was a normal thing that was done about every night and the last time the smoking lamp was to be lit that day.... This time though was different in that we were told of the assassination of Dr Martin Luther King.... .. Since we were near the end of the training cycle and had completed rifle training the DI said we could be ordered to go up there.. We were asked if we would have a problem shooting to kill citizens if ordered to do so.. Every one of us answered that we wouldn't have trouble doing it if ordered to do so... Those guys are very good at turning 17 and 18 year old boys into trained killer dogs that follow commands without questioning whether it is right, wrong or will they be going home that day in a box.... Eight months later as a TACParty radio operator on a hill top near the DMZ in late October during heavy monsoon rains I saw something that I would have never had believed in April.... Days before the last helicopter to leave the LZ on the hill had crashed into a ridge line while carrying people that were medevaced for malaria symptoms, emersion foot and out of control jungle rot.. Even though we were at less than half strength, had no food or way to evacuate wounded the battalion C.O. had the company C.O. continue to send out patrols... Shortly after a patrol left the perimeter the unmistakable crack of an AK-47 was heard and the patrol ordered to return with the Marine that had been shot and had a sucking chest wound... After 14 hours the guy died while the head corpsman was doing all that could be done to save him... The whole area remained socked in by the weather and it was days before we could get him and the C.O. that had resigned his commission refusing to send out any more patrols, out on a chopper... What that man sacrificed by doing that amazed me.. I have little doubt that no other officer that had joined as an enlisted man and rose to the rank of an infantry captain would have had the balls to do the same... I wonder at times if today's military officers are up to doing what is right at any cost as this man was able to do... I honestly believe I was the only person to know that he did.and wasn't relieved of his command... That was what was being spread around about what happened... After he told me what he was going to do he shared his last Lucky Strike with me... .The whole regiment and an artillery battalion was in the same type of situation in early February 1969... The division C.O. General Ray Davis had all of the companies to relocate to the artillery bases until the weather lifted... We ate captured enemy rice that we tried to cook but couldn't find enough dry fuel to do the job.... I hope that if or when there is reason for some sort of civilian uprising there are good officers that are willing to command their troops in support of the people standing up for constitutional rights instead of the corporate controlled bunch of thieves and liars.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by seabag

My answer? No.

On an unrelated note... where the hell did all of these service flags come from in the sigs? Did I miss the memo? lol

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by navy_vet_stg3

I don't know why you are hating on my post or calling me a liar. Your post has nothing to do with the OP's thread, you are simply attacking my comments and character outright.

My brother was and is in the military, not me. I do not know or claim to know military jargon. He is no longer in the marines, so to me he is an ex marine.

He is a soldier and that is the answer he gave me when I asked him. I guess when you were there you just were not listening very well.

You are telling me what my brothers political beliefs are? I agree he is more like a neocon republican, but that is not how he would describe himself. I did not think it was necessary to provide such a detailed account of his political ideals since it was not the heart of my post. You must be close to him so please say hello to him for me, I have not spoken to him in a while.

Sounds to me like another load of bollocks. I find it hard to believe that any veteran would have such a shallow grasp on their duty. Perhaps, if he actually exists, it's a good thing he's no longer in serving on active duty.

You really seem to know a lot about my brother and you have a poor opinion of him.

I hope you find relief from whatever problems are causing you to attack strangers who add to forum discussions.

Best of everything to you, Sir.
edit on 1-6-2012 by sdocpublishing because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-6-2012 by sdocpublishing because: Spelling and grammer

edit on 1-6-2012 by sdocpublishing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 12:31 AM

I wonder at times if today's military officers are up to doing what is right at any cost

Some sure, but others wouldn't resist much because they are conditioned to not rock the boat. I remember when I was deployed overseas and the government where we were on deployment told our command that we had to fill out forms telling them what our jobs were and other information. Even though we worked in military intelligence and according to OPSEC we're not supposed to talk about our jobs, our command caved and gave us the forms to fill out. Of course a lot of us put bogus information down, but that was a real eye opener for me.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by sdocpublishing
reply to post by navy_vet_stg3

My brother was and is in the military, not me. I do not know or claim to know military jargon. He is no longer in the Marines, so to me he is a PRIOR SERVICE Marine.

Fixed it for ya! I know you weren't in the service, but going forward try to make an effort to capitalize the "M" in Marines. It's a Peeve of most of us.

edit on 1-6-2012 by EyesWideShut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by EyesWideShut

I will do my best to use the proper terminology, I can understand how that would be a pet peeve.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 01:44 AM
well it's already been proven the cops turn on people and that people aren't standing for it any longer

firefighters aren't exempt 9/11 or not, apparently Tennessee didn't get the memo. there are others as well but I felt this was one of the worst offenders because it's clearly their job to stop fires and save lives

I really hope the military stands with the people this time and we don't get a repeat of kent state in the 70's

something to consider as well, when you say you support "your country" what is it you think you support? what this needs to be changed to is, "I support the constitution and the people who abide by it". the truth of it is that everyone has sat by while we have stripped what made this a great place out of the land,the people,and the constitution and replaced it with poison,fear and oppression. the ones that stand up to make a difference get silenced and everyone just continues on about their day.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by seabag

Sebag seeing that your on the Subject of the Patriot Act ...

Have you Research of it Origins well a Part of it ?

Enabling Act of 1933

Cause that lead up to it ... ( Burning of the Reichstag Building )

McCarran Internal Security Act

McCarran Internal Security Act (1950)

Cause that lead up to it ... ( The Cold War & McCarthyism )

Patriot Act As we all Know...

Cause that lead up to it ... Terrorist Attack in NY and D.C. on Sept 11th 2001 on American Soil

as much like the Burning of the Reichstag Building

When you read the the McCarren Act Replace the Word Communist with Terrorist
The you will see the Closeness similarity of the Patriot Act ....

A Movie Called Punishment Park Made in 1971 a What If.... The McCarren Act Came Full Blown !!

if you Ever watch the Movie , You will See a FEMA Camp Like Detainment ! of
People that are Claim to be UnAmerican or Communist

Punishment park (1971) trailer

Listen to the Narrator in this Trailer ..
You would think he's Talking about the Patriot Act..

The Movie was Only Shown in a Few Theaters! and Probably Banned by TPTB

( Read what the Movie is About Below )

Punishment Park

The movie takes place in 1970. The Vietnam War is escalating and United States President Richard Nixon has just decided on a "secret" bombing campaign in Cambodia. Faced with a growing anti-war movement, President Nixon decrees a state of emergency based on the McCarran Internal Security Act of 1950, which authorizes federal authorities, without reference to Congress, to detain persons judged to be a "risk to internal security". Members from the anti-war movement, civil rights movement, feminist movement, conscientious objectors, and Communist party, mostly university students, are arrested and face an emergency tribunal made up of community members

edit on 1-6-2012 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 07:38 AM
A point so often overlooked is that the American citizens outnumber the military and police about 10,000 to one. Even if they made every bullet count, in the end they would be clubbed to death and there would still be 9,000 to one........ not very good odds to go up against the public. Nearly everyone I know has a rifle or pistol or several each. Then there's gorilla warfare, But the end result would more likely be civilian militia's rising in every pocket of America.. 300,000,000 people minus the possible million that try to impose martial law, now thats a bunch of people to try to dictate to.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 07:48 AM
law enforcement has already turned against the people so i thinks it`s reasonable to assume that it`s very possible that the military could also turn against the people.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 07:54 AM
No the US military and other Global armed forces will soon see exactly what the elites are up to and will turn on them.

The military on all sides are mere pawns for the elites in order to get the job done. When the elites are finished i believe they will use other means to rid themselves of military.
Thats just my opinion, thats all.

Military personel are not told the real motives.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 08:43 AM
Military turn against Americans......

Adolph Hitler didn't think much of the Germans in America before WWII kicked off. He called them a bunch of worthless farmers. Turned out those farmers helped beat the Nazi's.

Then our military brought over all those Nazi scientists to work for them. They went on to set off hundreds of nukes in Nevada, built 2 nuclear jet engines in the midwest and bellowed out massive radiation over America. DDT sprayed all over America after the military released Malaria mosquitoes in that "test".

Why did America's Dairy Farms get shut down and powdered milk imported from 3rd world countries? The grass in America became heavily toxic from radiation/dioxins....cows ate the grass....our milk became toxic. America's Dairy Farmers were put out of business when they decided to start importing powdered milk. Those German immigrants in America who turned farmers and beat the Nazi's....

The Nazi's got the last laugh as they put them out of business and KNEW greed and our military would let them destroy America from the inside. As they worked in Defense Labs, Agency heads, and Scientists who all worked with our military to bring us down.

Before Al Quaeda and Osama Been Forgotten became the boogey men....our military was saying in briefings the biggest threat to America was armed citizens.


4th Reich rules Amerika.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by seabag

They will not use our military if and when martial law hits. They will use foreign troops... UN possibly .. units from other countries in the UN. It has been done before in other nations its a trick oppressive governments have picked up.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 09:05 AM
I have heard that the Military is not actually a "Government Force" but rather privatized.

Can someone confirm or deny?

Also I dont think that the Forces would turn against their own people, a scenario like that would be done by Mercs, or on second thought, if there was some sort of crazy conspiracy/hidden agenda, it would make much more sense to use a chemical or biological agent,

I also wonder about the Georgia Stones,











I know a lot of people see the 500 000 000 population count, and freak out, and people also claim that this is the NWO agenda, so I can see where people would start to generate ideas.

Perhaps it is just a case of apophenia.

Either way, all we can do is be prepared, learn to be self sufficient, and like most of the posters here, lead by example.

United we stand, even though I am north of your border, we are still connected.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 09:38 AM
I've been in fear about the Georgia Guidestones before, but I want to respond about them from a somewhat greater level of energy right now.

The Guidestones are a vision of certain elements of a positive future, but badly distorted, due to having gone through an extremely dark/negative/Service to Self filter. The people who brought the information of the Guidestones through, were in contact with demons; and this was because their own desire for wealth and global domination...being psychopathic global elites...put them in sympathetic resonance with Service to Self oriented spirits...or again, what we call demons.

Rockefeller and his globalist co-conspirators want monolithic globalism. Because of the darkness that they are in league with, however, they cannot understand that what they are working towards, is in effect a mockery of the real divine plan. That is, the Earth as a singular entity...globalised in a sense...but with the vital difference of being composed of small, tribal-type groups at a local level, with lines of communication going up through each tribe, and in that way expanding fractally up to the intercontinental level.

The Illuminati want centralised, monolithic, top down control. The correct approach, on the other hand, is decentralised and bottom up, with massive replication of individual units which are actually as small as possible, at the per-unit level.

The irony is, however, that what the cabal are working towards, is ultimately going to lead exactly to where we really need to be, because up to a certain point, as far as creating interconnectedness is concerned, them persuing their goal doesn't matter. At the moment, the same result is being reached either way.

Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will:

The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds:

But the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defence of the gospel.

What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.

-- Phillipians 1:15-18

We're slowing reaching the point now, where the cabal will no longer be in charge of the process. We will be; all of us, and the positive goals which the Guidestones genuinely talk about, will not be attained as a form of Satanic mockery, involving the death and misery of billions, but will instead be reached in a genuinely positive, balanced, and life affirming way.

There will be no great culling. There will be no huge massacre. We will create the technological means to support the lives of as many people as want to continue to be alive.

There will be no transhumanist nightmare; there does not need to be. We can recognise that mechanisation can be a part of the means which we employ to feed ourselves, without being a part of the means by which we destroy ourselves. We can also remember God, and real spirituality. We don't need to descend into atheism, in order to do that.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000

Originally posted by michaelbrux
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

if its the center of the galaxy...isn't our solar system ALWAYS lined up with it?

if could it be the CENTER?

do you guys read what you write before posting?


I'm not an astronomer, duh!

I AM an astronomer (amateur to be sure, but university-trained in it) and I can't figure out what they are talking about with this claimed "alignment", either. One need at least 3 points for an "alignment", because with only two, anything is in alignment with anything else, at all times, just by drawing a straight line from one to the other.

So far, the only two points they mention is the Earth, and the center of the galaxy, which if only those two points are included, are in alignment at all times. They will be on 21 Dec, they were last June 14, and they are right now. With only two points, they are NEVER out of alignment.

Some say it's a crossing of the galactic equator, but that clearly isn't true. we are currently 50 or so light years "above" (in space, all directions are relative) the galactic equator, so in order to cross it, the earth would have to suddenly break free of the sun, and go zooming "downwards" at around 60 times the speed of light. If that were to happen, earthquakes and such would be the least of our worries. Anything not nailed down (including the air molecules) would be left behind, and anything that IS nailed down would be obliterated by the acceleration.

So I dunno WHAT this alignment is supposed to be, and have severe doubts that anyone else does, either.

edit on 2012/6/1 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by popsmayhem

Originally posted by SeventhSeal
"Will the US Military Soon Turn Against Americans?"

Ask the ones who lost loved ones at Kent State.

So the majority of armed forces
marched on kent state to kill people?

If the shot people at kent state had military family there, they
would of took out the people who shot their family..

Military would not turn on the citizens because
the citizens consist of their own blood too..

If you don't attack the military, as occurred at Kent State, then you don't have that problem. When you threaten and attack them, they attack right back, regardless of WHO you are or what papers you carry. That's what soldiers do.

edit on 2012/6/1 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by EyesWideShut

My answer? No.

On an unrelated note... where the hell did all of these service flags come from in the sigs? Did I miss the memo?

You missed the memo.

I just PM’d you the link, devil dawg.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by popsmayhem

Originally posted by SeventhSeal
"Will the US Military Soon Turn Against Americans?"

Ask the ones who lost loved ones at Kent State.

So the majority of armed forces
marched on kent state to kill people?

If the shot people at kent state had military family there, they
would of took out the people who shot their family..

Military would not turn on the citizens because
the citizens consist of their own blood too..

Well looks like you missed the point. In fact, most of your comment doesn't even make sense. Who said anything about the victims families being on campus?

The point is: If you wonder if the military could turn against you, look at the poor souls who lost their lives at Kent State. That's an example of military turning against you.

No, it wasn't the ENTIRE military but no one is saying the ENTIRE military. The police force turned against us a very long time but not the ENTIRE police force did.

Get it, sweet cheeks?

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