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Why couldn’t “God” be from space?

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posted on May, 30 2012 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

Extremely interesting and insightful. Thank you for your post and really enjoyed reading it!

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

If you take the bible literally without any thought, then you believe in giant flying rolls, flying pillars, flying furnaces, and flying chariots..

_BoneZ_, good point and all those biblical accounts of stationary clouds, sky thrones, fiery chariots, flying rolls, pillars of light, platforms, vessels and fiery wheels in the sky sound pretty intriguing when looked at in a modern day context - especialy when the objects are described as exhibiting rapid, prolonged flight; hovering; ascending or descending.

I don't know if you've seen it but there's a good programme below from Richard D. Hall which takes a look at the subject of UFOs and the abrahamic belief system - there are a few inconsistencies but on the whole he does make some very interesting points.

UFOs and Abrahamic Religion


posted on May, 30 2012 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by karl 12

I don't think I've seen it yet, but I'll check it out when I have a free minute. Thanks for posting.

If you (or others) haven't been yet, check out the Bible-UFO website:

I don't agree with all of the interpretations, but he does a good job on most.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by JBpage76

I can hear the christians flipping through their bibles right now to check out the verses I quoted.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

Your right, some dude sitting on a cloud playing handzy with Adam can not last forever or be infinite... Its absurd to even say it. But what if "God" is what sparks all life in the universe, because even scientist say it isn't lightning striking a puddle of amino acids thats doing it. What if "God" is in the nuclei of every atom, or the force behind DNA. The truth is we have no idea what starts life but it seems likely that there is some creative force.

So it seems more likely that our image of God sitting on a cloud, watching us like a sporting event, has more to do with our feeble understanding of the true nature of the universe more than it says anything about the creator himself.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
He didn't come from anywhere, he always was and is.

This is the exact kind of thinking that made me ditch christianity altogether and become athiest/agnostic. Something/someone cannot always be forever and ever. Everything is created from something, and everything eventually dies or gets destroyed.

Everything that we know, yes. But in the grand scheme of things we know absolutely nothing.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by rockintitz

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
He didn't come from anywhere, he always was and is.

This is the exact kind of thinking that made me ditch christianity altogether and become athiest/agnostic. Something/someone cannot always be forever and ever. Everything is created from something, and everything eventually dies or gets destroyed.

Everything that we know, yes. But in the grand scheme of things we know absolutely nothing.

......So join us agnostics in saying "I just don't know exactly."

C'mon all the cool and much maligned (here on ATS) are (not) believing our way.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by KnawLick

The gods created us in their image and likeness. We were genetically created, with Adam and Eve being the first successful creations. Just as the Ark was not a massively (unbelievably massive) wooden boat. Not even considering the logistics of how to get all the animals, insects, etc. onto the wooden boat.

The Ark was a spacecraft with all the DNA samples of all living creatures. And Mary was artificially inseminated, just as we can do today.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by rockintitz
Everything that we know, yes. But in the grand scheme of things we know absolutely nothing.

This is a pretty accurate statement, unfortunately.

If there were a galactic library somewhere, I'd probably be there for the rest of my life learning.

edit on 30-5-2012 by _BoneZ_ because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

You are thinking with a carnal mind. Look through the lens of eternity.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration
You are thinking with a carnal mind. Look through the lens of eternity.

"Carnal", meaning "relating to the physical".

In the book of Exodus when "god" descended from the heavens, the smoke and fire emitted from his craft/chariot/vehicle was very physical. The ground quaking was very physical. The very means of travel was physical. Thus chariots, pillars, etc., are physical means of travel.

If "god" is using a physical means of transportation that causes physical things to happen, then he, himself, is a physical being.

I guess "god" could be some sort of non-corporeal being, but he and his angels still use physical craft for transportation.

Maybe you should stop looking through the "lens of eternity" and look at the physical meaning of what the bible says.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 08:08 PM
God is just an answer for those who can't question the mystery.
edit on 30-5-2012 by cybersk8er because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
He didn't come from anywhere, he always was and is.

This is the exact kind of thinking that made me ditch christianity altogether and become athiest/agnostic. Something/someone cannot always be forever and ever. Everything is created from something, and everything eventually dies or gets destroyed.

How do you know? Do you know everything about the universe? Do you even know who God really is? Do you really know anything at all? Do you think you know everything?

Contemplate on the words...

I AM that I AM.

It is written that all things are possible through him.

The jews thought they knew him, they said he couldn't be contained in the flesh of a man, but even they were wrong and he did just that. Foolish to tell God he cannot do something when he says that all things are possible in him. You have never seen real miracles? I have. My wife was on deaths doorstep, to the point her doctor was ready to rush her in to surgery on friday 2 months ago. She refused, and we went and me a deacon and my pastor laid hands on her and prayed and the next day when we went to the hospital and had tests run on her, her kidney stones were gone, her kidneys were no longer bleeding and her gallbladder was healed and she could eat and smell food without puking all over the place and to this day her doctor can't explain it. People do not go from needing emergency surgery to being completely healed on their own in 2 days.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 09:52 PM
This is one of those questions that can be touched on so many different levels it can actually get confusing. When I think of god, I think the creater of this universe, not some advanced beings who may of created us. They may be our direct gods if they created us and do exist but they also live under the creator of everything. Maybe humans will create something intelligent in the future and the people of that time will be there gods or something. But again, we did not create the universe and no matter what we do or create, we will never compare to the one, thing, god, whatever you want to call it that created this existence.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by cybersk8er

I agree with you. The name is just a label for something that nobody truely understands. You can call it what ever you want, you will never know the truth and its as simple as that. No theory, study will ever give you a definite answer either.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_
reply to post by KnawLick

The gods created us in their image and likeness. We were genetically created, with Adam and Eve being the first successful creations. Just as the Ark was not a massively (unbelievably massive) wooden boat. Not even considering the logistics of how to get all the animals, insects, etc. onto the wooden boat.

The Ark was a spacecraft with all the DNA samples of all living creatures. And Mary was artificially inseminated, just as we can do today.

The Bible also tells us that the world was created in six days, and fixes the epoch of this creation at about 4000 years before the Christian era. Previously to that period the earth did not exist. At that period it was produced out of nothing. Such is the formal declaration of the sacred text, yet science, positive, inexorable steps in with proof to the contrary. The history of the formation of the globe is written in indestructible characters in the worlds of fossils, proving beyond the possibility of denial that the six days of the creation are successive periods, each of which may have been of millions of ages.

This is not a mere matter of statement or of opinion. It is a fact as incontestably certain as is the motion of the earth, and one that theology itself can no longer refuse to admit, although this admission furnishes another example of the errors into which we are led by attributing literal truth to language which is often of a figurative nature. Are we therefore to conclude that the Bible is a mere tissue of errors? No; but we must admit that men have erred in their method of interpreting it.

It is unwise to insist upon a literal interpretation of figurative statements of which the inaccuracy may, at any moment, be rendered evident by the progress of scientific discovery; but the fundamental propositions of religion, so far from having anything to fear from the discoveries of science, are strengthened and ennobled by being brought into harmony with those discoveries. And it is only when the religious sentiment shall have been enlightened by its union with scientific truth that religious belief, thus rendered invulnerable to the attacks of skepticism, will take the place of skepticism in the minds and hearts of men.

From Allan Kardec's Spirit book . Year 1857
edit on 30-5-2012 by Shadow Herder because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by SedatedSon

Curious people: "OMG, WHY ARE WE HERE??!!"

Some random dude shouts: "God created everything!! Don't worry!!"

Curious people: "Cool!"

Then everyone follows, they believe God is an answer for everything and society gets more ignorant.

My very simple explanation..

edit on 30-5-2012 by cybersk8er because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 11:31 AM
If god created the Heavens (Space) and Earth it would make sense to me that he/she/it is intergalactic by default. And wouldn't we also be considered aliens/extraterrestrials to the beings that we dub by the same names?
edit on 31-5-2012 by BDK235 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by KnawLick
reply to post by igor_ats

I disagree. You can view the bible literally and the idea of aliens and the likes isn't shattering in the slightest.

The bible states how the universe was formed - anything else is lies. If we take all those stories literally than it would be completely incongruous for far superior being to have no knowledge of such fairy tales. Moreso such beings having proof of how it really happened.

Another thing - consider that it would be incongruous for God to omit mentioning these other beings. That's tantamount to lying and God doesn't lie. "Oh yeah, about those guys who are much smarter than you. . . I forgot to tell you about them."

Unless you start backpeddling and say that's "just an allegory" and using vague Old Testament text to create some cover than it is shattering to Christianity. Creation - false - Christian says "just an allegory", Adam and Eve "yea that too" etc.

Originally posted by KnawLick
Vast majority of sciencist will admit they have no idea how life starts and most will admit that it's highly unlikely that life spawnatously combusted on earrth.

You can have life without God.

Originally posted by KnawLick
NOW if I went through the bible and replaced the words god with alien civilization and Jesus with half alien/half man you mean to tell me you wouldn't take that work VERY seriously? Maybe even believe it as fact?

No I wouldn't believe it at all. Because God doesn't lie.

The "he had to lie so we can understand it" doesn't make sense and sounds like desperate revisionism to try and fit Aliens and God together.

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 11:17 AM
It is possible, which is where it differs to this "being" being the creator of the Universe.

But theists can't leave the box of thought. "He isn't an alien, he created everything, including aliens".

They don't understand that it is referring to ancient peoples mistaking alien beings for a god. They wouldn't know, recognise or understand advanced technology. They would think it magic, which we in this day and age are well aware, does not exist.

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