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Why couldn’t “God” be from space?

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posted on May, 30 2012 @ 04:25 PM
These are not my absolute beliefs just an interesting series of questions that have arisen on my journey of seeking knowledge. I was raised Roman Catholic, but have since bounced around many other denominational churches over the years. One thing I noticed early on is that they all basically teach the same thing, at the base level. So, being a seeker of knowledge and a fan of science, I’ve since tried to expand my understanding of what roll everything in the universe plays. For example

Why would one say that science could neither prove nor disprove the existence of God, in the current socially acceptable definition? Why would it “Shatter the foundations” of society if we found out that there were other races of beings that had a hand in our foundations?

Most of what is written in the bible (if that’s the book you follow) speak of miracles and what not. ..such as making water into wine, which my grandfather could do in his still… angels descending from the heavens, astronauts? Or being made in the image of God, DNA alteration or genetic cloning? Ect…Ect…Ect…there are thousands of examples.

Why couldn’t this be true? It seems like it could be a very plausible explanation. Just wondering… not trying to ruffle feathers.

edit on 30-5-2012 by JBpage76 because: Spelling correction

edit on 30-5-2012 by JBpage76 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by JBpage76

I think in the next 100 or so years we are going to learn a great deal about God, ourselves, space, time, the universe, and our place in it.


posted on May, 30 2012 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by JBpage76

It could very well be true that ancient people mistook advanced beings for gods. It could also very well be true that ancient people were right, and they did interact with gods. And finally, it could also be true that ancient people made up stories for various reasons. One way to find out would be for these beings to appear to us and demonstrate what they are. Until then....who knows?

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 04:32 PM

Why couldn’t “God” be from space?

Well he's not supposed to be from Earth is he? (since he is "supposed to have "created" it)

That doesn't leave many other options.
edit on 5/30/2012 by Chamberf=6 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 04:34 PM

I find the possibility of Alien Gods theory very plausible. If you do some thinking, it would be an easy task for an extremely advanced civilization to create life on a "lab" planet. For what purpose, I don't know lol.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 04:35 PM
In a universe of infinite possibilities.... why not.

I'd start by defining 'God' though... there are very many interpretations as to what or who 'God' is.

Maybe God is space, maybe 'God' is everything... every aspect of creation...

Why can't you be the devil?

Why can't I be an angel?

Why can't a chicken cross the road to get to the other side??

Centuries are what it meant to me
A cemetery where I marry the sea
Stranger things could never change my mind
I've got to take it on the other side

Take it on the other side

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 04:35 PM
God is the Universe, so God is everywhere!

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 04:36 PM
Reply to post by Cosmic911

"I think in the next 100 or so years we are going to learn a great deal about God"

for us alive now, I believe you are right, because we will have died and found out. For those that will be alive in 100 Years, what could change to give them knowledge of something that seems so impossible now?

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posted on May, 30 2012 @ 04:36 PM
I don't believe that it would shatter any foundations. There are always those that would fight anyone that could offer some kind of proof to that fact.

I, like you was raised RC and also looked into other beliefs while in school. More just out of curiosity than anything else. However, I did determine at that time to try to take the best parts of all of them and live my life that way. As you say, many have similar edicts, so it wasn't hard.

The biggest hang up people would have would be about God making man in his (their actually) image. If some other 3 eyed alien arrived, would he make that same claim? Who would be right?

Should make for some interesting responses!

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by JBpage76
I tend to go a bit above and beyond the ET view, since the bible (OK, pretty much ALL faiths) speak of ex nihilo creation, and even the universe itself seems to be here against its own rules (a beginning to matter and time, things growing more orderly instead of degrading to uniformity, ridiculous statistical improbabilities, etc.).

I don't view god and the like as some sort of ephemeral weirdness, but something that exists on a different plane and has a great deal of creative power and directive influence over this existence - as we would with computer simulations, but on a much much grander scale and magnitude.

As well, the limitations previously discussed on this site regarding ETs visiting earth are a stopping point for me. Why do we want to stop at biological explanations when interdimensional and multi-planar ones are much more interesting and would likely account for some of the other obvious issues?

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 04:49 PM
I'm a devout Christian but i have no problem admitting if you replace the word "God" in the Bible with "alien" I don't think the truth of the bible wouldn't really be in dispute.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by JBpage76
Why would it “Shatter the foundations” of society if we found out that there were other races of beings that had a hand in our foundations?

If you bothered to read the bible it basically states that man is the center of creation and nothing is more important to God.

Some ppl try and turn it around and quote vague passages from the old Testament in order to "prove" that it's all a-ok if Aliens with vastly superior technology and no knowledge of this Jesus person turn up and say hello.

Also the bible explicitly states how the universe was formed. . . Adam and Eve etc. Christians backpeddling saying all that is "just an allegory really and it didn't really happen that way tbh".

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 05:01 PM
The problem is if we look at religious scriptures from a metaphorical or symbolic perspective then you could use it to explain any series of events. I bet you could easily link the stories of the Bible with modern day events like the rise of Apple (Steve Jobs Vs. Bill Gates) or even the World Cup etc. Essentially if you do not look at the religious teachings from a literal perspective it could easily just be some guys story. Shakespeare for instance created many stories that also put him in dangerous positions with real people in power. I just think if people are going to be religious yet not have any definite understanding of the truth then at the very least they should be less defensive at the possibility of a large portion of it being nonsense.

I personally consider holy books to be like children’s books, not in a bad way but they serve to suggest a way of living and how to treat others. Some children will be told a scary story and grow up scared of the monster and awaiting the hero who comes to save the day.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by JBpage76

He didn't come from anywhere, he always was and is. Can't come from somehwere you created, and space is part and parcel to creation.

As he told Moses "I AM that i AM".

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by igor_ats

I disagree. You can view the bible literally and the idea of aliens and the likes isn't shattering in the slightest. Vast majority of sciencist will admit they have no idea how life starts and most will admit that it's highly unlikely that life spawnatously combusted on earth. Given that the logical assumption would be there is some creative force. The bible is thick and long but if you've read it you know, it's not like it goes into detail about every subject in the universe. It doesn't say how man was created or how god created the universe or why... Image trying to tell basically a cave man about atoms and the big bang and black holes... Not happening. So god said what we understood.

NOW if I went through the bible and replaced the words god with alien civilization and Jesus with half alien/half man you mean to tell me you wouldn't take that work VERY seriously? Maybe even believe it as fact?

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by JBpage76

Roman Catholic church is apostate so I am happy for you that you got out of its false teachings and heresy,

As for God being from space, I do not think you quite understand who God is. He is a sovereign God, everything that happens in the universe is ordained by him. He also created the universe.

3rd Heaven of course is at the throne of God.

2nd Heaven is where Satan roams to and from 1st heaven. Remember he was cast out of 3rd heaven at the fall as the most beautiful angel (Lucifer), one of the 24 archangels, but in the Great Tribulation he is cast out of 2nd heaven to the earth (Rev. 9.1).

1st Heaven is earth and the universe where matter and anti-matter exist.
No one is in 3rd heaven yet except Christ, not till first rapture takes place (Rev. 7.9).

Then Christ returns to meet the saints in the air (2nd heaven), and then He returns with His holy myriads to earth-1st heaven (Jude 14,15).

Very simple.
edit on 30-5-2012 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 05:25 PM
Well because the god I believe in created space. He would be beyond space.
That's not to say we couldn't have had our existence seeded by extra-terrestrials. But the god I am looking for would have created them as well. You need to push the question back as far as you can.
The universe was not here, now it is. What made that happen?

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by JBpage76
Why couldn’t this be true? It seems like it could be a very plausible explanation.

I'll start with this:

In John 18:36, Jesus himself said:

"My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But my kingdom is from another place."

Where and what other place could Jesus' kingdom possibly be? Christians will say "heaven" (the sky), but what's in the heavens/sky? Other stars and other.......planets.

If you take the bible literally without any thought, then you believe in giant flying rolls, flying pillars, flying furnaces, and flying chariots.

We know none of those things fly. But we do know that spacecraft fly. That's how the gods and angels ascended and descended from the heavens (sky).

For instance, in Exodus when "god" descends from the sky and lands, there was great smoke and fire associated with his landing, and the ground quaked.

And then in Exodus 19:12, "god" told Moses:

And thou shalt set bounds unto the people round about, saying, "Take heed to yourselves, that ye go not up into the mount, or touch the border of it: whosoever toucheth the mount shall be surely put to death."

Other bibles have removed "mount" and replaced it with "mountain". How do you go into a mountain? Normally, we go onto mountains. How do you make a perimeter or border around a mountain? What part of the dirt or grass does a mountain end and begin? Why would "god" kill people for touching the border or edge of a mountain?

Because that's not how the bible was supposed to be interpreted. The King James bible uses the word "mount" for a reason. A mount is "a means of conveyance" (transportation). In this case, "god" descended from the sky in his mount, told Moses to make a perimeter around the mount, and anyone that touched the mount would die, which is exactly what the King James version says.

A more literal translation would be that "god" descended from the sky in his spacecraft, told Moses to make a perimeter around the spacecraft and to not let anyone touch the spacecraft or they would die, probably from radiation or heat related to the propulsion of the spacecraft.

Just as our space shuttle emits smoke and fire, and also makes the ground quake when it lifts off. Furthermore, you also cannot walk up to the space shuttle when it's sitting on the launch pad and touch it because you would also likely be killed from the heat of what's being burned:

In the Book of Enoch, Enoch was taken into a chariot (spacecraft) by angels, flown around the world, and then taken up into space. He was shown the moon, sun, stars, orbits of each. The seasons, number of days in a month/year, etc. I guess it all could've been a hologram or on a display panel inside a ship, but Enoch explicitly states he was able to view the orbits of the earth, moon, etc. from far above the earth.

I hope that the above teaches some "christians" that their "god", Jesus, and the angels, were all physical beings who flew in physical craft, and likely from another world like Jesus himself has practically admitted.

edit on 30-5-2012 by _BoneZ_ because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by JBpage76
Why would one say that science could neither prove nor disprove the existence of God, in the current socially acceptable definition?

The currently accepted definition of God is inherently paradoxical and as a result can't be proven. There's simply no way to reconcile the existence of a being or entity that is both omnipotent and omnipresent while at the same time lacking something to an extent that he/it is driven to create things and demand (or even desire) worship. There's no way for God to essentially be the universe and everything in it, yet still be separate from it enough to have a specific name. It's like here's the ocean, but this specific section of it is also the ocean. There's no way for God to have every movement of every subatomic particle worked out from the beginning of time to the end yet still listen to your prayers and change things to answer you.

If you get people to admit it, what most people understand to be God is a mild physiological feeling of euphoria/ queasiness/ excitement they get when confronting an unknown. It's the thrill of fear/ignorance.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
He didn't come from anywhere, he always was and is.

This is the exact kind of thinking that made me ditch christianity altogether and become athiest/agnostic. Something/someone cannot always be forever and ever. Everything is created from something, and everything eventually dies or gets destroyed.

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